5 Reasons Why You Need a Website Re Design http://webcanny.com.au/5-reasons-need-website-re-design
The internet has come a long way since the past decade. There has been a splurge in popularity of many small business websites, who have demonstrated their capability to take on the bigger players. At the same time, many websites have lost their appeal due to their unwillingness to change according to the latest trends. Your online visitors can easily make out if your website looks outdated. You need to make sure that it stays in tune with the latest trends. The best way to find out whether you should go in for a website re design, is to visit it, using your smart phone.
Website Not Optimised Many of us are glued to smart phones for most of the time. However, very rarely do we use them to check our own website. If a website loads slowly or appears disproportionate on a smart phone, that means it has not been optimised for the mobile.
Unclear Message Web visitors will be on your site for a brief while. So make sure that you get the message across, very quickly and in the most effective way. If the message is not clear, they will simply click away to another site. Therefore make sure that the main page contains all the essential points and the message is conveyed in plain and simple terms. If you feel that it is appropriately designed, you may still ask for a second opinion from close friends who will be more honest in their review of your website. Also have it tested on multiple devices as well as browsers.
Difficult to Navigate The website must be easy to navigate. The visitors must never get ‘stuck’ in some part of the website and find it difficult to go back. The navigation bar is usually towards the top of the website. It must provide the user with the much needed ease in navigation. The users also expect links at the bottom of the web-page, so that they can find their way through your website, even if they get lost. If your site is easily navigable, people will spend more time on it, and this increases their visit duration and sometimes results in business conversions or product purchases.
Doesn’t look Trendy Your web design needs to keep up with the current trends and should not look outdated. Although it may not be evident, you still need to view it from your customers’ point of view. It is best to seek the unbiased opinion of your friends. This will give you an idea of what needs to be done to make it look more appealing.
Poor Conversion Rate When people visit your website, they may choose follow the Call-to-Action (CTA), submit a query form, sign up for a newsletter, buy a product or perform any other recommended action. If you are getting less response and your conversion rate is on the decline, then there is cause for concern. It implies that your website is not providing the customer experience or simply doesn’t have the appeal of your competitors. Once you are sure that something is wrong with your conversion rate, it is time to go in for a website redesign.
Lots of Bling Make sure that the site doesn’t have too many bells and whistles. Too many graphics and animations slow down your website and drive visitors away. It is much better to have a simple but optimised website. It loads faster and conveys the message to the web visitors without any further hiccups. These are few of the reasons why you need a website re design. You may thus approach website design professionals to get it re designed.
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