Pacific island development forum inaugural meeting 2013 program v 23

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Leadership, Innovation & Partnership for Green/Blue Pacific Economies 5th - 7th August, 2013, Sheraton Fiji Resort, Denarau Island, Nadi, FIJI


Draft Program

5th-7th August 2013, Sheraton Fiji Resort, Denarau Island, Nadi, Fiji “Leadership, Innovation & Partnership for Green/Blue Pacific Economies” MONDAY 5TH AUGUST – THEME: LEADERSHIP AND GREEN GROWTH 8.00am-12.00pm

Registration Venue: Sheraton Pre-Function Area, Sheraton Fiji Resort


Formal Ceremonies of Welcome Guard of Honor by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces National Anthem Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club Dress: Suit/National Dress (see separate Programme for details)


Traditional Ceremonies of Welcome Performed by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Qaloqalovi Vakamamaca Sevusevu YaqonaVakaturaga WaseniYaqonaVakaturaga Vosa Vakaturaga Ulivini Vosa Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club Dress: Suit/National Dress (see separate Programme for details)

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Draft Program

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Official photograph of Leaders and delegations Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club 11.00am-11.30am

Morning Tea Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club


Official Opening Chairperson: Dr Jimmie ROGERS, Director General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea Welcome Address: Commodore J.V. BAINIMARAMA, Prime Minister, FIJI. Keynote Address: His Excellency Xanana GUSMĂƒO, Prime Minister, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) Photo Op at start and Media Coverage of Opening Speeches.


Lunch Venue: The Feast Restaurant, Sheraton Fiji Resort


Session 1: From RIO to the Pacific – Overview on global & regional status on sustainable development and the green economy Session Objective: To review global and regional status on sustainable development, define green growth and its regional framework. Chairperson: Mr Iosefa MAIAVA, Head, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Pacific Operations Centre, Suva Keynote Presentations:


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1. Dr Jimmie ROGERS, Director General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, on the regional status of sustainable development. 2. Mr Peter FORAU, Director General, Melanesian Spearhead Group Secretariat, Port Villa,on the outcome of the Pacific Small Island Developing Statespreparatorymeeting and the Melanesian Spearhead Group Green Growth Framework. Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) 3.00pm-3.15pm

Break Venue: Sheraton Pre-Function Area


Session 2: Political/Public Leadership for the Green Economy Session objective: To shape the role of political leadership and governments in transitioning into green growth. Chairperson Ambassador Kaliopate TAVOLA FIJI Keynote Presentations: Honorable Anote TONG, President of Kiribati, on Oceans/climate change Honorable Gordon Darcy LILO Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands, on Green Growth dialogue Lead Discussants: Honorable Dr Sitiveni HALAPUA MP, Tonga Ms. Mereia VOLAVOLA, Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation, Suva Mr Rex HOROI, Director, Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific


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International, Suva Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) 4.45pm-6.15pm

Session 3: Private Sector Leadership in the Green Economy Session objective: To showcase the role of private sector and its leadership in making the transition to green growth. Chairperson Mr Nalin PATEL, Chairman, Fiji Airways Board of Directors, Suva Key Speakers 1. Mr Chey Scovell, Chief Executive Officer, Manufacturing Council of PNG

2. Mr Paul EVERS, Executive Director, Future Forests (Fiji) Ltd, Suva Lead Discussants Mr Siosiua UTOIKAMANU, Director of Pacific Island Centre of Public Administration University of the South Pacific, Suva Mrs. Premila Kumar, Chief Executive Officer, Consumer Council of Fiji Mr William PARKINSON, Chairperson, Leadership Fiji Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) 6.30pm – 8.00pm

Pacific Night Welcome Reception hosted by Ratu Inoke KUBUABOLAMinister for Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, FIJI


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Special Performance by the Oceania Dance Theatre of the Oceania Centre for Arts, Culture and Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific Music by the Fiji Police Jazz Band Venue: Croquet Lawn, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Islands Informal (BULA)


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Registration Venue: Sheraton Pre-Function Area, Sheraton Fiji Resort


Session 4: Community Leadership for the Green Economy Session objective: To discuss the role of Communities, Non-Government Organisations, Faithbased Groups etc. and their leaderships in supporting the transition to green growth Chairperson: Mrs.Lorine TEVI Deputy Chairperson of the Board, Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organisations, Suva Key Speakers: 1. Archbishop The Most Revd.Dr Winston HALAPUA, Anglican Church in Polynesia, Suva 2. Ms. Kesaia TABUNAKAWAI, Representative, World Wide Fund for Nature South Pacific Programme, Suva Lead Discussants: Ambassador Robin YARROW, Chairman National Trust of Fiji Mr Rokoseru NABALARUA Chief Executive, Natural Waters of Viti Limited, Suva Ms. Susana Waqainabete-Tuisese, Program Director, Conservation International, Suva Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie)




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Venue: Sheraton Pre-Function Area 10.30am-12.00pm

Session 5: Innovations for the Green/Blue Economy Session Objective: To showcase the role and importance of innovations in bringing about the Green/Blue Economy in Pacific small island developing countries. Chairperson: Hon. Charles ABEL, Minister of National Planning, PAPUA NEW GUINEA Keynote Speaker: Ambassador Rhee, Soo-taek, Head United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Investment and Technology Transfer Promotion Office (ITPO),Seoul on How UNIDO can help Pacific economies bring about the innovations that they need to transition to the Green Economy. Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) Photo Opportunities at start, photographers/TV only


