The Secrets About Magento 2 PWA (Progressive Web Apps) To Amaze You BENEFITS OF MAGENTO 2 PWA IN Ecommerce Store Fast Browsing Magento 2 progressive web application helps customers interact with the store faster. Magento 2 progressive web application enables the store admin to enhance conversion rates.
Compatible With Multiple Platforms Magento 2 PWA can be used on multiplemobileplatforms,including browserssuchasSafari,Chrome,Firefox, and Edge.PWAsarequite enough to run across various platforms, including desktops. This avoids the difficulty of developing different applications for different platforms.
Instant App You can easily access Magento 2 PWA through a browser, so you do not require to install or download any application to use PWA
Instant PushNotifications In Magento 2 PWA, you can easily approach the customer for the latest dealsand offersthroughpushnotifications.Ithelpsyouinreal-time communication and increases customer engagement in your Magento 2 store.
Fast Re-Engagement Magento 2 PWA protects users from the problem of opening the browser and typingtheURLintoit.Itworksthesameasanapp,inwhichyoucan easily navigate.
Responsive Design Magento 2 PWA provides a seamless user experience across all platforms and devices. As per google, Responsive websites are most preferable for better ranking in search engine pages.
Works Offline Progressive web applications are working online and offline too. Customers can browse various products on the e-commerce website and add them to thecart without the internet. It helps the clients to complete the one page checkout for Magento 2 store.
Progressive web applications are very SEO friendly, reliable, andhighly attractive. These are also compatible with Magento 2 seo extension that enables the store owner to do perfect seo for their store. Due to its userfriendlynature,itattractsmorecustomersandincreasesyoursalesrate.
Install on the Home Screen In Magento 2 PWA, anativeappcanbeaddedtothesmartphone'shome screen, like an icon. This allowsusers to simply clickthe iconand go quickly to a particular website.
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