life saver and take away a lot of the pressure. If you are worried about how to get back into the swing of things ASK a colleague for a coffee beforehand near your place of work. Maybe you don’t want to speak in a meeting but do want to feel present, ASK a question instead or compliment someone’s idea. If you aren’t sure of guidelines or the boundaries of your working arrangements, or indeed if you are not happy with them, ASK to speak with your line manager. If you have a team member you want to support better, ASK them what they need from you and their colleagues? 4. Be the Victor not the Victim
Wherever you are you will be exhausted by the whole thing and whether you want to burn your face masks and get cosy on the commute or forever stick to the safety of your dining room you are not alone. It is important that we notice the different emotions for everyone. For some, the anonymity of being behind a screen has been liberating. Minorites especially have been able to shed the tiring microaggressions and bias they faced daily before the pandemic and have avoided the attention they may have received in the wake of Black Lives Matter developments, Brexit, gender identity and #Metoo discussions in the media writes Rebecca Mander. Many of us will have experienced a drop in confidence, much in the same way that we do after long term leave following birth, bereavement or illness. We are stepping into the unknown, a new chapter of a book that continued whilst we were gone and we are not sure how the characters or the storyline will affect us. Here are 5 top tips for those of you struggling with the office return. 1. Notice your story Are you focusing on our fear of another variant without considering 20
the human need for connection? Are you recognising that although it is nice not to have to make small talk as a newbie, you will learn more from your peers if we are working alongside them? Are we sure we are more efficient at home? Maybe we get side-tracked and the office will help us focus even better, we overhear conversations that bring added dimensions and further efficiency perhaps. Balanced thinking is key as we look to the future. 2. Stick with the facts….What do you know for sure? If you know for sure you are worried, I recommend CPR (Catastrophisation Prevention Rule!!) • Notice the thought and where it “sits” in your body. • Accept that it is there and notice the feelings it elicits, maybe a physical reaction. • Notice all the other thoughts that are associated with the thought and ask yourself if they are 100% correct. If they are not, then let them go keeping the original thought where it is without the ripple effect. If you’d like to listen to a short example of this please click the link here 3. If in doubt ASK
When we are not happy about a situation, it is easy to complain to whomever is happy to listen, but that gets us nowhere. When we are complaining about external factors, people, events etc that are influencing our situation, we are powerless…the victim. However, there is always a choice -a way we can improve our situation, even if we may need to get inventive. Look at the obstacle and see what you need to do to circumnavigate it. Then you are in your centre of control and not dependent upon the actions of others to feel better about your situation. In this way you are no longer powerless and move from the victim to victor space. 5. Use your PAL When times are tough, we notice all the things that prove our negative thoughts right, and quite often this leads to low self-esteem and confidence. Keeping a daily log of your achievements means that you will become more self-aware and resilient because you are building a more balanced view of yourself. For your FREE download, click here. As I work across various firms I see undoubtedly the need to get back into the office, to share creativity, challenges and workload. Our Bounce Forward Programme is helping people feel more confident and reduce negative thoughts. If you would like to know more about how we can support your office, please get in touch…I love any excuse to share a coffee and learn about the legal profession and the wonderful people within it!
If you feel you need to have all of the answers, a colleague can be a