Why security alarms Home is the need of present life Every person needs safety in his life. Safety is one of the important concerns of life. In the ancient time people used to apply different method of securing themselves and their properties. But in this 21 st century Human being has circulated the cycle of development in the security regime. We are aware of the fact that the contemporary years are witnessed as the magnificent forum of digitalization. Everything is going digital and security has adopted the technology in itself. You have heard about the concept of home security alarms which are now an important tool to monitor your home, offices and your Valuable articles. These security alarms help to monitor various criteria: Burglary Monitoring:- If any suspicious person try to enter in your property or he has the intention of stealing your things then a burglary alarm triggered which sends alert to the customer management center, and respective company professional make your alert and inform the police. Temperature Monitoring: - This is the beauty of home security alarm systems that it also notifies the temperature alert. The equipment sensor identifies the change in temperature that help home owner to get the red alert signals and create solutions as per the time. Smoke and Fire Monitoring: - When there is a possibility of any smoke and fire in house then the smoke detector get alarm signal and it inform the local fire brigade immediately. Carbon Monoxide Monitoring: - When a warning device is installed in your home it is possible to detect carbon monoxide. So always install warning device with having a reputed security alarm company. Flood Monitoring: - Alarm security system is effective about flood monitoring. It helps your space from the excess water damage. The alarm gets triggered and the respective company professional inform your on immeidaite base. Medical Alert Monitoring:- In the alarm system various reputed security alarm company provide the facility of emergency button to the home owners in which they can use the butting at time of medical or other emergency. So if you are in emergency just push the button and get the help from respective security agency.