Start Up Street Research Report 2011

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Start Up Street is a project being run by Stirling Council, Architecture and Design Scotland and developed in partnership with Snook, a Service Design and Social Innovation outfit. This report has been collated by Snook. It details a series of sessions held in the Stirling arcade that brought together public and private sector organisations, local business, entrepreneurs, creatives, and the general public to unpack the concept and take an asset based approach to generate venture ideas to go into shop fronts on King Street.



In this report are learnings from the sessions, documentation of the ideas that were generated and a plan of next steps for the project.




Startup Street is a new way producing a meaningful change in Stirling; taking all the good stuff that already exists in Stirling and connecting it together in a new way. We believe Start Up Street is something worth getting really excited about. It is currently in development to work out how we make Start Up Street a service run by the council for the people who live and work in the city. Andy Kennedy, city centre manager of Stirling Council is championing the project. Diarmaid Lawlor from Architecture and Design Scotland is our knowledge and city expert and Snook are supporting the project to turn the concept of Start Up Street into a service for the city that works for the people involved in using and running it. The project began through conversations in early 2011 that something could be done with King Street and the closed shop fronts. If start up business could replace the covered shop fronts a sense of vibrancy could be injected into King Street. A project was developed over the summer to pull together ideas and a process that could mobilise a community and build a service to make Start Up Street work. The project seeks to run prototypes up to the June 2012, then to have a functioning service in place, embedded in Stirling Council that can grow over time. Stirling has its up’s and its downs. It has a rich historic background attracting tourists from around the world. For it’s citizens however, there is a really big gap between rich and poor and a pockets of unemployment which Stirling council want to fix. They want to bring meaningful economic activity to Stirling’s citizens, especially it’s young people and in their own words are “determined to tackle this.” We think the most exciting, worthwhile and accomplished part of Stirling is found in it’s people. In you. You possess the knowledge and the skills necessary to help transform the future of Stirling. Imagine a street where this local skill and knowledge is brought together to create something bigger. Something better. Stirling has the street – King Street. Now it just needs ideas to fill it. As one example, Stirling could be the first to tackle the rising issue surrounding health and wellbeing in Scotland head on using the City Lab as a hub to come up with the idea of reopening the Ballroom and getting people back 8

into dancing. King Street currently has several empty units. The first shop could be a dance studio; sponsored by Adidas and aimed at training people to learn how to dance for the upcoming ballroom event. Stirling university could run the second and third shops: one which holds textiles workshops in the space, making dresses for sale and for rent and curtains all for the ballroom, and the second bringing computers and technical equipment to the space to train people in using graphics programs. This could be done through making posters and marketing campaigns for the ballroom. A bagpipe shop could occupy the fourth shop; making the pipes and providing craft facilities whilst the University textile shop makes the bags. They could produce a range of pipes to be played at the Ballroom event and make little ornamental pipes to sell to the tourists. The fifth, sixth and seven shops could link in too, bringing the buzz back to King Street. So what does all this mean to the economy of Stirling? It means people utilise their skills to help each other and goods get sold. Dresses, bagpipes,souvenirs, Adidas shoes, ballroom tickets, film tickets, even a new business – meanwhile all of this is tackling a bigger social need of trying to encourage health and wellbeing. And it involves everyone. Young kids, Stirling’s locals, it’s university, the archivists who keeps it’s history alive, corporate companies here to bring in more money, business gateways and young emerging talents. The culmination of all of these resources, assets and ideas will result in the space on King Street being transformed. This wont be a quick fix, but with your help we can help rejuvenate Stirling into a hub of activity. We think Start Up Street could work like this; * Short and long term leases for ventures from 1 day, one week, one month to 6 months and a year * Shared spaces delivering similar ventures, themed into food, arts and crafts, retail * Run by a City Lab that takes ventures, ensures they have a rigorous business case and are right for King Street to deliver both social and economic value





The project plan for Start Up Street consists of 4 prototypes being run up to June 2012. We will be testing the concept by running workshops and then ventures in available spaces to see in practice how this works. As part of our first prototype held at the end of August, we ran for four days from Wednesday to the Saturday inside the old Inland Revenue building inside the Stirling arcade. We ran two street interventions which were concentrated on getting the public on-board to give their opinions on King Street and the concept. We ran three ticketed events where we had a wide range of people attend development workshops to discuss the concept and consider how it might work in practice. The development workshops consisted of;

Thinking about Ventures An event to look at what assets in the city means and how this translates into ventures inside shops

Exciting Idea Generation This event was to look at existing ideas generated and 12

how these could be made a real possibility. Ideas were generated on how a City Lab could operate to support the process of ventures going into shops

Idea Generation with a Commercial Context This event was about bringing local business together and seeing how they could add value to their own enterprise by working with one of the ideas posted. It also looked at the large commercial context around how King Street could become an offer to different customer segments from around Scotland

Doors Open Day This day was open to anyone who wanted to come and view the work and give their opinion on the concept. The rest of this report details the findings from each session and the ideas/thinking that was generated by all those who took part.








The development so far of Start Up Street pre prototype 1 had consisted of conversations between the lead partners and a continuation of the work generated at the Urban Ideas Bakery held in October, 2010. The team had several assumptions on how the concept could work in practice so that an animation and description of Start Up Street could be generated as a starting point for discussion/development.

small team, ideally packaged up as a social enterprise. The role of the city lab was to understand customer needs and translate these into ventures run in shops by the public. To run this the majority agreed that Start Up Street needs an on the ground admin who’s focus is on running this process and maintaining relationships between interested parties, Stirling Council and local business.

You can find this animation on the blog: http://

This role was considered as either an investment from an organisation like Creative Scotland, to pay for a part time admin to work with the development partners until June 2012 and then continue the project on. The second options was to look for people within Stirling Council and develop a new/additional role for them to run Start Up Street in the city centre.

The following is a list of key learnings we took away from running the first prototype.

Start Up Street needs a ground team The success of Start Up Street needs a ground team, at least one person day to day working on the project. As part of the Exciting Idea Generation workshop, discussions had commenced on the role of a City Lab, which would be located inside the arcade and run by a 18

The role of keeping momentum and interest in Start Up Street was discussed as having to be by someone local from Stirling currently, or willing to base themselves in the City.

“I’d be really happy to run this and I have some ideas on how it would make money but I’d need support to make this happen with the numbers”

Utilising existing talent As part of the prototype we worked with Place Station to map assets in terms of open spaces, support and ideas and place these on a google map around Stirling. Through open invitation we met a range of exciting people with skill sets that could help set up Start Up Street in return for spaces and opportunities within the project. Web development and marketing skills are key to helping the project set up and this offer was made explicit by several people that if they could be given the use of the Inland Revenue arcade space that these could be swapped for development time.

