“If you wish to keep the Malindi that went to Vietnam that’s fine. I’ll keep the one who came home. Clearly a different person that just looks the same. Thanks for everything” Matthew Parker, Parent
We create
powerful life experiences that spark greater possibility
We are World Challenge. A global community of trip leaders, teachers, students, parents, local partners and support staff, all passionate about making big things happen through transformative adventure. We believe in the power of extraordinary experiences. They allow us to see ourselves, others and the world differently, and develop our confidence, independence and resilience. They help us to learn and grow. We invite you to join our incredible adventures to different countries and cultures. Adventures that take us out of the bubbles we live in, and inspire and energise us to be brave and think bigger. Adventures that, ultimately, spark learning, growth and greater possibility in us and the world.
“I went into the expedition hoping to find myself, but I look back on the expedition realising I was creating myself” Alice Moran, Challenger
journey starts here TEAM UP
We’ll come into school to help you build your team, explore your destination and get set for expedition life. Then it’s over to you. Keep up momentum with regular meet-ups.
Get saving. Are you a dog walker, babysitter or car washer? Will you run a cake sale, curry night or quiz? Don’t underestimate the satisfaction of earning your place. Money management is an important part of the journey and we’re here to help with ideas and guides to get you there.
Crank it up. We’ll advise you on gear and share discounts whilst you’re having fun getting fit with your team mates. Meet your Leader and you might head out on a team Training Expedition to learn some practical skills.
CHALLENGE YOURSELF Let’s go. Get on the plane. Land in your destination, explore new sights, sounds and smells! It’s in the name – there will be physical and mental challenge but as a team you’ll thrive on this. Trek, cycle or paddle your way over mountain tops, through jungles or across mighty rivers. Take on roles like Leader, Banker and Chef and take ownership of day-to-day life.
Cook, dance, sing, play, get involved in all their culture has to offer. Live alongside a community and make a meaningful contribution to an ongoing local initiative – be it conservation efforts or mucking in with school renovation. Share global citizenship.
Tick things off your bucket list! Head for adrenaline activities like volcano boarding, canopy zip wiring or kayaking, explore cultural highlights or just kick back on the beach.
Stop. Take a breath, something amazing just happened. Share your stories, laugh with lifelong friends and flick through the scrapbook. No doubt you’ll carry this experience with you into your first job interview or university.
How will I raise the money?
How am I supported along the way?
Thousands of Challengers do this every year and we’ll share their inspired guides on how to earn it. From part-time jobs like babysitting and car washing to cake sales, curry nights and Christmas cards. We’ve met entrepreneurs, seen real graft and been inspired by ambitious ideas for sponsorship. We’re here to help you do this.
We run meetings at school to prepare you for your trip. We’ll get you working as a team, learning how to budget and sometimes planning aspects of your itinerary. If you do a Training Expedition, you’ll be learning some of the practical skills you need for your trip.
What gear do I need? We’ll provide group equipment like tents, comprehensive medical kits and safety equipment. You will need to provide your own personal kit such as sleeping bag, boots and clothes. We have partnerships with outdoor stores to give you advice and discounts.
Where will I be staying?
How fit do I need to be?
Not in 5 star hotels! Accommodation could be a tent, hostel, hammock or a local homestay. Embrace the experience.
You don’t need to be an Olympian, but yes, it can be tough. Get yourself fit so you can enjoy it even more. Some trips are self-sufficient so teams may need to carry their own backpack and kit.
Questions answered
Who will travel with us?
What will we eat and drink?
Every team is accompanied by an experienced and qualified World Challenge Leader as well as at least one teacher from their school.
Now is your chance to try local cuisine as well as learn to cook for yourself. Most trips will have opportunities to try some self-catering as well as local restaurants. You will purify all your water to make sure it is safe to drink – we will provide you with purification tablets to do this.
How do we get around? Expect planes, trains, taxis, camels, boats and buses with endless opportunities to engage with the locals and soak up the scenery.
If you are applying online please do not fill out this form
Application form Please complete this form using CAPITAL LETTERS written within the boxes. Hand in to your organising teacher when complete. School/College
Year of travel
Challenger details First name
House number
Address Town
Country (if not UK)
Preferred t-shirt size (please cross)
Date of birth
Gender OTHER
Mobile telephone number
Home telephone number
Email address (must be Challenger’s email address) This will be our main point of contact with you, however you can speak to our team on +44 (0)1494 427600 Instagram username (please provide if you’d like to be involved @weareworldchallenge)
@ Please cross this box if the Challenger has any dietary requirements e.g. halal/kosher/vegetarian?
Challenger passport details Passport No. (leave blank if you do not currently have a passport) All First/Given names (as per passport including middle name) Surname (as per passport) Date of issue
Date of expiry
Issuing Authority
Main guardian/parent details Title (please cross) Mr
or other
First name
Relationship to Challenger Home telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Email address (must be different to the Challenger’s email address given above)
If the main guardian lives at a different address to the applicant then please cross this box We will contact you separately to obtain address details.
