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Small Print
Abandoned Racing
In the event of racing being abandoned, refunds on badges and tickets purchased will only be paid in the following circumstances. a) before the first race - 100% refund. b) before the completion of three races - 50% refund. c) therafter - no refund applies. Refunds cannot be made on racedays. To obtain a refund, racegoers who purchased their admission on the day should send the ticket they were given on entrance with their full name and address to: York Racecourse, York, YO23 1EX within 30 days.Racegoers who booked in advance direct with the track and so paid by card will receive an automatic refund. A similar process will apply for those who paid in advance by cheque. Please visit the racecourse website www.yorkracecourse.co.uk for more information.
Alcohol And Public Order
The Racecourse takes its responsibilities under Licensing Laws very seriously and puts in place training and measures to exceed these obligations. Racegoers are urged to drink responsibly. Alcohol cannot be brought into the stands side enclosures. York Racecourse reserves the right to expel any person found to be drunk or behaving in a disorderly manner. The “Challenge 25” initiative will be in operation to ensure that only those aged 18 and over are served with alcohol. Thank you for your support of this obligation.
Please feel free to take a souvenir photo of your day. However we would remind you that the preparation and performance of the sport must be ensured, so please note:1. Kindly refrain from flash photography. 2. Avoid taking photos in restricted areas used by the sporting professionals i.e. Saddling Boxes, Stables, Unsaddling Boxes & Weighing Room. 3. Respect the privacy of others.
Cigarettes and e-cigarettes
The current smoking legislation regarding smoking in public places applies at the racecourse. The use of e-cigarettes is permitted, however they will be treated the same as tobacco products.
Common Courtesy/Entry Conditions
All persons visiting York Racecourse are admitted subject to Racecourse Regulations and the Rules of Racing. The Racecourse reserves the right to refuse admission or remove from the racecourse any person refusing to comply with the Rules and Regulations or whose presence is a source of danger or annoyance to others. A full set of entry rules can be viewed at www.yorkracecourse.co.uk.
Racegoers are requested to leave their pets including all dogs at home. Guide and Assistance dogs are welcome.
First Aid
There are first aid posts in the Edwardian Weighing Room, other such buildings have been designated as isolation rooms, should they be required.
Dress Standards
Most racegoers like to make racing at York a special occasion and choose to dress accordingly. Gentlemen in the County Stand are required to wear a jacket, collared shirt and tie. Trainers, tailored shorts and jeans have always been accepted. All racegoers are reminded that the removal of shirts is not encouraged and that basic decency and not causing offence to fellow racegoers by clothing choices, is required. York Racecourse reserves the right to refuse or, to require anyone to leave who does not observe the above code.
A zero tolerance policy on drug abuse is in force, be warned, North Yorkshire Police and our own team are watching with some canine help, sniffing.
Racegoers are requested to place all litter in the receptacles provided. If you do not need your racecard please place it in a bin as you leave the racecourse.
So that the horses have the best chance to perform and so your fellow racegoers have the opportunity to enjoy them please do not cause any distractions; the waving of flags or banners, use of radios or making of sudden noises are examples of things to avoid. Racegoers are reminded of Public Health England advice that shouting increases the risk of the spread of diseases, so to consider wearing your face covering when part of a cheering crowd.
Parade Ring
For safety reasons children under the age of twelve are not permitted into the Parade Ring or Unsaddling Enclosure.
Photo Finishes And Stewards’ Enquiries/Objections
In any race where Photo Finish has been called by the Judge, this information will be displayed on the Giant Screen. An announcement will also be broadcast. Race Results and Photographs will also be displayed on the York Racecourse television monitors.
Radios and Mobile Telephones
The use of all types of communication equipment is strictly controlled at all racecourses. Members of the public may not use two-way radios, scanning receivers etc., for any purpose at the racecourse.
Track Safety
For your own safety and the welfare of the horses, jockeys and stable staff please keep off the track. Anyone trespassing on the track: Will be liable to arrest and prosecution Will be ejected immediately Will be banned from all future York race meetings May face a nationwide racecourse ban