Investment from Public Sector Public sector organisations were in attendance at the workshops and during discussions on the concept of the City Lab it was discussed that public (and private) sector organisations could invest money into venture spaces to open them up for people to run pop up business. The condition would be that if they had targets to meet and the ventures could help fulfil these then they would be able to invest. For example, if the local police had to drive youth crime down then they could invest some of the budget allocated to this aim into a shop front on the condition that the venture(s) that filled the space would run a set of diversionary activities for young people that would help work towards the investors target. This type of capital investment would allow shops to be opened up and kitted out ready for launch. This idea will be taken into the consideration of how Start Up Street could run.

People need business support The prototype developed many venture ideas for the shops. What lacked was the business thinking to give the ventures rigour. Participants had a good grasp on the concept of selling products or services to produce profit but many admitted they’d need support to deliver the

ventures and develop a concrete business plan. Start Up Street will take this need into consideration into the final blueprint to ensure that; Participants understand what Start Up Street needs to achieve, what the aim is for running a venture People don’t just tick boxes to run a venture Ventures deliver both a social and economic value to the street and city

Themes and collaboration There was overlap with venture ideas, either with the theme or similar idea. We’ve outlined the themes in this report in the following pages. Discussions focused on how shop spaces would have a shared function so that people could run ventures around their day jobs. Similar ventures could be housed into one space to ensure that; Spaces were open the majority of the day Ventures provided multiple offers of product / service / experience The responsibility of running a space could be shared

Understand the customer base From the Idea generation with commercial context day, we worked with business owners and Stirling Castle to discuss the need to understand what customers the city currently attracts and to get smarter about attracting new customer segments to the city. A theme that developed through this workshop was to run ‘King Street offers’ so ventures had to work together to deliver under a theme or concept at certain times of the year. The idea behind this was to make Kind Street a vibrant and attractive place to visit from other local areas and further afield to Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee.



From initial discussions we wanted Start Up Street to meet economic, social impact and skill development aims. We want ventures to be sustainable and make money, whilst delivering social impact, to give back to Stirling. Skill development is another of our core aims for the project. On the Saturday public day of the prototype we met a local who works with a 3D modelling machine.

* Teach people to use computer aided modelling software and create models

One concrete example we discussed with him was bringing in the 3D modelling machine from his company into a shop front, which could operate similar to a Fab Lab (A Fab Lab is generally equipped with an array of flexible computer controlled tools that cover several different length scales and various materials, with the aim to make “almost anything�) * Wikipedia

* Produce models made by the public

If this machine was brought into the city centre the company could offer both products and services; 20

* Sell parts to hoovers, bespoke pieces for products that were missing / had to be bought online. * Sell products, models made from machine that the company have developed

* Create bespoke pieces and sell these as products For Start Up Street, this would be an ideal venture which would provide value on multiple levels, economic, social and skills development.






Start Up Street has been road testing the Place Station as a way of documenting ‘assets’ onto google maps. We took an ‘assets’ based approach to generate ideas. This allowed us to think realistically about what support and knowledge we have to develop the ventures. During or first workshop we began with the asset map which allowed people to think firstly about what they could contribute to the open spaces on. What is Place Station? The Place Station introduces owners of land and buildings across the UK to social and community entrepreneurs with ideas for transforming their local area - providing a space where people can: Search for land and buildings Add a Place they’d like to see owned and 24

managed by the community. Add an Idea for transforming local services. Propose new uses for available land and buildings. Comment on and offer to support an Idea or Proposal for a Place. Find pro-bono supporters where they live to put their Ideas and Proposals into practice. The Place Station has been developed by the Asset Transfer Unit and Effusion. The Asset Transfer Unit helps to empower local people and organisations to transform land and buildings into vibrant community spaces whilst supporting the development of a thriving third sector. By searching for Stirling you can see everything geographically located that we added to our asset map during the Stirling arcade workshops.

We broke down the assets into six categories that people could add from; Knowledge, Idea, Place, Person, Skills & Support. We were surprised by the amount of support both in terms of people and their knowledge, with many people adding existing organisations to the map who felt they could be of use to King Street. We trialled posters with RFID tags and URLS to the Place Station on the streets but the uptake on this was low. There were 64 hits to Place Station via QR code on posters put up around King Street. The majority of these hits to Place Station took place when the posters were put up at the end of August/ beginning of September.


As part of the next stage of development, we are looking at platforms like, Ushahidi. It is a tool to easily crowd-source information using multiple channels, including SMS, email, Twitter and the web. Ushahidi is a nonprofit technology company that develop free and open source software for information collection, visualization and interactive mapping.

easy to use, and documents support and ideas to the spaces available for ventures. By documenting the knowledge, ideas, venues, people, skills and support in this way, we can pull together all the resources available into one comprehensible format.

It has a sister product Crowd Map which allows you to customise the platform. IRISS, (the Institute for Research in Social Services) has recently developed an asset map on this platform which shows their own breakdown of assets and a customised add section. Our intention will be looking at how we can pull assets into a Start Up Street website which is clear, 25




We have broken the themes down into nine categories and the following pages give you an idea of ventures that were generated by participants. Many ventures were similar in idea or theme so we are taking into consideration that some shop fronts would have similar ventures sharing the space.




“My role is Start Up Street will be to organise and produce a social hub that makes high quality, local products.” Eric Lewis

“I would like King Street to have a craft shop with skill swap events.”

“My role in Start Up Street will be to open up the possibilities of craft in the 21st Century.”


Bespoke Jewellery

Workshop for Disabled Artists

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Bespoke Jewellery Shop

Workshop and retail space for disabled artists.

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

Locals and Tourists.

Disabled artists, general public, peer groups.

What is it:

What is it:

Values delivered:

Values delivered:

Run time:

Run time:

Evenings on a regular basis.

One year onwards.





A jewellery shop offering quality handmade jewellery by Scottish designers.

Skills, one-off items of jewellery, customers can order to suit their individual tastes.

Jewellery tools, workshop, local jewellers, business experience.

Goods to sell, experience for free lance or start up jewellers, individual customer experience.

A financially sustaining art opportunity for disabled artists selling their works.

Cultural engagement, step towards employment for disabled artists, high profile project promoting equality.

Space, sink, artists, volunteers for facilitating and curating materials, adequate disabled access and good lighting.

New skills, skill sharing among artists, allows an artist community to develop, goods to sell and offers experience in retail and business.


Sarah Pearson (Artlink Central).


3D - Printing/Gallery Space

I’d Start a:

Manufacturer in Three-Dimensional Printing/Gallery Space.

