15 minute read

The Link Between a Healthy Diet and a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is a leading cause of death across the globe. According to the World Health Organization, ischaemic heart disease is responsible for 16 percent of the world’s total deaths. The WHO also points out that, between 2000 and 2019, deaths due to ischaemic heart disease rose by more than two million. Though not all deaths due to heart disease are preventable, many are, and researchers have discovered various ways individuals can reduce their risk for heart disease. One way individuals can protect their heart health is to eat a healthy diet. The link between diet and heart health is significant. Recognition of that link can help people concerned about heart disease develop a dietary plan that reduces their risk for this all-too-common killer.


A healthy diet, weight and heart health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that a healthy diet is balanced and includes a variety of nutritious foods. In fact, one easy way to determine if a plate is healthy is to see how colorful it is. The CDC notes that “eating the rainbow” means a plate is filled with an array of colors, which typically means an individual is eating healthy foods. Such a plate may include dark, leafy greens; bright red tomatoes; colorful fruits like oranges; and even fresh herbs. Such foods tend to be loaded with vitamins, fibers and minerals and low in added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. That makes it easier for individuals to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, which in turn reduces their risk for heart disease.

A recent study from researchers at Johns Hopkins found that obesity itself can lead to heart failure, even in the absence of markers for heart disease like high blood pressure, diabetes and elevated cholesterol that have long been used to determine an individual’s risk for heart disease. So by using a nutritious diet to maintain or achieve a healthy weight, individuals are thus lowering their risk for heart disease, even if they do not presently have any of the established markers indicating that risk has been elevated.

A healthy diet, cholesterol and heart


Of course, many people already have learned that they are at an elevated risk for heart disease due to certain lifestyle choices, including poor diet. A poor diet can cause a host of health problems, including elevating cholesterol levels. According to the Heart & Vascular Center at Valley View Hospital in western Colorado, a diet high in saturated fat can lead to heart disease because it can increase cholesterol levels. The Mayo Clinic notes that, when a person has high cholesterol, fatty deposits can develop in the blood vessels. Those deposits eventually grow, making it difficult for sufficient blood to flow through the arteries. The deposits also can break and form clots that can cause heart attack or stroke. Though Harvard Health notes that some people are genetically predisposed to high blood cholesterol, a diet that limits intake of saturated fat can help most people maintain healthy cholesterol levels, thus reducing their risk for heart disease. Foods high in saturated fat include pork, beef, lamb, cream, butter, and cheese.

Heart disease claims the lives of millions of people across the globe every year. Diet is an undeniable ally in the fight against heart disease, and individuals who commit to eating right can greatly reduce their risk for heart disease.

Puzzling Romance Winter Book Sale

Konkle Library in Montoursville

It’s a Puzzling Romance Winter Book Sale Saturday February 11 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., at the Montoursville W.B. Konkle Library on BROAD Street. It’s time to pick up a few jigsaw puzzles for those cold romantic winter nights and a few books to read by the fire or videos to watch together. Montoursville Friends of the Library have collected thousands of treasures to share at very reasonable prices, by the book or by the bag. An abundant selection of Children’s, Adult Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Mystery, Large Print Books, Videos and Puzzles are for sale.

Donations of new and used books, puzzles & DVDs in good condition accepted during these hours too.

Entrance will be on the side of the building.

For more information on the Konkle Library, please visit www.Konklelibrary.org.

Heart: Passion and Emotion than these.” Mark 12:30-31.

Note: This is the second article in a series entitled “The Five Investments.” Previous articles are always available at www.webbweekly.com.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater

The list of the five investments begins with the heart. That’s not by chance. The heart represents all that is foundational to our sense of being, understanding, and expression. If we can’t love God with all of our hearts, then everything else we do will fall short. It all begins with the heart. The heart is the source of passion and emotion. Passion is what drives us. It is mysterious. We really don’t know what causes passion or why people experience more or less of it. The reason we say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is because we’re all driven by different passions.

