22 minute read
PRE-EMBAR KATI O N, M ED I CATI O N D ECLARATI O N AND I NSPECTIO N All trainers must complete medication declaration forms MDF1 (A & B) and the Veterinary Information document(provided)forinvitedhorsespriortoshipping. There is a continuation form MDF 2 which will need to be completed for any further treatments given to the horse after completion of MDF 1 and upon arrival into thequarantinebarn.IFNOMEDICATIONSHAVE BEEN ADMINISTERED A NIL RETURN IS STILL REQUIRED FOR BOTH FORMS. P OTENTIALLY LON G ACTIN G M ED I CATI O N S Any of the following long acting medications administered within six (6) months prior to departure for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) are to be recorded on MDF1A: bisphosphonates, including “Tildren”, corticosteroids, hormones, procaine penicillin and any other depot preparations and implants. The trade name, generic drug name, dose, route of administration and last date of administration must be recorded on the form. A nil return is required if no long-acting medications have been administered. ALL OTH ER M ED ICATIO N S All other medications should be noted on MDF1B when administered within four weeks (28 days) of the horse departing for the KSA, even if the medication is not considered to be a prohibited substance in your home country. A nil return is required if no medication has been administered. I NSPECTIO N/HI STORY 1. The Pre-Travel Veterinary History Declaration The veterinary history declaration must: • Disclose all relevant recent veterinary history including routine and ongoing medications; • Disclose previous episodes of the appearance of blood at both nostrils; • Disclose previous episodes of cardiac arrhythmias including atrial fibrillation; • Provide details of previous surgeries performed including but not limited to orthopaedic fracture repair and upper respiratory tract surgeries; and • If appropriate, provide diagnostic images to document known pre-existing conditions and abnormalities. • Confirm that the influenza vaccination is compliant with the requirements for the Saudi Cup races and travel requirements. 2. The Veterinary Inspection (TREATING VET) This is to be completed between 5 and 10 days prior to departure by the regular treating veterinarian. This is to be recorded on the veterinary information certificate provided and returned to vet@thesaudicup.com.sa - The report is to include assessment of: • Generalhealthandfreedomfromevidenceofinfectious or contagious diseases • Palpation of the musculoskeletal system. • An examination in hand including a trot-up on a firm level surface. • A video recording of the trot up both away from and towards the camera on a loose rein examined on a firm and level surface. This is to be forwarded to the veterinary team via WhatsApp or email using these contact details. +966 55 1500 523 or vet@thesaudicup.com.sa
© JCSA/Douglas DeFelice
© JCSA/Mahmoud Khalid
3. The Veterinary Inspection (APPOINTED VET) All invited horses will also be subject to a pre-travel veterinary inspection by a JCSA approved veterinary surgeon before its departure to the KSA, irrespective of the country in which the horse is located at the time. Every effort will be made to complete this inspection within the 5-day window prior to departure. The purpose of this inspection is to ensure that the horse is not suffering from any apparent problems, which could possibly: • Jeopardise its chances of competing in its race • Have an adverse effect on its performance in its race • Cause it to finish lame or suffer an injury during the race • Adversely affect its health during travel The inspection, as a minimum, requires the horse to be trotted inhand on a firm flat surface and to undergo palpation of its locomotor structures, and include an inspection of its feet and the manner in which it is shod. Elective testing will be available to connections wishing to pre-test their horses prior to shipment, this will be covered at their own expense. Upon arrival into KSA, all horses will have blood and hair samples taken for analysis for prohibited substances, including those substances that are prohibited at all times and those that are considered to have a legitimate therapeutic use. 4. The Veterinary Inspection (IN RIYADH) All horses competing in the Saudi Cup race meeting (Saturday 20th Feb 2021) to include the horses running in the International Jockeys Challenge races and Saudi International Handicap (Friday 19th Feb 2021) will be subject to veterinary inspections prior to their race by a JCSA appointed veterinarian. The examination will include a trot up in handon afirm levelsurfaceandmayalsoinclude an examination under tack at the trot. Routine exercise will be monitored by the appointed JCSA appointed veterinarian. Further examination procedures may be performed to help assess the musculoskeletal system to quantify potential risk. Connections of all horses are obliged to cooperate with this process. The club reserves the right to refuse any horse to run if it is deemed a risk to itself, other horses in the field, riders or the public. PRO HI BITED SUBSTAN CES AND M ED ICATIO N RULES All horses will be subject to testing for “prohibited substances ” in accordance with the requirements set out in Article 6 of the International Agreement of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities (IFHA), and as bound by the Racing Rules of the Jockey Club of Saudi Arabia (JCSA Rules). Horses are tested for the presence of “prohibited substances ” through the routine collection of both pre-and post-race blood and urine samples. A prohibited substance is considered to be any substance that is capable of acting directly or indirectly on any of the mammalian body systems, consistent with the model definition in Article 6 of the IFHA International Agreement. A prohibited substance means a substance (including its metabolites, isomers and artifacts) which falls into any of the categories specified in these rules and/or as listed by JCSA from time to time.