Who are your customers:

Arts Materials

I’d Start a: Art Materials Shop

Who are your customers:

Students, hobbyists, local people looking for arts, tourists.

Student from Forth Valley College (from 2012), artists, locals and tourists.

What is it:

What is it:

A shop offering three-dimensional printing facilities and a gallery space.

Values delivered:

Artists models and final goods, local manufacturing service.

Run time: Unlimited.

Resources: Three-dimensional printer, space.


Customised products and models, satisfied customers, goods for sale.


LA models?

Shop selling art materials.

Values delivered: A local resource which is not currently available.

Run time: Unlimited.


A franchise, e.g. Millars Art Shop in Glasgow, would make a commercial venture.


Goods to sell. Could be linked to an ironmongers or hardware store.

Contacts: Sarah Fraser and Sara MacMillan.




“If you are not into chart music then there is nowhere to go”

“I would like King Street to have more entertainment for over 30’s to socialise and mix with people around the same age.”

“My role in Start Up Street will be to co-ordinate people together for the right reason for GREAT outcomes”


Roller Disco

I’d start a:

I’d Start a:

Roller Disco

Bike Borrow Shop at the station

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

Young people, families, potential to attract visitors from all over Scotland

What is it: Learn to skate, hire skates and meet with friends.

Values delivered:

Activity, meeting place, learn new skills, link into creative industries

Run time: At least one year, set nights


Suitable space and flooring, skates, lights, music equipment, health and safety, promotional materials, staff.


New skills such as roller skating and DJ-ing, sense of community, selling tickets. This could link into a cafe or arts setting and also links in with current trend in Roller Derby. Space could also be used for fitness or dance classes when not in use as roller rink.

Contacts: Zara Kitson


Bike Hire

Tourists arriving by rail/bus

What is it: Bike rental shop

Values delivered: Tourists can access more of Stirling

Run time: 3 months/seasonal

Resources: Bikes, storage space


Rentals, repairs, building bikes, organising bike routes/ trips to tourist locations and provide a tourist hub at the station.


Bruce Newlands

Shopfront Cinema

Stirling Superhero Supply Store

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Shopfront Cinema

Stirling Superhero Supply Store

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

Film producers, talent scouts, anyone with interest in film.

What is it:

7 x 15 min films projected in the empty shop fronts. Experienced on the street with on-street music pulling the films together and mixed food in shops.

Values delivered:

Film sales, talent publicity, evening economy, reputation value.

Run time:

Quarterly – linked with open competition for filmmakers and local business.


Film-makers/ideas, traffic management, local deals with restaurants, marketing, branding, media/PR, health and safety management, street entertainment.


Kids, families, NHS, health, skills and training.

What is it:

A franchise linked with Brooklyn Superhero Supply Store and link with public spaces.

Values delivered:

Tackle youth pathways, identified in SDA, open for business.

Run time: Weekly/daily.


Teachers, listeners, mentors, makers, producers, talent scouts, kids, branding, marketing, graphics, connecting to enterprise spaces.


Skills, training, confidence, knowledge pathway, products/goods.

Street experience, deals with local businesses, cinema/ events managers skills, website, maybe linked to Kickstarter.




“I would like King Street to have a good cake shop with ingredients, decorations and an order service”

“I would like King Street to have a farmers market with fresh produce.”

“I would like King Street to have more support for late night food and drink options.”


Historic Bakery

I’d Start a: Historic French Bakery

Who are your customers: Locals, tourists, commuters

What is it:

Mary Queen of Scots bakery, staff in historic costume, traditionally styled venue and goods

Values delivered: Promote history of Scotland and freshly made produce

Run time: One year


Shop, possibly rent free to try, staff, costumes, advice from historic Scotland in order to create authentic feel


Who are your customers: Locals and visitors to the area What is it: A slow food venture with fresh home grown foods sold in the bistro Values delivered: Good simple food, healthy, supports local producers Run time: Permanent Resources: Contacts with producers, kitchen, staff, people to run cooperative model. Adult volunteers keen to develop work skills (adults recovering from mental health), contacts with local producers of art and food.


Outputs: Food and other associated local produce, offers a quality food experience for visitors/tourists which is not offered at the moment.


Could promote local art and produce, involve adults recovering from mental illness to build confidence and gain experience in food preparation and hygiene, preparing volunteers for paid employment.

Attracts tourists, benefits other local businesses, keeps Scottish history alive and relevant, an experience for visitors, fresh produce on sale

Mandy Beer

Adults trained at the L.M.I.B Sunlite Cafe (a cafe currently run with volunteer recovering from mental illness to build skills) could progress from Sunlite to Bistro. Sales of food and produce. Bistro could take a commission from artworks sold on the premises. Contacts: Julie Law


Roamin’ Restaurant

Farmers Market

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Roamin’ Restaurant

Co-op, Farm Market, ‘Meet Your Meat’

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

‘Foodies’, evening customers, tourists, locals

General public

What is it:

What is it:

7 x special food restaurants with different cuisines all made from produce sourced as locally as possible. Sampling sessions and local restaurants teaming up. Could link people from diverse backgrounds and the university.

Values delivered:

Markets local food, builds skills in food industry, links different group within the community

Run time: Monthly


Temporary kitchens, catering skills, marketing, PR, branding, environmental health, food suppliers, local deals and businesses

Local food – fruit, vegetables, meat and fish for sale

Values delivered:

Skills, reconnecting with where food comes from, link in with local growing communities

Run time: Weekly or Bi-Weekly

Resources: Local suppliers


Tours to gardens/farms, skill developing workshops. Could also link to the Winter Trade Fair idea.


Sarah Ferguson


Food products, evidence of what can be done using local produce, new reputation for Stirling in the food industry




“My role in Start Up Street would be to contribute to business and IT support.” Cameron Rae

“I would like King Street to have something for the youth community to get involved in the larger community.”

“I would like King Street to have a shop for young people to train and learn new skills.”


Communal Office Space

Networking Space

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Communal Office Space

Young Business Networking Space

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

Graduates, entrepreneurs


What is it:

What is it:

A space where start up businesses can rent a small space in a communal area

Values delivered:

A place to work, share knowledge and network. Gives freelancers an opportunity to share their work to others and gain feedback.

Employment opportunities, knowledge sharing

Run time:

Values delivered: Skill share among freelancers

Several years


Run time: Permanent

A suitable physical space, basic office facilities, marketing


New businesses, social enterprises, gained knowledge and skills, networking opportunity for new businesses.

