Target Presentation

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Sulfosulfuron 75% WG


Systemic, Selective early post emergent herbicide


Target Target is a selective , early post emergence herbicide used for the effective control of halaris minorin Wheat crop. It also control broad eaved weeds like C henopodium album, Melilotus alba and other p r o b l e m at i c w e e d s . A b s o r b e d through the root system and/or leaf surface and translocated to symplast and apoplast. It controls subsequent ushes of Phalaris minor. Early c o nt r o l , c h e c k c o m p et i t i o n fo r nutrients, moisture etc. Best results are obtained when it is sprayed after 1st irrigation when soil condition is ďŹ t for spraying condition.



Wheat Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the second most important cereal crop of India and plays a vital role in food and nutritional security of the country. Nearl y 55 per c ent of the world population depends on wheat for about 20 per cent of calories intake. It is one of the major food grains of the country and a staple food of the people of North India, where people have preference for chapatti. The diverse environmental conditions and food habits of people in India supports the cultivation of three types of wheat (bread, durum and dicoccum). Among these, bread wheat is contributing approximately 95 per cent to total production while another 04 per cent comes from durum wheat and close to one per cent from Dicoccum. Wheat crop in India is grown under six diverse agro-climatic zones.


White Sweet Clover (Melilotus albus) is typically a biennial plant. This means it blooms in its second year and then dies. White Sweet Clover is a threat to wheat crop. It degrades these areas by out-competing native species. It is allelopathic, meaning the roots release chemicals into the soil which can prevent the growth of native plants. Each individual plant can produce up to 350,000 seeds. Seeds can remain viable in the soil for up to 80 years.

Dose : 13.3 gm/acre 5


Among monocot weeds Phalaris minor (gehunsa) is the major weed in most of the wheat ďŹ elds.

In certain localities, the intensity of this weed is so high that it has become rather impossible to grow wheat crops. This weed belongs to family gramineae. On an average, each plant of this weed produces 10000 to 30000 seeds. It merges with the germination of wheat and resembles wheat seedlings to a large extent. Therefore, it is very difďŹ cult to recognize this weed in its initial stage.

Dose : 13.3 gm/acre


Bathua is a fast-growing, upright, weedy annual species of goosefoot, very common in temperate regions, growing almost everywhere in soils rich in nitrogen, especially on wasteland. Its pollen can contribute to hayfever-like allergies. It tends to grow upright at first, reaching heights of 30-80 cm, but typically becomes recumbent after flowering (due to the weight of the foliage and seeds) unless supported by other plants. The opposite leaves can be very varied in appearance. The first leaves, near the base of the plant, are toothed and roughly diamond-shaped, 3-7 cm long and 3-6 cm broad. The leaves on the upper part of the flowering stems are entire and lanceolate-rhomboid, 1-5 cm long and 0.4-2 cm broad. The leaves are waxycoated, unwettable and mealy in appearance, with a whitish coat on the underside. The tiny flowers are radially symmetrical and grow in small cymes on a dense branched inflorescence 10-40 cm long. Bathua can be eaten as a vegetable, either steamed in entirety, or the leaves cooked like spinach as a leaf vegetable.

Dose : 13.3 gm/acre 7

HPM Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd.

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