February 2014
Magazine for Parents & Their Kids - An Intiative of NIMT
Transforming the education landscape in india -see how nimt is transforming the facet of indian education system
Best Pres School Chains in India
The Art of Doing Everyhting
Transforming Education
An exhaustive comparison of the best pre school chains.
The complete guide to maximising productivity
Read how NIMT's transforming education at all levels.
Emerging Pre School Chains In India
Transforming Education
Train Your Brain Six Interesting Ways to keep your mind active
Get Your Child Interested in Studies
Discover How NIMT Group is transforming education. Also learn about franchisee opportunity
Strawberry Frog Pre School Learn about this school chain and what it has to offer
On the cover
Stop, Breathe & Think
Regulars 01 What's on Your Bookshelf 02 Top Ten Tips for Success
07 The Art of Doing Everything 02 DESIGNMAG
08 Residential & Co- Ed School Education
09 Your Child's Academic Success
How to get your child interested in studies ? If your child lacks an interest in studying Step back and instead of blaming your child , Identify Why? try to understand why he developed this problem?
efore your desperation with your child’s lack of interest in studies and his/her lowering grades drive you to scold and punish him; you need to understand one thing clearly. As the saying goes, ”You can take a horse to the water but you can not make him drink”. Similarly, by punishments, you can force your child to study but getting him interested in it and doing it for him is a different game all together. The key is to first become his friend. Understand your child as a person, his strengths and weaknesses; likes and dislikes; and also ”Why he does not like studying? ".Take an interest in him; get involved in his life. Stop competing and comparing your child with friends/ relatives’ children and forcing him to fulfill goals you set. This reduces the pressure and he does not find studying such a daunting task then, because expectations are reduced. Let him breathe, live and relax first. Accept him for the person he/she is, talk, listen, love share, depend and let him depend on you. If you give him what he wants in terms of time, attention and affection then he will also respond. Monitor, Regulate & Limit Distractions The next step is to balance friendship with regulation and rules that are not just made but enforced strictly as well. It is easier to enforce rules when you are friends with your child and the child understands that rules and restrictions exist in unison with love and affection. In the fast moving world of children, distractions
ranging today from computer games, social networking sites and the internet, TV , mobile phone and time with friends; can all rob them of valuable time and attention; if not regulated. It is essential therefore to not just keep an eye on your young one, when he is indulging in them (not to spy on them but provide better guidance) but also to regulate the amount of time spent on them. Restrict fun activity time to a maximum of two to three hours a day and make it understand that it is a time the child earns by studying the stipulated number of hours post school. Regulating these activities also equals lessening distractions and improving concentration. If your child refuses to follow rules, do convey the message that studies are a priority. Let him realize it is in his own best interest Let your child know that by studying he is not doing you a favor but in fact in his own best interest .Understand what motivates him and what future career he wants to pursue; explain him how studying various subjects helps him in achieving them. Show him the practical uses that subjects he studies, will have in real life and how they will impact his future.
methods unenthusiastic and boring? Is he being bullied in school? Is he feeling too pressurized? Has he lost complete confidence in himself of performing better? Or is it a medical problem of eyesight, deafPractically, bring out the relevance of ness, Down syndrome or a psychological mathematical calculations while shopping, getting home interiors done or even condition, like Attention Deficit Disorder. If so get professional help. playing games like “Sudoku�. Explain the relevance of languages for communicating and ideas or even making friends and Always Focus on Your Child’s Strengths enjoying storybooks and films. Share with Not Weaknesses him the joys of geography with an atlas Every child is different and not all are or a globe and tell him when he goes to exceptional brilliant in every subject. Most foreign countries; how knowledge about are students of above average intelligence it will help him. Simply just make every subject he studies become useful, practi- who are strong in some subjects and weak in some. The solution lies in apprecal and meaningful in everyday life. ciating the child who are strong in some subjects he is strong in and building up Identify The Root Cause of The Problem his confidence first. The next step would be to make him realize that if he can excel If your child lacks an interest in studying, in his chosen subject then he can do well identify why? Step back and instead of blaming your child try to understand why in subjects, he is weak in as well. While he has developed this problem. Speak to telling him so, offer to help out yourself or him and speak to his teachers. If required take the assistance of a good tutor. take permission to sit in his class and monitor why this is so. Identifying the root Try Creative Approaches cause is very important because in it lies solution. Is it the child cannot understand Subject teachers do exist who often make studies seem dull and/or complicated. subjects? Does he find the teaching-
Frankly speaking there is nothing you can do about it except change schools, where again there are no guarantees. However what you can control is how your child understands the same subject post school, either taught by you or a tutor. It is essential however that the home tutor you select, is someone your child can relate to and who can simplify things. As a parent you need to approach studies creatively too. You can get your child interested in literature by buying him books or getting enrolled in a library and taking him to theatres and films on the subject. You can also get him a blackboard at home, to practice writing on it and he can play act the role of a teacher or professor, while studying lessons. Encourage him with Rewards Encouragement works better any day than criticism would. Rewards also work bettering the long term than punishment do. Create a study area for your child where he feels like studying. Take his inputs and make it his own zone with decorations, adequate ventilation, and light and fun desk gear. Every time your child does well praise him to everyone
Pluses of enrolling your child in a CO – EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 1 Many assert that only girls or boys schools can effectively customize their teaching to the male or female psyche & help adolescents perform better, since here students are less distracted by those of the opposite gender. However not everyone subscribes to this view & veteran educationists vouch for the fact that co-ed schools have their own advantages. A co-ed school is one in which girls & boys study together & is based on the belief that both gain from the other’s strengths.
around. Whenever he studies, make something special that he likes to eat or buy him a little present, when you know he deserves it for working hard. Show Patience It is a well known fact that one needs lot of patience when dealing with children, yet most parents run out of it when handling kids. The crux of situation is that when you get annoyed, angry and desperate as a parent you loose control and your child
can easily see it. For your child to get interested in studies, it may take quiet a bit of effort and persistence on your part.You may have to try again and again and approach him on the subject of studies from many different angles. Result may take sometime in coming and it may be a while, before you open the study door and find your child studying there without coaxing, but if you are persistent and patient, it will happen. - By Aditi Malhotara
2 Depending on the gender ratio of girls & boys in a co-ed school, both tend to balance each other out positively. Thus as per research if a girl is made to sit next to a boy in class, the girl gossips less & the boy is chided by the girl for being otherwise distracted. The result is that both concentrate better in the classroom. 3 Pupils in co-ed schools are generally more broad minded & do not feel shy or inhibited of those belonging to the opposite gender. In contrast they naturally make friends & acquaintances with them & hence are better equipped to interact in a real–life work environment later. 4 Boys & girls from these schools, are also much confident and are capable of developing genuine friendship & sustaining relationships with those of opposite gender without adding a romantic angle. 5 Such schools also help in breaking down misconceptions that girls may have about boys & vice versa by grooming both to interact, respect, understand the other, in academics as welll as extra curricular activities such as sports, drama & art. 6 Another positive aspect of co-ed schools is that it fosters a pleasant, healthy & friendly atmosphere for students in a well supervised environment, unlike the atmosphere in a few “prison –like” ‘single gender’ schools for girls. - By Anirudh Bainwala
01 02 03 04 05
: ssion xpre iented e e n r ur ge bolism-o rs yo a t e t e l a m ually turn off, g act s n i e h n t o rea s. ted tive b n- orien elps focu o edita h i t hich mma infla n. All of w onio . Chr urn h t g s u e no for on get e their per u o y e ut e sur g fine, b mak n i t o s d u e --j vary hey'r ink t ents h m t e e r l i requ peop oticing. ived leep r s rn i p y e l e i h d a ut t epo e ezl h s t i Gom cally ps off w o d s n o ease rna ce dr -incr st Fe i t s n e t man e sci inu euro for 30 m . LA n k C r. . . e U we as aste , f a s s n e l e o i sc rmat ve tim r mu o ou ercise--fi cess info t d e t x it pro nnec bic e ts, is co us. Aero nd helps n i a or nu ny r f a h n i c ur b reminds a r ea na the b la , so r a-3s tha s n i d i y c Pinil t g a e tive tivi fatty re om led oxida al ac 3 c o i a r m g t e in al elec g om it's c onta ludin which c xidized ( c n i , , o ngs lmon can get y thi as sa in h man a c r f u b . o s s fish e up your eggie car, mad all, fatty nd v a e a r f says a s o t i f der fru loss, st o rons n k y o u e r t f i e a m v n d task, he d, cti our like t , found in s, an ingle y. rodu , s d p e e a c a e n on si vit be nts flaxs reati e to rons c . And ntioxida v u d a o e t o h n o 't ys ta ur rf oesn re ke d yo othe , seek ou ng a hat d xhauste i t ) z s i t s g u e ,b alo ee str ours d an ou'v ng h en y n an i h k o i a t W a i . our w ssoc illeen uring Peter K th--free a d g t n i i is drift up w olog often ch psych in comes e r a ar ra inds rese our b ur m State e what y a n Arizo k and se a a bre take
Kim by Rudyard Kipling- a book about sheer experience of life. It puts forth success and failure, mistakes and achievement in such a candid way that you relate every such instance of your life with the book.
