Lower School Handbook

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Lower School Handbook

Webb Lower School Creed

This is the beginning of a new day.

I have been given this day to use as I will. I can waste it or I can use it for good. What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it.

I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price that I paid for it.

Our Mission

The mission of Webb School is to inspire and nurture the full potential of each individual and to prepare our students to serve as leaders of character in tomorrow’s world.

Our mission is supported and achieved by our key values:

n The pursuit of academic excellence

n A strong sense of honor and personal integrity

n The development of critical, creative, and socially conscious thinking

n A culture for interacting with others in a respectful and productive manner in a vibrant, caring community

When a student is absent due to illness or is running late for any reason, parents must contact the Lower School by emailing LS_Attendance@webbschool.org before 8:45 a.m. on the day of the absence. The reason for the absence should be included. By using this email address, the information is passed along to the receptionist, classroom teachers, Head of Lower School, and Director of Curriculum and Instruction. This email should also be used for changes regarding pick-up and for student messages.

Lower School Administration & Staff

Kristi Wofford

Head of the Lower School kristi.wofford@webbschool.org

Lauren Leonard Director of Curriculum & Instruction After-School Director FAMILIES Program Director lauren.leonard@webbschool.org

Jessica Carnathan Receptionist & Attendance Manager Clubs Coordinator jessica.carnathan@webbschool.org

Lower School Faculty



Meghan Harken, Lead Co-Teacher

Emily Hicks, Lead Co-Teacher

Tori Palko, Part-Time Teacher Associate


Carolyn Arnold, Lead Co-Teacher

Mary Conaty, Lead Co-Teacher

Jai Haluski, Lead Co-Teacher

Abby White, Lead Co-Teacher


Laura Barton, Lead Teacher

Amy Marion, Lead Teacher

Jessica Cooper, Teacher Associate

Lauren Curtis, Teacher Associate


Meghan Diddle, Lead Teacher

Tiffany Neiss, Lead Teacher

Brittany Payne, Teacher Associate

Jodi Graham

Administrative Assistant


Dori Copeland School Counselor dori.copeland@webbschool.org

Erika Letsinger Learning Specialist erika.letsinger@webbschool.org


Beth Meyer, Lead Teacher

Cynthia Steverson, Lead Teacher

Peggy Bright, Teacher Associate


Molly Harrison, Lead Teacher, Language Arts

Cori Hughes, Lead Teacher, Math

Christy Hicks, Lead Teacher, Social Studies

Ashley Arp, Teacher Associate


Jeana Jarmon, Lead Teacher, Math

Katherine McPhaul, Lead Teacher, Language Arts

Morgan Wright, Lead Teacher, Social Studies

Julie Bromhead, Teacher Associate


Christy Widener christy.widener@webbschool.org

Camp Webb

Allison Hodges allison.hodges@webbschool.org


Charlie Arp, Science Third, Fourth & Fifth Grades

Kristie Atwood, Library Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Liz Britt, Music Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Christy House, Dance Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Jo Ann Guidry, Spartan Lab Facilitator Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Keyboarding Third, Fourth & Fifth Grades

Kevin Julian, P.E. Co-Teacher Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Denia Kirk, Art Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Alicia Merrifield, Spanish Pre-K through Fifth Grade

Dodie Montgomery, P.E. Co-Teacher Pre-K through Fifth Grade

School Day Scheduling

& Logistics

School Hours

Each weekday, the Lower School is open at 7:30 a.m. for students to begin to arrive. Students report to the Lower School Commons from 7:30 a.m. to 7:50 a.m., and are dismissed to their classrooms at 7:50 a.m. The school day officially begins at 8:00 a.m. each morning. Students should arrive early enough to be in their classrooms – no later than 8:00 a.m. – or they will be counted as tardy. Lower School doors lock promptly at 8:00 a.m.; if arriving late, a parent must walk the student into the building and check them in to ensure a safe transition.

Late-Start Wednesdays

The late-start time each Wednesday allows for all-school faculty and staff meetings. Students may arrive as early as 7:30 a.m., but no later than 8:25 a.m. School begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. Lower School doors lock promptly at 8:30 a.m.; if late, a parent must walk the student into the building and check them in to ensure a safe transition.

Student Arrival & Pickup Procedures

School day and classroom activities begin at 8:00 a.m. each day. Ideally, students should arrive at school on time so that they have an opportunity to report to the classroom, hang up their backpacks, greet classmates and teachers, and arrive at Community Meeting on time. A student will be marked tardy if he or she arrives after 8:00 a.m. Students benefit greatly when they begin the day in an organized, structured manner.

The school is committed to the safety of the children during morning arrival and afternoon departure. Parents should read the following information carefully. Click HERE for campus-wide parking and driving guidelines.


As parents arrive in the morning, they should enter the Lower School line in the far-right lane from the Dutchtown Road side of campus. Parents will not be allowed to turn left into the Lower School circle from the Middle School. If dropping off a Middle School child at the Lower School, the student should travel on the sidewalk to the Middle School. All traffic must turn left when exiting the Lower School circle and drive toward Dutchtown Road to exit campus.


