Hunter Presentation

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Butachlor 50% EC


Selective, Pre-emergence herbicide


Hunter It is Selective systemic herbicide. It is absorbed primaril y by the germinating shoots and secondarily by roots with translocation through out of the plant and acts by inhibition of protein synthesis.

Pre- emergence control of most annual grasses, some broad leaved and many aquatic weeds in transplanted rice. Non- phototoxic to paddy, cotton, barley, wheat, groundnuts, sugar beet and some brassicas. It is compatible with other herbicides.



As a cereal grain, it is the most widely consumed staple food for a large part of the world's human population, especially in Asia. It is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production , after sugarcane and maize.


Unmilled rice, known as "paddy", is usually harvested when the grains have a moisture content of around 25%. Rice is the most important crop in Asia, for example, 90% of the total agricultural area is used for rice production. Rice is the most important human food crop in the world, directly feeding more people than any other crop. It is also the staple food across Asia where around half of the world's poorest people live and is becoming increasingly important in whole world

Weeds do enormous damage to the rice crop. They directly deplete the soil nutrients and moisture and compete with crop plants for light and space thus, reduce the crop yields. Indirectly, they cause damage to the crops harbouring pests and disease agents. Like other agricultural and horticultural crops, rice also needs optimum agronomic care for a high and sustained productivity. Among the critical factors limiting optimum productivit y from hunter plantations, weeds are counted as one in the top of the list.



Cyperus Difformis C y p e r u s d i f fo r m i s i s a species of sedge known by several c ommon names, including variable flatsedge, smallflower umbrella-sedge and ric e sedge. C yperus difformis is a plant of aquatic and moist habitats. It is a weed of rice fields. Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre


This is an annual herb with one to many thin, soft erect stems reaching over 30 centimeters in maximum height. There are usually a few long, wispy leaves around the base of the plant. The inflorescence is a rounded bundle one to three centimeters wide, containing up to 120 spikelets, each long and partially or entirely covered in up to 30 bracted flowers.

Cyperus Iria Cyperus iria is a smooth, tufted sedge found worldwide. The roots are yellowish-red and fibrous. The plant often grows in rice paddies, where it is considered to be a weed.

It is a tufted annual herb, or occasionally perennial, with fibrous roots, 15−75 yellowish red roots; 10−70 cm tall. Basal, rough to touch in upper part, linear, flaccid, with gradually tapering point and 3−8 mm wide; sheath reddish or purplish brown, enveloping the stem at base.

Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre



Echinocloa colonum Echinochloa colonum, commonly known as jungle rice, deccan grass, or Awnless barnyard grass, is a type of wild grass originating from tropical Asia. It was formerly classified as a species of Panicum. A tufted annual grass, up to 60 cm tall. Stem is reddish purple or green, ascending to erect, without hairs. It can be present in large numbers and responsive to nutrients.

Prefers moist but unflooded conditions and is a problem mainly in upland and rainfed lowland rice fields rather than in flooded fields.

Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre


Indian Crowfoot Grass is an annual tufted grass. The plant is clumpforming, branching from the base, culms are 40-95 cm tall. Leaf blades are at or sometimes folded, 15-30 cm long, 4-6 cm wide. Flower spikes are mostly 2-6, usually 5 (4 digitate and 1 arising slightly below the tip of the stalk), 4-10 cm long. Spikelets are 4.5-5.5 mm long, the orets closely imbricated, dark green, disarticulating at maturity, leaving glumes overlapping in 2 rows on one side of the attened rachis. Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre



Eclipta Alba The plant is found to grow wild in a variety of soils viz. Sandy to clay soil and vary common on damp wastelands, low waterlogged areas, roadsides, paddy and other crop ďŹ elds, preferabl y in warm climate.It is an erect or prostrate, branched annual herb upto 30-40 cm high. Stem is cylindrical or at, rough due to appressed white hairs, nodes distinct and greenish occasionally brownish. Leaves are opposite, sessile to sub-sessile 2.0 to 6.2 cm long, 1.51.9 cm wide, oblong, lanceolate, sube nt i r e , a c u t e t o s u b - a c u t e a n d strigose with appressed hairs on both surfaces. Flowers are white, solitary or two on unequal axillary peduncles involucral bracts are about 8 in number, ovate, obtuse or acute and strigose with oppressed hairs.

Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre 10

Fimbristyfis Miliacea Fimbristylis miliacea, the grasslike fimbry or hoorahgrass, is a species of fimbry that probably originated in coastal tropical Asia but has since spread to most continents as an introduced species.

Fimbristylis miliacea is an annual sedge which grows in clumps of erect stems up to about half a meter in height surrounded by fans of narrow flat leaves. The top of each stem is occupied by an array of spikelets, each borne on a long peduncle. The spikelet is spherical to ovate and reddish brown in color. The spikelets flower and then develop tiny fruits, which are brown achenes about a millimeter long

Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre



Ludwigia Parviora Ludwigia parviflora is a aquatic plant with a cosmopolitan but mainly tropical distribution.

Flowers are stalkless, yellow, 4-merous. Sepal tube is adnate to ovary, sepals lobes 4, about 2 mm long, ovate long-pointed. Petals are 45 mm long, elliptic, yellow. Stamens are 4, filaments short. Ovary is 1-1.5 cm long, linear, 4-celled, 4-angled. Ovules are many. Capsule is 1-2 cm long, linear, subterete, 4-ribbed. Seeds ellipsoid. Perennial Water Primrose is found in waterlogged areas in grasslands.

Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre


Sphenoclea Zeylanica Sphenoclea, the only genus in the plant family Sphenocleaceae (order Solanales). It contains two species. Sphenoclea zeylanica is an herb 1.5 metres (4 feet) tall with spikes of whitish owers.

S. zeylanica is an annual herbaceous plant. It is often much branched and normally 71 50 cm tall. The plant has an erect, cylindrical and hollow stem which contains white latex and cord-like roots. The submerged part of the stems are always surrounded by white parenchyma. The inorescence is borne at the tip of the branch as a continuous, dense spike and is white or greenish.

Dose : 1000-1600 ml / acre


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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