Resources: A small space, equipment, freelance businesses


Opportunities to learn new skills, experience working in a shared space


Social Media Training Centre

I’d Start a: Social Media Training Centre

Who are your customers: Anyone with an interest in learning about social media

What is it:

A space to teach individuals about social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Values delivered: Training and skills

Run time: Two days

Resources: A suitable space, equipment, teachers

Outputs: New skills




“My role in Start Up Street would be to energise the community” Mandy Beer

“I would like King Street to have a new social enterprise like “Good Green Fun”. A Stirling based, not for profit which sells donated toys and goods at a reduced price.”

“I would like King Street to have a shop for young people to train and learn new skills.”


Kids Studio

I’d Start a: Kids Studio

Who are your customers: Kids aged 3 – 16 years

What is it:

Studio for kids running a healthy eating/smoothie bar, free running and ‘fitkid’ classes

Toy Library

I’d Start a: Toy Library Who are your customers: Families with smaller children What is it: Place which lends children’s toys and goods to families with social meeting and playing spaces for kids and parents. Could host events like storytelling, craft, etc.

Values delivered:

Values delivered: Environmentally friendly, less expensive for families and less waste going to landfill.

Run time: Unlimited time

Run time: Over a year with one off events


Resources: Toys, space, volunteers/staff

Cool place for kids to learn about fitness, just for kids to meet other kids

Support from Active Stirling, Stirling Council, staff, qualified kids fitness instructors, UK Lazy Town trainer/ Fitkid, space for exercise activities and food and smoothie bar


Learning about fitness, health of community, positive experience for kids

Outputs: Loan of toys and goods, skills in storytelling and craft, experience for kids and parents, environmental awareness. Contacts: Zara Kitson, I’d work with: Zara Kitson (Toy Library)


Mandy Beer

My group could provide interior murals, wall hangings, artwork, classes for kids and parents to take part in. Values Delivered: Murals, skills in teaching and working with families, decorative artworks and wall hangings. Contacts: Julie Law


Rock School

I’d Start a:

Rock School

Who are your customers: Youths in the Stirling area, particularly youths from low income families unable to afford individual tuition

What is it:

Opportunity for young people to learn about music and develop skills.

Values delivered:

Skills, could help with individuals interested in musical related career, communication, teamwork, providing a space for youths that will interest and engage them. Working against exclusion, learning new skills

Run time: Provisionally for one year.

Resources: Musical equipment, teachers, soundproofed spaces

Outputs: New skills and experiences


Carolyn Hamilton




“I would like Stirling to really push the potential for outdoor activities in the area.”

“I would like King Street to have an experience centre with skydiving, paint balling and mountaineering.”

“I would like to see some more outdoor activity clubs being brought into the area to support the youth”


Sculpture School

Tree Production

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

What is it:

What is it:

Values delivered:

Values delivered:

Run time:

Run time:





Sculpture school

Tourists, creatives and hobbyists

A school based at Hills Quarry teaching sculpture out of Wallace sandstone from the quarry.

Training, leisure, art and craft skills

Tools, workshop, teaching staff, health and safety


Goods, art, public sculpture, teaching new skills, stone repairs and tourist goods.


Bruce Newlands

Tree Production Service

Council and the surrounding area of Stirling

A service which would plant new trees, re-populating the upper hillsides

Improve the local landscape, environmental benefits

Sapling varieties that will grow in this climate and soil type, people, time


Limits deforestation, re-populates the upper hillsides, would give city dwellers a link to the countryside as more people are moving out of cities and going back to more traditional ways of life. Links into community woodland project.


Gordon Bruce


Community Woodland

Allotment Space

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

Community Woodland

Citizens of Stirling

What is it:

The citizens of Stirling being able to buy out areas of landscape

Values delivered:

Allotment Spaces

People who are in new housing, have ecological interests or guerrilla gardening

What is it:

Allotment available for citizens to rent and use to grow fresh vegetables

Leisure asset to citizens, skills, improving how the space is used and landscape of local area

Values delivered:

Run time:

Run time:


Resources: Council permission, financial, people


Community control over land use, development trust/ revenue, timber, food and biomass (a renewable energy source). Possibility of link with Tree Production Service.


Bruce Newlands

Grow your own food, gardening skills, food quality.



Areas of land too small for a farmer, perhaps Bridge of Allan or Coxit Hill Community. Gardening growing scheme to help with gardening skills.


Creating “extended families” or community spirit, a positive experience, sense of achievement when the food is eaten, urban farm, localism. This could link to Farmers market, an urban farm shop for people to sell any surplus or share produce.


Gordon Bruce and Elaine Bruce




“My role in Start Up Street would be champion the project with the local authorities.”

“I would like Stirling to move the market from Port Street to King Street.”

“I would like for the 54 & 54A buses to serve King Street again.”


Joint Ventures

I’d work with:

Any proposed or existing business in the Stirling Council area.

Who are your customers:

Anyone in the Stirling area thinking about starting a new business and EVERY local business.

How would you work together:

Workshops, one-to-one advice, website, helpline, information services, networking, events, property and funding advice.


Business planning, training, signpost to funding and all areas of business support.


Presently assisting approximately 300 start ups per annum. We have a customer client base of 2500+ businesses.


Jim Fraser (STEP)

Debt Management

I’d Start a: Social Enterprise debt Management Service

Who are your customers: Referred from credit union/adult literacy

What is it:

Clinic for those approaching or suffering debt issues, providing long-term support, 3-4 years)

Values delivered:

Improved budgets, reduced stress

Run time: Long term


Money coach skills (Kevin Ferguson) and befriending/ moral support.


Advocacy for clients, life/work/stress balance.


Kevin Ferguson


Local Guide Service

I’d Start a: Local Guide Service

Stirling Promise

I’d Start a: Stirling Service Standard “Stirling Promise”

Who are your customers:

Tourists, independent people looking for a different experience.

Who are your customers:

What is it:

What is it:

Provides local, authentic tours in and around Stirling. Designed for individuals or groups.

Values delivered:

All customers of food, catering pubs.

A mutually agreed and enforced service which rates the standard of the venues/spaces. System could also include rewards.

Boost to tourism, commonly known and unexpected local knowledge, potential emphasis on young people.

Values delivered:

Run time:

Run time:

12 month pilot


Ability to collate all information and make it graphically appealing, volunteer to be tour guides, marketing expertise, digital media expertise, some start up funding, advice on social enterprise formation, link with Green Map Organisation, link with Place Station website.


Much improved customer satisfaction.



Mutual agreement, organisers, judgement panel/ enforcers.


Rewards, indication of standards for customers, improved experiences.

Animated shop front, visitors standing longer, spending more, civic pride, new skills and expertise, possible social enterprise, worldwide promotion through web and word of mouth, an authentic experience.


Deborah Murray




“I would like King Street to have more independent shops instead of big brands.”

“I would like King Street to have tourist places run by the local kids.”

