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Psychology & Neuroscience
Melanie Leussis, Ph.D. Chair
Psychology is a rich and varied discipline. Dedicated to the scientific study of the complexity and diversity of the mind and behavior, psychology covers a broad area of study, including cognition, memory, motivation, interpersonal relationships, personality, psychological disturbance and psychotherapy.
Psychology and neuroscience majors receive a broad liberal arts education as well as training in the specialized knowledge and skills of psychology. This training can be applied in a wide variety of work settings, such as with children and the elderly, or in institutional and mental health facilities. Emmanuel graduates have continued their education at the master’s and doctoral level in psychology, social work, health care and other professional fields. Some graduates work in human resources, personnel and related careers in business and academia. Graduates have also been involved in research, in college teaching, and in human services within a variety of institutions and agencies and within a broad range of clinical settings.
The psychology and neuroscience department offers a B.A. degree in psychology with two concentrations, which help to guide students’ coursework in an area that helps them to meet their academic and professional goals.
Developmental psychology is a program that concentrates on developmental psychology through the human life span.
Counseling and health psychology concentrates on interviewing skills and modern research on coping and dealing with stress and other health-oriented issues.
Neuroscience The department also offers a B.S. degree in neuroscience. This major is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in interdisciplinary brain science.
The early core courses in psychology and neuroscience provide the scientific background for later courses that build upon students’ knowledge base, capacity to analyze and critical-thinking skills. Upperlevel courses allow students to explore more deeply specific areas in scientific psychology and further develop critical sophistication through directed research, exposure to psychological literature and senior internships.
Learning goals for psychology majors are based in the Principles for Quality Undergraduate Psychology Programs, a report put out by the American Psychological Association, which “recognizes the importance of undergraduate education in advancing psychology as a science, promoting human welfare, and fostering students’ growth and development,” (www. APA.org). Each goal is broadly articulated, with the recognition that the content, depth, and breadth of the course are dependent upon a number of factors (e.g., 1000–4000level).