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand- of course, I cannot give this a miss. It teaches you to value your self and your thoughts. Very few books have been able to deliver meaning with such impact. Its surely not a book you would want to complete in one read. Give it time and you will see your ideals coming into place. Catch 22 by Joseph Heller- a true taste of sarcasm. A hefty satire on wars- that's how I would like to put it. It will make you question the decisions of the system being taken around you while still allowing you not to flow into emotional empathy.
01 02 03 04 05
Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini - aRudyard book that Kipling will make- you cry. Not a recommendation im by for the pedantic individual, this unravels the depths of friendship, a bond between a father and a son, betrayal and its ultimate redemption. With one of the most throat-croaking endings ever, this book should be read, irrespective of age. Howl by Allen Ginsberg - This book just blows your mind right off. No bull-shit and hard core to the core. This book was so truthful that it was banned. It blows the lid of many issues that your elders don't want you to know. But, it will show you the power of simple truth in a unique way.
hen it comes to being productive, we are a nation obsessed.
he sheer vastness of the field speaks to the unavoidable fact that no one piece of advice fits all. For Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York, the secret to being productive is hardly ever taking a vacation, or, for that matter, a bathroom break. For Leo Widrich, cofounder of the social media utility startup Buffer, it's a daily nap in a bunk bed--in his office.
he solutions out there are as varied as we are. The trick is finding out what works for you.
e suggest starting with identifying what kind of creative machine you are. Look on the next page and get a from-thehip assessment of characteristics you might identify with, plus ideas to keep yourself running at optimum efficiency, all while keeping your originality--and sanity--intact. Then share your type with friends and get feedback.
The Lone Wolf
You work solo, loading complex problems into your head and working them out from there.
ROLE MODEL: ARCHETYPES OF He took his Leonardo da Vinci. PRODUCTIVE core skill, observation, and PEOPLE applied it to carThe Night tography, robotThe Pro Owl Crastinator ics, and siege weaponry, among other things--all while The cranking out some rather deMulti cent paintings.Tasker Instead of making a decision right away, you wait for more info to come in. You are intimate with deadlines.
You reach peak productivity after everyone else has gone to bed.
You wish your phone's browser could handle more than eight windows. Perhaps you're using that phone right now.
The Connector
You're constantly meeting new people--and these relationships are the foundation of your productivity.
ROLE MODEL: The Dalai Lama. Dude has met with three popes and nearly every major religious leader alive. That's consensus building on the highest level.
ROLE MODEL: Leonardo da Vinci. He took his core skill, observation, and applied it to cartography, robotics, and siege weaponry, among other things--all while cranking out some rather decent paintings.
The Mono Tasker You sneer at multitabs, loathe push notifications, and grab each task with both hands.
my child's academic success HOME WORK TIPS FOR PARENTS Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to do homework. Avoid having your child do homework with television on or in places with other distractions such as people coming and going. Make sure the materials your child needs such as paper, pencil and a dictionary, are available. Ask your child if special materials will be needed for some projects and get them in advance. Help your child with time management.Establish a set time each day for doing homework. Don’t let your child leave homework until just before bedtime. Think about using a weekend morning or afternoon for working on big projects, especially if the project involves getting together with classmates. Be positive about homework. Tell your child how important school is.The atti tude you express about homework will be the attitude your child acquires. When your child does homework, you do homework. Show your child that the skills they are learning are related to things you do as an adult. If your child is reading, you read too. If your child is doing math , balance your checkbook. When your child asks for help, provide guidance, not answers. Giving answers means your child will not learn the material. Too much help teaches your child that when the going gets rough, someone will do the work for him or her.
When the teacher asks you to play a role in homework, do it . Cooperate with the teacher. It shows your child that the school and home are a team. Follow the directions given by the teacher.
Help your child for signs of failure and frustration. Let your child take a short break if she is having trouble keeping her mind on an assignment.
If homework is meant to be done by your child alone, stay away. Too much parent involvement can prevent homework from having some positive effects. Homework is a great way for kids to develop independent, life long learning skills. Stay informed. Talk with your child’s teacher. Make sure you know the purpose of homework and what your child’ class rules are.
Watch your child for signs of failure and frustration. Let your child take a short break if she is having trouble keeping her mind on an assignment. Reward progress in homework. If your child has been successful in homework completion and is working hard, celebrate that success with a special event (e.g . pizza, a walk, a trip to the park) to reinforce the positive effort.
Cloud9, a real estate venture ,is the brainchild of Mr Sanjeev Jain who is an IIT Roorkee Alumni, Cloud9 has emerged as one of the most happening townships that houses residential, commercial and studio apatments in a single complex. This project which has been developed on freehold land allotted by GDA has a cost of over 500Cr. It has come up in the heart of Ghaziabad in Vaishali. Cloud9 has several unique features which includes 3 tier security, close proximity to metro station, high speed elevators, badminon, tennis courts, spa, jacuzzi, pool table, swimming pool. Moreover Cloud9 also has Cer-
emony & Party Halls to host your family functions or parties. Cloud9 has established itself as a trustworthy developer by its quality construcion and time bound deliveies. Cloud9 has emerged as a trustworthy developer bulding up long term relationships with its customers though its committment and quality.
TOWERS VAISHALI 1/2/3/4 BHK Apartment
A World of convenience Free hold plot allotted by GDA just adjacent to NH-24.
Well ventilated well lit apartment. Uniquely eye cathing towers with executive
Live work Play Shop
entrance lounge. State-of-the-art Air conditioned club "CLUB 9"with all modern facilities like gym, swimming pool, table tennis, billiards, steam, sauna & jaccuzi, etc. Contemporary Basement Parking. World class facilities like Schools,Hospitals, Market and Malls within 1 k.m. High Speed elevators.
Actual Site Picture
Fire �ghting equipment. Water softening plant for general supply of water and individual RO unit in kitechen. 100% power backup. 24x7 security systems.