“I would like King Street to have flexibility for more independent traders to come into the city.”


Monthly Shop

I’d Start a:

I’d Start a:

Month by Month Shop

Vintage Shop.

Who are your customers:

Who are your customers:

Locals and visitors who seek individual, one-off products.

For ladies, young and old.

What is it:

What is it:

Values delivered:

Values delivered:

A shop which changes month to month to offer a variety of products at different times of the year.

Would give businesses space to fail through a short commitment time, new and exciting for shoppers.

Run time: On a monthly basis.


New business start ups and ideas, people who already produce goods in the area (e.g. Artisans), organiser.


Goods to sell, experience for shoppers and businesses, allows start ups to gain experience and skills.


Marion Levett


Vintage Shop

A vintage clothes shop selling original second hand clothes in good condition at a low price.

Attracts tourists, somewhere for old and young alike, supports awareness on recycling.

Run time: Many years.


Money, advice on business, accounts, small premises, branding, marketing, vintage clothing to sell.


Clothes to sell, could run learn to knit or dressmaking classes, skills swapping.

Contacts: Sue Clow

Charity Incentive

I’d Start a: Charity Shop Incentive.

Who are your customers: All ages, locals and visitors.

What is it:

A high school run shop selling items as well as products made by local artists or schools for a chosen charity.

Values delivered:

School kids could gain valuable experience in retail, administration, advertising, etc. Helping them enter into workplace or education. The money raised could support local charities and hospital services.

Run time: A year, provisionally.


Individuals with retail experience, donated items, suppliers of art and craft merchandise.


Goods to sell, new skills and experiences for high school children.


Gemma from ‘Ruby in the Dust’ vintage shop.




“I need help with initial organisation, set up and start up funding.”

“I would like King Street to have tourist places run by the local kids.”

“I want support finding appropriate venues and opportunities for our groups at Artlink Central.”


Stirling Enterprise

Kraft (+)

Existing Businesses

Existing Businesses

Name: Jim Fraser


Name of Business: Stirling Enterprise (Employee)

Name of Business:

Where is your business located? Step (Stirling Business Park)

Bruce Newlands

Kraft (Architecture Firm), Skirmishes (small Glasgow based charity promoting the advancement of education, the arts, heritage, culture & science, community development and protection of environment. 2 years old), also a lecturer at RGU.

What do you sell? Business start up and support services, property landlords (commercial properties).

Where is your business located?

What are the difficulties? No difficulties, just opportunities.

Service, goods, voluntary assistance, learning and collaboration.

What support could be given? Kept in contact, could use support to find potential start ups who may rent properties.


What do you sell?

What are the difficulties?

Parking, security and competition with other like-minded businesses.

What support could be given?

Kept in contact with, keen to be involved in community development.

Customers we don’t have... Name (persona type)

Contemporary culture tourist

Average age 18-35

Likely occupation

Creatives and professionals.

I’m not currently your client because... Stirling is ‘old’ Scotland.

How can you reach this customer?

Organise local opportunities to gain support for exhibitions and shows.

Where will you find this customer? Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee.

What does this customer need in terms of service/ product/experience? Something new, unique.


Artlink Central

Halcro Design

New business start up needing various levels of support.

New business start up, needing various levels of support.

Name: David Halcro

Name Julie Law

Name of Business: Halcro Design.

Name of Business Artlink Central

Where is your business located? Stirling (Crowness Road)

Where is your business located? Cowane Street

What do you sell? Handmade furniture

What do you sell? Services to vulnerable and disabled groups, within Stirling area and throughout Forth Valley.

What are the difficulties? Finding premises to work and finding outlets for my furniture. What support could be given? Expressed interest in starting up a community workshop, support with organising, funding, connections with other like minded crafts people, could be the outlet for his furniture, advertising and marketing. Customers we don’t have...

What are the difficulties? Finding appropriate venues and opportunities for our groups. What support could be given? Help with venues or organising and running their own gallery. Has expressed interest in taking part with other possible business ventures for cafe/gallery spaces. Organising events, funding, marketing, catering and food suppliers.

Name (persona type) Average age 20-50 Likely occupation Professional I’m not currently your client because... I don’t know about you How can you reach this customer? Develop a creative hub What does this customer need in terms of service/ product/experience? Products/experiences.


Ephemeron Studio

New business start up, needing various levels of support.

Existing Business

Name Joe Hall

Name Jose Garcia

Name of Business Ephemeron Studio (Pre-trading).

Name of Business A.N.S.

Where is your business located? Scion house, Stirling.

Where is your business located? Online between Scotland and Spain.

What do you sell? Artist collective/social enterprise project in development.

What do you sell? Online communities and psychological services.

What are the difficulties? Identifying market/funders.

What are the difficulties? Lack of visibility of entrepreneurs in the town.

What support could be given? Support with identifying his market, finding and applying for funding, advertising and marketing.

What support could be given? Could not be found easily online, needs support with marketing and advertising to raise business profile.

Customers we don’t have...

Customers we don’t have...

Name (persona type) Professionals

Average age 16-30

Average age 30-50

Likely occupation Student/ first job.

Likely occupation Academic, in the arts or business.

I’m not currently your client because... Town is only for businesses and pubs. I don’t know how to find other people to talk, create and share knowledge.

I’m not currently your client because... Commute home to Stirling but work and spend in Edinburgh and Glasgow. How can you reach this customer? Give them an incentive to come into town, word of mouth. Marketing, visibility, improving commuter parking/train. What does this customer need in terms of service/ product/experience? Good quality experience.



How can you reach this customer? Creating a community of young people. Where will you find this customer? On the internet. What does this customer need in terms of service/ product/experience? An alternative way to find their interests.

Thunkit Motorcycle Club

Looking for support in particular area.

Name Rodney Pearson Name of Business Thunkit Motorcycle Club Where is your business located? 31 Stirling Arcade What do you sell? Motorcycle related goods, for example, clothing, safety helmets, toys, books and DVD’s. What are the difficulties? Limited parking facilities and the available parking is expensive, low level of footfall, expensive shop rent and no help for private businesses. What support could be given? Connecting to Jim Fraser, council, creation of support network for local businesses, help with increasing footfall into the arcade. My Existing Customers.... Name (persona type) Local young adults Average age 18-30 Likely occupation Low income occupations/households.






The City Lab had been part of the initial discussions about Start Up Street as fulfilling a problem solving role for the city centre to tackle ‘wicked’ social problems. Through discussions at the Stirling arcade prototype the general consensus was the ‘City Lab’ would be the engine and process behind getting ventures into shops. During one of the workshops we built a blueprint on how the City Lab might work in practice to support Start Up Street.