Afternoon carpool begins each day at 3:15 p.m. Students will gather on the front porch of the Lower School. Vehicles should line the side of the porch and pull directly behind the car in front. The student's name will be called, and he or she will approach the car. A faculty member will assist the child into the vehicle. Parents should not get out of the vehicle, as it will result in the car line becoming congested and slowing down the process.

Students should only enter and exit the vehicle from the curbside. If a child uses a car seat, the driver should move it to the right side of the vehicle to make it easier for the child to enter and exit.

All parents should travel through the car line to pick up their children; please be considerate of other cars as you move through the circle. Parents should not park and walk to the porch to pick up their children unless approved by the Head of Lower School.

Picking Up a Middle School Sibling at the Lower School:

Parents of children in both the Lower School and Middle School may choose to pick up both children at once. Middle School students will meet the driver at the Lower School. If you have a Middle School child to pick up, please arrive each day in the Lower School car line near the end of pickup (closer to 3:30 p.m.). If a parent arrives before the Middle School is dismissed, the parent should wait in the lower parking lot and then re-enter the line behind the last car. Parents may not park on the curb and wait for a Middle School student or pick a Middle School student up at the stop sign or along the sidewalk. Students should only be picked up at the Lower School circle.

Pickup by Someone Other Than a Parent (e.g. grandparent, babysitter, etc.)

If someone other than a parent or your designee is picking up your child, please communicate the Lower School car line protocol to him or her. Also, email the person’s name and type of car (model, make, color) to the Lower School receptionist at the following address: LS_attendance@webbschool.org no later than 2:45 p.m. She will include this information on the Head of the Lower School’s dismissal information card.


The Dutchtown Road entrance remains open throughout the day and is the primary access point for the Lower School car line (morning and afternoon). The Mabry Hood Road entrance has a gate that will be open for morning arrivals and afternoon pickup; it will be locked from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. each day.


The Lower School car line circle is a NO PHONE ZONE for phone calls and texts. As you enter and drive through the circle, we ask that you not talk on your phone or text. This includes speaker and hands-free options.


During the first week of school, first through fifth grade parents should not enter the Lower School car line for pickup before 2:30 p.m. due to the staggered pickup times for Junior Spartans and kindergartners.


Please note the following updates and reiterations of Lower School car line safety guidelines:

1. All car lines will form at the bottom of the Lower School circle driveway.

• Vehicles should wait at the bottom of the circle until given a signal and invited to enter the circle driveway when the car line begins.

• Exceptions include vehicles actively dropping off students before 7:30 a.m. for Safety Patrol, tutoring, or morning clubs.

2. There is no entry or waiting in the Lower School circle driveway during any of the three car lines.

• Please avoid picking up students from After Care during active car line.

• If you must pick up a student during an active car line, please park in the lower lot and use the sidewalk.

• Walking between cars is a safety concern and disrupts the car line process.

Lower School Academics

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is at the heart of the Lower School and is always expected of all students. Accepting the responsibility and credit for one’s own work is the core of academic honesty. The Lower School is building a school community where everyone's best efforts are respected and celebrated. There is simply no need for academic dishonesty. Any instance in which there is conclusive evidence of such will be referred to the Lower School Head for review; the parents will be contacted. A developmentally appropriate consequence will be determined by the Head of the Lower School.

Honor Code

One of the most foundational aspects of Webb School of Knoxville is its honor system. The objective of this system is to instill in students the values that will enable them to conduct themselves with integrity.

Webb's Honor Code was established when Robert Webb founded the school in 1955 and continues to be at the heart of the Webb School experience in all three divisions. It is school's desire that the spirit of the honor system continue to grow and become a force in every student's life. For such a system to be effective, every member of the Webb School community – students, parents, faculty, and staff – must understand the concept of honesty in our lives and believe in and support the importance of that virtue.

The Honor Code and the honor system by which it is applied play an integral part in a student's life at Webb School. Our objective is to instill in students those values that will enable them to conduct themselves with utmost integrity throughout their lives.

Students are expected to live by the code:

"I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.”

By this code, a student accepts responsibility for their conduct and reporting circumstances in which they perceive an honor offense may have occurred.

The first trimester of each school year, the Head of the Lower School and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction will meet with students in grades three, four, and five to discuss and review the Honor Code and to explore its history and meaning.



Homework is an out-of-class task that a student is assigned as a preview for future learning or as an extension of classroom work. Homework is assigned regularly, Monday through Thursday. Students may receive homework on Friday as part of a long-term project, class activity, and/or learning contract.


It is important to know that each student is different and that the "time" varies. The following guideline is used by the Lower School faculty when thinking about how much or what to assign.

Average Expectation:

Junior Spartans: 10 minutes

Kindergarten: 15 minutes

First Grade: 20 minutes

Second Grade: 30 minutes

Third Grade: 40 minutes

Fourth Grade: 50 minutes

Fifth Grade: 60 minutes

This estimate is inclusive of classroom and Special Area homework. If your child requires significantly more than the estimated amount of time to regularly complete his/ her homework, you should contact the classroom teacher.


If a student does not turn in or complete a homework assignment, he or she will receive a Homework Report form to complete. Each trimester begins with zero Homework Reports. The list below outlines the action steps that will be taken after receiving subsequent Homework Reports.

First Homework Report Given to the Student

Hold a brief conference with the teacher. Complete the homework at home that evening and return the Homework Report and homework the following school day.

