Emmanuel College - 2020 School of Science & Health

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School of

Science & Health








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A Note F R O M Associate Dean March When you study at a center of scientific innovation, with a robust curriculum, unparalleled research opportunities and state-of-the-art facilities, you more than study scientific breakthroughs—you create them. Emmanuel’s School of Science & Health educates critically thinking science and health professionals in both the methods and value of scientific inquiry in solving important issues facing society today. The School is comprised of expansive, experientially driven programs in biology, chemistry & physics, mathematics, neuroscience and psychology, as well as pre-professional programs in pre-dental, pre-medical and pre-veterinary tracks. Graduates are prepared for careers in the country’s top hospitals and research institutions, as well as the biomedical startups primed to transform the healthcare landscape in Boston and around the world.


School of Science & Health

Our faculty don’t just teach—we are scholars and practitioners whose work continuously informs and inspires the curriculum. We engage undergraduate students in nationally recognized research on campus as early as their first year, and forge connections with local partners and collaborators in the world-class medical centers of the surrounding Longwood Medical and Academic Area. The School of Science & Health is truly a forward-thinking and supportive community of teaching and learning. I hope you sense this excitement as you learn more about our programs. Paul March, Ph.D. Associate Dean and Professor of Biochemistry, School of Science & Health

Boston hospitals placed in the top 5 for specialties such as cardiology, cancer, endocrinology, psychiatry, neonatology, orthopedics and more. (The Country’s Best Hospitals, U.S. News & World Report, 2019-2020)

The Boston-Cambridge region is home to more than 500 biotech companies, fueling the state’s 47% growth in biotech R&D jobs in the past decade. (2019 MassBio Industry Snapshot)


A City Without Limits Above Right: Connor Bradshaw ’17 MAJOR: Biology, concentration in Health Sciences CURRENTLY: Clinical Research Assistant II, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, scientific and medical advancements such as modern cardiac surgery, organ transplantation, immunosuppression and even the first milk-based infant formula all took place in Boston’s hospitals. The city has become a global center for research, drug development and treatment for disorders of the brain and body, with institutions such as Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Merck Research Laboratories leading the

charge. For more than two decades, Boston has led the nation in National Institutes of Health funding (boston.gov), receiving nearly $650 million in 2018-19 alone. So, what’s next? Right now in greater Boston, life-sciences startups are raising billions of dollars in venture capital to drive early-stage research in regenerative medicine, early disease detection, biotherapeutics, gene therapies and more—and they are hiring Boston’s enterprising best and brightest to solve some of the most exciting and challenging issues facing the industry, and society, today.

Emmanuel College

Boston, MA


HILARY SKOV ’15 MAJOR: Individualized Major in Health & Rehabilitation Sciences RESEARCH: Exploring Child Emotion Regulation During a Laboratory-Based Stressor Task Among a Clinical Sample of Youth Seeking Psychotherapy CURRENTLY: Research Assistant and Neuroimaging Coordinator at Harvard University’s Laboratory for Youth Mental Health

Hilary is interested in the biological and environmental factors that contribute to children’s emotional development. After Emmanuel, Hilary embarked on a Fulbright ETA fellowship at the State Vocational School of Central Java in Semarang, Indonesia. While there, she guest lectured for general psychology courses at surrounding universities and collaborated with school officials to address crosscultural differences in stress reactivity as well as adaptive and maladaptive stress management techniques. In the Lab for Youth Mental Health, she works on a trial comparing modular, evidence-based psychotherapy to schoolbased counseling for youth ages 7-14 who are presenting with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and/or disruptive behaviors. She plans to pursue a doctoral degree in clinical psychology. 4 4

School of Science & Health


Emmanuel’s Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center is the center of academic inquiry in the School of Science & Health. The building houses 14 state-of-the-art laboratories for biology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, neuroscience and research, as well as classrooms, multipurpose rooms and plenty of breakout and meeting space for collaboration.

Here, students and faculty collaborate on groundbreaking research. Emmanuel faculty have received more than $2 million in National Science Foundation (NSF) funding for work in chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics and psychology neuroscience over the last decade—creating a culture of excellence that opens the door for current and future students to engage in high-level and impactful research.

“The wonderful thing about this support from the NSF is that you are only funded a second time if you were successful the first. The undergraduate students who dedicated themselves to these projects produced the results, publications and conference presentations that demonstrated the high level of research done at Emmanuel College.” -Aren Gerdon, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry; Dr. Gerdon served as principal investigator on projects funded by NSF in 2013 and 2019

There. Everywhere.

As a student in a science- or health-related major, it can be difficult to find space in your course schedule to study abroad. The School of Science & Health currently offers two faculty-led travel courses that fulfill elective requirements of several programs.