Tim Hartzell

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5 years

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be highly productive at work while destroying their family. I’ve known plenty of guys over the years who destroyed their marriages while passionately pursuing their hobbies. Our passions have far more influence over us than we realize. Jeremiah, the prophet, declared, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:9

Personal Choice Annuity

5 years 5.65%

Personal Choice Annuity

Personal Choice Annuity

5 years

5 years 5.65%

5 years

10 years 5.35% CALL TODAY

5 years

7 years 5.65%

Personal Choice Annuity

I am a passionate outdoorsman. On bitter cold and windy days, I wish I wasn’t. I would really like to be that guy who can sleep in or just stay home because the weather is awful. My passion doesn’t give me that option. I am driven to pursue fish and game, and it’s always been that way with me. What does your passion drive you to do? Did you get up at 3 AM on Black Friday to get a sweet deal on a bigscreen TV? How about that classic car or Harley parked in your garage that never gets driven in the rain? Maybe it’s a computer game or a scratch golf handicap, or having your entire family together for the holidays? What are your passions?

Personal Choice Annuity

7 years

Personal Choice Annuity

10 Years

7 years 5.65%

7 years

10 years

7 years

Passion can be highly productive— and terribly destructive—and both at the same time. A workaholic may

Emotion is also mysterious but generally involves a fascinating mix of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and our natural temperaments. ANS—God designed our bodies with systems that operate automatically –breathing, heartbeat, digestion, etc. When under stress or threat, the ANS reacts by preparing us for the fight-orflight response. When peaceful, the ANS triggers the body’s need to rest and digest. The ANS can make us feel a certain way, having a direct impact on our emotions. If you’ve never researched the ANS, I strongly urge you to do so. You can learn a lot about yourself and why you feel the way you do.

Temperaments—God also designed us with immutable (unchanging or

10 years

10 years



5.65% or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another guaranteed interest period. The renewed guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited rates effective 1/11/2023 and are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the interest rate will be reduced accordingly. Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals from qualified plans. Contracts issued by Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state.





7 years

10 Years

5.35% CALL




Single Premium deferred annuities are guaranteed for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another guaranteed interest period. The renewed guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited rates effective 1/11/2023 and are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the interest rate will be reduced accordingly. Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals from qualified plans. Contracts issued by Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT annuities are guaranteed for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another The renewed guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited and are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the accordingly. Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals Contracts issued by Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT

Personal Choice Annuity


Personal Choice Annuity

5.50% Guaranteed for YEARS



5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT


5 years

5.50% Guaranteed for 3 YEARS

7 years

10 years


5 years


guaranteed for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT






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5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT

CALL TODAY guaranteed for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another renewed guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited subject to change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals by Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT


Single Premium deferred annuities are guaranteed for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another guaranteed interest period. The renewed guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited rates effective 1/11/2023 and are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the interest rate will be reduced accordingly. Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals from qualified plans. Contracts issued by Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT


Single Premium deferred annuities are guaranteed for 3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7 or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed for another guaranteed interest period. The renewed guaranteed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of 1.00%. Credited rates effective 1/11/2023 and are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity riders the interest rate will be reduced accordingly. Early withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for early withdrawals from qualified plans. Contracts issued by Sentinel Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT INSURANCE COMPANY IS A MEMBER OF THE A-CAP FAMILY



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3, 5, 7 or 10 years. At the end of the 3, 5, 7, or 10 year guaranteed interest period, the contract may be renewed interest rate will be the current interest rate offered at the time of renewal with a minimum rate guarantee of without notice. Quoted rates do not reflect optional liquidity riders. If you choose to add any of the available liquidity withdrawals may be subject to Surrender Charges and Market Value Adjustments. The IRS may impose penalties for Security Life Insurance Company. Not FDIC insured. Rates vary by state. SSLANPOL11-XX SSLPCAPRE-OT


SSLPCAPRE-OT unalterable) personality traits that organize how we interpret and react to the world around us. Some people are shy; others are outgoing. Some are happy-go-lucky, and others are gloomy. Some are driven by facts and statistics, others by their gut instincts. Some prefer a structured plan and schedule, others desire spontaneity. Some are stoic; others are expressive. Some are huggers, others are, well, not.