Second Homework Report Given to the Student

Hold a brief conference with the teacher. Work on the homework for an age-appropriate time of recess. Return the Homework Report (and completed homework if needed) the following school day.

Third Homework Report Given to the Student Hold a brief conference with the teacher. Work on the homework for an age-appropriate time of recess. Return the Homework Report (and completed homework if needed) the following school day.

Fourth Homework Report Given to the Student

Hold a conference with the teacher to create an action/improvement plan. Work on the homework for an age-appropriate time of recess. Return the Homework Report (and completed homework if needed) the following school day.

Fifth Homework Report Given to the Student Conference with the teacher and Head of the Lower School. Work on the homework for an ageappropriate time of recess. Return the Homework Report (and completed homework if needed) the following school day.

Sixth Homework Report Given to the Student

Work on the homework during recess. Return the Homework Report (and completed homework if needed) the following school day. Meet with the teacher, Head of Lower School, and parents to develop a home-to-school homework contract.

Odds are that a child will forget homework at some point, and the school wants to assure your child (and parents) that we will help him or her through this in a gentle and caring manner if and when it does occur. Receiving a Homework Report is a teachable moment for your child. Consider the lesson you want to teach and how you want it to impact your child in future homework situations. Please read the following six points, which will serve as a reminder of the Lower School's Homework Policy. If you have questions or wish to discuss any area in greater detail, please contact the Head of the Lower School or the Director of Curriculum and Instruction.

1. Recording Homework

Junior Spartans & Kindergarten

Homework may be assigned according to the activity and unit. Assignments/instructions will be sent home with the student.

First Grade

The homework routine follows a specific guideline each night, and any special assignments/instructions will be sent home with the student.

Second - Fifth Grades

The student is responsible for recording his/her homework assignments each day in the homework folder, agenda, or iPad (fourth and fifth grades). The homework is posted daily on the Webb School website by the classroom teacher by 4:00 p.m.

2. The student is responsible for collecting his/her homework, backpack, and supplies each day before going to the car line, after-school club, or After Care.

3. The Lower School building is open until 6:00 p.m. each day. The student will not be penalized for returning to the building. If the student does not have his/her homework, the student may arrive at 7:30 a.m. the next day to discuss the forgotten homework with the teacher; and if time permits, the student may complete the homework. Our goal is to develop open, honest student-teacher communication and allow the students to discuss this situation with the teacher if it does occur.

4. If the student forgets his/her homework, backpack, supplies, water bottle, or iPad (fourth and fifth grades) when he/she arrives at school, a Homework Report will be given. The Lower School faculty and Head of the Lower School view receiving a Homework Report as a learning experience for the future. The teacher and student will work through this situation together. We promise; all will be OKAY if the student receives a Homework Report.

5. If the student forgets his/her homework, backpack, supplies, iPad (fourth and fifth grades), snack, water bottle, after-school clothes/equipment, or any other item when he/she arrives to school, we are asking the parent not to deliver any of these items to the school after the student's arrival. We want our school to be a safe place to make a mistake and allow the student and teacher to discuss the forgotten items and review a plan to address the situation in the future.

6. At home, the student will develop a homework plan for himself/herself (with guidance from the parent):

• Determine where he/she does homework,

• Determine when (time of day) he/she will complete homework,

• Create a supply box that he/she has available (glue, markers, paper, etc.), and

• Develop a routine to collect and pack all materials for the next school day.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

INTAKE conferences are scheduled early in the fall to allow parents and homeroom teachers to exchange information that can benefit the student and all of his or her teachers.

Conferences to discuss student progress between the teachers and parents are held twice a year; however, we will make arrangements if parents would like to meet with any or all of a student’s teachers at other times during the school year.

When conference signup availability is announced, please follow the instructions below to sign up for a designated time. All families should select a 25-minute time slot to meet with his/her child’s homeroom teacher.

1. Visit www.webbschool.org and select LOGIN.

2. On the Veracross parent portal, click on the orange button on the right, labeled Parent Conferences. There is a coffee cup icon on the button.

3. Follow the instructions on the page to schedule your conference.

Progress Reporting

The Lower School provides report cards as an assessment tool three times a year (November, February, and June). Remember that children develop and master skills at varying rates. Concentrate on how your child is doing as an individual, rather than comparing him/her to a sibling or classmate. During parent-teacher conferences, you will have an opportunity to review your child’s progress while also focusing on work for the next marking period.

The report card can be found on the opening page of the parent portal in Veracross. Select the Reports tab adjacent to your child’s name. It can also be accessed by selecting Classes and Reports under the info tab.

The report card is a standards-based assessment tool. The classroom report card includes:

• An intrapersonal section (awareness of self).

• An interpersonal section (interactions with others).

• A linguistic section (language arts).

• A logical-mathematical section (math).

• A geography and global-awareness section (social studies) in fourth and fifth grades.

Each section is divided into a list of skills and knowledge that students are responsible for learning. Students receive an assessment mark for each standard.

A narrative section of comments from the teacher relating to your child’s performance is also included to outline specific information and establish goals for the upcoming trimester.

Special Area classes will be included on the report cards of students in grades three through five and will have a list of skills and knowledge within the Special Area and a narrative section to outline the theme for the trimester. In lieu of a Special Area review on their report cards, students in grades Pre-K through two will receive a direct email from the Special Area teacher if a progress note is warranted.