M A R I N E M I C R O B I O LO GY I N T H E G R E AT B A R R I E R R E E F From the vibrant colors along the Australian shoreline, wading to the shore of the remote island research station located on the Great Barrier Reef, snorkeling among sea turtles and giant clam gardens, or witnessing a rare view above a rainforest’s canopy, this is not your typical research experience. During this course, students learn basic marine biology techniques in Emmanuel’s labs, enabling them to make the most of their three weeks Down Under. While abroad, students conduct research along the Great Barrier Reef, surveying the marine environment and examining the different bacteria that exist along the coastline, in the ocean, at coral reefs and more. The group spends three nights on Orpheus Island, located within the Palm Island Group on the Great Barrier Reef, where partner James Cook University maintains a research station and educational facility.

INDONESIA: S U STA I N A B I L I T Y S C I E N C E Though industrialization has fueled economies and innovation, its progress has had devastating effects on the natural world. After a semester of study on Emmanuel’s campus, this course travels to Indonesia for two weeks over the summer, focusing on issues of deforestation on the island of Borneo, the urbanization of Java and its diminishing biodiversity and the depletion of marine resources due to tourism in Bali. The course focuses on the causes and effects on people and their environments, as well as how Indonesians are working to find their own solutions.

Emmanuel College

Boston, MA


MORE COURSES STUDENTS CAN’T WAIT TO TAKE: Biology and Society Chemistry of Fire and Explosives Programming in SAS Theories of Personality Race, Gender and Sexuality: Privilege and Oppression

A Glimpse I N T O T H E Curriculum

CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Ask five scientists what motivates them, and you’ll get five different answers—to push the limits of what’s been done, solve a problem deemed unsolvable, find a better cure for common illnesses, or develop a cure for an uncommon one. The emerging fields of biotechnology, genetic engineering and molecular biology are having a revolutionary impact on our lives. Delve into—and get inspired by— studies around transplantation, artificial organs, drug design and delivery systems, exotic epidemics, gene therapy and more. Readings from a wide spectrum of books and periodicals serve as basis for class discussion, in which you will be encouraged to view the challenges of modern biology from scientific, social and ethical viewpoints.


School of Science & Health

Associate Professor of Psychology Kimberly Smirles reviews for exams with her “General Psychology” students.

FORENSIC CHEMISTRY Fingerprints. Fiber samples. Trace amounts of blood, paint, soil. The building blocks of a crime scene. While television shows glamorize the work of forensic scientists, these highly skilled and detail-oriented technicians provide a vital link between science and the law. In recent years, we’ve seen how scientific evidence has been used in court to both convict criminals and exonerate the innocent. Learn to unlock the mystery of crimes through the application of modern techniques through the analysis of trace evidence, forensic toxicology and drug analysis, DNA profiling and other subdisciplines. Special emphasis will be placed on the techniques of sampling a crime scene and the use of physical evidence.

Searching F O R A N Evolution Solution In 2017, Associate Professors of Mathematics Benjamin Allen and Christine Sample were awarded nearly $300,000 over three years from the National Science Foundation to engage with students in the study of evolution as a mathematical process. In addition to collaborating with undergraduate students on this important project, the team hopes the research will aid in the understanding and treatment of cancer, which can be seen as unwanted evolution occurring inside the body. “The award proved what we have long known—that the Emmanuel faculty engages students in the very highest levels of scientific research,” Dr. Sample said. “The skills and experience they gain in our labs set them apart in whatever field or career they choose.” Their current group of student researchers work with Drs. Allen and Sample throughout the academic year and over

the summer. This fall, they presented to the Emmanuel community their most current work on evolutionary dynamics and mathematical biology. “Evolution occurs when there are genetic changes in a population over time,” the group explained in a project abstract. “These genetic changes, or mutations, impact an individual’s ability to survive and reproduce. We examined how the spatial structure of a population affects the rate at which mutations accumulate, as well as the balance of weak selection versus neutral drift.”

Below: Drs. Benjamin Allen (second from right) and Christine Sample (second from left) work with their undergraduate research team, Patricia Steinhagen (pictured), Matthew King (pictured), Julia Shapiro, Timothy Hedspeth and Megan Goncalves.

In fall 2019, the group traveled to present their work at an undergraduate research conference of the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis in Knoxville, TN. A previous cohort (including two current students and four alumni) also celebrated publication of an article in PLOS Computational Biology this spring.

Emmanuel College

Boston, MA



of School of Science & Health Graduates (Classes of 2015–2019)

1. Brigham & Women’s Hospital 2. Boston Children’s Hospital 3. Massachusetts General Hospital 4. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 5. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 6. McLean Hospital 7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8. Harvard Medical School 9. MassBiologics 10. Tufts Medical Center

Little Prep Talk A

Assistant Director of Career Counseling Sarah Breen advises a student in the Emmanuel College Career Center.

