5 ways on how to boot the performance of your website A website load time doesn’t matter. Think again about this statement again? Is it so? Well, the reports suggest that even a one second delay in page load results into:
11% less visitors 16% decrease in customer satisfaction index 7% loss in conversion rate
Even the big companies like Amazon found it to be true, thus reporting 1% increase in revenue for every 100 millisecond improvement in page load time.
How does load time affect the conversion rate? (A) There is a sharp decline in conversion rate as the load time increases by 1 to 4 seconds (B) People abandon the site if the load time is too high (C) Quick Page loads have a great impact on the loyalty of a site Now, as a matter of fact, it has become evident that one needs to improve the loading time of their website. So, in this article, we are going to offer you 5 tips on how to enhance site speed and enjoy higher profits.
Things that you need to do to boot up your site 1. Reduce http requests Web development Bangalore, suggests that it is critical to reduce http request as most of the time is spend on downloading the different parts of the page that entails style sheets, flash, scripts, etc. Http request is made for each and every element, so more the elements the longer time it will take for the process of downloading. Here are some quick tips on how to reduce such requests:
Lower the elements on the web page Use CSS instead of images whenever it is possible Unify the multiple style sheets into a single one Reduce the style scripts and add them on the bottom of the page
Bear in mind, when it comes to website, the slimmer, the better.
2. Decrease the Server Response Rate The target for a server response time should be less than 200 milliseconds. And if you follow below-mentioned tips, you’ll be able to achieve the same easily. The tools that help you to evaluate server response time include: Yslow- It is tool that helps to measure site’s speed and offers you tip on how to boot up the overall performance of the website. Google Page Speed Tools- Google Page Speed Tools helps you to learn more about how to measure the performance of the site and how to automate it accordingly. 3. Compress the files before sending Website designing services in Bangalore recommend that it in case you have large pages that needs more time to load, for them the solution is a technique called as compression. It is the best way to enhance the speed of the website. Compression reduces the bandwidth of the pages, thereby cutting down HTTP response. You can easily compress the file with assistance of Gzip.
What’s more? Majority of the web servers, compress the files in this forward before sending to the desired location. According to the research conducted by Yahoo, it will deduce the download time by 70%. Today, 90% of the traffic is generated with the help of browsers, hence GZip tool is the best to increase the loading speed of the website. How you can do this There are enough of tools that can aid you in compression like Apache, Nginx, and IIS.
4. Browser Caching When you visit a specific website, the elements of the page are stored on the hard drive or in the cache memory, so the next time you visit a particular website, the browser will be automatically redirected to that particular page without spending excessive time. Couldn’t understand? Well, let’s explain in detail: Whenever any person comes to the website, they need to download HTML document, script sheet, JAVA documents, and images before visiting the website. It may consume approx. 30 components or 2.4 seconds. But on the other hand once the page is loaded and the components are stored in the cache memory, only a few components need to be downloaded for the next visits. So, the thumb rule is you need to enable caching for the first time visitors to reduce the time for subsequent visits.
Tip- Static Resources should have minimum cache lifetime of at least a week. For the third party resources, the cache lifetime memory should be at least for a single day. Web development company in Bangalore, thinks that for all kinds of catchable resources like media files, PDF, that is set to expire within a week, set the minimum lifetime to one year. Don’t set it beyond one year because it may violate the guidelines prescribed by RFC. Last but not the least; as every code or elements adds to the downloading speed, hence the codes should be as slim as possible.
Thus all these steps should be taken under consideration to create a user friendly web design.