The assessment scale to record performance for each standard is:

• EE: Exceeding Expectations

Consistently and independently applies and extends key concepts, processes, and skills above grade-level expectations.

• ME: Meeting Expectations

Demonstrates a general understanding of the concept/skill and performs to grade-level expectations.

• NI: Needs Improvement

Inconsistent in his/her performance and requires repeated assistance with the concept/skill; student is making progress.

• AC: Area of Concern

Has difficulty completing tasks and understanding skills and concepts that are presented in class.

• NA: Not Assessed at This Time


Third, fourth, and fifth grade students also receive letter grades in core subject areas.

Letter Grade Numerical Range


Lower School Attendance

The spirit of the Lower School's attendance policy is to promote the notion that every day at school, regardless of grade level, is a critical part of a student’s education and that what transpires in the classroom cannot be duplicated or captured simply by reading and completing an assignment or reviewing materials. It is therefore strongly encouraged that all students are punctual to school and attend every class every day.

The school realizes that on occasion, extraordinary circumstances arise and it becomes necessary for a student to miss a class or even a day of school. Parents can support both the student and the school by doing the following:

• Giving thoughtful consideration as to whether one’s child needs to miss school, and

• Initiating prompt communication with school personnel as to the time and date of the student’s absence.

Reporting an Absence or Tardy

When a student is absent due to illness, or is running late for any reason, parents must contact the Lower School by emailing LS_Attendance@webbschool.org before 8:45 a.m. on the day of the absence. The reason for the absence/tardy should be included in the communication. Any anticipated absence must be submitted to the Lower School Head for approval via email at least two weeks in advance.

Make-Up Work

Make-up work will be provided for students with excused absences by emailing a request to the teacher. Essential missed assignments for pre-arranged absences, vacations, and excused absences will be available upon the student's return to school. Make-up work for students with excessive or unexcused absences will be available at the school’s discretion.

Excessive Absences

Students with excessive absences (10 percent per grading period) risk forfeiting extracurricular school privileges. If absences become excessive (10 percent of a semester or school year), parent conferences are expected, and re-enrollment contracts may be withheld. An exception to this policy involves situations that require a medical leave of absence from school. Such an exception requires the approval of the Head of the Lower School and only after documentation from a physician(s) has been submitted to the school for review.

Unexcused Absences

An unexcused absence is one that is deemed so by the Head of the Lower School. Typically, family trips and extended vacations fall into this category. No grade penalty will be assessed for missed work; the penalty involved is inherent in the absence from class. All work and tests will be made up on a schedule proposed by individual teachers upon the student’s return to school,

Tardy Statement

All students must report to the receptionist when they are tardy to school. A student is considered tardy if they arrive past 8:00 a.m. or 8:30 a.m. if on a Late-Start Wednesday. If tardy, parents must walk their child into the school and record the reason for the tardy in the student sign-in book.

Early Dismissals

Early dismissals are obtained by emailing the receptionist at LS_Attendance@webbschool.org , stating the time and reason for dismissal. Children having early dismissals should be signed out by a parent and picked up at the reception desk in the front lobby. Parents arriving for early dismissal pickup should wait for their child in the front reception area.

• Students may not be dismissed between 2:50 p.m. and 3:15 p.m.

• Students may not be dismissed early for extracurricular activities.

• Weekly or routine specialist appointments requiring early dismissal should be pre-approved by the Head of the Lower School.

Physical Education Dismissals

Physical education dismissals may be obtained via an email from parents to the Lower School physical education teachers, classroom teachers, and the receptionist (LS_Attendance@webbschool.org ). Email notifications are good for one day only, and parents should repeat the notes if necessary.

Any student wearing a brace, bandage, or cast will not be allowed to attend physical education classes. A student with stitches will not be allowed to participate unless the wound is covered and a written note from the physician/nurse is provided. Any student having to miss more than three days must have a written excuse from a physician. Students missing physical education will be supervised by the receptionist in the school lobby.

Lower School Code of Dress & Appearance

Webb's Lower School dress code allows students to dress neatly and comfortably for the activities in which they engage during a normal school day. All students are expected to be in school uniform every day unless specific permission has been given otherwise.

The school adopted a dress code primarily for two reasons. The first is to diminish the competition and peer pressure on young children regarding expensive, name-brand clothing. School is a place where children should be confident that they are accepted for who they are, not what they wear, and they deserve adult support in these areas.

The second is financial, as outfitting young children can be an expensive proposition. In acknowledgment of the financial sacrifice that many parents make to send their children to Webb, we have adopted uniforms.

Allowances will be made for special articles of clothing relevant to a specific religious tradition or medical necessity. Parents should contact the Head of the Lower School for clarification.

All uniform shirts, pants, shorts, skirts/skorts must be purchased from the uniform vendors listed below.

• Lands’ End: www.landsend.com

• My Aplus Uniforms (formerly Educational Outfitters): myaplusuniforms.com

• Tommy Hilfiger : www.globalschoolwear.com

• Webb School Wearhouse

Uniform & Appearance Guidelines


• Navy, white, or hunter green polo – short or long sleeves

• Female students are permitted to wear white or blue broadcloth blouses. Peter Pan collars are allowed.