Lunch Venue: The Feast Sheraton Fiji Resort

1.00pm – 3.00pm

Session 6: Parallel Sessions Session Objective: To showcase the innovations including financial and human capital, and policy framework that need to be put in place in the primary, enabling and cross cutting sectors to bring about the Green/Blue Economy in Pacific small island developing countries. Chairperson: Mr Taholo KAMI Regional Director International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Suva Tracks:


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Track A: Extractive 1 – Mining and Energy Facilitator: Professor Michael G. PATTERSON, Director, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Applied Geoscience and Technology Division, Suva. Co-Facilitator: Professor Alfred OEHLERS, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Track B: Extractive 2 – Fisheries and Forestry Facilitator:Mr Mike BATTY, Director, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems Division, The Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea. Track C: Tourism Facilitator: Ratu Ilisoni VUIDREKETI Chief Executive, South Pacific Tourism Organisation, Suva Co-Facilitator: Mr. Geoff HYDE Managing Director Sustainable Tourism International Ltd. Track D: Agriculture Facilitator: Hon Inia SERUIRATU, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests; Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management Co-Facilitator: Inoke RATUKALOU, Director for Land Resources Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community Track E: Manufacturing & Trade Facilitator:Mr Shaheen ALI Permanent Secretary for Industry and Trade, Suva Co-Facilitator: Mr CheySCOVELL, Chief Executive Officer, Manufacturing Council of PNG Track F: Transport & Infrastructure Facilitator: Mr John HOGAN, Director Economic Development Division, The Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Suva Co-Facilitator: Senator J. Kalani ENGLISH Chair of the Hawaii Senate Committee on Transportation and International Affairs Track G: Health & Disaster Prevention


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Facilitator: Dr Temo K WAQANIVALU, Coordinator Non-communicable Disease and Health Promotion, World Health Organisation, Suva. Co-Facilitator: Timothy WILCOX, Sub-Regional Coordinator (Pacific), UNISDR Suva, Fiji Venues: Orchid, Frangipani, Gardenia at Sheraton Fiji Resort and Senirosi Dua & Rua, Senijale and Boardroom at the Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) 3.00pm-3.15pm

Break Venue: Sheraton Fiji Resort and Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa Pre-Function Area


Session 6: Parallel Sessions (continues) Venues: Orchid, Frangipani, Gardenia at Sheraton Fiji Resort and Senirosi Dua & Rua, Senijale and Boardroom at the Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa


Session 7: Parallel Sessions Track Facilitators Meeting Session objective: To review each session’s recommendations, identify synergies and identify the way forward especially possible areas of partnerships to bringing about the Green Economy in Pacific small island developing countries. Chairperson: Mr Taholo KAMI, Regional Director International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Suva Venue: Frangipani Room, Sheraton Fiji Resort


Fiji Night Reception hosted by Commodore J.V BAINIMARAMA, Prime Minister, FIJI Special Performances by the: o Shobna Chanel Dance Group of the Indian Cultural Center,


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Indian High Commission, Suva; and o Adi Cakobau School Meke Group, Adi Cakobau School, Sawani. Music by the Fiji Police Jazz Band Venue: Coco Palms the Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa Dress: Islands Informal (BULA) 8.00pm-10.00pm

Dinner hosted by Commodore J.V BAINIMARAMA, Prime Minister, FIJI (By invitation) Music by Jese Mucunabitu, Tiko’s Floating Restaurant Venue: Senirosi Rua, the Westin Denarau Island Resort & Spa Dress: Islands Informal (BULA)


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Session 8: Partnership for the green/blue economy Session objective: To plan and direct how the Green Economy as the new engine for growth, employment, and the reduction of persistent poverty in Pacific small island developing countries and the place of partnership in the process. Chairperson: Honorable Dr Sitiveni HALAPUA, MP, Tonga Keynote Presentation His Excellency Dr Young-Woo Park, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, United Nations Environment Program, Bangkok on the place of partnership in the Green Economy. Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) Photo Opportunities at start, photographers/TV only


Break Venue: Sheraton Pre-Function Area


Session 9: Pacific Island Development Forum Institutional Issues Session objective: To consider the governance structure, funding strategy, work program and Secretariat of Pacific Island Development Forum. Chairperson Dr Gerald A. FININ, Co-Director, Pacific Islands Development Program, Hawaii Keynote Presentation Mr Amena YAUVOLI, Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, FIJI


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Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) 11.30pm-12.30pm

Session 10: Presentation of Outcome Statements Session objective: To consider recommendations and the way forward especially possible areas of partnerships on bringing about the Green Economy in Pacific small island developing countries. Chairperson: Professor Elizabeth HOLLAND, Professor of Climate Change, Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentUniversity of the South Pacific, Suva Presentation: Mr Taholo KAMI, Regional Director International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Suva Interactive Discussions Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie)


Official Closing Chairperson: Ratu Inoke KUBUABOLA Minister for Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation, FIJI Closing Address Commodore J.V BAINIMARAMA, Prime Minister, FIJI Venue: Golden Ballroom, Sheraton Fiji Resort Dress: Island formal (Long or Short Sleeve Shirts with Tie) Photo Op at start and Media Coverage of Closing Speech.



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Lunch Venue: The Feast Sheraton Denarau Resort


Free Afternoon


Cocktail hosted by His Excellency Ratu Epeli NAILATIKAU, President Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club Dress: Island Style Signing of Official CommuniquĂŠs Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club Dress: Islands Style Beating of the Retreat by the Republic of Fiji Military Forces Venue: Denarau Golf & Racquet Club Dress: Islands Style


iTaukei Night Gala Dinner and Island Night hosted by His Excellency Ratu Epeli NAILATIKAU, President Special Performance by the KABU NI VANUA Music by the Fiji Police Jazz Band Venue: Golden Ballroom Dress: Island Style END OF PROGRAM

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