Second guardian/parent details Title (please cross) Mr
If the second guardian lives at the same address as the applicant, please cross this box
or other
First name
Relationship to Challenger Mobile telephone number
Home telephone number
Email address (must be different to the Challenger and main guardian’s email address given overleaf)
Medical information We require the medical information in this section so that we can ensure the safety of the Challenger. We will pass the information you provide in this section to our insurers, our medical consultant, our emergency medical provider, the school, the adult Leadership team accompanying the Challengers on expedition (our Expedition Leader & the School Leaders), and our activity providers and project hosts in-country. By signing this form you agree to us using this data in the ways described. We cannot process the application without such authorisation. Does the Challenger currently have any medical conditions or objections to declare? Y
Should your situation change at any time regarding medical conditions or medication taken, please inform us immediately. If you fail to inform us of any changes it may invalidate your insurance.
If Yes, please cross the relevant medical conditions from the list below: Allergy (not hay fever)
Back/Joint Problems
Suicidal Ideation
Takes medication for:
Disability (vision, hearing, other)
Bipolar Disorder
Conduct Disorder(s)
Heart Condition
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (not IBS)
Eating Disorder
Hay Fever
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The Challenger has/had other conditions that are not covered by the above. Please provide details: The Challenger has objections to blood transfusions The Challenger has objections to immunisations
The Challenger is unable to swim 50m unaided in a swimming pool
The Challenger has objections to medical treatment whilst on expedition
The Challenger is unable to confidently ride a bicycle
Please write on a separate sheet if necessary, any other matters, ailments, medical conditions or circumstances that are not covered by the above questions which may be relevant in helping World Challenge ensure the safety of the Challenger.
Declaration of Challenger and parental/legal guardian consent a.
I have read, understand and accept the Booking Conditions online. I understand that a World Challenge expedition is physically and mentally demanding and is likely to involve adventurous activities which despite planning and preparation do involve an element of risk, of which I’m willing to accept. I hereby consent to the Challenger participating in the Expedition, including all activities detailed in the Expedition-specific itinerary, in accordance with the Booking Conditions.
All information provided in this form is complete and correct. I agree to notify World Challenge immediately of any changes to that information, including updates and declared medical conditions.
I understand that the insurance obtained by World Challenge does not cover the Challenger in relation to the withdrawal period prior to departure on the Expedition and that World Challenge recommends that Challenger’s obtain their own travel insurance for the period prior to departure.
I acknowledge that participation in the Programme may be subject to medical clearance.
I authorise that the Expedition Leader, Expedition Assistant (if present) and School Leader, nominated by World Challenge, may sign any consent forms for medical treatment for the Challenger during the expedition.
I agree to the Challenger receiving medication, emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment whilst on the expedition, including, but not limited to, Diamox (for high altitude expeditions), anaesthetic and/or blood transfusion as considered necessary by the treating medical authorities.
I agree with World Challenge processing the information contained within this application form in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. If you would like more information on how we handle your data please refer to our privacy policy which can be found online at https://weareworldchallenge.com/uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/05/World-Challange-Privacy-Policy.pdf
Signed and endorsed by legal guardian
Signed by Challenger
(required even if the Challenger is 18 at the time of application)
World Challenge 17 - 21 Queens Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP13 6AQ, UK T: +44 (0)1494 427600 F: +44 (0)1494 444996 E: customersupport@myworldchallenge.com W: www.weareworldchallenge.com World Challenge Expeditions Limited, registered number 2173751.Registered office address at: Origin One, 108 High Street, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1BD
Chq Amt:
Licensed by Commission for Aviation Regulation as a Tour Operator. License number 232
“World Challenge creates incredible adventures with comprehensive safety procedures that allow me to encourage and inspire the Challengers. The best reward possible is getting to seeing their personal growth through the trip.” Adam, Leader
TRUST us We’ve spent 30 years preparing for your expedition and our focus on safety never stands still. We’re proud of ongoing investment in the continued development of our operational support for teams in the field. Our depth of provision is what sets us apart. Head to our website to learn more.
Our industry-leading Operations Centre is equipped with technology which puts our global medical and support networks at the touch of a button. On hand 24 hours a day, we support teams with any incident or emergency. If there is need for a diversion, we will arrange an alternative destination at no additional cost to families. We operate in line with Government travel advice and intelligence from our private security consultants, allowing us to proactively monitor security in all of our destinations. Meanwhile, our approach to risk includes an in-depth evaluation of activity providers in every destination to help safeguard teams.
Our carefully selected and trained Leaders are supported by the latest satellite communications equipment.
Pre-departure Support
Our ground teams are a key point of contact whilst in country, sharing intimate knowledge of their destination and giving us effective access to local networks and support.
Our dedicated team are waiting to answer any questions you may have about your trip, from kit lists to support on how to earn your fee. With personal access to our online portal, you’ve got bespoke advice and information for your trip at your finger tips. Want to speak to someone who has done all this before? Let us put you in touch with a past participant.
Mandy, Malaysia
It starts here “I learned to do things rather than say no to new experiences, it’s made my life that little bit richer” Amy Chapman, Challenger
Read our Terms and Conditions Complete your application Pay your first instalment Join your first team meeting
Questions? Get in touch +44 (0)1494 427600 customersupport@myworldchallenge.com www.weareworldchallenge.com