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4. BIOL2301 Biochemistry
CHEM2111 Biochemistry w/Lab 5. BIOL2301 Experimental Biology Laboratory 6. BIOL4160 Seminar 7. CHEM1101 Principles of Chemistry I *‡ (SI-L) (NSL)
CHEM1102 Principles of Chemistry II *‡ (SI-L) (NSL)
CHEM1103 Chemical Perspectives *‡ 8. CHEM2101 Organic Chemistry I ‡ 9. BIOL4194 /BIOL4195 Research Internships in the Natural Sciences I and I
INT3211 Experiential Internships in the Natural Sciences with permission of instructor
*Qualified students may replace CHEM1101 and
CHEM1102 with CHEM1103. ‡Biology majors are approved to receive a passing grade of C- in CHEM1101, CHEM1102,
CHEM1103, CHEM2101.
Electives: 10.-15. Five biology electives including three with laboratory and two at the 3000level, with or without a laboratory. Students must choose at least one from each of the two categories of biology electives. The remaining courses are chosen according to interest.
Category 1: Cellular/Molecular Electives
BIOL2115 Determinants of Health and Disease BIOL2119 Current Topics in Biological Research BIOL2151 Marine Microbiology with lab BIOL3101 Analysis of Development with lab BIOL3103 Cell Biology with lab BIOL3119 Immunology BIOL3125 Molecular Biology BIOL3127 Microbiology with lab BIOL3132 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry BIOL3135 Cancer Biology BIOL4194 /BIOL4195 Research Internships in the Natural Sciences I and II*
Category 2: Organismic/System Electives
BIOL2113 Human Nutrition BIOL2121 Human Health and the Environment with lab BIOL2135 Anatomy and Physiology I with lab BIOL2137 Anatomy and Physiology II with lab BIOL3101 Analysis of Development with lab BIOL3105 Endocrinology BIOL3151 Exercise Physiology with lab
BIOL4194 /BIOL4195 Research Internships in the Natural Sciences I and II* NEURO2201 Neurobiology NEURO3137 Medical Neuroscience
*BIOL4194 counts as a 3000-level biology laboratory elective for a B.S. in biology if the entire two-semester internship sequence (BIOL4194 and BIOL4195) is completed. The student’s advisor determines the appropriate category for the internship. Students receive academic credit for the second internship course (BIOL4195), but it would not be counted as one of the 11 required biology courses.
Students with the goal of medical, dental, or veterinary school should refer to page 144 for detailed information concerning the program of study at Emmanuel College.
The program provides students with a deeper understanding of the structure and function of molecules that are necessary for the biology of cells and organisms.
In addition to concentration electives, students must complete the additional elective requirements to satisfy the major. 2021-2022 Academic Catalog