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Theater Arts
Scott Gagnon, M.A. Program Coordinator
Theater has a long and rich history—from Sophocles, Shakespeare and Moliére to Tennessee Williams and present-day Broadway phenomena Waitress and Dear Evan Hansen. Students who major in theater arts gain an appreciation of theater history and of the various roles that bring works of theater from the script to the stage, applying their skills to the Theater Arts Department’s productions. A minor in Theater Arts is also available. It is also possible to combine Theater Arts with another field to create an individually designed interdisciplinary major. Coursework varies depending on the program and is decided through studentfaculty consultation.
In addition to exploring the theater arts in classroom courses, the department offers many performance opportunities. The Theater Arts program produces several productions each year, including a mainstage musical, at least one main-stage play and student directed productions. Opportunities to perform are also available through other courses, including acting and dance. Students may also give recitals, direct plays under faculty guidance and are encouraged and supported in the creation of their own original works. Private lessons in voice or piano are also available.
Departmental internships are also available. Students have interned at sites such as the Huntington Theatre Company, the Boston Lyric Opera, J Magazine and the Speakeasy Stage Company.
At the completion of a Major in Theater Arts, the student will: • develop knowledge of terminology, theory, history , structure and conventions of theater and drama; • acquire the skills necessary to present a theatrical work through appropriate performance and/or production techniques; • acquire skills and techniques that will enable them to independently and/or collaboratively create new works; • develop an appreciation of the collaborative nature of theater productions; • develop a familiarity with a broad sampling of dramatic literature that varies in both cultural context and subject matter; • develop an understanding of the key intrinsic aesthetic and humanistic values in dramatic literature and theater performance.
All students graduating with major in Theater Arts must complete a senior capstone project. A main component is an accompanying paper in which the student places the work being presented in historical and comparative contexts. Projects are usually the end result of a 4000-level Directed Study course taken with a full-time faculty member.
Requirements for Major:
1.THTR1101 Theater History and Appreciation (AI-A)
THTR1303 History of American Musical Theater (AI-A) (VCI) 2.THTR2111 Acting: Basic Techniques 3.ENGL2402 Shakespeare: Comedies, Histories, Tragedies
4.One of the following:
SPCH1111 Public Speaking THTR1211 Dance: Barres and Ballet THTR1212 Dance: Concepts and Practice THTR2312/ THTR2313 Advanced Performance Techniques I & II
5. One of the following:
THTR2112 Acting: Styles and Genres THTR2113 Shakespeare: Study to Stage THTR2212 The Moving Body
6. THTR3122 Playwriting 7. THTR3101 Dramaturgy and Play Analysis 8. THTR3121 Theatrical Design and Production
9.One of the following:
ENGL2701 Literature and Film
ENGL2321 Love and Gender in British Literature and Film
ENGL3605 Global Literature and Film
ENGL3707 Film Theory
10. One of the following:
THTR4178 Directed Study: StudentDirected Production THTR4179 Directed Study: Advanced Technical Theater Design Project THTR4131 Theater Internship
*Student must also be registered and receive grade of “Pass” in THTR0111 Theatrical Productions for at least 4 semesters *OR* may replace two of these with registration and grade of “Pass” in LSSN0312 Performance Techniques, THTR0313 Voice Lessons or LSSN0314 Piano. MINOR IN THEATER ARTS
Requirements for Minor:
THTR1101 Theater History and Appreciation (AI-A) SPCH1111 Public Speaking: Voice and Diction THTR2111 Acting: Basic Techniques THTR2112 Acting: Styles and Genres
THTR2113 Playing Shakespeare: from Study to Stage
THTR3101 Dramaturgy and Play Analysis
THTR3122 Playwriting THTR3121 Theatrical Design and Production
Additionally: At least three performances and/or technical work as part of a live program
A student wishing to apply for Distinction in the Field of Theater Arts must complete a project that is in addition to the required senior capstone project. It can be a paper, a recital, directing a work of theater, or another project approved by the Theater Arts Program Chair.
A student wishing to receive Distinction in the Theater Arts must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in all Theater Arts courses taken.
Regardless of the nature of the project, the student will also have to pass an oral examination given by the Theater Arts advisor in which knowledge of the historical and stylistic issues related to the topic of the project will be assessed.