Sapota Cultivation

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Sapota Cultivation

Sapota Cultivation Process

Sapota fruit is also known as nose berry, sapodilla plum and chikoo sapote. Sapota appears brownish externally and has a sweet pulp inside. Sapota belongs to the Sapotaceae family. Scientific name of sapota is Manilkara Zapota. Sapota fruit is a berry; it is oval or round in shape. Sapota is 10cm in diameter and weighs 150 approximately. Sapodilla was introduced to the Philippines during Spanish colonization. The fruit has an exceptionally sweet, malty flavor. The unripe fruit is hard to the touch and contains high amounts of saponin, which has astringent properties similar to tannin, drying out the mouth. The trees can only survive in warm, typically tropical environments, dying easily if the temperature drops below freezing. From germination, the sapodilla tree will usually take anywhere from five to eight years to bear fruit. The trees yield fruit twice a year, though flowering may continue year round. The fruit contains important vitamins like Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Vitamin A helps to ensure proper vision and helps to maintain healthy skin and mucus membranes. Vitamin C helps the body develop a resistance against pathogens and to get rid of free radicals.


About Sapota Cultivation Farming requires the dedication of many of our natural resources, including land, water, and climate. So let’s talk about these important points. Farmers need natural resources , such as land, air, nutrients, water and sunlight for heathy crop. Every crop is highly dependent on the climate. Climate affects all components of crop production. The second key component is soil. It is a key element of agriculture. without it we wouldn´t be able to grow plants, which are used as food for both humans and animals.

Like climate or soil Water is also very important for both livestock and for plants. It forms a large part of all plant tissues as well as being an essential component of all animal body cells. In crop agriculture, water is an important climatic factor. It affects or determines plant growth . And the last process is harvesting. It is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the elds. For maximum vase life of cut guava, harvest guava daily at their proper stage of development. Harvesting too early or too late sign reduces the vase life of the fruit. With these sources farmers can easily grow a healthy crop. 3

Sapota Cultivation Process

Climate Sapota is a tropical fruits but can be grown under subtropical and temperate conditions just like mango. Its cultivation is successful on the coastal are. High temperatures of Punjab plains adversely aect the owers and fruits both.

Soil It is grown in variety of soil but deep alluvial, sandy loam soil and black soil having good drainage are ideal for doing sapota farming. pH having 6.0-8.0 is optimum for sapota farming. Avoid cultivation in shallow clayey soil and in high calcium content.


Planting Prepare land by ploughing and harrowing. Dig pits of above 1m x 1m x 1m at a distance of 10m x 10m or 13m x 13m apart. Fill the pits with top soil and mixed with 25 kg FYM, 2 kg Single Super Phosphate and 100 g Folidol dust. Plant the grafts in the middle of the pit keeping graft joint above the ground level. After planting staking should be done for proper support. The planting should be done during rainy or winter season.

Flowering and Fruiting Under tropical climate sapota flowers through out the year, with two main seasons i.e July-November and February-March. In sub-tropical conditions it also flowers twice in October- November and April-May. The flowers are protogynous in nature i.e., stigma of the ovary becomes receptive earlier than the stamens produce pollen. Hence, Sapota is cross-pollinated crop. There is sufficient fruit set but retention is low. This may be due many reasons; particularly low auxin level in ovary just after fruits set or due to sudden change in temperatures in December (low temp) and in May-June (high temp).


Sapota Cultivation Process

Irrigation When plants are young, irrigation may be given throughout the year depending upon soil condition. In a later stage, during summer, irrigation should be given at 20-25 days interval and in winter at 30 to 35 days interval. Excess irrigation results in flower and fruit shedding and also a large number of misshapen fruits and fasciations of shoots.

Disease & Pest Like other fruit crops Sapota also suffers from serious pests and diseases. In order to avoid the disease pest attacks and ensure a healthy crop, the farmers need to be acquainted with the sapota pest, damage symptom and proper knowledge of HPM’s products.


Sapota Pests

Leaf Webber It is a serious pest. Larvae feed on leaves, but also feed on buds and flowers and sometimes bore into fruits. They web together a bunch of leaves and feed on chlorophyll leaving behind a fine network of leaf veins. A cluster of dried leaves hanging on webbed shoots is an indication of attack of the pest. Active throughout the year with peak activity during June-July.

Mealy Bug Damage is caused by sucking of sap from fruits near the stalk. Nymphs and adult females suck sap from tender leaves, shoots, and inflorescence. Young leaves become curled, twisted and malformed; severe infestation affects its fruiting capacity. The insects excrete large quantities of honeydew which attracts ants and sooty mold.