The JCSA gives notice that the following are prohibited substances: (1) Substances capable at any time of causing either directly or indirectly an action or effect, or both an action and effect, within one or more of the following mammalian body systems:(a) the nervous system (e) the urinary system (i) the immune system, except for (b) the cardiovascular system (f) the reproductive system licensed vaccines (j) the endocrine system (c) the respiratory system (g) the musculoskeletal system (k) endocrine secretions and their (d) the digestive system (h) the blood system synthetic counterparts
(2) Substances falling within, but not limited to, the following categories: acidifying agents antinauseants hormones) and their synthetic adrenergic blocking agents antineoplastic agents counterparts adrenergic stimulants antipsychotic agents hypnotics agents affecting calcium and bone antipyretics hypoglycaemic agents metabolism antirheumatoid agents hypolipidaemic agents alcohols antispasmodic agents immunomodifiers alkalinising agents antithrombotic agents masking agents anabolic agents antitussive agents muscle relaxants anaesthetic agents bloodcoagulants narcotic analgesics analgesics antiangina agents antianxiety agents antiarrhythmic agents anticholinergic agents bronchodilators bronchspasm relaxants buffering agents central nervous system cholinergic agents stimulants neuromuscular agents plasma volume expanders respiratory stimulants sedatives stimulants sympathomimetic amines anticoagulants corticosteroids tranquillisers anticonvulsants depressants vasodilators antidepressants diuretics vasopressor agents antiemetics erectile dysfunction agents vitamins administered by injection antifibrinolytic agents fibrinolytic agents oxygen carriers antihistamines haematopoietic agents agents that directly or indirectly antihypertensive agents haemostatic agents affect or manipulate gene anti-inflammatory agents hormones (including trophic expression
(3) Metabolites, artifacts and isomers of the Prohibited Substancesprescribed by Sub-Rules (1) and (2) ofthis Rule. Threshold levels The JCSA gives notice that the following substances are 0.055 microgram free and conjugated testosterone per also deemed to be prohibited substances when present millilitre in urine from fillies and mares (unless in foal) above these thresholds: Only levelsabove the thresholds shall be taken as positive. • Prednisolone - 0.01 microgram free prednisolone per For the purpose of the Saudi Cup Races, the following millilitre in urine classifications also apply: • Total carbon dioxide – see section on TC02 testing and Substances prohibited at all times: alkanising agents below Substances that have no legitimate justification for use • Arsenic – 0.3 microgram total arsenic per millilitre in in racehorses at any time under a zero-tolerance policy. urine They include but are not limited to: • Total cobalt at a mass concentration of 0.1 micrograms • Non-approved substances - any substance not per millilitre in urine or 0.025 microgram total cobalt addressed by any of the subsequent classes of (free and protein bound) per millilitre in plasma substances, and which has no current approval by • Boldenone – 0.015 micrograms free and conjugated any government regulatory authority for veterinary boldenone per millilitre in urine from male horses use, or any substance not universally recognised by (other than geldings) veterinary regulatory authorities as valid veterinary • Dimethyl sulphoxide – 15 micrograms per millilitre in therapeutic treatment. urine or 1 microgram per millilitre in plasma • Anabolic agents: • In male horses other than geldings, 0.045 microgram (a) anabolic androgenic steroids free and glucuroconjugated 5α-estrane-3β, 17α-diol (b) other anabolic agents, including but not limited to per millilitre in urine when, at the screening stage, the selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) free and glucuroconjugated 5α-estrane-3β, 17α-diol (c) beta-2 agonists, unless the substance is prescribed by exceeds the free and glucuroconjugated 5(10)-estrene- a veterinarian as a bronchodilator at the appropriate dose 3β, 17α-diol in urine • Peptide hormones, growth factors and related • Hydrocortisone – 1 microgram hydrocortisone per