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Home Module • View recent user’s data (Emails, Calls and Meetings) and calendar.

Emails • That allows the employees to access their online e-mail inbox and folders. Employees can compose new e-mails through the CRM and send them to accounts (sub contacts are included) or for any contact on the system • You can navigate to it from this icon on the header • 1- Inbox • a. View email. • b. Delete email. • c. Star email. • d. Check Email is to synchronize with your email account server.


Emails 2- Sent a. View email. b. Delete email. c. Star email.

3- Draft a. View email. b. Delete email. c. Star email. d. Edit email and sent it.

4- Archived a. View email. b. Delete email.

5- Compose a. To, CC, BCC, Subject, Message and attach files


Emails 6- Settings a. Check email period enable user to manual/auto check his emails every 5, 10, 30 minutes or 1houre. b. Emails per page: that enable user to change the number of emails that appears in page. c. Outgoing mail is your current email d. Outgoing password is your current account password e. Outgoing server is the email client server f. Outgoing port g. Show (Inbox, Outbox, Draft, Archive)


Emails 7- My Emails a. Show list of my resisted emails.

b. Add email account

Emails 7- My Emails a. Show list of my resisted emails.

b. Add email account c. Edit email account d. View email account

Emails e. Search email accounts You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Email, Server, name, active and …etc.). f. Delete email account You can delete the current email account, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will unlike the email account from your email server and delete the email messages from our system, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen.

Manage Reminder Module Reminder module will allow the employees to schedule reminders to be sent to them or to the clients about a meeting, payment or any data for that reminder. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header 1- Schedule Meeting a. Add the meeting details (Subject, status, start date, end date, description and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Assigned to user. d. Make this meeting recurrence (None/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly)

Manage Reminder Module

Manage Reminder Module 2- Schedule Call a. Add the meeting details (Subject, status, start date, duration, description and …etc.). b. Add multi teams, contacts, users, leads. c. Assigned to user. d. Add invited to the call by (First name, last name, email) and also to the system as contact or lead. e. Make this meeting recurrence (None/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly)

Manage Reminder Module

Manage Tasks Module Tasks module allows the managers and admin to add tasks for employees. Once the task is been added and assigned to specific employee or group. The task will appear on their account after they login to know what should they do and the work assigned to them. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header Â

Manage Tasks Module Tasks menu: 1- List all Tasks 2- Add new Task

Manage Tasks Module 1- Add new task a. Add the task details (Subject, Priority, status, start date, end date, description and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Assigned to user. d. Assigned to contact.

Manage Tasks Module 2- Edit current task As you can add task you can also edit current task data.

Manage Tasks Module 3- View task details a. After add or edit the task you can view the task details via the view page

Manage Tasks Module 4- Delete task You can delete the current task, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” nothing will happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Subject, contact name, Priority, status, start date and due date.).

Manage Occasions Module You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Occasion’s menu: 1- List all occasions 2- Add new occasion

Manage Occasions Module 1- Add new occasion a. Add the occasion details (Name, date, type, contact, subject and body). b. Mark the occasion to send by email or SMS or both. c. Add multi teams. d. Assigned to user.

Manage Occasions Module 2- Edit current occasion As you can add occasion you can also edit current occasion data.

Manage Occasions Module 3- View occasion details a. After add or edit the occasion you can view the occasion details via the view page

Manage Occasions Module 4- Delete occasion You can delete the current occasion, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, date, type, contact and user).

Today Module This module shows today all events, meetings, calls, tasks and occasions on the calendar. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header You can navigate into calendar next and previous and show calendar monthly or weekly

Manage Documents Module Document module will be available for employees to upload the documents related to any customer or account. They also can add a document for any other module as reference for later revisions. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Manage Documents Module Documents menu: 1- List all Documents 2- Add new Document

Manage Documents Module 1- Add new document a. Add the document details (Browse file, document name, status, publish date, expire date and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Can make this document template or not. d. Assigned to user.

Manage Documents Module 2- Edit current document As you can add document you can also edit current document data.

Manage Documents Module 3- View document details a. After add or edit the document you can view the document details via the view page

Manage Documents Module 4- Delete document You can delete the current document, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (document name, status, publish date, expire date, user and …etc.).

Manage Notes Module Under all accounts, contact, campaign and opportunity there will be a note to save any other data for them; the note module will specify what type of data should be added. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Manage Notes Module Notes menu: 1- List all notes 2- Add new note

Manage Notes Module 1- Add new note a. Add the note details (Subject, contact, attachment, description and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. View in portal or note. d. Assigned to user.

Manage Notes Module 2- Edit current note As you can add note you can also edit current note data.

Manage Notes Module 3- View note details a. After add or edit the note you can view the note details via the view page

Manage Notes Module 4- Delete note You can delete the current note, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Subject, contact, attachment, user and …etc.).

Manage Classification Module This module will be added under all modules to save its classification on the system (as requested from the client) You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Manage Classification Module Classifications menu: 1- List all classifications 2- Add new classification

1- Add new classification a. Add the classification details (Title, module, description and active.).

