1 minute read
A note from Rob.
Hello North Metro Church,
We will be celebrating Easter in a few weeks, and I hope you make plans to come worship our Risen King, Jesus. If you have been around NMC for a while, you have heard me say that Easter is the Superbowl of the Christian faith, and we celebrate BIG! We will start with a Good Friday service on April 7 and have multiple service times over the weekend of April 8-10, along with a family festival. I want to encourage you to pray about inviting a friend, family member, or co-worker to celebrate with us that weekend. We've created Easter invitation cards to use as you ask others to join you at NMC. You can learn about the weekend at northmetro.org/easter.
In 2016, NMC became a debt-free church, and we celebrated big time! The handcuffs of being in debt were gone! We could now start dreaming about things that we not only must do and should do, but could do. One of the things I believed the Lord had called us to pray about was multisite campuses. Seven years later, this past August I shared with the church that we were taking steps forward in searching for real estate in hopes of starting our very first satellite campus in East Cobb. In early March I was able to announce that Sewell Mill Baptist Church is giving (yes, you read that correctly) NMC their church. Our hope is that we will be able to open the doors to North Metro Church Sewell Mill Campus in the