1 minute read
Up or Old?
A woman comes to church on Easter, Christmas, and a few other Sundays. Years go by. It’s the same pattern. She does not sign up for small groups, bible studies, or mission opportunities. That’s for someone else. Not her. The gal passes on involvement. She does not pick up her bible to read. This lady sits in a pew maybe once a month. Yawn.
She grows OLD in church.
Another woman comes to church by the invitation of a friend. She appreciates the worship music, and the teaching challenges her. This gal digs into her Bible, reading daily as a source of strength. She offers to help with the kids’ VBS. She joins a weekly women’s’ Bible study where she learns, laughs, and prays. This lady loves the insights and bonding. She recommits her life to God, maturing every week under the teaching. She connects deeply with others. Smile.
She grows UP in church.
The first gal mentioned continues to reject invitations to join Bible studies or volunteer. She describes her life as stale, lacking purpose and passion. I invite her to church and for coffee to talk. She declines every offer. Sigh.
The second gal, she matures in her spiritual walk. She thrives reading her Bible. It sparks life into her days. At home, at work, and everywhere, she shares her faith softly. She started volunteering at a local crisis pregnancy center, helping women heal from decisions in their past. Jumping in, she helps with children’s programming. The kids love her. Her life reflects God. She thrives. Sparkle.
Converts grow OLD in church. Disciples grow UP in church.
The Great Commission in the Bible has Jesus saying this, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age,” (Matt. 28:19 CSB).
How are we developing spiritually? Let’s GO (just do it), GROW (make disciples applying the Bible), BAPTIZE (openly identify as Christians), TEACH to OBEY (inspire like Jesus).
You and I could grow OLD . . . but how about determining to grow UP!