Opening Hours City Lab could charge for use of the space on an annual or pay per use fee, or in turn for volunteering on Start Up Street ventures/helping to run the City Lab.

Raise a competition

There were several routes to being part of Start Up Street that the City Lab could support. These were;

Running competitions to attract solutions to complex problems in Stirling, or available spaces in King Street and the arcade.

Running a venture


Space is opened through funding and supporter sets out criteria of what aims have to be achieved // Space made available online // Responding with an idea for a venture // Pitching your idea to judges // Developing business plan for venture // Setting up venture // Venture in shop front // Mentoring and support // Venture ends

Ideas portal

Problem solving through the city lab Problem is raised by organisation relevant to Stirling // City lab team assembled to tackle issue // Venture idea is launched online // Supporters respond both with funding and support to run it



Connecting people; City Lab was seen as having role to connect people to share ideas, solve problems an develop venture ideas with business input and interested parties. City Lab would use different channels, with a core focus on social media to publish events that brought together people in Stirling. A core team would be involved day to day in running of City Lab, responsible for communicating 68

and arranging events in response to ‘client’ needs.


City Lab could be an ideas portal attached to open spaces available. This would be connected to the assets available, that could be used to make an idea a reality.

Adding assets City Lab could collect assets in the city, in terms of available support and time to work on Start Up Street

Membership Joining up to City Lab would allow use of the space and connected to a network of members in Stirling

Pledging funding Organisations could pledge funding/capital to open spaces and lay foundations for ventures to solve issues/create value for their agenda.



Business planning

The City Lab could facilitate business planning and the organisation for launching ventures on King Street

Maintain ventures The City Lab could maintain the venture calendar to ensure King Street is running offers at time of the year that work with the city

Event Space The City Lab could operate as a central space to hold events inside the arcade.



City Lab consultants The City Lab could operate as a creative hub to solve problems/develop opportunities for the city on a consultant basis









Connecting People

Ideas portal

Business planning

City Lab:

Opening Hours

Adding assets

Maintain ventures


Raise a competition


Event space




Pledging funding





CASE STUDY ONE Dunbar Bakery

Established in June 2009, The Bakery, Dunbar came as the result of a push from the local community who wanted to ensure that they had a bakery baking, and selling bread on Dunbar High Street. Dunbar have a local community development trust, Sustaining Dunbar, and having agreed to fund market research to investigate the demand for a bakery in the community, they concluded that there a bakery would meet the needs and demands of the locals. Sustaining Dunbar also helped prepare business plans for the bakery, as well as setting it up formally as a sustainable community-run enterprise as Dunbar Community Bakery Limited. In July 2009, a community share issue was launched and within a month, 160 people had both shared, 72

contributing to a total of ÂŁ17,600 in equity investment.* With investment secured, a local management committee was established to run the bakery day to day with a group including local entrepreneurs, experts in finance, marketers, community development and more. To date, the business is owned by 300 people with a total investment of over ÂŁ40,000. *Figures taken from Official website


Believing in working to a ‘bottom-up’ approach, Transition Town Totnes (TTT) is an “umbrella organisation” and charity which consists of a variety of local interest groups including food, building, housing, environment, education etc.

being a “fundamental principle of Transition.”

The network supports these groups to start local projects, mostly volunteer operated, but always community-led.

“TTT exists for the people of Totnes and District to help create thriving, healthy, caring local communities where people’s ways of life take into account the needs of future generations as well as the present ones. Rising fuel prices, economic uncertainty and climate change bring many challenges. However, TTT focuses on these as opportunities to increase personal and community well being, to expand our local economy, and to establish ways of living that are in line with our Earth’s natural systems.”

Projects are developed by members of the community who are interested in the various, ongoing ventures and regularly arrange meetings to come together to progress with the ideas, with support and development from a Transition Towns Totnes management group. The model supports the notion that everyone is needed, and that everyone should be heard. Something Transition Town Totnes describe as

An extract from the website gives a clear indication of TTT’s purpose and the value that they believe they are bringing to the local community. 73

The Causey


“The Causey Development Trust aims to promote the amenity and environment of the West Crosscauseway area and promote education, learning and enjoyment for individuals who are either a resident or where their place of employment is in the area.”

“Founded in Spring 2009, through a partnership between the local nonprofit of Hale Empowerment and Revitalization Organization, Inc. (HERO) and a design collective known as Project M, PieLab came to life as a combination pop-up cafe, design studio and civic clubhouse with the mission of: ‘ Pie + Ideas = Conversation. Conversation + Design = Social Change.’”


Better Chesham

Meanwhile Space

“The aims of the group are to generate more footfall throughout the shopping areas. Attract new retailers and restaurants into the town. Make Chesham a destination shopping area. Promote a support group to help traders adapt to 21st century trading conditions. The intention is to have a small group of volunteer stakeholders that effectively co-ordinate the views the wider community such as shoppers, pressure groups, councils, the new market co-operative and traders. The group will then initiate actions that help take Chesham forward.”

“‘Meanwhile use’ is the temporary use of vacant buildings or land for a socially beneficial purpose until such a time that they can be brought back into commercial use again. It makes practical use of the ‘pauses’ in property processes, giving the space over to uses that can contribute to quality of life and better places whilst the search for a commercial use is ongoing. Empty spaces are a blight to communities, a financial drain to owners and stimulate wider civic problems. To us they are an opportunity.”


Space Makers

“Our mission: ‘For all empty property to be recognised as an available resource that can deliver immediate social benefits and be a catalyst for longer term regeneration’”

“Space Makers is about bringing people together to reimagine the spaces in which we live, work and play. We work with local residents and businesses, artists, community groups, local authorities and property owners to create inspiring regeneration projects that are driven by grassroots energy.”

Who own my neighbourhood

The Hub

“Who Owns My Neighbourhood aims to give people a starting point for getting things done in their own neighbourhoods. We hope this service will make it easier for people to have conversations about their local area and for us to answer each other’s questions by sharing what we know. We want people to think about what personal responsibility we are each willing to take for the place where we live, and how we might be able to help each other to look after it.”

“We believe that there is no absence of good ideas in the world. The problem is a crisis of access, scale, resources and impact. So it felt vital to create places around the world for accessing space, resources, connections, knowledge, experience and investment.”


Empty Shops Network

Positively Peebles

“ Artists and Makers is also home to the Empty Shops Network, which promotes creative reuse of the nation’s empty shops. Helping to create a DIY Movement, the Empty Shops Network shares resources like the Empty Shops Toolkit to help artists and entrepreneurs to reclaim their high streets and turn private spaces into public places. “

“This initiative is being undertaken to promote the formation of a Business Improvement District in Peebles. The sole aim of this initiative is to improve the business environment by any practical means. A BID gives the businesses involved a collective voice & offers the opportunity to shape the future of the area by implementing projects & initiatives chosen by them for the good of the BID Area. Peebles has is now becoming more focussed on highlighting the positive aspects & marketing the vibrant and unique mature of the town more vigorously.”


