Promote Your Business With Mobile Internet Marketing?

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Promote Your Business With Mobile Internet Marketing? ng /

Mobile internet marketing, which also includes App marketng, can help you drive engagement to your brand, grow your customer database and get more sales. established fact that more than 50% of web visitors browse through mobile devices. In fact, has recently released stats that showed that 60% of the users did their purchasing in the recent holiday season over the mobile. That amounted to around $1 Billion in sales for A strong mobile marketng strategy is a must. According to, it was reported that more than 60% of its traffic from November to December 2015 came through mobile devices.

In order to benefit as a business owner from your mobile internet marketing strategy, here are a few tips for having a mobile friendly website: 1.Have the right set of keywords Keep the keywords phrases to a minimum of 3 words, don’t go beyond that. Also, make sure that you make use of local terms along with the keywords. That way, you will be more visible in local searches. 2.Provide contact information If your business has a physical office, then provide the exact address and locaton details. Make sure that you include a map. This will enable your customer to find you locate you more easily. If you need to register on Google maps, go ahead and do so. 3.Incorporate the offers on-site Once you have a campaign running, you also need to have offers incorporated onto your mobile site. Along with the offers, also, place an opt-in form for users to register and receive future promotonal offers.

4.Be device friendly Make sure that your mobile website is compatble with all devices. Update your code, in case, a new device comes along, so that users of this new device don’t miss out on any of your offers. 5.Location-based mobile internet marketing strategy According to stats, shopping takes place within a 15 km radius of a consumer’s residence. Hyperlocalized or location-based mobile advertising, uses data analytc tools and IP geo-locaton technology to influence social data insights and locaton data. Make sure that you use this new technology to target people based on their ‘current’ geographical locaton.

SMS Mobile Marketing There is a myth that SMS mobile marketng is full of rules and regulatons and there are a lot of cases pending in the courts where people have these businesses ‘cornered’. The fact is that SMS marketng is like any other channel like social media and email, where certain rules and regulatons (classified under “common sense” category) do apply! A few SMS tips: •Your SMS campaign has two parts (a) keyword and (b) short code •It also includes a call to acton •Add incentves as part of your message ($20 off or 50% OFF) •Make sure you have an opt-in message first so that only willing customers will be part of your list. •As your campaign goes along, analyse how it is going. Also, have a consistency about your campaign and don’t stop all of a sudden. •You may thus, send them relevant offers if they are presently very close to your locaton using hyper-localized SMS mobile marketng.

Using Whats App and We-chat You may also use popular chat applications as part of your marketing campaign •If you are targetng Chinese, then get your advertsement on WeChat •If you are targetng India or Singapore, you need to know that WhatsApp is a very popular means of keeping in touch •You may use such popular Apps as marketng platforms and run some popular contests to encourage people to share these contest pictures across their contacts in their network. Thus you can have the vast expanse of the mobile world at your disposal, and make the best of it using a proper mobile strategy, and incorporatng the above-mentoned tps. When and where do we reach these mobile users with our ads or online campaigns? According to stats over 90% of these users have the mobiles with them 24×7. That means they can be reached anytme with our ads and online marketng campaigns.

Customer Service Most of the online products involve shipping, handling, and door delivery; thus, the consumers need you to be there when they have clarificatons or complaints. There is no space for a mobile “dead air�. The services must be managed efficiently and appropriate communicaton channels must be kept open, all the tme!

There are so many innovatve ways to do mobile marketng and so much literature written about it, that most people really don’t know where to begin. Here are a few more ideas:

Discovering new ‘mobile habits’ For e.g., taking a “Selfie” is a popular hobby, it can be exploited to serve your business ends. Photo contests can be held, where people click selfies with your products and stand to win goodies. Selfie Campaign called #KissForPeace Axe Deodorant capitalised on this selfie craze on Valentne’s day in 2014. Going with their tagline, “Make love, not war”, they asked couples to take selfies of them kissing each other, in order to support their cause for peace. This generated 10,000 tweets on Twitter and 8,000 on Instagram. The company also cross-promoted this contest on other media like TV and even the Billboards in Times Square. The IKEA way IKEA has recently come up with a mobile Application (App) , where you can take pictures of your home, and then place the desired furniture (from the 3D IKEA catalogue) in that space and see how it looks. Now this can automatcally attract lots of signups and downloads, product awareness as well as sales.

Mobile App marketing – develop an innovative App You may plan your mobile app marketng strategy along those lines. For E.g., if you modify cars, then you can have a similar applicaton which can do the below tasks. •Users will be able to select their car model from the 3D – library display in the app. •They can choose to colour the car according to their choice •They can add a spoiler, bumper, halogen lights, and other accessories, carpets, seat covers etc, and see how their car looks like thanks to the App’s realistc 3D simulaton capability.

Having an ‘app marketing strategy’ results in the below advantages: •You will be visible to your prospectve customers all the tme. •It is a direct marketng channel, where your services and products can be got at the touch of a button. •You can also be sending updates and offers directly to customers. •More the app gets downloaded, more is your customer database – it is as simple as that! If all these ideas are confusing and stll you don’t know where to start, then look around to find a success story and take-off from that point. Success in the world of internet mobile marketng is just a matter of spotting the opportunity when it comes along and making the most of it before your compettors do.

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