100% of students in the School of Science & Health participate in an internship as part of the core curriculum, gaining real-world experience in Emmanuel College’s laboratories or in the city of Boston. Our Career Center has a designated career community for STEM & Health Sciences students with specialized recruiting opportunities and events to build your networking skills—and your résumé. • Gain career insight and inspiration through alumni panels and networking events • Participate in career-igniting research alongside faculty and peers on Emmanuel’s campus • Meet dozens of top employers in one afternoon at our annual non-profit internship and career fair • Take advantage of our professional partnerships with regular off-campus events, such as Boston Children’s Hospital’s Patient Experience Representative Recruitment Night


School of Science & Health

• Get face time with recruiters through our regular Recruiter Series, in which we bring employers such as Boston Children’s Hospital, Empow Studios, FBI, Franciscan Children’s Hospital, LabCentral, Massachusetts General Hospital, MassLife Sciences and Quest Diagnostics to campus to talk internship and job opportunities • And, most importantly, check in with your Career Advisor early and often—they are here to learn more about your individual skills and career goals

CareerAffirming CURE A

Eileen Milien ’22 MAJOR: Biology MINOR: Neuroscience

When choosing a college, Eileen knew two things for sure—that she would be able to get to know her professors and peers and that she wanted to be in an area in which she would have myriad opportunities in research and medicine. Emmanuel’s small class sizes and location in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area among the country’s top hospitals were a perfect match. Finding herself most drawn to her biology coursework, she wasted no time seeking hands-on experience in Boston’s major research organizations. On the recommendation from one of her biology professors, she applied and was accepted to the CURE program through nearby Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, and spent the summer before her sophomore year participating in clinical research in the institute’s adult leukemia department. “I had the opportunity to meet worldrenowned doctors and researchers who came from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds,” Eileen said. “Being mentored by such talented individuals was inspiring.” Through the research with CURE, Eileen submitted an abstract to the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) in Anaheim, California. In addition to winning an award for her presentation in the Social and Behavioral Sciences and Public Health category, she gained a career-affirming perspective.

“I learned about career opportunities I didn’t even realize existed,” she said. “I had the chance to connect with students from around the world who had similar interests and aspirations. It was enthralling, and it made me surer that I am headed in the right direction.” For her remaining time at Emmanuel, Eileen plans to continue her journey in research and find time to study abroad in Italy. Longterm, she’s focused on pursuing a career as a surgeon.

Emmanuel College

Boston, MA


One School, Many Paths

Graduates are also continuing their education at prestigious institutions from Boston to Glasgow, gaining master’s or doctoral degrees in mental health counseling, data science, veterinary medicine, nursing, chemistry, social work, speech pathology, neuroscience, forensic science, biophysics and nutrition. Our students are limited only by their ambition—take a look at the far-reaching effects of just a few of our recent graduates.






Jessica LeClair ’16

Kate Consavage ’15

Sarah Faulkner ’15

Samantha Smith ’19

Jolie Xifaras ’15

Biostatistics and Biology



Ph.D. Candidate in Biostatistics, Boston University

Communications Lead, Office of Maternal and Child Health of Nutrition; M.S. Global Health, Georgetown University

Director of Marketing, Goddard Technologies; M.S. in Science Journalism, Boston University

Neuroscience and Psychology Research Associate I, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Senior Operations Analyst, Pfizer; MPH in Health Policy, New York University

Lena Hajjar ’14

Nicholas Verdini ’17

May Le ’15

Lindsay Hillyer ’17

Carissa Tuozza ’16

Mathematics and Biostatistics



M.D. Candidate, Tufts University School of Medicine

Senior Quality Assurance Technician, Trillium Brewing Company

Developmental Psychology

Julia Bujalski ’18

Matthew Powers ’17


Biology, concentration in Health Sciences

Software Engineer, Everquote

UI/UX Designer, Minerva Analytics


By one year after graduation, 97% of the School of Science & Health Class of 2018 were either employed, enrolled in graduate school, or engaged in military service. Graduates are working in various facets of clinical research and development, healthcare and health services, biotechnology, secondary and higher education, social services, pharmaceuticals, information technology and more.

School of Science & Health

Senior Associate Scientist, Pfizer



Clinical Research Assistant II, Boston Children’s Hospital, Gaab Lab of Cognitive Neuroscience

Clinical Research Coordinator II, Massachusetts General Hospital Kistler Stroke Research Center

Conor Gomes ’16

Alyssa Taubert ’15

Michelle Church ’19




Biomedical Engineer, AzzTek; Ph.D. in Chemistry, Northeastern University

Research Assistant, Spaulding Research Hospital; Doctor of Occupational Therapy, MGH Institute of Health Professions

Clinical Systems Analyst in Anesthesia, Massachusetts General Hospital

LOOKING BEYOND THE NUMBERS… Coming in 2020: A brand-new minor in DATA ANALYTICS

Program Overview Emmanuel’s robust academic programs offer a set of core majors in expansive and diverse disciplines—students may choose to keep their studies broad, or may specialize in a more specific field of study with an added concentration. The School of Science & Health also offers pre-professional programs in Pre-Dental, Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary curricula.





Contact Us A N D Learn More

Emmanuel College School of Science & Health 400 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 www.emmanuel.edu Twitter: @emmanuelcollege Instagram: @emmanuelcollege Facebook: facebook.com/emmanuelcollege LinkedIn: emmanuel.edu/linkedin

Emmanuel College

Boston, MA


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