Clinical Commissioning Group
We are delighted to launch this consultation on our first Health and Wellbeing strategy for Doncaster. Health and Wellbeing in Doncaster is improving and we must make sure that we continue to improve. We believe by working together we can make significant differences to everyone’s health and wellbeing. We have set out our vision for health and wellbeing for Doncaster and the mission of the Board. Please help us to develop this strategy further. We are keen to hear what you have to say and look forward to your response. Councillor Patricia Schofield Cabinet Member Adult Health and Social Care Chair Doncaster Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board Dr Nick Tupper Chair Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group
Why have a Health and Wellbeing Strategy? In April 2013 Doncaster will have a Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board will be the key partnership for health and wellbeing in Doncaster. The Board is responsible for agreeing a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS). This is one of the ways that partners in Doncaster will work together to make sure services meet the health and wellbeing needs of local people.
What is the Scope of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy? The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy identifies the issues and factors that contribute to health and wellbeing and sets out the actions that partners will take collaboratively to improve the health of Doncaster people and reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing.
What is the Board’s vision for Health and Wellbeing? The Doncaster shadow Health and Wellbeing Board has developed a vision for health and wellbeing in Doncaster. This vision has been shaped and influenced by partner agencies and the public. The vision for health and wellbeing in Doncaster is:
“People who live or work in Doncaster achieve a positive state of mind and body so that they feel safe, supported and able to cope with a sense of connection with people, communities and the wider environment” The goal is for Doncaster people to be healthy and able to say I’m able to enjoy life I feel part of a community and want to give something back I know what I can do to keep myself healthy I know how to help myself and who else can help me I am supported to maintain my independence for as long as possible I understand my health so I can make good decisions I am in control of my care and support I get the treatment and care which are best for me and my life I am treated with dignity and respect I am happy with the quality of my care and support Those around me are supported well I want to die well
What is the Board’s mission? The Board is the key partnership for health and wellbeing in Doncaster and is a partnership between local government, the NHS and the people of Doncaster. The mission of the Doncaster shadow Health and Wellbeing Board is to “Ensure everyone works together to improve Health and Wellbeing for the people of Doncaster” The Board will enhance local democratic legitimacy in health and wellbeing planning and decision making. Specifically the Board will: • Lead on the statutory Joint Strategic Needs Assessment • Promote integration and joined up commissioning across the NHS, Local Authority and Public Health • Support joint commissioning and pooled budget arrangements • Develop a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy The shadow Board has developed a set of values that it considers important to improve health and wellbeing. • Every child has the best start in life • Everyone takes greater responsibility for their and their family’s health and wellbeing • Everyone is treated fairly and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and be part of Doncaster’s success • Adding life to years and years to life • Improved quality of care
In order to realise this mission and to work within these values partners will need to understand decision making principles and will need to adopt a person-centred approach (based on motivation and capability). The Board will need to lead and set these frameworks.
Doncaster Health and Wellbeing Framework The shadow Health and Wellbeing Board has used the vision, values and their understanding of Doncaster from the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and a number of engagement events to develop a framework for health and wellbeing for Doncaster. The framework has four themes: • Healthy Places and Communities • Health for All • Keeping People Well for Longer • Access to High Quality Care Services Taken together the shadow Board believes collaborative work in these four themes can improve health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities in Doncaster. Each theme has a number of proposed areas of focus. These are areas where the shadow Board believes they can add value. These areas are not intended to replace existing work already underway in the Borough. For each area of focus there are a number of proposed priorities.
