Principles to Power Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

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Principles to Power Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

Principles to Power Your Facebook Marketing Strategy Facebook has a reach of 1.7 billion users. It means that 25% of all humans on planet Earth are its registered users. This is a massive database by all standards and must be utilised to its full potential. If not, your competitors will definitely overtake you by leveraging its massive reach to reach potential customers. Facebook marketing strategy this means that you will need a solid Facebook strategy, to benefit from it. So here are a few principles to power your Facebook Strategy. Show how they stand to Benefit: Once your product is publicised online and people come to know about it, they will be curious to know more about its practical applications. So engage with your new product, give them a live demo. This will obviously give you a firsthand experience of your own product. You will become aware of any issues with the product, even before you start getting reviews. You can also have a better understanding of its new features when you try it yourself. Let the audience perceive its value, via your demo and get to know how it works.

Principles to Power Your Facebook Marketing Strategy

Looking for Low Cost Facebook Website Design Facebook Website Package - $700 + GST Offer Price for Limited Time - $350 + GST Be Data Driven: Whatever you post on Facebook or any other online social media channel must be analysed. Use Facebook Insights as well as Google Analytics to see which post is engaging and drawing a lot of attention. You will get an idea about the ‘anatomy of successful posts’. This will help you post more of what your audience likes, and less of that they don’t like to see.

Principles to Power Your Facebook Marketing Strategy Be Different, Be Bold Don’t be afraid to be different. Speak out your mind. Give the audience a taste of your opinion; let them know that you are apart from the crowd. When you choose to follow the crowd, you will be drowned in the commotion. So, stand up for yourself and voice your opinion; the crowd loves original, strong and authentic people. Embrace what makes you different and stand by it. Resist the urge to play it safe; it’s okay to be a bit controversial as long as you are not being racist or inciting violence.

Principles to Power Your Facebook Marketing Strategy Converse with Customers The advantage of social media is that you can talk to customers and have them engage with you. Unlike traditional ads, you may thus have a two-way interaction regarding your product and services. You may even invite some customers to try your new product. Have them engage with your brand, and experience it firsthand. Also, share pictures of your customers engaging with your product and tag them. Encourage them to comment about their experience with your product. All this creates a buzz about your brand. You may use the above guidelines to power your Facebook strategy. There are many finer principles to guide your Facebook Strategy and we will reveal more of them shortly. Do you have any ‘secret recipes’ to spice up a Facebook strategy? Do let us know in the comments below.

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