Site Address: Plot No RC-1/2, Sec-1, Vaishali, Gzb. (U.P) Call: 9582263391 / 92 / 93 / 94 / 95 / 96 9582225151 / 52 /53 / 54 SMS CLOUD 9 to 57575
preschool chainS in india
preschool, as an institution, provides stimulation for the child’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development, in ways that one could not get in the home environment.
Preschool chains offer a great opportunity to aspiring entrepreneurs. Educating kids is a profitable as well as satisfying investment. Today Indian preschool franchise industry provides numerous options with number of branded franchisors available, which has broaden its scope for growth and development. The concept of Preschool took off in India with daycare centres that take care of
child when parents are at work or not around. Preschools were primarily day care centres for children in around 3-5 age group. But now they are seen as an early training ground for children to develop their skills. Over a period of time, it has seen paradigm shift from optional day care centre to important early childhood education. Some researches proved that preschool plays a very crucial role in
preschool as a place for letting their children interact with peers and spend some time away from home. They wanted to help their child to conquer shyness and be comfortable in meeting more people. Nowadays the parents are aware of the child’s pace, focused on each every milestone achieved by their child and on holistic development of the child. The shift has been immensely on taking preschools as a casual place to keep their children occupied for a few hours to taking preschools seriously as monumental in their child’s development.
laying good foundation for the child and preparing him for the future. It enhances abilities and skills of a child in areas such as language, motor skills, psychosocial cognitive, learning, etc. Early childhood is a crucial stage of life in terms of a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Growth of mental and physical abilities progress at an astounding rate and a very high proportion of learning takes place from birth to age six. It is a time when children particularly need high quality personal care and learning experiences. Five years back parents used to consider
Priti Srivastava, Founder Director, Vidyãrambh – The International Preschool and Childcare Centers says, “We have seen a huge shift in the mindset of the parents. Seven years ago only the higher income group in metros recognised the need to send their children to preschools but now all parents are open to the idea of sending their children to preschools. The awareness about the way quality early childhood education can bring about to the child’s personality has been recognised widely. The other major change and concern that has started happening is that K-12 schools have started opening preschools under their banner. The preschool space has seen a major change in the last few years and only those players who provide quality education in the long run would be present in the near future with lots of consolidation happening over time.” Ongoing research established that, the preschool, as an institution, provides stimulation for the child’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development, in ways that one could not get in the home environment. This sector has shown tremendous growth during the past few years and is familiar not only with the
high-end income groups or the affluent class, but is also rapidly gaining popularity among the middle class households, which have the capability and willingness to pay for quality education. The owner of Strawberry Frog preschool, Dr K P Singh, Founding Chairman says, “Pre- school education has changed for good over the years, especially the early childhood education. Schools have moved from rote method teaching to more activity based teaching and learning. There is more awareness about childhood development and the importance of learning in this age group. However, the schools are still more focused on develo ping 3R’s, more ever all the areas( cognitive ,language and Physical) seem to be getting addressed but there is no focus on the Social Emotional development. Especially in this age when the family structures are moving towards nuclear structure and both the parents are working. This area is getting neglected. Unless this area of development is addressed well by the Educational institutions we may have a huge problem with young people with emotional problems and ill adjusted individuals towards the society.” The significance of this very industry can be measured by the very fact that it occupies the 3rd largest expenditure group in the Indian household It is expected to be worth `13,300 crore by 2015-16, according to a Crisil research report Fee depends largely on the location, franchise and type of the preschool
There is more awareness about childhood develoment and the importance of learning in this age group
Anita Rao, Founding Director and the Managing Director, Educational Catalysts India Pvt Ltd
he concept of Preschool took off in India with daycare centres that take care of child when parents are at work or not around. Preschools were primarily day care centres for children in around 3-5 age group. But now they are seen as an early training ground for children to develop their skills. Over a period of time, it has seen paradigm shift from optional day care centre to important early childhood education. Some researches proved that preschool plays a very crucial role in laying good foundation for the child and preparing him for the future. It enhances abilities and skills of a child in areas such as language, motor skills, psychosocial cognitive, learning, etc. Early childhood is a crucial stage of life in terms of a child’s physical, intellectual, emotional and social development. Growth of mental and physical abilities progress at an astounding rate and a very high proportion of learning takes place from birth to age six. It is a time when children particularly need high quality personal care and learning experiences. Five years back parents used to consider preschool as a place for letting their children interact with peers and spend some time away from home. They wanted to help their child to conquer shyness and be comfortable in meeting more people. Nowadays the parents are aware of the child’s pace, focused on each every milestone achieved by their child and on holistic development of the child. The shift has been immensely on taking preschools as a casual place to keep their children occupied for a few hours to taking preschools seriously as monumental in their child’s development. Priti Srivastava, Founder Director, Vidyãrambh – The International Preschool and Childcare Centers says, “We have seen a huge shift in the mindset of the parents. Seven years ago only the higher income group in metros recognised the need to send their children to preschools but now all parents are open to the idea of sending their children to preschools. The awareness about the way quality early childhood education can bring about to the child’s personality has been recognised widely. The other major change and concern that has started happening is that K-12 schools have started opening preschools under their banner. The preschool space has seen a major change in the last few years and only those players who provide quality education in the long run would be present in the near future with lots of consolidation happening over time.” Ongoing research established that, the preschool, as an institution, provides stimulation for the child’s physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development, in ways that one could not get in the home environment. This sector has shown tremendous growth during the past few years and is familiar not only with the high-end income groups or the affluent class, but is also rapidly gaining popularity among the middle class households, which have the capability and willingness to pay for quality education. The owner of Strawberry Fields preschool, Anita Rao, Founding Director and the Managing Director, Educational Catalysts India Pvt Ltd says, “Preschool education has changed for good over the years, especially the early childhood education. Schools have moved from rote method teaching to more activity based teaching and learning. There is more awareness about childhood development and the importance of learning in this age group. However, the schools are still more focused on developing 3R’s, more ever all the areas( cognitive ,language and Physical) seem to be getting addressed but there is no focus on the Social Emotional development. Especially in this age when the family structures are moving towards nuclear structure and both the parents are working. This area is getting neglected. Unless this area of development is addressed well by the Educational institutions we may have a huge problem with young people with emotional problems and ill adjusted individuals towards the society.” - See more at: emerging-preschool-chains-in-india/#sthash.6hdtETKS.dpuf
People are realising the importance of pre schools and that is certainly a positive step. A pre school helps a student in its formative years. Dr K P SIngh Founding Chairman NIMT Group
Kids enrolling each Years in Preschools
The significance of this very industry can be measured by the very fact that it occupies the 3rd largest expenditure group in the Indian household The Preschool market is $770 million about 4,460 crore
It is expected to be worth `13,300 crore by 2015-16, according to a Crisil research report
The Fee Typically Starts from
Fee depends largely on the location, franchise and type of the preschool
The rise in nuclear families and increase in disposable incomes have led to greater demand for quality preschools even in small towns and non-metros. Still preschool industry is in nascent stage in India with around 1.1% enrolment in comparison with France or Scotland where preschool enrolment is 100 percent. There is a mushrooming growth of preschools in India over last decade but only 17% of Indian preschool market belongs to the organised sector. This segment is attracting investments from private players. According to a research report published in 2011 “Indian Preschool Market Forecast�, Indian preschool market has been witnessing rapid growth for the past few years on the back of rise in disposable income, rising number of working mothers, increasing trend of nuclear families, and escalating demand for high quality preschool education for toddler. However, low market penetration and low barriers to entry along with the increasing awareness, popularity, and propensity of young working professionals to pay, are
some of the drivers, which suggest that the market offers considerable opportunity for investors. Moreover, it is expected that, the preschool market will reach to USD 1,833 Million by 2014, growing at a CAGR of around 13% during 2011-2014. The preschool Industry is growing at a very fast pace that is 36% per annum as against the education industry growth of 15% er annum, which means that the parents are understanding the importance of early childhood education.
