When businesses first start with social media, they generally do everything manually. Since there’s a lot that goes into understanding a target audience and what they like, this manual approach is usually a good learning opportunity. But at some point, a business will start to feel the strain of manually managing all of their social media efforts. This is often a time when a business starts to fall off track with its social efforts and loses momentum. Because that’s definitely not something you want to happen to your business, we’re going to cover some highly actionable tips you can use to implement social media automation in your marketing campaigns:
CHOOSE THE RIGHT TOOL Successful social media automation isn’t about losing authenticity or engaging in activities like spam. Instead, it’s about automating the more repetitive aspects of social media so that you and your team will be free to focus your
energy on the creative elements of social media that make a real difference in regards to engagement. Making social media automation work for you starts by choosing the right tool. If you want a tool that was built around the philosophy of freeing you up to focus on the parts of social media that matter most, we encourage you to try a free Send Social Media demo.
SYNC UP WITH YOUR AUDIENCE Another advantage of using social media automation is you’ll be able to get data about when people engage with your content. As you gather more of this data, you’ll likely discover certain times of the day when your audience is most active on social. By using automation to schedule posts at optimal times, you can maximize social media engagement even when you’re away from your computer.
SHARE CONTENT MORE THAN ONCE Creating great content takes a lot of work. That’s why only sharing your best stuff once is a mistake. Even though businesses worry about bombarding their audiences, the reality is every post gets missed by a significant percentage of an audience. So by using social media automation to share great content more than once, you can ensure it gets the attention and traction it deserves.
PROMOTE ACROSS MULTIPLE PLATFORMS This ties into the previous point. While you may have some overlap between platforms, chances are your audiences are quite different on various social sites. That simple truth is why it’s helpful to use automation to share content across the different social platforms where your business has a presence.
Michelle Hummel Founder of WebMediaUniversity