2 minute read
Vegans make better lovers
from EDITION 257
by WXPG.com
New Study Finds Vegans Make Vegans Are Happier Pe le Be er Lovers
Not only does ditching meat, eggs, and dairy help protect animals and the planet, it can also have a big impact on our sex life. All vegans are negative, pretentious, unhappy and angry protestors, that's what the stereotypes would have you believe. Yet the opposite turns out to be true: vegans are happier than meat-eaters and more liked than what's commonly believed.Because Vegans have higher sex drives.
A large-scale study of 11,537 respondents carried out by www.trackinghappiness.com has proof: Most vegan foods boost blood circulation with a positive effect on the libido. Eating vegan actually improves circulation to all parts of the body, including the brain, resulting in a much higher chance of getting the desired results in the bedroom. It’s ● ● ● Vegans report higher happiness levels than meat-eaters (+7%). Happier people are more likely to turn 100% vegan in the future. Only 14% of our meat-eating respondents reported a negative bias towards vegans. simple: increased blood circulation = better physical response = better sex. Cayenne pepper, leafy greens, figs, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate and almonds, all great sources of vitamin B and zinc that elevate testosterone levels and sexual desire.
● 32% of vegans & vegetarians state that their biggest driver is the environment.
● Older people are less likely to ever adopt a vegan diet. Vegans are happier A 2012 study showed that ditching meat and dairy can greatly improve our mood because of the consequent increase in In any case, a plant-based diet comes with many health benefits. A recently published review by Healthline provides science-based health benefits: serotonin levels and serotonin is what keeps us happy. Other researches has even shown that vegans have lower instances of depression and anxiety and are more likely to be optimistic about the future. Being happier makes us more attractive, which makes us feel better about ourselves. There’s no better aphrodisiac than self-confidence.
● Veganism is linked to a lower risk of heart disease ● A vegan diet may protect against certain cancers Vegans smell (and taste) better.
● Veganism appears to lower blood sugar levels and improve kidney function One of the amazing effects that going vegan has on our bodies is changing the way we smell and taste – and all for the better. ● A vegan diet can reduce pain from arthritis A 2006 study on body odour found that people eating plant-based smelled significantly better than those eating meat-.
In the end, it's clear that adopting to a plant-based diet is beneficial for the environment, animal welfare and your Vegans last longer.
health.According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition consuming low-fat vegan meals can help against the most common causes of impotence: high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, prostate cancer or inflammation, and hormonal imbalances thus reducing the risk of developing erectile dysfunction by over 20 per cent.
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