strawberry frog a division of NIMT - aims to expand its chain to 500 schools in next 3 years
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Kopal Maheshwari, Founder and Chairperson, Little Einstein, “The opportunity is huge in preschool industry. The industry is growing at 36% and branded preschools are growing at much faster pace. This opportunity is best suited for entrepreneurs as it is low risk low investment model and you need to spend only 4-6 hours a day to operate preschool, giving you ample time to spend with family and pursue other opportunities.� Starting a Preschool Looking at the tremendous potential of preschools it makes great economic sense market to open a preschool through franchise model India. Various models exist under organised industry in preschool are direct chains, through franchise model and extended K-12 school. There are various benefits that the franchise model offers such as the opportunity to be associated with established brand, which helps in attracting more kids. Further the franchisors provide curriculum support, training support, set up support, branding and marketing support, etc. One major advantage of this business model is sharing of expenses, knowledge, experience, brand image, as well as technical expertise. - By Tanya Sharma
Drivers, Challenges and Trends DRIVERS
Untapped Market Operational challenges
Corporate invest=ments
Increase in disposable income
Rapid expansion of preschools
Large Unorganised Sector
Improvement in quality
Mergers and acquisitions
Change in urban lifestyle
Upgrading to K 12 sectors
Awareness in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities
Ease of neighborhood
" Strawberry frog aims to be the biggest pre school franchise in the country. It is on a rapid expansion spree lauching schools across the country. "
No of Preschools
Expansion Plan
Investment required
Zee Learn
Minimum Area Requirement 2 acres
Hello Kids
Smart KidZ
200+ by end of 2013; 500+ by next five years
Shanti Junior
170+ centers across the country by 31st March 2014 and 300+ centers by 31st March 2015
7-10 lakh
13 cities
15000 sqft
Little Elly
Focusing on metro and two-tier cities
8-10 lakh
15002000 sqft
South and western India
Maple Bear
30 more by March 2014
15-20 lakh
Serra Playschool
15-20 lakh
2000-5000 sqft
Little Einstein
2-15 Lakh
Not available
7-10 lakh
330 cities
Strawberry Frog
1000+ by 2013
1500-2000 sqft
500 by 2015
16 centres coming up shortly and targetting 200 centres across Asian countries by 2015-16 30 by end of 2014
6-10 lakh
5-30 lakh
12-20 lakh
2500-3000 sqft
1,500 to 3,000 sqft indoor space
Planet Kids
2500 sqft
Targeting 20 Branches this Season and would be 25 by the end of the Current Academic Year
4-7 lakh
1200-2500 Sq ft of Built up area and at least 150 Sq Ft open area in the front for play area
Brats and cuties
7 Lakh onwards
1500 sqft in Metros & 2000 sqft in Other Cities -
Jain Toddlers
100 centres by 2015
18-25 lakh
4000 sqft
9 states
14 cities
21 cities
All Metro and Tier 1 Cities
imt has been a pioneer in education and at the same time NIMT has adopted the technology backends to not only improve the efficency but also expand its reach. NIMT's distance and online education programmes - currently offereing PGDM courses (www. are using edx platform to develop and deliver the course content across the country and abroad. The platform which is almost similar to that offered by companies such as coursera or udacity which are globally known for its education platform - allows students to view recorded lectures, tracks a students
progress through the course, helps discuss problems with other students using the system enrolled in the course. Currently the course PGDM is being offered in ten specialisations which include Agri Business, Finance, HR, IT, Operations, Marketing,Rural, Hospital and Pharma Management. NIMT's distance learning programmes are approved by the University Grants Commission. For more information you can visit the website or call on +91-9555192192.
Join the learning
evolution Become a NIMT Authorised Study and Test Centre (AST) for NIMT Distance Education Programme In colleges, organisations and companies across the globe, NIMT is fostering a learning evolution. We're inviting you to join us. The concept is simple. To have testing and certiďŹ cation is at the heart of a learning experience as it becomes the global brand of success. Testing helps people demonstrate abilities, to enjoy the personal pride and professional advancement, to stand out!
What does being a NIMT Authorised Study and Test Centre (AST) involve? NIMT has to begin with - introduced PGDM in distance and online education mode in ten specialisations. As an AST you will have to provide services of conducting tests of candidates who choose your centre for their examination. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to counsel and convert prospecting candidates to register with your centre. Each centre will get local marketing support and telecalling credits for counselling and converting students. - Local Centre Listing on City Page on and local leads. - Unlimited telecalling credits to counsel and convert prospects into students for the PGDM course. - Centre Fee for each candidate registered at your centre. The fee shall be disbursed every semester and will be as per the table given below.
Steps to become an AST
First, you will need to review the eligibility and facility requirements at w w w. n i m t d e . e d u . i n / a s t a n d t h e n complete the accompanying application. Attach all supporting documents such as a copy of your business registration, oor plan and photographs of your test centre.
2 Sign
Cati ceresidii per los noraris averfina, pote it, vis, cris, nox nere ma, ac fica morum movehebesse orum crum idit, que etemuOnce your application is received, NIMT DE william send you ainulis. contract and rit, sendam et conlos Habunum other forms. senaapplicable nosto imihicam dius ius cae aus Marivatudem auc int? At fatimov ernissuLegervivasdam pone cupion vere confec tendi pulincu ludemenatus, se terunte rferit, niu ven noc, quem fex sulesi publint erei culegil issuncum.Borrum facesequae dolore vel ius nit ped.Habit anum, menatres audam imussimmorum ina
Once Activated, you can start enrolling students into NIMT DE's programs immediately.
What are the criteria to become a NIMT Authorised Study and Test Centre?
Any distraction-free location such as a testing lab or classroom, equipped with computers and access Image Subtitle. Namquon teridio cupionf enatus Ad uncurob senatie nscenisque inihilicaes iamto the Internet. perviveAtorum es! Postem pulaber temerum tam oratand erfermissa vis. Activation
A fully functional business Once approved, we will send a pre website which has been activation kit containing materials for registered for at least 12 your test centre and your NIMT DE site months. Nuninato pubis, pro ad diem vehebatum eticavehem nicaet peridemne est Caste which enables to accesso online account diusque oc virmill arbere nondi, C. to O tem preorud acchuid si publi con Patus policies, detailing news, updates, A dedicated individual proctor guides and your centre details and simusatilin tere aucta queri se addumus ignocula vivas omprimporis. Etra ore nos the tests. The individual should enrolments quonosu have lerdiorsulto et ad dic tem ia meand in tum hactatis re at, faci ingula clum te, proďŹ ciency in oral writtenaciem, english well as use of conloc, coniquid meas inte maioet; eri, num, nosultuus, cons vivastorem. Patre cones etravemus rem ad ducem uteri iae facia? Ad siderItam que omnonte in vius nostis superum publibus facerit antissicat. Rem ad dius hil volut consule roporidelus ina, satus peciae nosum a remquo pul vitus es adhucit.
cTalk to us at:09555192192
runtier liquem acienatur, quam cotis, con pesse consua vius, tam more fuem poerei caecid propublic omnos dium vidiena tiusse ponocavo.Nihiliam more, vivir porum pecrum maio esua L. Verraeq ueretifex num ericivi vehebuniquod ressules diti, mum.
he NIMT Group was established in 1987 with a vision to improve quality of education in the country. With a senior secondary school in place in the year 1987, the group took its next leap towards higher education in 1992. National Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad was established that offered management courses at Undergraduate and Graduate level. NIMT evolved from the need for a world-class business school in Asia. The founders, some of the best minds from the corporate and academic worlds, anticipated the leadership needs of the emerging Asian economies. They recognised that the rapidly changing business landscape would require young leaders who not only have an understanding of the developing economies but who also present a global perspective. NIMT is committed to creating such leaders through its innovative programmes, outstanding faculty and thought leadership. Funded entirely by private corporations, foundations and individuals from around the world who believe in its vision, the NIMT is a not-for-profit organisation.
