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Dr. Taylor Manalili (left) and Dr. Justin Chi (right) received their fellowships at the ICOI World Congress 2019, held in New York City. They are joined by Dr. Neil Park, who is a Diplomate of the prestigious implant society.
ICOI WELCOMES TWO TALENTED NEW MEMBERS The International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) recently presented fellowship awards to Drs. Taylor Manalili and Justin Chi, for their demonstration of exceptional interest and knowledge in the advancement of implant dentistry. The ICOI, founded in 1932, is the world’s largest dental implant organization, recognizing achievements in the field of oral implantology while supporting clinical research and continuing education. “Becoming an ICOI Fellow recognizes our study and clinical accomplishments in the field. It is a great honor to be recognized,” said Dr. Chi. “I appreciate ICOI’s solid commitment to providing a high-quality educational platform for implantology, and I’m looking forward to being a part of this prestigious program,” Dr. Manalili added.
As Fellows of the ICOI, Drs. Chi and Manilili can expect to contribute and gain valuable insights into the exciting upcoming world of implant dentistry. Dr. Chi is director of clinical technologies at Glidewell. He joined Glidewell as a clinical research associate in 2015 after graduating from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC. Dr. Manalili joined Glidewell in August 2018 as the first-ever Glidewell Fellow. Since that time, she has conducted clinical research and performed advanced restorative work, including implant placement, chairside restorations and fullmouth rehabilitations. Drs. Chi and Manalili join Dr. Neil Park, vice president of clinical affairs at Glidewell, who received his Diplomate status in the organization in 2017.