2 minute read
Tablesetter Highlight
Jim Poulakos serves on the Parking Team and as an Elementary Classroom Teacher in Town Square. He is known as someone who always has a smile on his face. Director of First Impressions, Jess Magee, says “Jim doesn’t need to be continually asked, motivated, or inspired to serve because it’s already ingrained in him. It’s evident that he loves the local church and is filled with the Holy Spirit. He is a joy to serve alongside and such a blessing to everyone and every area he touches.”
We sat down with Jim to hear more about his story of coming to North Metro Church and his heart for serving others.
Q: What brought you to North Metro Church?
A: We moved to the West Cobb area in 2017. I was looking for a particular yogurt for my wife’s smoothie at a grocery store that sent me driving past North Metro Church. I noticed it, which led us to check out the church’s website. We visited, enjoyed the valuable biblical teaching, prayed about it, and the rest is history now. The funny thing was that two weeks after being led here, Publix stopped carrying that brand of yogurt!
Q: When did you get connected through serving?
A: I didn’t respond to God’s call since moving to Georgia until this past year. Pre-pandemic, I traveled a lot for work, never really knowing when I would be home. Now, the after-effects of COVID have allowed me to travel less. I know what we’re called to do as Christ Followers, to serve others.
Q: How did you end up in two serving roles?
A: I am comfortable greeting people, so parking sounded like a good place for me. And at my age, it’s tough to make friends, so I was also looking forward to fellowship with other men. That’s where I started after the building reopened. And then, I heard the call for Tablesetters needed in NMC Kids. The Spirit said, ‘It’s time, I equipped you, you’ve done this before, the church needs you,’ so I jumped in, and it’s been great. These kids need to hear the Gospel, no kid should be turned away from that, so I had to make myself available.
Q: How do you feel God has equipped you to serve?
A: God equips! When I first started following Jesus, I was a small group leader, and there was a woman in the group who week one you could tell she didn’t want to be there. When I greeted her on week two by name, she couldn’t believe I remembered her. By week eight, she ended up accepting Jesus as her Lord and Savior! She told me later that she only came back because I remembered her name. God allowed me to retain information. So sometimes, it’s just equipping with a good memory.
Q: Do you have anything to say to those thinking about becoming a Tablesetter?
A: Even if you don’t feel equipped, serve. We would be ill-equipped if we weren’t being fed first, though. I’ve found that the more connected we are to God and immersed in His Word, the more He can use us to serve others.
Visit the Get Involved page at northmetro.org today to see all the opportunities to connect with a serve team.