NIMT, Ghaziabad became the centre of excellence for management education in India and was regularly fea-
tured amongst the top 10 management institutions in India. Eventually NIMT continuing with its vision established four more campuses in Ghaziabad, Greater Noida and Kotpulti. These campuses, located in tranquil settings, provide an environment that is conducive to learning. The campuses are self-contained oases in which the students will find that all their needs are met and surpassed by the world-class amenities and facilities. NIMT has furthered in its mission and started three more senior secondary schools and 16 colleges in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. The schools follow CBSE, ICSE IB and IGCSE curriculums. The colleges offer undergraduate and post graduate courses in hospitality, medical and para-medical sciences, law, engineering, management and teacher education. NIMT has further extended its reach with online and distance learning courses in management that use state of the art technology backend to deliver MOOCs to its students across the world. This intiative has enabled it
to deliver its programmes widely and redefine the high level learning at college level as well as redefine the university campus experience. NIMT has also established a multi speciality 100 bedded CGHS empanelled hospital in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. The hospital serves a large village and urban population in the area which lacks crucial medical facilities. The hospital is a multi specialty hospital with all the modern facilities and services at affordable rates. NIMT has transformed the Indian education Scene at all levels and plans to further make inroads with its testing division All Indian Association of Management and Technical Institutions that shall conduct tests at national and international scale. Further NIMT plans to expand its chain of preschools strawberry frog in the next 2-3 years.
For details visit or Call +91-9555192192
OPPORTUNITY FRANCHISEE - PARTNERING SUCCESS NIMT has many business partners. Together, we transform ideas into groundbreaking applications and products. These collaborations range from franchisee, research projects and enterprise initiatives through to recruitment and the provision of executive and professional development courses. FRANCHISEE Introduction In order to start the as a NIMT or Strawberry frog (Pres School Division) franchise, the first and basic requirement is that the partner should love education and have a passion to do this business with a long term vision. Along with that you should own an area between 1500 sq ft – 10000 sq. ft. With an investment capacity ranging between Rs. 5 lacs to Rs. 10 crore depending upon the area and location. Why Partner with NIMT Group? Cradle to College & Beyond: With NIMT network spread across three states Delhi,U.P, Rajasthan,there is scope for continual education for toddlers in NIMT schools and institutions, which is an added advantage for our partners. Strong background: NIMT has over two decades of rich academic experience which would be the guiding strength behind our franchises. ABOUT STRAWBERRY FROG Today, Strawberry Frog is one of the emerging preschool chains with 5 branches and many more are on the way. Strawberry Frog is the only preschool with a research and development department. All the teachers undergo rigorous training and are continuously educated about new revelations in child psychology. WHO CAN START We are looking for partners who love kids
and have a passion to do this business with a long-term vision. In order to start the Strawberry Frog play school, the first and basic requirement is that the partner should love kids and have a passion to do this business with a long term vision. Along with that you should own an area between 1200 sq ft – 10000 sq. ft. With an investment capacity ranging between Rs. 2 lackh to Rs.3 crore which includes Franchise Fee, Material Kit, Furniture and Fittings, Equipments and Educational Material depending upon the area and location. WHY STRAWBERRY FROG 1. One of the strongest brands of preschools with the maximum recall among parents 2. More than 5 branches in Delhi, NCR and other parts of India 3. Almost two decades of proven success, expertise and experience 4. The only preschool with a research and development department to develop and update our child centric curriculum 5. Focus on teacher training and recruiting of best talent. 6. Strawberry Frog is an NIMT Group Enterprise which is also on a rapid expansion plan. NIMT group has lauched online learning programmes, Senior Secondary Schools and plans to increase the number of same in the coming years. Deliverables for franchise owner: 1. A well designed curriculum and content based on our basic Learning Ladder Methodology
2. Play and learn equipments and furniture 3. Latest teaching aids 4. Effective teachers and counselors training 5. System Process, academic and marketing guideline manual 6. Support in Staff-Recruitment 7. Brand building, promotions and advertisements 8. Holistic business management consultancy 9. Periodic product developments and updates 10. Online support 11. Orientation and induction programs 12. Parental involvement programs 13. Opportunity to attend national and regional business partners confluences 14. Transport operational policies 15. Layout and Designing: Floors plans and an easy to follow design/build package is created during the initial fit-out stage, which is managed with the complete support and direction of NIMT's in house team. 16. Launch Support: Initial training seminars and on site help is provided, organize and conduct the grand opening launch. One-on-one support is provided whenever required. For Further Information please visit or Call us on 011-45622555 or email to siddhant@
Strawberry Frog PRE SCHOOL CALL +91-9555192192 Structured Program for Toddlers Strawberry Frog is unique and truly international brand present in India and different parts of the world. We provide world class education at your doorstep. Preschool is a programme designed to educate the child intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially in a stimulating environment that encourages creativity and self-expression. It also aims at developing a positive self image with children and enables them to become competent learners. It is 4 years structured program for Toddlers, Nursery, JKG and SKG . It covers the age group from 18 months to 5 years old children. Strawberry Frog also offers unique afterschool programs like Day Care, Moms and Tots, English plus (4-10 year old children), Thematic Summer camps.
