1 minute read

How to Pick the Perfect Axe

If you have ever found yourself looking at your camping equipment and realizing that you have not purchased an ax yet, you are not alone. However, due to my Minnesota and Canada wilderness adventures, I now own close to 7 axes of varying sizes and functions. These include various hatchets, axes, and maulers.

An Axe Specific for its Use


I’m not talking about throwing axes that you do in some city bar. So if you’re looking for throwing recommendations, I have zip. If I’m going to throw something, I grasp for a baseball or a frisbee. However, if you’re looking for something for splitting/ felling/ trail/ camp/ backpacking/ canoeing, I’ve some thoughts and recommendations.

These are meant more to be references in qualities in a given ax for a particular use and less of brand-specific advice. Still, I use brand names sometimes refer to a specific product.

The Fiskars Hatchet


The Common Maul


I use axes for backpacking and canoeing, axes for car camping or short hikes, and finally axes for home use.

Once you feel like you have a handle on the ax, you want to check out the pages on how to use and maintain your tool.

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