• All shirts must be fully tucked inside pants/shorts/ skirts/skorts.

• No logos allowed other than the required Webb School “W.”


• Classic style V-neck or cardigan sweaters in navy or green may be worn.

• Webb School sweatshirts and fleece jackets may be worn inside/outside of buildings.

• These items must be purchased from the Webb Bookstore. All other sweatshirts, fleece jackets, and light jackets (not related to Webb School) may not be worn at any time.

• Students may bring a winter coat to be worn outside of school. A winter coat is not brandspecific and may be purchased from any vendor.

• A winter coat is heavier that a fleece, sweater, or sweatshirt.


• Pants and shorts must be khaki or navy.

• Elastic waistbands are permitted.

• Reinforced knee patches are approved.


• Khaki, navy, and blackwatch plaid dresses/jumpers are permitted.

• Skirts/skorts must be khaki or navy. Blackwatch plaid skirts/skorts are not allowed

• Girls are required to wear solid black or navy bike/ fitted shorts, running shorts, or full-length tights/ leggings underneath skirts and jumpers. These guidelines pertain to female students only.

NOTE: All students will be required to wear full leg coverings during the months of December, January, and February with no exceptions. Full leg coverage includes pants and jumpers/skirts/skorts with full tights or leggings to the ankle. Tights/leggings must be white, navy, gray, black, or hunter green. Leggings may not have designs, lace, glitter, etc.


• A belt (black or brown leather or the Webb School belt sold in the Webb Bookstore) is required with any bottom that includes belt loops (shorts and pants).


• Socks must be worn with all shoes. White, gray, black, or navy socks may be worn. All sock logos of less than two inches are allowed, and logos must be within the approved colors (white, gray, black, or navy).

• Socks must be high enough to show when wearing appropriate footwear.

• Socks may not have designs, stripes, dots, tassels, pom-poms, lace, glitter, sparkles, etc.


• Tennis shoes are the required footwear and should have a sturdy sole for daily physical education classes and recess.


Webb School expects each student to avoid extremes of hair lengths, colors, or styles, including but not limited to, mohawks or spiked hair. More specifically, hair must be a natural color; this includes the tips of hair.

Webb School Bookstore

Webb outerwear and other merchandise are available in the Webb School Bookstore, located in Webb's Central Building. During the school year, the Webb Bookstore is typically open from 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. and from 12:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. Summer hours may vary.


Used uniforms items are available in the Webb Wearhouse, located in the back of the Webb School Bookstore. The Wearhouse shares the same hours as the bookstore and remains open throughout the school


• Hats (of any kind) may not be brought to school unless it is a designated “hat day” within the Lower School.

• Religious head coverings are always approved.

• Toboggans, scarves, and gloves may be worn outside during cold weather.

• Hair bows, scrunchies, headbands, and barrettes are permitted. However, bandanas, fashion scarves, costume headbands, fake hair, and hair extensions are not allowed.

• Stud earrings and watches may be worn. Smartwatches, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and rings may not be worn.


• No midriff tops or spaghetti straps.

• Must have tennis shoes for P.E. and recess. Depending on the theme, students are welcomed to wear other footwear but must bring tennis shoes to change into.

• No hats or jewelry unless specified by the theme.

• If a student does not wish to dress in accordance with the theme, they are always welcomed to wear their uniform.

year. Parents may drop off gently-worn dress code items at any time. If the bookstore is closed, items may be left outside of the bookstore door. Used uniform items cannot be dropped off at the Lower School.

Mobile Phones & Personal Electronic Devices

Mobile phones and personal electronic devices should not be brought to school. Students should not transport these devices in backpacks, even if turned off, unless it is cleared with school administration.

Special Programming, Community & Culture

Student Council

The Lower School Student Council is an organization that works to help improve the Lower School and promote social events.

Responsibilities include:

• Plan dress-out days

• Celebrate special days within the year

• Research improvements for the Lower School

• Support life within each grade level

• Help organize Lower School events

The Student Council is sponsored by a faculty member. Each kindergarten through fifth grade class will elect a new representative for each trimester. The Student Council meetings take place during club times and vary by trimester according to the Lower School Clubs schedule. Participation in the Student Council is completely voluntary; an elected member is expected to attend all meetings.

Students interested in running for Student Council may give an oral presentation to his/her class. No audiovisuals, fliers, posters, buttons, stickers, etc., are allowed. Teachers will provide time for students to share their speeches in class. A secret ballot vote will be conducted by each class. For parent planning purposes, elections will take place each trimester prior to the trimester club signup. The teachers will let the students and parents in their class know when they will hold their class elections.

In an effort to involve as many students as possible, we ask that students who had an opportunity to be a member of Student Council during the previous school year not participate in the current school year.

Hydration/Water Bottle

As a school, we ask that students bring a reusable water bottle daily, and students are encouraged to drink water frequently throughout the school day. Research indicates that students remember more and stay focused longer when they are hydrated. In fact, studies have found that drinking water can improve brain function.

Water bottle refill stations are located throughout the school and are easily accessible for all students.


All students are expected to eat lunch in the Lower School Commons and are provided several options (hot bar, salad bar, sandwich station) each day. However, a student may bring a lunch from home, but they should adhere to the following guidelines when packing a lunch.