Admission Process
Minimum Age for admission: 1 ½ years Admission procedure and fee Structure: Open to all and fees varies from centre to centre. Toddler Programme : 1 Year – 1 year 8 months Play Group : ! year 8 months – 2 years 8 months Nursery: 2 years 8 months- 3 years 8 months Lower Kindergarten: 3 years 8 month-4 years 8 months Upper Kindergarten : 4 years 8 months – 5 years 8 months Daycare: 2 years to 8 years Activity Hub :2 years to 12 years School’s Philosophy Immersion style of learning English, enquiry based teaching and learning, learning through questioning, observing, investigating and doing
RESIDENTIAL & CO-EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL NIMT NIMT Schools are co–educational English medium schools. Founded in 2010, the schools are a rare blend of tradition and modernity. The schools aim to impart quality education that leads to an all round personality development of the child.The Schools provide a perfect ambience for the cognitive and mortar growth of the pupils in their formative years. The schools are well equipped with the latest infrastructure to provide activity oriented teaching with the help of audio-visual and computer aids.Teaching methodologies are continuously upgraded and book learning is well integrated with activities and outdoor learning. NIMT Schools are committed to their prime aim of developing the overall personality of the students in a healthy and congenial atmosphere. The NIMT School is a co-education school. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and students are prepared for the All India Secondary School Exams (Class X) and the All India Secondary School Certificate Examination (Class XII). The school has been affiliated by CBSE vide affiliation number 2131310 and the school code is 54803 BEYOND ACADEMICS NIMT School has got state-of-the-art infrastructure. It provides a platform for every child to channelize and give direction to his spirit of adventure and passion for learnig because we believe every child matters. In an exhilarating environment the learner will experience the true joy of learning. Your child’s world at NIMT comprises of days full of activities, learning, fun and interaction
with other students, their teachers and other staff. This rich world is further enhanced by many aspects; from the classroom to the playground, from the field trips to attending performances, workshops and presentations. Even sharing a fun moment during lunch or at a class in the after school activities brings i
sYLLABUS FOR ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISION at NIMT SCHOOLS CLASS : NURSERY 1. Story telling ( Response of child will be noted ) 2. Blocks Building 3. Identification of Objects 4. Identification of colors
CLASS : LKG English (Oral) 1. Poem(Any one) 2. Identification of Alphabets (Capital) 3. Identification of Colours 4. Vegetable /Animals
Body Parts
Hindi (Oral) 1. Poem (Any one) 2. Alphabet Identification Maths (Oral) 1. 1to 50 (counting) 2. Identification of Numbers 3. Identification of shapes G.K (Oral) 1. Vegetables 2. Animals 3.Fruits 4.What is your Name ? G.K. (Written) 1. A to Z 2. Dodging e.g. A __ C
3. Identify the picture and fill up the blanks Hindi (Written) 1. AA to AA 2. Fill up eg 3. Identify the picture and fill up the blanks-anak Maths (Written) 1. What comes before e.g _______,29 ,30 2. What comes after e.g. 32,33, ___ 3. 1 to 50
CLASS : U.K.G English
1. Poem (Anyone) 2. A to Z 3. Alphabet Identification (Small letters) G.K. 1. Names of wild Animals 2. Names of pet Animals 3. Names of Flowers 4. Names of Fruits 5. Body Parts 6. Vegetables 7. Parent’s Name Hindi (oral) 1. Poem (Any one) 2. kaa to gya 3. Alphabet Identifaction e.g. Kaa see Kabutar Maths (oral) 1. Counting 1 to 100 2. Table of 2 3. SKIP counting English ( Written ) 1. Capital Letters ( A to Z) 2. Small Letters (a to z) 3. Fill up e.g. A __ C __ __ E a __ C__ e 4. What comes after/ before e.g. f __ , __ p
Hindi (Written)
1. KA to GY 2. Fill up e.g. KA __ GA 3. What comes before/ after KHA,CHA __ 4. Identify the picture and fill up the blanks __ GA
4. 5. 6.
What comes after and before Backward counting 200 to 1 Numbers Names 1 to 50
Maths (Written) 1. Number Names one to ten 2. Count and write e.g. __ 3. What comes after (1 to 100)
General Awareness (oral) 1. What is your name ? 2. What is your mother’s name ? 3. What is your father’s name ? 4. Where do you live ? 5. How many fingers do you have ? ( More similar type of Questions can be framed and asked)
Hindi (Written) Matra ka Prayog (Dictation)
Class : I English (Written) 1. Essay 5 lines on ‘MYSELF’ 2. Opposite words e.g. Hot-Cold 3. Names of fruits ,vegetables, colours, animals, birds, weekdays, months 4. Body Parts 5. Dictation (Simple words) Maths (Written) 1. Sum of addition of e.g. Add 45 + 23 2. Sum of subtraction e.g. Sub 69 -18 3. Table 2 to 10
Class: II Maths 1. Table 2 to 12 2. Addition ( with carrying) 3. Subtracting ( with borrowing) 4. Number name ( 1 to 100) 5. Missing numbers ENGLISH 1. Make plurals 2. Opposites 3. Five lines on ‘My Friend’ 4. Prepositions 5. Articles, Use if ‘ing’
Hindi Dictation –Sentences, Words
Class: III English 1. Ten lines on ‘My School’ 2. Plurals 3. Use of is ,was, are, were 4. Use of ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ 5. Use of ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ 6. Prepositions 7. Nouns, pronouns, Adjectives Maths 1. Tables 1 to 20 2. Addition of 3 digits e.g 456 +243 3. Subtraction (With borrowing) 4. Telling time 5. Fractions 6. Multiplication 7. Division (with remainder) 8. Place value Hindi 1. Nibandh—‘Deepawali’ ‘Meri Adhyapika’ 2. Yaad ki hui Kavita ki chah (six) 3. Shabdo se vakya banao e.g.Pahar :Shimla pahar par stith hai 4. Neche likhe shabdo ke ulte art wale shabad likho (e.g.Nai-Purani) 5. Kisi ak visay par chah (six) panktiyan likho---Mera School ,Meri Ruchi, 26 January
CLASS: IV ENGLISH 1. Essay-‘My Mother’ /’My teacher’ /’Myself’ (10 lines) 2. Leave Application 3. The sentence----Putting words in proper order 4. Nouns 5. Pronouns—He ,She ,We, They, etc 6. Genders---- Feminine ,Masculine 7. Number--- Singular , Plural 8. Adjectives—Quantifiers 9. Tenses—Present ,Past ,Future 10. Articles—Use of A, An,The 11. Prepositions 12. Fun with words ,General English
Science 1. Plant Body 2. Animal Body 3. Homes of Animals 4. Our Food 5. Our Teeth 6. Safety Rules 7. Materials 8. Weather 9. The earth and the sky Maths 1.Number up to Ten Thousand 2.Regional Numerals 3.Addition 4. Subtraction 5.Multiplication 6.Division 7.Fractional Numbers 8.Indian Currency 9.Metric Measures 10. Measurement of time 11.Multiplication Table 2 *20
CLASS : V ENGLISH 1. Parts of Speech 2. Nouns-Plurals of nouns , Countable and Uncountable nouns. 3.Adjectives—Possessive Adjectives, Comparison of Adjectives 4. Verbs a-Simple Present ,Past and Future Tenses b- Present Continuous Tense &Past Continuous Tense. 5.Conditional sentences ,Joining Sentences 6.Relative Pronouns-Fill in the blanks. 7. Letter Writing- Personal / Official. 8.Comprehension—Stories 9. Compositions- Paragraph Writing. SCIENCE Human body, Health &hygiene, Respiratory air, Influence of atmosphere, Drinking water, Our Food, Our housing, Tool & machines, Surrounding Plants and animals, Our universe, Environmental Studies, General Science. MATHS 1. Decimals addition, Substitutive Law, Application of these to Algebraic
Expressions, Problems and Substitutions. 2. Ratio and proportion: Direct and Inverse Proportions, Unitary method, Profit and loss, Simple Interest 3. The basic concept of Natural Numbers and Whole numbers. 4. Introduction of Equation: Use of Equation to solve problems; Measurement of line segment. 5. Parallel lines. Transversal lines; Angle made by a transversal to two lines.
CLASS: VI English 1. Revision of work done in class v 2. Passive Voice 3. Coordinating Conjunctions and/ as well as/both…and/either or/neither..or/neither…nor/not only….but also 4. The use of Simple Present after temporal conjunctions (when ,as soon as etc) to introduce adverbial clauses of time. 5. Conditional Sentences. 6. Indirect Speech involving the Tense change 7. Negative and Affirmative Sentences with ----would prefer to/would rather/sooner (not). 8. Patterns involving the use of gerunds. 9. Verbs—Past Tense and Past Participle 10. Comprehension---Stories 11. Composition 12. Letter Writing. SCIENCE Measurements, Air, Water, Atmosphere, Housing and Clothing, Matter, Work, Energy Simple Machines, Our Earth, The Universe, Human Body, Food and Health, Animal and Plants, Life cycles in the environment and Pollution, Scientists and their Discoveries General Science and General Mathematics.
