Y & H Cargo http://www.yhcargoindia.com/
About Sea Freight Services Water bodies are the main source of trans portation for international freight forwardin g. Due to this, sea freight forwarding is an area that our company works in to a large extent. With our connections in internation al ports, we deliver apex services in a has sle-free manner. Sea freight forwarding ca n sometimes be arduous for the customer i f end-to-end management is not efficient. With our efficient servicing, deliverables re ach the customers without such aggravatin g glitches when and where they want. We manage our sea freight services through b oth commercial ships and steamer service s. With excellent management between th e carriers and the individuals at both ends of the transactions, we have been able to manage not just traditional packages of co ntainers but large consignments of cargo t hrough our shipment services. All kinds shi pments are made through are efficient freight forwarding network.
Our Services
Air Freight Service
Project Logistics
Sea Freight Service
Break Bulk http://www.yhcargoindia.com/
Contact Us DELHI OFFICE Y & H CARGO PVT LTD (AN ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED CO.) Address : BUILDING No. - 112A, 3RD FLOOR, WAZIRPUR INDUSTRIAL AREA, NEW DELHI-110052 – (INDIA) E-mail : rakesh@yhcargo.in