Plunkett UK

Growing Communities

“The Community Shops Network website aims to provide a meeting point online for the many people actively involved in community owned rural shops right across the UK. Whether an employee, a volunteer, a member of a management committee or a professional adviser, the site is designed to act as a platform to enable you to participate actively, by getting involved in the discussion forums, contributing to the body of resources and links that are on the site, and working to develop it in ways that meet your changing needs.”

“We have created two main community-led trading outlets - an organic fruit and vegetable box scheme and the Stoke Newington Farmers’ Market. These harness the collective buying power of our community - allowing those small-scale farmers and producers to thrive. We believe that if we are to create the sustainable re-localised food systems that will see us through the challenges ahead, we need to work together with communities and farmers to take our food system back from the supermarkets and agribusiness.”

Rural Hub

Social Media Surgery

“The Hub is recognised as an example of best practice for practical rural delivery - listening to the needs of rural businesses and responding to them.

“Social Media Surgery plus is here to make it easier to find and run social media surgeries to support community groups, local charities and local active citizens.”

The Hub works hard to help farm and rural businesses to develop innovative, profitable and market-led enterprises. It does this primarily in five key areas decided as a priority by its members, namely: Food, Rural tourism, Bio-energy & nonfood crops, Waste management & Core agriculture.”

Placed as “informal gathering of people” Social Media Surgeries provide knowledge on use of social media tools including blogs, facebook, twitter etc.


Fallen Fruit

“BikeLab is a small group of dedicated volunteers working in Greenboro, alabama to provide refurbished bicycles to Hale County residents who lack transportation. Our goal is to recycle as much as possible, waste as little as possible, and reach as many people in need as possible.”

“Fallen Fruit invites the public to bring home-grown or street picked fruit and collaborate with us in making a collective fruit jams. Working without recipes, we ask people to sit with others they do not already know and negotiate what kind of jam to make: if I have lemons and you have figs, we’d make lemon fig jam (with lavender). Usually held in a gallery or museum, this event highlights the social and public nature of Fallen Fruit’s work, and we consider it a collaboration with the public as well as each other.”






The plan for developing Start Up Street is to run a series of prototyped ventures inside shop fronts and the arcade. The first prototype was run in September 2011 inside the arcade. This has given us insight into how Start Up Street and the City Lab should be run. We are now in the process of developing a

blueprint to build a process of how ventures get in to shop spaces and run, supported by the City Lab. In the coming months we will undertake research into the hub practices with experts in London. Following that, we will be bringing together a development team to work on the blueprint of how ventures operate.

Jan 2012 July 2011

Open up first space



Understanding initial concept

Open up first prototype

Building first prototype film

Run workshops with community

Building basic first prototype of citylab

Outcomes Establish citylab


Reopen first space


Open up second space


Design Citylab function and blueprint Design first service blueprint for SUS

Build basic asset map tech

Visual plan of SUS prototypes and service design process 80

Prototype 2

Run citylab prototype and first venture prototype in a shop fr / arcade



By June 2012 we want to have an order book of ventures and a robust blueprint in place. We are working on bringing together a ground team who can run Start Up Street on a regular basis.

After each prototype we will evaluate the successes and failures of each to redesign the blueprint and launch more ventures.

The plan detailed here, shows our development plan of opening shop fronts and interweaving city lab into the process.

June 2012

Redesign and build in idea/shop voting function to website Run first Start Up Street ‘competition’ to enter a shop via the citylab


Prototype 3

Run second citylab prototype and open up 2 shopfronts / arcades


Redesign and build rotational model for Stirling using stakeholders on goods/produc ts/services to be produced in tandum


Prototype 4



Open up Fourthspace



Open up Third space

Run prototype and fill up order book for next rotation Run first Start Up Street ‘rotation’ where there is a collective output which links with a seasonal product/good/ offer 81






“I would like to collaborate with other people to help bring the arcade back to life.”

“I’d like a hireable space that musicians could come and make use of.”

“I’d like a space which could be used for both teaching and a space for renting or hotdesking.”



Names of people who could work together: Marion MacAllister, Sue Clow, Karen, Pearl McCourt, Tina and Gemma from Ruby in the Dust Vintage. (Could include Sarah Pearson and Julie Law as they look for spaces to display and sell artworks on behalf of their disability groups or David Halcro, furniture maker)

Names of people who could work together: Fiona King, Nizar, Julie Law, Zara Kitson, Mandy Beer.

Name of Business: Month by month shop.

Where would your business be located? In one of the disused shops on King Street.

Where would your business be located? One of the empty shops on King Street.

What do you sell? Loan children’s toys, babysitting service. Arts and craft classes for parents and/or kids could be run in conjunction with the Arts Hub.

What do you sell? Clothing, accessories, artworks, anything people would like to sell in a short lease space. What are the difficulties? Ensuring the space has a full calendar, making the space easy to adapt for a variety of purposes in a short space of time, ensuring there is someone to oversee the overall running of the space. What support could be given? Help with starting up, initial organisation of various stakeholders, marketing, making the space fit for purpose (so it doesn’t look like a multifunctional space) Who are your customers likely to be? Locals, tourists, visitors from surrounding areas, varying depending on the type of shop at different times of year. What values/outputs would be delivered? Goods for sale, a variety of goods available for the community, every new shop would be a ‘novelty’, making King Street a destination place and gives small businesses/individuals a chance to try out a retail venture without a huge financial commitment. It could ideally run for? A year primarily.



Name of Business: Toy library with baby sitting network/crèche facilities.

What are the difficulties? Finding suitable staff , or trustworthy babysitting network members to assure potential customers. What support could be given? Help with health and safety, collecting toy donations, funding, marketing, start up the venture. Who are your customers likely to be? Families/single parents/carers of small children. What values/outputs would be delivered? Child care help for customers to visit the town centre and shop easily, an environmentally friendly alternative to discarding unwanted /outgrown toys. Jobs to run the babysitting network/crèche. It could ideally run for? Unlimited.



Names of people who could work together: Kevin Ferguson, Eric Lewis, David Halcro, Sara MacMillan, Sarah Pearson and Julie Law.

Names of people who could work together: Sylvia Woodford, Sara MacMillan, Sarah Pearson, Julie Law.

Name of Business: Arts Hub.

Name of Business: Art Gallery and Bistro.

Where would your business be located? In one of the unused shops on King Street, or larger workshop space further away if required.

Where would your business be located? In one of the empty shop space on King Street.

