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Academic Calendars

Academic Calendars

Padraig Deighan, Ph.D. Chair

The biology major at Emmanuel College has four objectives: 1) to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts in biology; 2) to develop students’ capacities to use and critically evaluate scientific knowledge; 3) to collaborate with students to develop keen problem-solving skills and appreciate how biology is related to issues that affect society; and 4.) to help prepare students for careers full of purpose.


The biology major provides an excellent core of courses along with innovative laboratory experiences, enabling each graduate to pursue a wide variety of career options. Modern instrumentation, experimental techniques and computer software are intensively used in the laboratory courses. Laboratory courses also provide several opportunities for student-directed research. Students may also engage in undergraduate research projects with faculty. Advanced research experiences through senior research internships are available on or off campus, often at the major hospitals and research institutions in the Longwood Medical Area.

Emmanuel College biology majors pursue careers in medicine, veterinary sciences and dentistry; they seek graduate training in biochemistry, public health, molecular biology, immunology, biotechnology and forensics; or they engage in studies within the environmental science fields. Others obtain immediate employment as research technicians in academic, biotech or pharmaceutical research labs. The curriculum also prepares students for the option of a secondary school teaching career.


After completion of the Biology major, students will: • Master and apply fundamental concepts in biology. • Source, critically evaluate and communicate scientific knowledge. • Collaborate effectively with others to find insightful solutions to scientific questions. • Apply ethical and moral reasoning to important biological issues that impact society. • Acquire expertise in laboratory techniques, laboratory safety, experimental design, and data analyses. • Explore career goals and experiential opportunities to excel in future professions.


The culminating experience for all Biology majors is the Seminar course (BIOL4160). This course is completed in the fall or spring semester of the student’s final year of study. To begin the capstone experience, students must have completed Genetics (BIOL2123) and Biochemistry (BIOL2131 or CHEM2111). In the capstone course, students discuss current research related to an advanced topic that integrates learning from previous courses.


Requirements for Major:

1. BIOL1105 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology (SI-L) (NSL) 2. BIOL1106 Introduction to Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (SI-L) (NSL) 3. BIOL2123 Genetics

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