substances: • • millilitre in urine Methoxytyramine – 4 micrograms free and conjug 3-methoxytyramine per millilitre in urine Salicylic acid – 750 micrograms salicylic acid ated per (a) erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, including but not limited to erythropoietin (EPO), epoetin alfa, epoetin beta, darbepoetin alfa, and methoxypolyethylene glycolepoetin beta, peginesatide, hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) stabilisers and HIF activators millilitre in urine or 6.5 micrograms per millilitre in (b) growth hormones and growth hormone releasingplasma factors, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), and other • Testosterone – 0.02 microgram free and conjugated growth factors testosterone per millilitre in urine from geldings, or (c) synthetic proteins and peptides and synthetic 100 picograms free testosterone per millilitre in plasma analogues of endogenous proteins and peptides not from geldings, fillies and mares (unless in foal), or registered for medical or veterinary use
• Hormones and metabolic modulators: (a) aromatase inhibitors (b) selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMS) and other anti-estrogenic substances (c) agents modifying myostatin function, including but not limited to myostatin inhibitors (d) insulins (e) peroxisome proliferator activated receptor δ (PPARδ) agonists, including but not limited to GW 1516 (f) AMPK activators, including but not limited to AICAR (5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-Dribofuranoside) (g) other agents that directly or indirectly affect or manipulate gene expression. • Allostericeffectorsofhaemoglobin,includingbutnot limited to ITPP (myo-inositol trispyrophosphate) • Venoms of any species or derivatives thereof • Oxygen carriers • Anyothersubstanceswithasimilarchemicalstructure or similar biological effect(s) to the substances listed above. Substances with a legitimate therapeutic use: This category includes substances that are “prohibited substances ” but which are not included in the list of substances which are prohibited at all times. They are permitted for use on a horse in training but cannot be detected in a race day sample. These substances include anti-inflammatory agents licensed for use in horses, and other medications used in the legitimate management of conditions during training. Relevant international screening limits (ISLs) for therapeutic substances in urine and plasma will apply during the screening of samples from horses competing in Saudi Cup Races. (See: https://www.ifhaonline.org/ default.asp?section=IABRW&area=1 and https://www. ifhaonline.org/default.asp?section=IABRW&area=6 ) The JCSA also accepts the following Asian Screening Limits for controlling Firocoxib, Ketoprofen and Dantrolene in plasma: * Firocoxib: 2ng/mL in plasma. * Dantrolene: 0.1 ng/mL of 5-hydroxydantrolene in plasma. * Ketoprofen: 2 ng/mL in plasma under the condition of a single IV or oral dose. The JCSA also accepts the IFHA residue limits for the control of Feed Contaminants and Environmental Substances as set out at: https://www.ifhaonline.org/ default.asp?section=IABRW&area=18 TCO2 testing and alkalinising agents The JCSA has stringent procedures for the testing of total carbon dioxide (TCO2) in blood samples taken pre-race. There are clear restrictions on the prerace administration of alkalinising agents which are highlighted in the Notices section of the JCSA Rules and set out below. The following TCO2 testing procedures will apply for horses competing in the Saudi Cup races: • Horses will be tested for TCO2 pre-race. • Horses will be sampled 45-50 minutes before race time – blood is taken and where analysis shows that a horse has a level of between 36 mmol/L and 37 mmol/L, a second test is taken 10 minutes later. • If the second test is equal to or above 37 mmol/L the horse is scratched. A third test is taken 30 minutes later and if the TCO2 level is below the permitted level, no penalty is imposed on the trainer. • A horse sent for a third test will also be sent for blood sampling which will be taken in the normal manner to that which is already done on a race day under a secure chain of custody and this sample will be sent for further testing for prohibited substances.
