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Local Services For Veterans
Call the Office of Veterans Affairs (517) 437-3630 to speak with someone concerning the services that are available to you as a veteran. We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits. Each VA benefit has its own eligibility requirements.
Call the Office of Veterans Affairs (517) 437-3630 to speak with someone concerning the services that are available to you as a veteran. We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits. Each VA benefit has its own eligibility requirements.
Transportation— Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only. Call (517) 437-3630 for availability.
Transportation— Hillsdale County offers transportation to Ann Arbor Monday through Thursday by appointment only and for VA Clinic or hospital only. Call (517) 437-3630 for availability.
Disability Compensation — You may be compensated if you are at least 10% disabled as a result of your military service.
Disability Pension — You may be paid a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and are no longer able to work or are age 65 or older.
Disability Compensation — You may be compensated if you are at least 10% disabled as a result of your military service.
Educational & Training Benefits — The VA pays benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists and service members while they are in approved training programs.
Disability Pension — You may be paid a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and are no longer able to work or are age 65 or older.
Educational & Training Benefits — The VA pays benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists and service members while they are in approved training programs.
Home Loans — The VA offers a number of home loan services to eligible veterans, some military personnel and certain spouses. We can assist you in obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility.
Burial Benefits — The VA offers certain benefits and services to honor our Nation’s deceased veterans.
Home Loans — The VA offers a number of home loan services to eligible veterans, some military personnel and certain spouses. We can assist you in obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility. Burial Benefits — The VA offers certain benefits and services to honor our Nation’s deceased veterans. Dependents’ & Survivors’ Benefits — Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to survivors of services members who died on active duty, veterans who died from service-related disabilities, and certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at the time of death.
Health Care — VA Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPAVA) shares the cost of medical services for eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans.
Dependents’ & Survivors’ Benefits — Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to survivors of services members who died on active duty, veterans who died from service-related disabilities, and certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at the time of death.
Health Care — VA Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPAVA) shares the cost of medical services for eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans.
County Of Hillsdale Veterans Services
We can assist veterans in filing for all Federal, State and County Veterans benefits.