The heart’s capacity for passion and emotion reveals God’s genius in design. The spectrum of personalities and passions produces a human mosaic of beauty and a grand buffet of flavors and spice. We’re all so different – and we need each other. I’ve often joked that if the advancement of technology relied on me, we’d still be living in caves and cooking over wood fires. I’m grateful for people who have a passion for science and technology, but I lean more toward the expressive and artistic side of the spectrum. Here’s the challenge: Since our hearts are deceitful and beyond cure, and our ANS functions automatically, and our personalities are basically unchangeable, and our passions are mysterious, then how can God ask us to “love” Him with all of our heart? Isn’t doing so beyond our ability? There is an answer to that question, but I’d like for you to ponder it ‘till next week. As you ponder, I encourage you to take a personality/temperament assessment. They are easy to find online. I also encourage you to make a list of your passions. Have you ever really thought about what drives you to do what you do? Knowing who you are and what makes you tick will help you to express your love to God more effectively.

Yes, knowledge and insight have much to do with how much love we have to give. Paul the Apostle offered this prayer, “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11 Love abounding more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. Start with learning more about yourself –you’ll be glad you did.

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Outfits, Not Just Clothes…

Winter Hair Care

e’ve all heard that winter can be hard on your skin, what with the drier air and harsh weather. It can also do a number on your hair. The cold air, whipping winds, static electricity, and indoor heat can leave hair dry and lackluster. Just like skin, hair needs protection from the cold to remain healthy. Here are a few tips and tricks to defend your tresses from rough winter weather.

First, wear a hat! It is important to cover your hair during the winter months to shield it from the moisturerobbing dry air, snow, wind, and rain. These elements dry out your hair, making it more prone to breakage. And yes, fabrics like wool and cotton can also cause breakage, so instead, look for hats made from synthetic materials or lined with silk or satin to help prevent damage. L.L. Bean has lined hats for both men and women. And for both men and women, in my mind, it’s better to have “hat hair” versus unhealthy hair. You can go a step further to prevent dryness and static by applying dry oil spray before donning your lined hat. Dry oils help to tame your frizz and make your hair shine without weighing it down. You can spray dry oil on damp hair to protect it from heat and prevent split ends. You can also use it as a finisher to add a little extra shine to your hairstyle. Target’s Raw Sugar Endless Hair Glow Dry Oil spray will help lock in moisture and nutrients for your do’.

Moisture is key for hair in winter. Just as weekly face masks are essential for healthy skin, weekly hair masks can make a significant difference when it comes to dry, damaged hair. They can reverse the effects of that dryness while making sure your hair is protected. Hair masks are pretty quick and easy to use. You can use a standard overall mask to work into your weekly beauty routine, like Hers Hydrating Rapid Repair Hair Mask with Coconut Oil, Keratin & Shea Butter. Or pick a mask based on hair type. There are products specifically for curly hair, thin hair, coarse hair, dyed hair, etc.

In addition to weekly treatments, also consider a leavein conditioner to replenish moisture and combat the effect of styling tools, indoor heating, and bitter wind. Leavein conditioners will also prevent static electricity from wreaking havoc on your hair.

Dove’s Amplified Textures Moisture Lock

Leave-In Conditioner is made with jojoba oil to provide long-lasting moisture and shine. Plus, a leave-in conditioner is a time-saver. You don’t have to rinse it out, so you take less time in the shower.

Speaking of showers, even though a steamy shower might be just what you’re looking for when the temperature is below freezing, hot water can zap moisture from your hair (and skin), making it brittle and more vulnerable to breaking. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and follow with a cool rinse if you can stand it. Also, taking shorter showers reduces the time your hair and skin are exposed to hot water. If you’re looking to warm up quickly post-shower, then invest in a cozy bathrobe. A fluffy robe is a cozy transition from shower to clothing. A surprising way to fight dry hair in the winter is by using a humidifier. Indoor heating can pull moisture out of your hair, and a humidifier can help rehydrate the air. I’m a big fan of humidifiers not only for hair but also skin. We use Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer humidifier. You can plug it in with a medicated vapo-steam pod for cough and congestion relief or just let it run. We use humidifiers in our bedrooms, running them overnight most nights in the winter. I also use a portable humidifier for the workplace. Other good practices for healthy winter hair include getting regular haircuts to reduce the chances of split ends and avoiding high-heat styling tools like curling irons and flat irons. When your hair is already delicate in the colder months, heat styling amplifies the issue and sucks the moisture right out of your strands. Ideally, you should let your hair air-dry, but that’s not always practical in the dead of winter, so keep the hair dryer on a cool or medium-hot setting. Hopefully, utilizing these tips will see your strands through the season.

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