JCSA Rules Notice ALKALINISING AGENTS 1) A person must not administer an alkalinising agent, in any manner, to a horse which is engaged to run in any race. 2) Any person who: a) administers an alkalinising agent; b) attempts to administer an alkalinising agent; c) causes an alkalinising agent to be administered; and/or d) is a party to the administration of, or an attempt to administer, an alkalinising agent, contrary to Article 119 commits an offence and may be penalised. 3) Where the Stewards are satisfied that a horse has, or is likely to have been, administered any alkalinising agent contrary to Article 119, the Stewards may prevent the horse from starting in any relevant race. 4) Where a horse has been administered any alkalinising agent contrary to Article 119, the horse may be disqualified from any relevant race in which the horse competed. 5) For the purposes of Article 119, ‘alkalinising agent’: a) means any substance that may elevate the plasma total carbon dioxide (TCO2) of a horse when administered by any route; b) includes but is not limited to substances that are bicarbonates,citrates,succinates,acetates,propionates, maleates, lactates and trometamol (THAM, Tris
Buffer or Trometamine) and also include products marketed as urinary alkalinisers and hind gut buffers; c) does not include substances: that are alkalinising agents which are contained in commercial feeds and/or balanced commercial electrolyte supplements which when fed and consumed according to the manufacturers ’ recommendations for normal daily use have a negligible effect on plasma TCO2. Specific requirements regarding bisphosphonates The following Notice appears in the JCSA Rules: Any bisphosphonate is not to be administered to a racehorse: • under the age of three years and six months as determined by its recorded date of birth; and • on the day of the race or on any of the 30 days before the day of the race in which the horse is declared to run. The bisphosphonate product administered must be licensed for use in horses in the country in which it is being used and be administered in accordance with the label instructions. There must be a diagnosis determined by a veterinary surgeon that supports the use of a bisphosphonate as an appropriate treatment, and such treatment must be administered by a veterinary surgeon. Other restrictions • Nebulisers are not allowed on race day. • Horses must not have been administered extracorporeal shockwave therapy on the day of the race or on any five days before the day of the race in which the horse is declared to run. • No medication will be permitted on race day. • Throat flushes, no matter how innocuous their ingredients, are not accepted. • The application of ice or chilled water to, or the use of whirlpoolbootsorsimilarsystemsonmusculoskeletal structures are only permitted in the trainers ’ stables on the morning of the race day, but are not permitted once the horse arrives in the race day stalls on the racecourse prior to the horse running in a race. For further information on prohibited substances, treatment and medication, please contact JCSA veterinary officers: Dr Mike Shepherd E-mail: mike.shepherd@rossdales.com Dr Guy Alexander E-mail: galexander@hesaudicup.com.sa
PENALTIES 1. Any person shall be liable to penalty if: (a) they administer or cause to be administered any prohibited substance to a horse for the purpose of affecting its performance in a race, or any test. (b) they administer or cause to be administered any prohibitedsubstancewhichisdetectedinanysample from any horse prior to or following any race, or test. 2. Any trainer or other person in charge of a horse, which is presented to race or perform a test, or has raced or performed a test which is found (upon analysis) to have had administered to it a prohibited substance, shall be liable to a penalty. 3. The stewards may direct that samples taken from a horse pursuant be stored, in whole or in part and shall be disposed of only as directed. 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of the rules, the stewards may direct that a stored sample, in whole or in part, be submitted or resubmitted for any test to determine whether any prohibited substance was at the relevant time present in the system of the horse from which the sample was taken. 5. A person shall not attempt to stomach tube (nasogastric tube), a horse nominated for a race or within one (1) clear day of the commencement of the race. No nasogastric tube is allowed to be brought into the racecourse stables on the day of the race. 6. A Person shall not attempt to use, or use an atomiser (nebuliser), face mask or other device for the administration of a prohibited substance to a horse nominated for a race within one (1) clear day of the commencement of the race. 7. The use of physical treatments such as acupuncture, ultrasound therapy, laser therapies and hyperbaric oxygen therapies are prohibited within one (1) clear day of the commencement of the race. The horse must not have been administered extracorporeal shockwave therapy on the day of the race or any of the five days before the day of the race. 8. Nopersonshalladministerorcausetobeadministered any medication to a horse on race day prior to such horse running in a race. 9. The stewards may order the withdrawal from a race any horse that has received any medication in contravention of these rules. 10. Where it is established subsequent to a horse competing in a race, that the horse had received medication, it may be disqualified from the race. For the purpose of these rules, medication means any treatment with drugs, prohibited substances or other substances.
SAM PLES 1. Samples taken from horses in pursuance of the powers conferred on the stewards shall be analysed by an accredited racing laboratory approved by the JCSA. 2. Upon the detection by an accredited racing laboratory of a prohibited substance in a sample from a horse, such laboratory shall notify its finding to the stewards, who shall then notify the trainer of the horse of such finding and give him the option to have the reserve portion of the sample tested at another
JCSA-approved accredited racing laboratory. The trainer will have three days to notify the stewards of such requirement. A refusal by the trainer to test the reserve portion of the sample shall not prevent the stewards from having the reserve portion of the sample tested. 3. In the event of the other accredited racing laboratory detecting the same prohibited substance in the reserve portion of the sample, the certified findings of both accredited racing laboratories shall be conclusive evidence that a prohibited substance has been administered to the horse from which the sample was taken. 4. In the event that a confirmatory analysis is not requested, the findings of the accredited racing laboratory shall be conclusive evidence that a prohibited substance had been administered to the horse from which the sample was taken. 5. Notwithstanding anything contained in (1), (2), (3) and (4), the stewards may where samples are to be analysed for the plasma total carbon dioxide concentration (TCO₂) of a horse, send two samples for immediate analysis to an accredited racing laboratory.
