FAQ's + Booking Agreement for Independent Trips

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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What is an independent trip, who would I be travelling with? Our independent trips give individuals the chance to join a trip that is run independently of a school. You could join by yourself or there may be a few of you from the same school that want to all join the same trip – either option is fine! The benefit of our independent trips is that the team is made up of students from across the country, so you’ll have plenty of people to make friends with! We know it can be a bit daunting at first when you don’t know anyone, but we’ll make sure you are able to meet each other at one of the online sessions we run for your specific team, so you’ll quickly get to know who you’re travelling with. You’ll also be joined by World Challenge leaders.

Why would I want to go on an independent trip? You originally signed up to your World Challenge trip because it’s an amazing opportunity for a transformative experience; this is still the case with our independent trips! After the challenge of coping with a global pandemic and all the associated stress and difficulties that has involved, we think having something positive and exciting to focus on is exactly what everyone needs. We have a range of options in terms of destinations and prices, so it may be the case that what you have paid so far covers the cost of your new trip.

I am not currently registered for a trip but am interested in joining one of the independent trips in 2022. What are the next steps? Great news! All you need to do is click the ‘SIGN UP’ button and confirm your contact details. Once you’ve done this, we’ll be in touch with details of how to complete your application.

I am already signed up to a 2021 trip with my school and am interested in transferring onto one of the independent trips in 2022. What are the next steps? If you’d like to transfer that’s great news! All you need to do is click the ‘SIGN UP’ and let us know your contact details. Once you’ve done this, we’ll be in touch with a Booking Transfer form. You’ll just need to confirm your acceptance of the new terms specified on that form and confirm which payment plan you’d like to follow (detailed below) and then we can get you transferred. To enable a transfer, you will be required to have paid at least 10% of the trip fee; anything already paid counts towards this 10%.

If I join or transfer onto a 2022 trip, what will my payment plan look like? There are two payment plan options to choose from, please let us know your preference in your email confirmation to our Support Team. Please note that for both options, any monies already paid count towards the 10% that is due when you return your Booking Transfer form. You will be contacted once the facility to set up a direct debit for the future payments is available for your new trip.

Direct Debit Instalment Plan Spring Term Instalment

at least 10% of trip fee: Due on the date you return your Booking Transfer form/complete your application

Summer Term Instalment

22% of trip fee: Due 25th May 2021

Autumn Term Instalment

22% of trip fee: Due 24th September 2021

Spring Term Instalment

22% of trip fee: Due 25th February 2022

Final Balance

24% of trip fee: Due 2 months prior to departure date

Direct Debit Monthly Plan At least 10% to have been paid by the date you return your Booking Transfer form/complete your application. Payments of 5% of trip fee will then continue to be taken on the 25th of each month from the 25th March 2021 until the 25th March 2022. Final Balance – 25% of trip fee: Due 2 months prior to departure date

Is there an age limit on the trips? As long as you are going to be 15-19 at the time of travelling then you’re good to go.

Are there any online sessions to attend before departure? Yes. All of our independent trips have a Launch meeting where you get to know the rest of your team and a Pre-Departure Update so that we can run through all the final preparations that need to be completed before you go. Some of our trips also have a Training Day to help you get ready for your trip, we’ll let you know when your meetings are when you sign up. All of the sessions are held virtually so you don’t need to worry about travelling anywhere.

If I stay on my 2021 team and fully pay but then the trip is later cancelled, can I then transfer my place to one of the independent trips? Yes, this option would be available to you.

Will the same refund policy exist for 2022? If the trip cannot happen, can a refund still be expected? If for any reason World Challenge has to cancel the trip, then a full refund of any monies paid would be due.

I am not interested in transferring to a 2022 trip, what are my options? We understand that transferring to 2022 is not an option for everybody. If you prefer to remain on your original 2021 trip, we’ll keep you updated with plans. Whilst we appreciate that in the current circumstances it would be very unlikely the trip would be able to go ahead, there is still some time until departure and it’s possible that some trips will still be able to take place. Because of this we need you to keep up to date with your payments so that we can firm up arrangements for if the trip goes ahead later this year. If you are substantially behind on payments and have not made a payment for some time, we will be in touch to discuss your options. We will make a final decision on whether a trip can go ahead around 60 days before departure. If at this stage World Challenge cancels the trip, you are entitled to a full refund on any monies paid. Alternatively, you may want to consider transferring to a 2022 trip at this point.


As a gesture of goodwill, and notwithstanding our terms and conditions which applied to your Original Booking, we have agreed to allow you to amend your Original Booking by changing the departure date to the New Departure Date (altogether the “Revised Booking”). The terms and conditions to which you signed for the Original Booking will continue to apply to the Revised Booking (the “Terms and Conditions”). However, in exchange for the gesture of goodwill, you agree the following cancellation terms against monies paid to date will apply to the Revised Booking: a.

Monies paid to date up to 35% of the Original Booking price will act as the first deposit for the Revised Booking and is not refundable if you withdraw from the programme after the Transfer Date for any reason


Customers will have the option to have all monies paid refunded in full should World Challenge cancel the Revised Booking in accordance with clauses 7 & 8 of Terms and Conditions


All monies paid above 35% of the original trip price in relation to the 2022 trip will be subject to the cancellation charges stated in the Terms and Conditions. For this purpose, the number of days will be calculated from the ‘Transfer Date’


You accept and agree the above is a fair reflection of our costs associated with the organisation and planning for the Original Booking and the same with regards the organisation and implementation of the Revised Booking


It is a requirement, prior to us accepting the Revised Booking, that you have paid at least 10% of the total price of the Original Booking


On your agreement to this booking deferral statement in writing, the Original Booking will be cancelled in full and the Revised Booking accepted


Once your booking is transferred, you will be moved onto a new payment plan. You will confirm your choice of payment plan when you respond via email to confirm you wish to transfer to the New Departure Date


Our Booking with Confidence terms will apply to the transferred booking. To find out more, click here


By responding and confirming the contents of this document are accurate and that you wish to transfer your booking, you confirm your agreement to these terms


These terms are governed by the laws of England and Wales

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