Manage Classification Module 2- Edit current classification As you can add classification you can also edit current classification data. 3- View classification details a. After add or edit the classification you can view the classification details via the view page

Manage Classification Module 2- Edit current classification As you can add classification you can also edit current classification data. 3- View classification details a. After add or edit the classification you can view the classification details via the view page

Manage Classification Module 4- Delete classification You can delete the current classification, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Title, Account name, Email and …etc.).

Manage Products Categories From this module admin can add the main categories for the products to be added under them. That will help him monitoring each category selling charts. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Manage Products Categories Product categories menu: 1- List all Product categories 2- Add new Product category

1- Add new Product category a. Add the Product category details (Title, description, parent category). b. Add multi sub categories.

Manage Products Categories 2- Edit current Product category As you can add Product category you can also edit current Product category data.

3- View Product category details a. After add or edit the Product category you can view the Product category details via the view page

Manage Products Categories 4- Delete Product category You can delete the current Product category, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Title, description, parent category).

Manage Products Module  From this module, admin or employees can add the product with its information and details, upload photos and assign it to the proper category. Add the price and cost for the items and discount. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Manage Products Module 1- Add new product a. Add the Quoted Line Item details (Name, category, available, link, tax, manufacture and … etc.). b. Weight, price, unite price, list price, discount price, pricing factor and ...etc.

Manage Products Module 2- View product details a. After add or edit the product you can view the product details via the view page

Manage Products Module 3- Delete product You can delete the current product, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 4- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, category, type, Availability).

Manage Settings Module On the settings module admin can manage the CRM system and change the options. Enable and disable some modules from appearing to employees and disable the functionality of the module at all. You can navigate to it from this icon on the header

Manage Employees Employees menu: 1- List all employees 2- Add new Employee

Manage Employees 1- Add new employee a. Add the employee details (Name, email, phone, avatar, address, status and …etc.). b. Add ability to login with username and password.

Manage Employees View employee details a. After add or edit the employee you can view the employee details via the view page Delete employee You can delete the current employee, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (username, department, email, active and ...etc.).

Role Management Roles menu: 1- List all roles 2- Add new roles

Role Management 1- Add new role a. Add the role details (Name and description). 2- Edit current role As you can add role you can also edit current role data. 3- View role details a. After add or edit the role you can view the role details via the view page b. You can control full access on (Access/Delete/Edit/List data/View/Create) on all available modules.

Role Management 1- Add new role a. Add the role details (Name and description). 2- Edit current role As you can add role you can also edit current role data. 3- View role details a. After add or edit the role you can view the role details via the view page b. You can control full access on (Access/Delete/Edit/List data/View/Create) on all available modules.

Currency Currencies menu: 1- List all Currencies 2- Add new Currency Add new Currency c. Add the Currency details (Title, ios code, iso symbol and active). Edit current Currency As you can add Currency you can also edit current Currency data. Delete Currency You can delete the Currency target, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked

Manage Leads Module Lead module will allow the admin to add new lead to the system. So, he can later assign any account and contact to that lead. Admin will be able to manage the lead settings and details. Lead module will hold the start of a campaign that the owner needs to start and market it.

Manage Leads Module Add new Lead a. Add the Lead details (Name, account name, email, image, descriptions and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Add multi phones and emails. d. Add full address and alternative one. e. Assigned to user.

Manage Leads Module View Lead details a. After add or edit the Lead you can view the Lead details via the view page Delete Lead You can delete the current Lead, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Status, Account name, Email and … etc.).

Manage Contacts Module Contact helps the admin to add multiple contacts for the main account. As many department of the main account (company) and each department’s head will be added as a contact and link it to the main account.

Manage Contacts Module Add new contact a. Add the contact details (name, account and …etc.). b. Add multi phones and emails. c. Add full address and alternative one.

Manage Contacts Module View contact details a. After add or edit the account you can view the account details via the view page b. Also you can add (Leads, Opportunities, Direct Reports To, Documents and Quotes)

Manage Contacts Module Delete contact You can delete the current contact, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this can’t delete the contact from the database but it will be archived with its all data to and disable this contact, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Title, Account name, Email and …etc.).

Manage Accounts Module Account module allows the admin to add new account on the system for a company or someone. What means if the account is created for someone it will save the details of that person as a contact details. Otherwise, if the account was created for a company it will save the company’s details then add the employees of this company on the system as contact, then add those contacts to the account.

Manage Accounts Module Add new account a. Add the account details (name, account and …etc.). b. Add multi phones and emails. c. Add billing address and shipping address or use shipping as billing address.

Manage Accounts Module View account details a. After add or edit the account you can view the account details via the view page 4- Also you can add (Contacts, Opportunities, Leads, Revenue Line Items, Documents and quotes)

Manage Accounts Module View account details a. After add or edit the account you can view the account details via the view page 4- Also you can add (Contacts, Opportunities, Leads, Revenue Line Items, Documents and quotes) - Delete account You can delete the current account, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this can’t delete the account from the database but it will be archived with its all data to and disable this account, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 6- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name,

Manage Targets Module Target module helps admin to specify the target of any object he added to the system, like adding a target of campaigns and target some accounts for some products or services.