D ETECTI ON TIM ES The published detection times are not the period of time that the medication should be withheld. “Detection Time” is a piece of information released by racing authorities to stakeholders to assist professionals (veterinarians) to recommend a withdrawal time for a given horse. This allows the veterinarians to apply good veterinarypracticeintheuseoftherapeuticsubstancesto treat racehorses. The overall process provides a fair and effective approach for controlling substances commonly usedfortreatingracehorses andallowstheeight member nations of the EHSLC to harmonise on the control of these substances through agreed limits of the sensitivity of screening procedures for raceday samples. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DETECTION TIMES SHOULD NOT BE CONFUSED WITH WITHDRAWAL TIME NB – An adequate safety margin should be added to the detection time. Trainers must liaise with treating vets at home and if necessary with the JCSA vets involved with the Saudi Cup in Riyadh. https://www.ehslc.com/images/uploads/documents/ EHSLC _ DETECTI ON_TIMES _(updated _ June_2019).pdf
D ETECTI ON TIM ES NB – An adequate safety margin should be added to the detection time. Trainers must liaise with treating vets at home and in Riyadh.
Acepromazine Sedalin® Vetoquinol UK Ltd 0.15mg/kg, single dose Oral (6) 72
Altrenogest Regumate® Equine MS Health D Animal 2.2mg/kg for 10 days, once daily Oral (4) 288*
Butorphanol Torbugesic® Fort Dod Health Ltd ge Animal 100μg/kg, single dose i.v. (6) 72 Butyl Scopolamin Dipyrone (Metamizole) e/ Buscopan™ Compositum Boehringer Ingelheim 0.2mg dipy /kg butyl scopolamine/ 25mg/k rone (Metamizole), single dose g i.v. (6) 72 Butyl scopolamine Buscopan® Boehringer Ingelheim 0.3mg/kg, single dose i.v. (6) ≤48^
Carprofen Rimadyl® Pfizer Ltd 0.7mg/kg, single dose i.v. (6) 264
Cetirizine Allacan® (Bristol Ltd) Laboratories 190mg twice daily for 4.5 days (9 doses) Oral (‡ see note) (2) 96 Ventipulmin™ Syrup (25
Clenbuterol micrograms/ml) Boehringer 1.6μg/kg/day for 10 Days, once daily Oral (6) 312 Ingelheim Ventipulmin™ Injection (30
Clenbuterol micrograms/ml) Boehringer 0.3μg/kg/day for 5 Days, once daily Nebulised** (6) 144 Ingelheim
Dantrolene Dantrium® 500mg for 3 days, once daily Oral (‡see note) (12) ≤48^
Dembrexine Sputolysin® Boehringer Ingelheim 0.3mg/kg, 9 doses at 12h intervals Oral (6) 96
Detomidine Domosedan® Orion Finland Pharma, 0.02mg/kg, single dose i.v. (10) ≤48^
Detomidine/ Butorphanol Domosedan® Janssen Pfizer Torbugesic® 10μg/kg followed after 5 kg Torbugesic®, minut single es with dose 25μg/ i.v. (6) 72
Dexamethason isonicotinate e Voren® Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd 0.03mg/kg, single dose (15ml/500kg horse) i.m (6) 336 Dexamethasone sodium phosphate Dexadreson® Intervet UK Ltd 0.06mg/kg, single dose (15ml/500kg horse) i.v. (6) 120
Dipyrone Vetalgin® Intervet Deutschland GmbH 30mg/kg, single dose i.v.(10) 72 Eltenac Telzenac® Schering Animal Plough Health 0.5mg/kg for 5 days Daily i.v.(6) , once 192
Firocoxib Equioxx® Merial 100μg/kg for 7 days, once daily Oral (20) 360 (15 days)
Flunixin Finadyne® Schering Plough 1mg/kg, single dose i.v. (4) 144
Furosemide Dimazon™ Intervet 1mg/kg, single dose i.v. (6) ≤48^
Hydroxyzine Atarax® (Alliance Pharmaceuticals Ltd) 500mg twice daily for 4.5 days (9 doses) Oral (‡ see note) (6) 96