• Notify the administration and homeroom teacher before bringing a lunch from home.

• Restaurant food is not permitted. A student may not bring food from a restaurant in the restaurant container/wrapper or that has been repackaged in a Ziploc bag, plastic wrap, foil, etc.

• Chips should be one serving. Also, consider a healthy chip option (e.g., baked chips, Sun Chips, or pretzels).

• No candy, chocolate, candy bars, or snack cakes.

• Dessert may be one item. For example, if you send a cookie as a dessert, it should be only one cookie.

• No juice drinks, flavored drinks, sports drinks, or sodas. Examples include: Capri Sun, juice box, Gatorade, Powerade, etc.

• Organic and/or soy milk is an approved drink.

• Students may not share packed lunch items with other students.


Please adhere to the following guidelines before joining your student:

• Visitors are limited to one per student and should only be a parent or grandparent.

• You MUST e-mail LS_attendance@webbschool.org to request a lunch visit. Requests must be made by 9 a.m. on the day of the visit. (You can request in advance – i.e., birthday, etc.). You should not call the Lower School to schedule a visit.

• We have limited seating for each class, so please do not arrive if you have not received confirmation back via email. Emails will be returned and will either confirm your visit or ask you to schedule another available day. Requests will be answered during school hours only, and in the order received.

• Outside food and drinks should not be brought to lunch for the visitor or student. Please, no cell phones or technology in the presence of the children.


Students in first through fifth grades are invited to bring an individual snack to eat in the classroom and for an after-school club or After Care each day. Junior Spartans and kindergarten students are invited to bring an individual snack for After Care each day, and for clubs if/when they can join.

Snack time typically occurs within the classroom while the students are working and does not interfere with the learning process.

Only items on the below list may be brought for snack within the classroom and/or during an afterschool club or After Care. To support our sustainability efforts, please remind your child to pack his/her snack in a reusable, plastic container. The container may not exceed 12 oz., 1.5 cups, or 300 milliliters.

The classroom teacher will review the list and discuss the snack expectations with your child on the first day of school. We appreciate your partnership in supporting the snack as a part of each school day.


The following list is an approved selection of snacks that a student may bring to be eaten during the classroom snack time, after-school clubs, and After Care. A classroom snack is provided by the school for Junior Spartans and kindergarten students.

• Applesauce (only in a squeezable package)

• Beef jerky (sliced)

• Bread – one slice or one stick (pumpkin, zucchini, banana, white, wheat, etc.) – spreads may not be added to the bread slice.

• Cheese – cubes, string, sliced

• Cheese and crackers

• Chex Mix

• Crackers – saltine, oyster, graham, Goldfish, animal, Wheat Thins, Triscuits, Cheez-Its, Cheese Nips

• Fruit – apple, banana, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, pear, raisins, dried fruit, peeled Cutie tangerine

• Granola bar, cereal bar, Nutri-Grain bar, Luna bar, Cliff bar, Zone bar, Kashi bar, Kind bar

• Mini muffins

• Peanut Butter and crackers

• Pepperoni slices

• Pretzels – plain (no flavored coating)

• Rice cakes

• Vegetables – carrots, celery, broccoli, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, peppers (green, red, yellow), cherry tomatoes

• Veggie Straws


All items that are not prepackaged must be enclosed in a reusable small plastic container (no larger than 12 oz., 1.5 cups, or 300 milliliters). No baggies, please – we are GOING GREEN! A snack container may not exceed 12 oz., 1.5 cups, or 300 milliliters.

Students must be able to open the container on their own (without teacher assistance). Dips and spreads may not accompany any snack. No utensils are permitted (toothpicks, forks, spoons, knives).

Restaurant food is not permitted. Snacks may not be shared between students. Teachers will not provide snacks for students who do not bring one to school. Snacks may not be dropped off after students arrive in the morning.

Lost & Found

All student clothing and books should be legibly labeled with the student’s name. Items found unattended will be kept in the Lower School Office. Unclaimed, unlabeled clothing will be sent to the Webb Wearhouse or to a charitable agency several times during the school year. Advanced warning will be given to students and parents regarding the date of the charitable donations.

Webb's Lower School after-school programs are divided into two categories: After Care and Special Interest Clubs.

Extended Day Programs

After Care

In recognition of the fact that not all families have the option to have their child(ren) picked up at school by 3:15 p.m., the Lower School provides After Care services for Lower School students. The service is essentially structured by the grade level of the student. He or she may play outside on any available space, take part in recreational reading or research, or utilize other facilities if the appropriate supervision is available.


Each day that your child signs in to After Care, he or she will be able to work on homework and other school projects, read a personal book, participate in art activities and group games, and play outside. Students should bring an extra snack for After Care. Snacks will not be provided. Each group will rotate through a designated schedule, allowing time for indoor play, recess outdoors, and homework or quiet work time.

After Care may not be available during the first days of school due to the nature of Preview Days and the staggered starting days. The After Care starting date will be posted on the school calendar. Children are welcome to attend After Care on all days that school is in session, with a few exceptions; those details are included in the school calendar.