Healthy Places and Communities Outcomes
Area of Focus
Proposed Priorities
I’m able to enjoy life
Ensure Doncaster’s housing is healthy housing
Improve alignment of health and housing initiatives
I feel part of a community and want to give something back
Ensure employment brings health benefits and that Doncaster people are healthy enough to benefit from new work opportunities
Establish effective links with work and skills partnership
Health Protection and Emergency preparedness and response
Ensure environment strategies and health protection strategies align
Make the best use of Doncaster’s physical assets
Health for All Outcomes
Area of Focus
Proposed Priorities
I know what I can do to keep myself healthy
Healthy mothers, healthy babies, healthy children
Establish comprehensive starting and developing well programmes to reduce infant mortality
I understand my health so I can make good decisions
Promote positive behaviours Increase physical activity and lifestyles and address poor nutrition to tackle obesity Tobacco control policies to encourage a Smoke Free Doncaster Reduce the harmful effects of alcohol
Increase self esteem, confidence, and personal responsibility for health
Improve the mental health of Doncaster
Prevent unintentional injuries
Tackling domestic violence and unintentional injuries
Keeping People Well for Longer Outcomes
Area of Focus
Proposed Priorities
I know how to help myself and who else can help me
Independent living
Support older people to live independently with dignity
I am supported to maintain my independence for as long as possible
Ensure carers are supported and healthy
Early identification and support
Mainstream the use of risk prediction models
I am in control of my care and support
Preventing early deaths and chronic diseases
Those around me are supported well
Earlier diagnosis of cancer, vascular disease, diabetes and dementia
Re-ablement and recovery
Commission recovery pathways for people with cancer, substance misuse and mental health problems
Help people with long term limiting illness reach their full potential
Access to High Quality Care Services Outcomes
Area of Focus
Proposed Priorities
I get the treatment and care which are best for me and my life
Equal access to health and care services for all based on need
Develop a long term commissioning strategy for sustainable health care provision
I am treated with dignity and respect I am happy with the quality of my care and support I want to die well
Ensure a positive experience of care, caring and support Work in partnership to commission integrated Protect from avoidable pathways of care that will harm and care in a safe achieve the best outcomes environment for the resource invested Sexual health Agree annually an End of Life Care affordable operating plan that clearly demonstrates how quality will be improved year on year
What Next? This strategy and the framework contained in it is now out for consultation. This will run until the 23rd September 2012. Please send any feedback before this date to: Public Health NHS Doncaster White Rose House Ten Pound Walk Doncaster DN4 5DJ. The shadow Health and Wellbeing Board would welcome your feedback on this strategy. Once the strategy is agreed it will provide the main focus for the Health and Wellbeing Board. Detailed action plans will be agreed and progress towards these objectives will be measured and reported on regularly. The priorities in this document will run until 2016 but will be refreshed on an annual basis.
Consultation Questions Q1. The vision for health and wellbeing in Doncaster is “People who live or work in Doncaster achieve a positive state of mind and body so that they feel safe, supported and able to cope with a sense of connection with people, communities and the wider environment” Do you support the proposed vision? If not, why not?
Q2. The aim for a Healthy Doncaster is for people to be able to say I’m able to enjoy life I feel part of a community and want to give something back I know what I can do to keep myself healthy I know how to help myself and who else can help me I am supported to maintain my independence for as long as possible I understand my health so I can make good decisions I am in control of my care and support I get the treatment and care which are best for me and my life I am treated with dignity and respect I am happy with the quality of my care and support Those around me are supported well I want to die well Do you feel these are right? Is there anything missing?
Q3. The values of the Board are • Every child has the best start in life • Everyone takes greater responsibility for their and their family’s health and wellbeing • Everyone is treated fairly and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential and be part of Doncaster’s success • Adding life to years and years to life • Improved quality of care Do you feel these are right? Is there anything missing?
Q4. The four themes of the strategy are • Healthy Places and Communities • Health for All • Keeping People Well for Longer • Access to High Quality Care Services Do you feel these are right? Is there anything missing?
Q5. The board has proposed a number of areas of focus and priorities. Are these the right ones? If not why not? What could your contribution be to delivering these areas of focus and priorities?
Q6. Could this strategy exclude or discriminate against people? If so how?
Q7. Have you any other comments?
Q8. Would you be interested in joining a health and wellbeing panel and help shape the future of Doncaster health and wellbeing services further? If so please leave contact details
Please put in an envelope and post to: Public Health NHS Doncaster White Rose House Ten Pound Walk Doncaster DN4 5DJ.