What do you sell? Shared workshop space, classes in arts and crafts; sculpture, jewellery, woodwork, painting, beading, patchwork, knitting or any other type of craft. What are the difficulties? Making a safe, suitable space for potentially hazardous tools and equipment. What support could be given? Creating a sustainable business; material costs, bills, still providing space for artists. Marketing and start up funding. Who are your customers likely to be? Artists, hobbyists, anyone with an interest in art or developing an artistic skill. What values/outputs would be delivered? New skills, teaching experience for artists, suitable workshop space for artist, an art community space to meet other like-minded people, an easy to access place for the community to try something new that is different to other social opportunities available in the town centre.

What do you sell? Art by a mixture of local artists and artwork made by disability art groups, an experience, quality food and drink. ( Julie Law is interested in involving adults with mental illnesses with the bistro like in Sunlite Cafe) What are the difficulties? Running the bistro and art gallery simultaneously and successfully among a collective of people. What support could be given? Help with initial organisation and set up, start up funding. Who are your customers likely to be? Locals and tourists What values/outputs would be delivered? Food, drink, artwork, different food option for locals, an experience, new skills/training/confidence for adults working in the cafe. It could ideally run for? Unlimited.

It could ideally run for? Unlimited.



Names of people who could work together: Marion Levett, Gill Gillis, Megan Harrison, Steven Godward. (Kevin Ferguson if included a language learning aspect/classes involving Social Enterprise.) Name of Business: Bookshop/Library and Cafe.

Names of people who could work together: Kevin Ferguson, Sarah Ferguson, David Halcro, Julie Law, Eric Lewis. Name of Business: Farmers market/Trade Fair.

Where would your business be located? In a disused shop on King Street.

Where would your business be located? Somewhere with a large open space/outside/in Stirling Arcade.

What do you sell? Books to sell/loan, quality homemade food and drink (similar to Books and Beans in Aberdeen).

What do you sell? Could sell food produce, products made by local craftspeople.

What support could be given? Collecting book donations, organising collective cafe, marketing, branding, securing initial funding.

What are the difficulties? Ensuring a good footfall making it worthwhile for those taking part and organising a good variety of products from suppliers.

Who are your customers likely to be? Locals and tourists. What values/outputs would be delivered? Goods for sale, a community hub, could have extra opening times (large interest in late night cafes), an alternative cafe to spend time in. It could ideally run for? Unlimited.



What support could be given? Organisational, contacts, marketing. Who are your customers likely to be? Locals. What values/outputs would be delivered? Goods for sale. It could ideally run for? Annually/at different times of year for one or two days.



Names of people who could work together: Mandy Beer, Zara Kitson. (could involve Carolyn Hamilton from music/rock school to provide music/ DJ-ing opportunities for locals musicians or Julie Law if run alongside a cafe/youth club)

Names of people who could work together: Carolyn Hamilton, Mandy Beer, Zara Kitson.

Name of Business: Fitness Venue

Where would your business be located? In an empty space on King Street.

Where would your business be located? In an empty space in Kind Street.

What do you sell? Musical tuition, hireable space for musicians to use.

What do you sell? An experience to participate in Roller Disco, FitKid and adult fitness classes; dancing, salsa, fitness, zumba.

What are the difficulties? Offering cheap musical tuition whilst running space and supplying with equipment, permission/adequate soundproofing.

What are the difficulties? Creating a suitable space for multiple uses.

What support could be given? Help with funding, locating equipment and music teachers, volunteers. Help within young community to ensure space is used by young citizens and meets their needs in order to be beneficial.

What support could be given? Funding, marketing, sourcing fitness teachers and equipment. Who are your customers likely to be? Kids, adults, youths at different times of the week. What values/outputs would be delivered? Promote fitness in community, easy venue to get to for all (public transport nearby). Roller disco would attract tourists and visitors from further afield, links in well with current trend in Roller Derby. It could ideally run for? Unlimited.

Name of Business: Rock school, Youth Centre.

Who are your customers likely to be? Young local people and musicians. What values/outputs would be delivered? An evening venue for young people, new skills, experiences, lessons, experience for musicians to learn teaching skills. It could ideally run for? At least one year, ideally an unlimited time.



Names of people who could work together: Jim Fraser, Bruce Newlands and Kevin Ferguson.

Names of people who could work together: Bruce Newlands, David Halcro, Gordon Bruce.

Name of Business: Community Office

Name of Business: Community Sawmill Workshop

Where would your business be located? In an empty shop on King Street.

Where would your business be located? A large space, near woodland/quarry. A place to grow a community woodland.

What do you sell? Small rentable/sharable spaces for entrepreneurs and freelancers. Classes on business, media and IT, support in business and IT (from Kevin Ferguson) What are the difficulties? Having a space which can be used for both teaching and space renting/hot-desking. Providing a variety of skills. What support could be given? Initial set up, funding, locating more teachers, marketing the classes available, monitoring level of skills provided/certification of skills. Who are your customers likely to be? Adults wanting to learn new skills. What values/outputs would be delivered? New skills, improve employability, help new businesses, provide a network of entrepreneurs/ freelancers to skill share. It could ideally run for? Initially one year, or longer.


IDEA No.10

What do you sell? Timber, biomass (a renewable energy source), sculptures, classes to teach new skills – gardening and crafts. What are the difficulties? Planning permission/obtaining suitable space. What support could be given? Funding, start up, gaining volunteers, planning the sustainability, raising awareness. Who are your customers likely to be? Locals, tourists, hobbyists, people requiring biomass fuel, What values/outputs would be delivered? Positive environmental effect and awareness in the community, improved landscape, new skills, possibly some employment opportunities. It could ideally run for? Unlimited.






The Start Up Street Stirling team would just like to say a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you that came along to our first event, and has kept an interest since. If we have missed anyone out, get in touch and we’ll mention you on our blog! Thanks to:

Gary, Eilidh, Mandy, Robin, Mr & Mrs Bilsborough, Elaine, Gordon, Wilma, Sue, Eleanor, Philip, Kevin, Jim, Sarah, Gill, Steven, Martin, David, Joe, Carolyn, Emma, Megan, Samantha, Dawn, Clare, Stephen, Fiona,


Zara, Julie, Diarmaid, Eric, Marion L, Allan, Marion M, Fiona M, Gillian, Sara, Paul, Pearl, Lauren, Stuart, Mairi, Jaqueline, Derek, Daniel, Alyson, Andy, Megan M, Ann, Deborah, Kieren, Bruce, Robert, Kay,

Rodney, Susie, Cameron, Laura, Steven, Lisa, Sylvia, Mr Young, James, Karen, Nizar, Tina & Vicky.













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