After Care is provided daily, 3:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., for all Lower School students, Junior Spartans through fifth grade. Students will be separated into groups based on their grade levels. They will have one to two staff members with them from the time school ends until they are picked up by 6:00 p.m. Parents will meet the After Care lead in the Lower School lobby to check their child(ren) out each day.

Students who are not picked up by the end of the afternoon car line at 3:40 p.m. will sign in to After Care. Students who attend a special interest club can either check directly in to After Care immediately following their club or will check in to After Care following the club car line that ends at 4:30 p.m.

After Care is an additional cost beyond tuition. The student’s school account will be billed annually for After Care. There are a few pre-registration options:

• Five days a week $1,200

• Four days a week $1,050

• Three days a week $900

• Two days a week $750

A drop-in rate is available for $15 per day. This is a flat fee that is not dependent upon the amount of time your child(ren) is/are in After Care. If parents do not pick up their child(ren) by 6:00 p.m., an additional charge of $5 per minute per child will be added until they are picked up.


Lauren Leonard is the contact person for After Care. She will facilitate After Care sign-up throughout the school year. Bonnie Saas, the lead After Care staff member, will sign students in and out of After Care. She will be your direct line of contact each afternoon while your child(ren) is/are in After Care. She can be reached by calling 865-291-3846.

Each group of students will have one to two staff members supervising them. These staff members are adults, college students, and Upper School students. Days when Lower School After Care will NOT be provided are posted on the school calendar.

Special Interest Clubs

The Lower School provides a wide array of enrichment opportunities after school and during early morning hours for children to discover new interests and talents, and to pursue and cultivate existing talents or interests. These activities are sponsored by either Lower School faculty or specialty instructors hired by the school. The schedule is adjacent to the trimester marking periods, although some of the activities span more than one of those periods. They generally run from 3:20 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. usually one day per week; on occasion, however, some activities will meet two days per week or before school at 7:30 a.m.


The Club Coordinator will provide club registration information sometime during the first few weeks of school. Once registration is submitted and processed, parents will receive the child’s club confirmation form with either a confirmation of enrollment or a notification that your child has been wait-listed. While the school does its best to enroll students in at least one of their top choices, please note that our clubs do have a maximum enrollment size and we may need to place your child on the wait-list or enroll them in an alternate selection.


Some clubs have a participation fee that may either be a flat fee for the trimester, which is billed to the Webb student account at the beginning of the trimester, or a fee per lesson, as in the case of Tennis Club and Webb Dance Academy (WDA) classes. The WDA classes are billed to the student's account; the tennis program will send a separate invoice to your home.


Most clubs run from 3:20 p.m. to 4:15 p.m., but a few clubs have a later dismissal time which is noted in the club listing. Some clubs are offered before school from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.


Club car line begins at 4:15 p.m. in front of the Lower School and is completed by 4:25 p.m. If picking up a child from a club with a dismissal time of 4:30 p.m. or later, please do not enter the car line until five minutes prior to your pickup time, so as not to hinder the flow of traffic.


After Care is available Monday-Friday until 6:00 p.m. Parents may enroll a student in After Care if childcare is needed beyond the end of the student’s club dismissal.


Students should pack a school-approved snack for their after-school club.

Summer Practice Packet

As families prepare for summer, it is important for children to schedule time for academic activities. Research is clear; students can experience “summer loss” that can be equivalent to three months of learning if they do not maintain and practice academic skills.

The Lower School faculty have prepared a Summer Practice Packet to ensure that your child’s literacy and mathematics skills remain strong over the summer. The purpose of the Webb Lower School Summer Practice Packet is to encourage students to become lifelong learners and mathematicians and to provide them with engaging ways to practice their reading and math skills.

Elementary school children should read, or be read to, as often as possible. We expect all elementary students to participate in summer reading activities by reading books and listening to stories aloud. Students are required to keep track of the books they have read using the summer reading log (included in the summer practice packet). Your child should record every book read during the summer; even books that aren’t on the summer reading list.

Along with summer reading, a Lower School student (rising Junior Spartan through rising fifth grade) is required to complete the Summer Practice Packet. The packet is divided into two additional sections:

Required: All activities within this section are required to be completed, and

Bonus: Activities within this section provide additional practice and enrichment of skills for the upcoming grade level; they are optional and at the discretion of the student and parent.

Each child is issued one copy of the Summer Practice Packet. For current students, the packets are sent home the last week of school before summer break. New students should expect to receive their packets by mail during the same time.

The packet should be kept in a safe place; a replacement copy is $25. Each child should be able to complete the required portion independently, while the bonus section may require more assistance from a parent. Parents should support their child by asking him or her to share the work with them periodically and by providing any guidance relating to quality of work within the Summer Practice Packet. This packet must be returned to the upcoming grade teacher on the first day of school.

School Supplies

All necessary school and classroom supplies will be provided for all Lower School students in grades Pre-K through fifth. All students should bring the following personal items daily:

• Reusable water bottle (must fit in students' cubbies)

• Small backpack (no wheels)

* Both items should be clearly labeled with the student’s name.