Fruit borer Damage is caused by boring into fruits and feeding inside the pulp


Sapota Cultivation Process

Sapota Diseases

Leaf Spot Deep purplish brown color spots which are white from the center and are round in shape are seen. Long spots are seen on the stem of fruits and petals.

Heart rot It is a fungal disease that causes the decay of wood at the center of the trunk and branches

Anthracnose On stem and branches, deep sunken wounds of canker are seen and on leaves, brown color stains are seen.


Solution HPM is a highly focused research driven agrochemical company. Every day HPM touches thousand of lives. At HPM, we want make agriculture better for farmers and families. we pledge to do so in a transparent and sustainable way. In future we will domore than treat agricultural problems—we will aim to make a remarkable impact on farmer’s lives.


Sapota Cultivation Process

24 KARAT Dose : 1.2-2 ml in ltr of water 24 Karat is unique combination of Sea weed extracts and GA . Gibberellic Acid acts synergistically with plant metabolism and accelerates the growth functions of the plant. Also improves the physiological efficiency of the crop by stimulating the hormonal and enzymatic activities and increases the yield and quantity of the crop produce. 24 Karat mobilizes reserves in seed to germinating point leading to breaking of seed dormancy and faster germination 24 Karat stimulates cell division and elongation that causes internodes to stretch leading to better growth of the plant. Improves taste and quality of fruits , and enhances their marketability specific to crop. Improves photosynthesis and plant metabolism, Improves leaf area and root system. Regulates GA: ABA ratio leading to less flower and fruit drop. It increases stem length in flowers grown for export.


HPM GOLD 4 kg / acre HPM GOLD is unique product containing microbes as Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and has broad spectrum action in granular form. It contains granular spores and other propagules of VAM Mycorrhizal Fungi in a granular carrier and has broad spectrum fertilizer activity. Due to high solubility in water it is absorbed rapidly through plants and roots, resulting maximum supply of compost and micronutrient to the crop. roots growth with excellent root setting, resulting greenness by vanishing yellowing in crop. It helps in greater utilization of nutrients, and provides plant protection from disease causing organism to the root and also makes insect resistant plant. It is completely safe to use HPM Gold. It also combats with the drought and stress loss by the crop. Its mycelial threads penetrate inward into the root, thereby increasing the surface area for absorption and translocation of essential plant nutrients including Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Calcium, Zinc and copper. 11

Sapota Cultivation Process

AASRA Dose : 5 ml in 15 ltr of water Aasra solution spreads quickly, and provides enhanced spreading of agrochemicals on the leaf surfaces and leads to better spray coverage, which improves the eďŹƒcacy of the agrochemical used. It is when added to spray water tank lowers the tension of spray water on leaf surface, which promotes the better spreading and penetration of Agro product. Aasra is compatible with mostagrochemical formulations and can be used on awide variety of crops. It has improved deposition of the agro product which enhances its coverage and retention on foliage. It ensures the solution doesn't wash o even after immediate rain. Aasra is designed in such a way that it ensures proper wetting of leaf surface, which makes the pesticide or agro product uptake and absorption rapidly by the plant. It ensures the proper penetration of the agrochemical product into the plant by reducing the droplet sizes of the spray. It is suggested to uses Aasra with agrochemicals at0.025%-0.1% dose. 12

HEERA ZINC PLUS Dose : 250 gm per acre / 250 ltr. of water Zinc is most important nutrient in all the micro nutrient. It used manly in to improve nutrient growth in Soil. It improves the health and makes greenery in crops. It acts as resistant against disease and gives proper growth 13

Sapota Cultivation Process

Harvesting Sapota is a climacteric fruit hence, should be harvested at full maturity. It is little diďŹƒcult to judge proper fruit maturity due to overlapping of owering and fruiting. If unnatural fruit are harvested, these take long time to ripen and quality is always poor. It takes about 10 months to mature Sapota fruit.


The mature fruits shed o the brown scaly scurf from skin. Mature fruits do not show green tissue or latex underneath the brown skin of the epicarp. A full gown tree can yield over one quintal of fruit up to 25-30 years of age of the tree. The harvested fruit are graded into large. Medium and small sizes. The fruits are packed in wooden carts which are padded with paper cuttings, straw or banana leaves. After ripping fruits become very soft and can but be kept for long. Ripe fruits can be stored at 2-3°C with 8590% RH for a month or so.


HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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