Ipratropium Atrovent™ nebuli solution sation for (0.5 day mg /ml) Boehringer for 3 Days, once dail Ingelheim 5. y (16.5μg/kg 5μg/kg/ in total) Nebulised** (‡ [MDI-S see note) pacer] (6) 120 [168]
Ketoprofen Ketofen® Merial Animal Health Ltd 2.2mg/kg for 5 days daily i.v.(6) , once 96 300mg/15mL, single dose
Lidocaine Norocaine® Norbrook Laboratories 60mg/3mL, single dose s/c 72 (6) s/c (6) Meclofenamic acid Not commercially available. Sigma (†see footnote) 2.2mg/kg/single see note) Dos (6) e i.v. (‡ ≤48^
Meclofenamic acid Dynoton Biov Arques, e Labora France tory 4mg/kg for 5 days, once daily Oral (‡see note) (6) 120
Meloxicam Metacam® Boehringer Ingelheim 0.6mg/kg for 14 days, once daily Oral (8) 72
Mepivacaine Intra-Epicaine® Arnold Products Ltd s Vet 2mL/40mg, single dose (0.07 –0.09mg/kg) s/c to lateral as limb pec (6) t of distal 72
Mepivacaine Intra-Epicaine® Arnold Products Ltd s Vet 8mL/160mg, single dose (0.28 –0.36mg/kg) s/c neck (6) 72
Misoprostol Cytotec® 5μg/kg for 14 days, twice daily Oral (‡see note) (6) ≤48^
Naproxen Naprosyn™ Roche 10mg/kg for 5 days, once daily Oral (‡see note) (6) >360 (15 days)
Omeprazole Gastrogard® 37% Merial oral Paste 1mg/kg for 28 days, once daily Oral (*see note) ≤48^ Equipazolone® Arnolds Vet 4.7mg/kg for 5 days, twice daily Oral (2) Products Ltd i.v.(6)
Phenylbutazone Phenylarthrite™ Vetoquinol SA 8.8mg/kg, single dose Oral (6) 168 8.8mg/kg for 1 day, twice daily followed by; Equipazolone® Intervet SA 4.4mg/kg for 10 days, twice daily Oral (6)
Prednisolone Prednidale® 25mg Dechra 1mg/kg, single dose Oral (6) ≤48^ be Procaine nzylpenicillin Depocillin® MSD Animal Health 12mg/kg for 5 days, once or twice daily i.m. (4) 240
Romifidine Sedivet® Boehringer Ingelheim 80μg/kg, single dose i.v. (8) 60
Romifidine/ Butorphanol Sedivet®Boehringer Inge Torbugesic® Pfizer lheim 60μg/kg followed after 5 kg Torbugesic®, minutes with single dose 25μg/ i.v. (6) 72
Salbutamol Ventolin Evohaler® Hansburys Allen & 5×100μg actuat hourly ions dosi pe ng r dose for 2 during day days at 4 Inhaled via a pMDI throug a spacer into nostrils (‡see note) (6) h 72
Vedaprofen Quadrisol® Intervet SA 2mg/kg, single dose i.v. (6) 96
Salmeterol* Serevent® Evohaler GSK 0.1mg (4x 25μg/actuati twice on da pe ily r dose) for 5 days, Administered via Metered Dose Inhaler plus EquiHaler® (Kruse) device (‡see note)(6) ad ≤48hours, not yet agreed internationally but to be opted as interim by the BHA
Xylazine Chanazine® Chane Health lle Animal 0.4mg/kg, single dose i.v. (6) 72 † † Prepared according to Johansson et al Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Analysis (1986) 4, 2 171-179.
* Calculated from several studies involving differing numbers of horses.
** This 5 day advice relates to true nebulisation.
‡ These products are licenced human medications and therefore should be used in accordance with Veterinary Medicine Regulations guidance on the use
of the cascade, including precautions to ensure human safety.
^ The JCSA requires that a prohibited substance may not be given on the day of a race.
Therefore, no detection times less than 48 hours will be advised by the JCSA’.
© JCSA/Neville Hopwood
RIYADH EQUINE HOSPITAL Our new equine hospital consists of two theatres and 29 boxes. The hospital and its staff are capable of performing elective and emergency surgeries including fracture repair and colic surgery. Radiography, ultrasonography, and endoscopy, including gastroscopy are also available. Tel: +966 112540162