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Members’ Events

Whilst coaching in the legal sector as Autumn arrives, it seems Summer holidays are a distant memory and Zoom Doom hasn’t gone away! Client expectation seems to be that legal representatives are still working from home so therefore are available at all times. Tempting though it is to work through the time we used to commute, chat or get to meetings there is a fundamental importance in taking a break and we thought we’d do a Jennifer Anniston and share ‘the science bit’ behind a break.

So what constitutes taking a break? Simply put, it is doing nothing that engages the prefrontal cortex. This means not looking at social media or engaging in another task (a distinction many fail to make). When a person takes a break, they are disengaging their prefrontal cortex. The PFC is generally accepted to control higher cognitive functions including impulses, attention, logical thinking, and decision making. As the PFC is fully engaged for longer periods of time, these functions can deteriorate. For example, decision fatigue- as identified in a study by Shai Danziger et al- found that judges were more lenient with granting parole when they had just taken a break. Looking at over 1000 rulings, they found that the likelihood of a favourable ruling peaked at the beginning of the day, with a steady decline over the day from a probability of about 65% to nearly zero, before spiking back up to about 65% after a break. A key study to remember if you are having back-to-back meetings or interviews.


Sometimes, we consider admin and online networking as a non-work activity and therefore find checking emails or social media during a break acceptable. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that whilst continuing to work with IT equipment, your PFC is still engaged and as the cognitive functions deteriorate, so will your performance.

Try popping some blocks in your diary where you can take time to get a cuppa and stretch your legs. Make sure you (or those who book your appointments) leave a space in between appointments. The other day a partner told me “I literally do not know when I can go to the toilet today!” That is absurd and if we continue to accept this level of relentless output we will destroy our people. Some of us even glorify working without a break- “Power through” is a message we all hear from time to time, but studies have shown that our bodies have a type of clock, known as The Ultradian Rhythm. We have heard of sleep cycles, and this is very similar, continuing through the day also. Meetings that endure for longer than 90 minutes without a break and back-to-back Zoom meetings go against our body’s natural need to heal. If we take notice of our cycles, we can get optimum performance without burn out!

One bonus of working from home is that it is far easier to take a break without worrying what you are doing in it. If you must fold washing or undertake a household task, do it mindfully and without I.T interference. I often nip upstairs and take 10 minutes (setting my alarm is a must incase I fall asleep!) to close my eyes and let my body completely shut down for a while. It makes such a difference to my productivity afterward…afterall would you want coaching from someone who hadn’t had some time to mentally prepare themselves following the previous client? Maybe this technique works for you too? Plan in some preparation time before meetings start so you can mindfully prepare and get in the right space …you will be far more effective for your next client, I promise!

If you need support on how to build a better lifework balance then do get in touch with us at hello@ guruyoucoach.com


1st November - 5th November Pro Bono Week Events tbc

3rd November How to halt the Great Employee Resignation 12:30pm-1:30pm Virtual

3rd November Virtual RAIL speed networking event 5:45pm - 7:30pm Virtual

4th November BLS Networking Event with Harvey Nichols 6:30pm-8:30pm Harvey Nicholls, The Mailbox

9th November Meet the Committee: Family Law Committee 6:00pm -7:00pm Virtual 11th November Newly Qualified Celebration 6:00pm - 8:00pm St Philips Chambers

12th November Lunch Club with Preet Kaur Gill MP12:00pm-2:00pm Chung Ying Cantonese

16th November Business Email Compromise - Seminar with Western Union Business Solutions 12:00pm - 1:00pm No5 Chambers

17th November The Art of the Possible: Accessible Ways to Innovate in Practice 1:00pm-2:00pm Virtual 18th November Compulsory ADR, a new way forward & the changing litigation landscape following Covid-19 5:30pm - 9:00pm, The Grand Hotel

23rd November Domestic Violence Workshop 12:00pm-1:00pm Virtual

23rd November Take control of your career: top tips for young lawyers 6:00pm-7:00pm Virtual

15th December The Art of the Possible: How Every Firm Can Create Great Client Experience 1:00pm-2:00pm Virtual

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