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Middle School Activities
Service Learning
Throughout its history, Webb School of Knoxville has been committed to the idea that everyone benefits when leaders help others. At school, in their neighborhoods, and in the town at large, Webb students can help as they develop an understanding of leadership and the nature of the community. Our Middle School provides varied opportunities throughout the year for students to serve and make an impact in the lives of others.
Students are welcome to be involved in the following leadership opportunities:
Elections take place in the fall and appointments are for the school year. Sixth, seventh, and eighth grades are represented.
Middle School students will have the opportunity to serve as student representatives for their assigned House. Representative elections are held after Student Council elections.
A student may not serve on both Student Council and as a House Representative.
Students are invited to be a part of this organization based on scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Seventh and eighth-grade students are eligible according to the NJHS requirements. Letters are mailed to eligible students following the second quarter of school.
Initiation takes place in the spring semester.
Open to seventh and eighth grade students, this commitment requires a number of hours outside of school, as well as required conferences statewide. Students engage in public speaking, discussions of current events, and simulating the
United Nations. Model UN introduces students to a global community of leaders.
Fundraising Projects
Occasionally, an advisory or other group may want to schedule fundraising activities to support worthwhile service projects. Any such activity considered by student groups must first be presented to the Middle School Head for approval.
It is strictly forbidden for a student to sell items at school or to solicit contributions to charitable organizations on campus without authorized permission.
Encore Courses
Sixth graders rotate through all Encore courses over two semesters, taking Wellness the entire year.
In the spring, seventh and eighth grade students will be asked to rank their choices of three Encore courses (including Study Hall). These are yearlong courses. Any changes to Encore enrollment must be completed no later than two school days after the fall INTAKE conferences. Every consideration will be given to students’ preferences. However, due to enrollment limitations for most courses, students are not guaranteed their top three selections.
After-School Participation
Students must fully attend at least four (4) of their classes to participate in after-school activities. This rule is in place to ensure that our emphasis is on academics, not extracurricular activities.
If a student leaves school due to an illness, he/she may not participate in after-school activities – practices, games, concerts, etc. If the absence is due to a family emergency or appointment, approval for participation must be granted by the Dean of Students.
All students who participate in Webb School athletics must have an annual physical examination. All required forms for Webb student-athletes are within Magnus Health, located on the parent portal in Veracross. Select the red Magnus Health tab at the top right after logging in to the school website. Please remember that BOTH
parents must sign in to Veracross with their individual username and password to access and complete the needed forms in Magnus Health.
The purpose of the athletic program at Webb School is to provide students with the benefits of physical fitness, wholesome competition, and healthful recreation. To these ends, a full and varied program of interscholastic sports is offered.
Eighth-grade boys and girls are eligible by TSSAA rules to participate on freshman, junior varsity, or varsity teams in the Upper School.