CLASS : VII ENGLISH Grammar--- Application , Noun Pronoun, Adjectives , Verb, Conjunction, Essay Writing, Letter Writing, reading and Dictation. SCIENCE Chemical reactions, Symbols Formulas and valence, chemical equations, Oxygen, Acids and Bases, Properties of Acids, Salts, Work, Power and Energy, Mass and Weight, Actions and Reaction, Heat, Light, Sound Electricity, Machines, Machines and Tools Our Earth, Our Universe, Human Health, Excretory system, nervous system, Sense Organs Food and health, Disease, Care, Animals and Plants, Reproduction, Parental Science, General Science. MATHS 1. (Sets Concept, equal equivalent union, subset & intersection), Disjoint and Complement sets, Cardinal Property Finite and Infinite set, Venn Diagram. 2. Whole Nos, Even, Odds, Prime Nos ; Perfect Square, Square Root ,L.C.M 3. Integers (Addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division.) 4. Fractions,(Classification and comparison, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division, Simplification) 5. Percentage Rate and proportion 6. Commercial Arithmetic.(Unitary method profit loss, speed time, distance, S.I) 7. Decimals (Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division, Recurring decimals, approximation) 8. Algebra (Algebra Expressions, Addition, Subtraction, multiplication, and division, Graph) 9. Geometry (Line, Pts, circumference and radius of circle) 10.Mensuration (Perimeter, Area, Volume) 11.Statistics
CLASS: VIII SCIENCE Origin of universe, Heavenly bodies, Plants Comets, Stars, the measurements acceleration, Equation of motion, Gravity Variation of gravity, Moments, work and Energy, Simple machine, pressure, Elasticity of solids. Action of heat on substances, Types of chemical changes, Laws of chemical combination, Chemical equation, Water and its products, hydrogen, oxygen, Sulphur and its compounds, common salt, Electrolysis of Brine, hydrogen chloride Our living world, Micro Organisms, Useful and Harmful cells, Tissues, Reproduction, Development and growth, Agricultural Practices, problems, improvement of crop production, useful plants and Animals, Environment Studies, General Science. MATHS 1. Sets (Definition, Operation on sets &Venn Diagrams. 2. Non concepts (H.C.F., L.C.M., Integers, Fractions, Decimals, Rational Nos, Square Roots and Significant Figures) 3. Arithmetic (Unitary method, S.I, %,Profit & Loss, Discount, Work
time, Speed-time, Relative speed) 4. Algebra (Polynomials, Substitution, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Brackets, Implication, Factorization, L.C.M. Using Factors, simple equation and inequation, Formulas & Quadratic equation graph, liner simultaneous equation) 5. Geometry: Kinds of line, theorem, quadrilaterals, circle, Circum circle and in-circle. 6. Mensuration (Perimeter, area & volume). 7. Statistics. ENGLISH Picture Story Writing, Comprehension, letter Writing, Unseen Passage
CLASS: IX ENGLISH Picture Story Writing, Comprehension, letter Writing, Unseen Passage MATHS 1. Sets ( sets ,subsets, proper subset, superset, empty set, universal set, complement set, finite, infinite power set ,union & intersection , disjoint sets ,difference of sets, venndiagram ) 2. Fraction & Decimals. 3. Ratio & Proportion 4. Rational & Irrational Nos 5. Square Root. 6. Unitary method. 7. Percentage 8. Profit-Loss 9. C.I, C.I. Shares Dividends. 10. Fundamental Operation expansion of polynomial, factorization. 11. Liner equation 12. Trigonometry. 13. Geometry (reflection in a plane parallel lines ) 14. Matrices. SCIENCE Heat and work, Temperature and Measurement specific Heat, Transition of Substance fromone Aggregate state to another, Evaporation Wavemotion , Electromagnetic waves, Types of water, light, nature of light, sources of light, reflection, refraction at a spherical surface, colours, lasers, behavior of Gases, Automatic structure, Chemical bonding energy changes in chemical Reaction, chemical equation and calculations, chemical equilibrium, Metallurgy, compounds of iron, Aluminium, Copper. The study of life, Biology and Human problems, Mechanism of Organic evaluation natural selection in action, origin of species, organization of life, Man and environment conservation of natural resources. Human Health and health hazards, Environmental studies.
Calendar of ACTivites NIMT SCHOOLS academic Year 2014-2015 WEEK 02
Session begins.
Inter-Class Notice board Competition for Primary, Middle, Secondary & Senior Secondary Inter School Essay (Secondary) & Paragraph Writing
Practical test for students of IX to XII
Formative Assessment (FA1)
Inter School Drawing & Painting Competition
Inter School Debate & Group Discussion on "Reservation is boon or bane"
Inter School English Olympiad Competition Health Checkup Interschool Chess Competition
Staff Training Dish Making Competition Inter School Poetry Compe tition Couselling Session for Parents
Summer Vaccations
Summer Vaccations
School reopens after summer vacations Two Days Educational Leadeship Skill Session
WEEK 01 Formative Assessment 2 (FA2)
Debate & Speech Competition on a) "Professional Education in India Seeking Change" (Secondary) b) "Caste, Colour & Religion determines the Human Race" (Middle) c) Mother is the best Teacher or Vice Versa
20 JULY - FOUNDATION DAY CELEBRATIONS All School Dance & Music Festival
Inter School Cricket Tournament & Sports Day, Obstacle Race- Nur to Vth Mehendi Competition
Scholastic Aptitude Test - Conducted By All India Association of Management & Technical Institute (AIAMTI) for Class IIIrd to XIIth
All School Drama Festival
First Aid Training, Competition on FIrst Aid Techniques and First Aid Box Making
Inter School Table Tennis & Badminton Meet
Summative Assessment 1 (SA1)
Yoga & Gymnastics Week
All School Gardening & Plantation Drive
All School Quiz Competition
Rangoli & Card Designing Competition Diwali Celbrations
Teacher's Orientation Programme
Elocution (Public Speaking) & Presentation Competition (Topics will be released two weeks before the event)
Model United Nations Mock Sessions
Inter School Science Exhibhition
Folk Dance Competition
Lakshya - School's Annual Function
Winter Break
Winter Break
Art, Craft & Sculpture Exhibhition
All School Scout Camp
WEEK 01 Practice Session for SA2
Inter School Model United Nations
All School Gardening & Plantation Drive
Interational Education Awareness Seminar Practice Session for SA2
Admission Counselling Sessions & School Exhibhition Practice Session for SA2
Admission Counselling Sessions & School Exhibhition Practice Session for SA2
Summative Assessment 2 (SA2)
Session Closes
Summative Assessment 2 (SA2)
Summative Assessment 2 (SA2)
the queen of hearts Saurav Yadav V Campus School The queen of hearts She made some tarts All on a summer day; The knave of hearts, He stole thos tarts; And with them ran away. The king of Hearts Called for the tarts, And beat the Knave full sore, The Knave of hearts Brought back the tarts And vowed he’d steal no more
story by khusi patel
Once there was a milk–maid returning home with a pail of milk on her head. She thought ,” I will make cream and butter out of his this milk. Then selling them ,I will buy eggs. And when they hatch, I shall have a good poultry farm “.She further thought,” I shall sell some of the Chickens and buy a fine dress. Seeing it on my body , all the boys will admire me, but I will turn them away Lost in day dreams she forget about the pail on her head. She tossed her head with a jerk and the pail of milk came tumbling down. It was broken and all milk got spilt .”Dear o dear” she cried “ I have lost my all.”
