Responsive Website Design Sydney & Canberra
Responsive Web Design 90% of people are switching to multiple screens to browse the internet! So, to target all your potential clients it’s important to have a website that is optimized for all devices. Responsive websites have a single URL and HTML code which gets optimized according to the screen resolution on which it is opened thus giving an optimum viewing experience. Past five years have brought a flood of web enabled devices including smart phones, Kindles, tablets, net books and, the newest addition, phablets. This has popularized the responsive design concept amongst web entrepreneurs and businesses.
Top 3 reasons why you need a responsive design •Google declared in 2012 that it loves responsive designs and recommends it. Because with a single URL and HTML code its easy for Google bots to crawl and index your website content •A responsive design requires less maintenance and is more sustainable •2015 will witness mobile browsing taking over desktop browsing. And when this happens you must be ready with your optimized website
Responsive Web Design Package - $1299 + gst Offer Price for Limited Time - $649 + gst After Google’s announcement in April 2015 that Responsive websites will be favoured in their search engine rankings as opposed to websites that are not Responsive. What does this mean? Well it’s a good thing for everyone, it means all websites built that are responsive show well on all devices, no more struggling to navigate around a website. There are so many devices now, and people spend time on all when checking out your company. They may start on their smart phone, then look on an Ipad and then really take a close look, enquire or purchase from you on their laptop. It is imperative for your company to choose a website package that is Responsive, for your search engine ranking as well as your clients user experience.
Here’s the deal for a Responsive Web Design Package: •1 year Re-Registration of domain -$25 •Consultation throughout - $100 •Design and Develop up to 6 pages with your choice of Design Layout – $350 value •CMS – A Content Management System that allows you to change your content at any time from your own desktop - $150 value •(SEO) Basic Keyword Search Engine Optimisation allows your website to position itself in the upper ranks of Google, Bing and Yahoo – $299 value •1 Year Hosting for your Website -$160 value •Responsive Design Layout for your website - up to $350 value •Up to 5 email accounts will make your business correspondence look more professional– $90 value •12 months technical support from our Online Team who will help in setting up email accounts and how to use your CMS – $120 value •Google Analytics a must to give you necessary insights into your website’s marketing effectiveness and traffic – $100 value
Our Recent Responsive Websites
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