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Health And Safety Notice

The Racecourse would be grateful if racegoers would observe all Health and Safety requirements whilst at Huntingdon Racecourse. The Emergency Exits from the Bars onto the Grandstand steppings are painted yellow and we would appreciate it if Racegoers would not stop in this area. We would also be grateful if only those that are Disabled use the Disabled Viewing Ramp and that parents keep a close eye on children and prevent them from climbing on the running rails and getting onto the actual racecourse. We would also like to remind racegoers that the FIRST AID room is located on the ground floor of the Cromwell Stand. Public access is prohibited to the Centre Course.

Racehorse & Jockey Welfare

The welfare of the sport’s equine and human participants is paramount to British Horseracing. All racehorses competing in Britain are stabled at the premises of trainers who are licensed by The British Horseracing Authority. The standards demanded by The BHA of licensed racehorse trainers far exceed those prescribed by animal welfare legislation. The British Horseracing Authority similarly licenses every racecourse, setting high standards for the racing surface and all parts of the course used by competitors, both human and equine. BHA Officials ensure that racecourses delivers these standards. In addition Huntingdon Racecourse employs three veterinary surgeons, whose sole responsibility it is to provide care to the horses throughout their time at the racecourse. In the event of an incident on the racecourse, any horse affected will receive immediate treatment from the racecourse’s veterinary team. Qualified paramedics and doctors are also on hand in the case of any incident vinvolving a jockey. If any incident occurs during a race it is routine practice for screens to be erected around the horse or jockey receiving treatment. This is to allow the veterinary or medical personnel to make a safe and accurate diagnosis and so that they may perform any treatment in a private and calm environment. If necessary, horses and riders will be transported from the course to receive further treatment at the nearest equine hospital or Accident & Emergency hospital.


Racegoers please note it is not permitted to take photographs on racecourses except within the areas normally open to the public. Amateur photographers must ensure that they do not intrude upon areas used by professional photographers. Flash photography is not permitted in any circumstances.


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