Student Classroom Placement

Students are placed in classrooms with teachers at each grade level by the school. The student placement process is careful and thorough with considerable input from the previous year’s teachers, the school counselor, and the Head of the Lower School. The school takes the position that all faculty are equally qualified to implement the grade-level curriculum; that grade-level teachers share materials and ideas freely and work cooperatively to produce grade-level curriculum; and the previous years’ instructors, counselor, and administration are the most

qualified and knowledgeable professionals regarding individual students and the dynamics of the children in the classroom, and should play the lead role in the placement process. Class lists are available, posted and emailed one week prior to the start of school.

Inclement Weather Policies

If classes are to be canceled due to snow, ice, or any extreme weather issue, you will receive a text and phone message at the contact numbers you have listed on your school profile. Please review your school profile to confirm that you have listed the appropriate phone numbers. Notice of school closure will also be posted on the school website's homepage and with local television stations.

If there is a late start, rather than a cancellation of classes, the same communication procedures will be activated. It is important to note that on late-start mornings, buildings will not be opened and accessible to students until one hour before the announced late start of the school day.

Safety will always be our top priority. Please use your discretion in making decisions about the safety of your children when traveling to school on those days when school is in session.


If the entire student body has an early dismissal due to inclement weather or an unforeseen occurrence such as power or water loss, etc., Webb will dismiss as follows:

• Upper School Students

30 minutes before Lower and Middle School students

• Lower and Middle School Students * (students will dismiss at the same time) 30 minutes after Upper School students


All-School Early Dismissal – 3:00 p.m.

• Upper School students dismiss at 2:30 p.m.

• Lower and Middle School students dismiss at 3:00 p.m.

* If the Lower or Middle School student has a sibling in the Upper School, he/she will be dismissed 30 minutes early to ride with their Upper School sibling or parent.

Webb School Information Network


The Webb School Information Network provides a powerful resource for all members of the Webb School community. However, with this power comes responsibility. The computers and information network at Webb School are provided for responsible users. Ethical questions surrounding the use of computers and other related technologies are the same as those found in other aspects of life at Webb School and covered by the Honor Code.

In addition, students and parents are reminded that the use of technology in any form (including, but not limited to, social networking sites) to intimidate, bully, harass, demean, and/or verbally attack a member of the student body, faculty, staff, or another parent will be treated as a major disciplinary event which may result in expulsion from Webb School. This includes actions described above that are generated off campus.

Moreover, students are expected to abide by the Webb School Honor Code with regard to plagiarism and provide appropriate documentation for any and all material found on the internet.

Finally, students are expected to respect the right to privacy of others. Students are not allowed to access or use another student’s personal computer information, and students are not allowed to access another student’s email account.

Any violation of the school’s Computer Code of Ethics may be an honor and/or disciplinary event. The school will determine the type of offense.


Webb School has the right and responsibility to monitor student email accounts and to monitor all material downloaded from the internet.

NOTE: Unauthorized recording or recording any individual, group, or activity without their knowledge, by any person by any means on campus, is prohibited without explicit permission of the individual or the administration.

Webb School Substance Abuse Policy

There are four general points in the Webb Substance Abuse Policy that support and frame the policy:

1. Any Webb student who possesses, sells, purchases, obtains, distributes, uses, or is under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or any abused substance on school property or at a school-sponsored event may expect to be expelled.

2. Regarding this issue, the school considers its jurisdiction to be "the school campus at any time and anywhere else that students are when they are involved in school-sponsored or school-endorsed activities."

3. The school reserves the right to respond to off-campus student behavior that negatively threatens the safety and welfare of other Webb students or compromises the fundamental culture of healthy behavior that we are working to cultivate at Webb.

4. The school president has considerable discretion in interpreting the individual circumstances of each case and formulating the school's response within the guidelines set below.

Response to any offense may include one or more of the following:

• The student will serve an out-of-school suspension. Over the course of this time, the school and the parents will work closely to plan a schedule that effectively and appropriately guides the student's life during school hours (e.g. counseling and/or community service).

• The student will relinquish all elected or appointed school leadership positions (and candidacy for the same) for at least the remainder of the year.

• The student will undergo assessment by a qualified substance abuse professional and begin treatment if necessary. A letter from the assessor to the division head must be received stating that the assessment has taken place and that treatment, if necessary, has begun. Communication initiated by a contracted counselor confirming that an appointment has been set or met must be received before the student is readmitted to school.

• The student will complete an essay that reveals at least: 1) an understanding of the specific legal consequences in the state of Tennessee for the infraction committed; and 2) thoughtful reflection on the experience and how it has affected the student's life and the lives of those surrounding the student. The essay must satisfy the division head.

• The student will experience a 30-day loss of driving privileges (if the student is eligible to drive) and receive a mandate that the student must be driven to and from school by one of his/her parents.

• The student will perform 30 hours (not to count toward service hour graduation requirements) of school-approved community service (preferably in a drug and alcohol program) to be completed within nine weeks of the infraction

• The student will agree to school-directed, familyfinanced random drug testing. If a test were ever positive, a permanent expulsion would result.

• The student will agree to and complete random drug testing administered by a school-approved, certified tester.

• The student will attend a re-entry conference with his/her parents and a school administrator before returning to classes

• Permanent expulsion

Until all requirements and conditions are met, the student will not return to classes; or, when applicable, the student's transcript will not be released.


The mission of Webb School is to inspire and nurture the full potential of each individual and to prepare our students to serve as leaders of character in tomorrow’s world.

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