Incredible and amazing facts about India By Kahkasha Siddiqui -VIII l The world ‘s highest cricket ground is in CHAIL,Himachal Pradesh.Built in 1893 after leveling a hill top,this cricket pitch is2444 meters above sea level l India has the largest number of post offices in the world l The indian railways is the largest employer in the world.It employs over million people. l Untill 1896,India was the only source of Diamond in the world. l The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world.It is located in the Ladakh Valley between theVyas andsuru rivers in the Himalyan mountains .It was built by the Indian Army in August1982. l The name India is derived from the river INDUS the valley around which early settlers lived. l Indus the valley ody around which earlyText settlers lived. with l The ‘Place Initial.value system ‘ and the ‘Decimal Tendi pusystem were lincu developed ludein Indus in 100B.C menatus, l The people India se of terunte have had a continuous rferit, niu civilization sinceven 5200 noc,B.C ,when the inhabitant quem of the Indus Riverfex valley desulesi veloped an urban culture publint base on commerce and sustained by agrierei culegil issuncum.Borrum culture trade. facesequae dolore vel ius nit l The foundation of the Modern India ped.Habit anum, menatres navy was laid inaudam the 17th Century whenina the imussimmorum East India Company had established a mareticavehem nicaet peridemne itime Force, thereby graduating acchuid o est Caste preorud in time to the si establishment the ignocula Royal publi con dit. of Patus Indian navy in 1934. vivas omprimporis. l The National Flag of India was designed by Pingali venkayyaand , an Indian Freedom Fighter,. The flag was adopted in its present form during the meeting of constitutional assembly held on the 22 July 1947 , a few days before India’s Independence.
One day I saw a dream, A town of Ice Cream The rivers of milk and chocolate, And lots of strawberry cake I don’t know where I was But I found a castle there I entered the castle, And met many friends. Some were bear And some were dear
Kartik Maheshwari Class-5A
Three were rats and four big cats. Before I could complete my dream My mother woke me up when clock told six Alas it was just a dream! What a wonderful dream!
School is fun Anshika Rana
WHAT IS LIFE ? Life is a song Be Lata Mangeskar, And sing it. Life is a cricket Match Be Sachin Tendulkar And win it Life is a stage Be Amitabh Bachhan And play the role Life is a long road
Be Mahatma Gandhi And reach the Goal Life is a Comedy Be Charlie Chaplin And till it with pleasure Life is a beautiful book Be Kalidas and Write it
Every day with the rise Of the golden Sun Going to school is Oh such fun Meeting friends Nodding heads Sharing secrets To be told to none Reading book, Writing notes Painting pictures and Solving sums Running around in The lunchtime break Playing games and Shouting names , Home work noted, Good-byes done School is really All time fun
Suhail - VIII
Twinkle Shishodia Class-8
TELL me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream ! — For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem. Life is real ! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal ; Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul. Not enjoyment, and not sorrow, Is our destined end or way ; But to act, that each to-morrow Find us farther than to-day.
THE MONTHS January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again, March brings breezes loud and shrill, Stirs the dancing daggodil. April brings the roses sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. May brings flocks of pretty lamps, Skipping by their fleecy dams. June brings lots of holidays, Time to tour and play. Hot July,brings cooling showers, Apricots and lilly flowers. August brings the sheaves of corn, Then the harvest home is borne Warm September brings the fruit,Sportsmen then begin to shoot. Then to gather nuts is pleasant,Fresh October brings the pheasant. Dull November brings the blast,Then the leaves are whirling fast. Chill December brings the sleet, Blazing fire, and Chirstmas treat.
In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac of Life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle ! Be a hero in the strife ! Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant ! Let the dead Past bury its dead ! Act,— act in the living Present ! Heart within, and God o'erhead ! Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time ;
BE THE BEST If you can’t be a pine on the top of the Hill Be a swrb in the valley –but be the best little scrub by the side of the hill Be a bush if you can’t be a tree We can’t all be captains ,we will got to be crew There’s something for all of us here. Ther ‘s big work to do and there’s lesser
Art is long, and Time is fleeting, And our hearts, though stout and brave, Still, like muffled drums, are beating Funeral marches to the grave.
to do, And the task we must do is the near If you can’t be a highway than just be a tree, If you can’t be the Sun be a star, It isn’t in size that you win or you fail Be the best of whatever you are
Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o'er life's solemn main, A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Seeing, shall take heart again. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate ; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.
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Deals in: All Kinds of Granite, Marbles,KantiStone, Granite Tile etc.
Shop No. 51, Super Market, Govindpuram, (Opp. Indian Oil Petrol), Gzb.-201002(U.P.)
STOP, BREATHE & THINK About this section - Stop, Breath & Think sec-
TOP what you are doing. Check what you are thinking, and how you are feeling.
tion provies you with some valuable although simple advice that you can follow in your daily regime to keep your mind and body fit and healthy.
REATHE Practice mindful breathing to create space between your thoughts, emotions and reactions.
HINK Learn to broaden your perspective and strengthen your force field of peace and calm by practicing one of the meditations.
CBSE. INTERNATIONAL CBSE. IGCSE Because your child needs more than just education - a right environment to grow in.
At Nimt School, we believe in providing an apt environment for a child to develop his potential three curriculums, over 20 sports, dance arts and drama clubs, martial arts. It is an educational ecosystem which is home to students hailing from all parts of the world.
Special rebate for students With percentage 90% Of weaker section
or above
Who are gifted child
With IQ 160+
Admission Process
Registration starts from 10 December2013 th
Last date of Registration is 10 February 2014
Registration form can be submitted at or collected from school campus
NIMT School, Ansal Avantika Extn Phase-II, Near Water Tank Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad, 201002 NIMT School, SP-3-1,RIICO Industrial Area Keshwana –Kotputli-Jaipur-Rajasthan, PIN 303108 NIMT School, Opposite Indirapriyadarshini Park, Arthala, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad PIN 201007
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Ghaziabad - Greater Noida - Kotputli, Jaipur
PURSUEYour Passion. 56 Undergraduate & Post Graduate Programs at 15 Colleges across 5 Campuses Panoramic Shot of Greater Noida Campus
B.Tech (IT, Mech, Civil, Electrical, Electornics & Comm, Electrical & Electronics) MBA, PGDM
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Ranked 8th in India - The Telegraph
Ranked 11th in India - Business India
B.Pharma B.Sc (Radiology &Imaging) B.Sc Nursing B.A.LLB (Law) B.P.T, D.P.T, (Physiotherapy) OTT, GNM B.HMCT (Hotel Mgmt.) B.Ed, NTT, STC ACCREDITATIONS & APPROVALS:
NIMT, Plot No.-41, KP -1, Pari Chowk Greater Noida NIMT, G.T Road, Near Hindon River, Ghaziabad NIMT,SP-3-1, RIICO Ind. Area, Keshwana,Kotputli, Dist. Jaipur, NIMT, Ansal’s Avantika Extn, Shastri Nagar, Gzb. NIMT, Ansal’s Avantika Shastri Nagar, Gzb.
Campus: Plot No.-41, Knowledge Park -1, Pari Chowk Greater Noida, U.P. | Campus 2: NIMT, G.T Road, Near Hindon River, Ghaziabad Campus 3: SP-3-1, RIICO Ind. Area, Keshwana, Kotputli, Dist. Jaipur, Rajasthan | Campus 4: NIMT, Ansal’s Avantika Extn, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad Campus 5: Campus School, Ansal’s Avantika, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad | NIMT Info. Centre: F3, CSC2, DDA Market, G Block, Preet Vihar, Delhi -92