Manage Targets Module Add new target a. Add the target details (name, account and teams …etc.). b. Add multi phones and emails. c. Add full address and alternative one.

Manage Targets Module View target details a. After add or edit the target you can view the target details via the view page

Manage Targets Module Delete target You can delete the current target, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Title, Account name, Email and … etc.).

Manage Opportunities Module Opportunity module helps the admin to add an opportunity to sell some products on the market for some accounts or assign that opportunity to a campaign and monitor the opportunities to sell that product or services.

Manage Opportunities Module Add new Opportunity a. Add the Opportunity details (name, account, type, Assigned to user, Lead Source, and …etc.). b. Add multi teams.

Manage Opportunities Module View opportunity details a. After add or edit the opportunity you can view the opportunity details via the view page b. Also you can add (Revenue Line Items, Leads, Contacts, Documents and Quotes)

Manage Opportunities Module Delete opportunity You can delete the current opportunity, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Account name, Status, Leader Source, User and …etc.).

Manage Forecasts Module Forecast helps the admin to predict the status of his business within a specific period of time. That helps him to enhance his business in the future by preventing the mistakes done in the past.

Manage Forecasts Module Forecasts menu: 1- List all forecasts For each item on the forecasts: - Can navigate to the current forecasts (Revenue Line Item, Opportunity Name, Account Name and Product Name). - Sort the rows ascending and descending by (Title, Expected Close Date, Stage, Probability and Likely). 2- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Opportunity Name, Account Name and Product Name and … etc.).

Manage Contracts Module Contract module will generate the contracts and send them to the clients (accounts and contacts) after the deal is done. The employees can create new contracts and save them on the system then select what contract should be send to each client on each case.

Manage Contracts Module Add new contract a. Add the contract details (Contract name, Status, account, Currency, Opportunity, User and …etc.). b. Add the signed date for customer and company c. Add multi teams.

Manage Contracts Module View contract details a. After add or edit the contract you can view the contract details via the view page. b. Also you can add (Notes & Attachments and Documents).

Manage Contracts Module Delete contract You can delete the current contract, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Title, Account name, Email and …etc.).

Manage Campaigns Module Admin can start new campaign and add the details of it, add the accounts that the campaign will target with the opportunities that can be assigned to that campaign

Manage Campaigns Module View campaign details a. After add or edit the campaign you can view the campaign details via the view page Delete campaign You can delete the current campaign, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Name, Title, Account name, Email and …etc.).

Manage Revenue Line Items Module Add new Revenue Line Item a. Add the Revenue Line Item details (title, close date, product, category, currency, tax, source, description and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Assigned to user.

Manage Revenue Line Items Module View Revenue Line Item details a. After add or edit the Revenue Line Item you can view the Revenue Line Item details via the view page b. Also you can add (Documents and Notes & Attachments)

Manage Revenue Line Items Module Delete Revenue Line Item You can delete the current Revenue Line Item, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Title, Opportunity Name, Account name, Sales Stage, Expected Close Date and … etc.).

Manage Quoted Line Items Module Quoted line item contains the sold products or the products in the process of being sold. Admin can create new quoted line item and add products from the system or create list with new products.

Manage Quoted Line Items Module Add new Quoted Line Item a. Add the Quoted Line Item details (title, product template, account name, quantity, currency and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Assigned to user.

Manage Quoted Line Items Module View Quoted Line Item details a. After add or edit the Quoted Line Item you can view the Quoted Line Item details via the view page b. Also you can add Documents

Manage Quoted Line Items Module Delete Quoted Line Item You can delete the current Quoted Line Item, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Title, Account, Status, Cost and …etc.).

Manage Email Template Module From this module admin can add templates to load and send them directly from the send e-mails module or SMS module.

Manage Email Template Module Add new Template a. Add the Template details (title, type, description, subject and formatted body and … etc.). b. Attach files. c. Type of the template may be SMS or Email or Campaigns d. Add multi teams. e. Assigned to user.

Manage Email Template Module View Template details a. After add or edit the Template you can view the Template details via the view page Delete Template You can delete the current Template, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by

Manage Support Cases Module Support cases module helps the organization to offer the best products and services by allowing employees to add the issues on the support section, employees will report the customer’s problem to get solved within short time.

Manage Support Cases Module Add new Support Case a. Add the Support Case details (Number, Subject, Status, Priority, and …etc.). b. Add multi teams. c. Assigned to user.

Manage Support Cases Module View Support Case details a. After add or edit the Support Case you can view the Support Case details via the view page b. Also you can add (Contacts and Documents)

Manage Support Cases Module Delete Support Case You can delete the current Support Case, prompt dialog appears with confirmation message (“Are you sure you want to delete this item?”) if you clicked “OK” button this will be deleted, if you clicked “Cancel” no thing happen. 5- Search You can search by any key for all data or filter by specific field (Number, Subject, Status, Priority and …etc.).

Manage Reports Module Where user can choose the type of reports how can view 1- Simple reports 2- Advanced reports

Simple reports

Manage Reports Module Advanced Reports Where user can follow the wizard to generate the report he need.

Manage Reports Module

Notifications Where user can view all his notifications.

Instant Massaging

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