How to Grow your Business by using Motion Graphics on Social Media - Webtraffic.Agency
Our reality is filled with immersed information. We see advertisements all over the place: in the city, on TV, at work, while walking on streets, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, everywhere. Competition is everywhere, so you need to make your posts decent and influencing so that individuals will notice your work. The posts that you provide to your audience have to be attractive and eye-catching and it should differentiate from other. Below stats gives you the clear picture of active users on social media. As you can see, Facebook is ruling on the graphs. This won’t shock you.
You can see that Facebook has over 2 billion active users and ruling the number 1 position on the graph. YouTube has 1.5 billion active users and stands on 2nd place, where WhatsApp follows both (Facebook and YouTube) by ruling on 3rd position. Videos are mostly viewed on YouTube and Facebook, and the above stats shows that Facebook and YouTube are ruling the social media world. With these digital marketing and social media stats, one can imagine how the rate of superior quality video will be in 2019. Can you? It is predicted that in the year, 2019 videos will double and superior quality (HD) will be 70% of this.
Why Motion graphics work better than text
Majority of audience prefer video than reading. Motion graphics are nothing but an animation in which you present your ideas in an attractive way. You get a freedom to present your imagination and add more context to your ideas. You can convey any message and emotions. Animated videos are very attractive and eye-catching. 65% of individuals are visual students, and 90% of the information transfer in the brain is through visuals. Human brain catches visual information, 60,000x faster than a text. Motion graphics attract viewer’s attention.
Web clients have limited ability to focus and will just invest this much energy in a video or an article. Animation recalls emotions. It flashes discussions and influences, viewers, to follow your story. Plus, these days peoples are not spending the time to read marketing ads. The animation is known as a less marketing key. So customers pay more attention to animation than to traditional ads. The best example is Google Doodles. Their graphics are so attractive that it just makes us click on them.
Let us now look at how motions graphics or animation is an advantage to us:
Animation makes complex topics easy Animated videos give life to concepts. Just think, you can give life to anything you want, voice, face, structure or you can travel in time as well! With the help of animation, you can demonstrate how components and procedures function.
Animation relieves memories Most of the people have good memories of their childhood mostly with cartoons. Animation can use these memories and make us nostalgic which is a most effective feeling. According to studies, nostalgia has that ability to fight depression and take out all negative emotions.
It is full of fun People cherish to get entertained, whether they talk business or get instructed. More your content is entertaining, the more people will share it online.
The animation is full of entertainment, you just need to create a good context, which can be related to their day to day life. Mostly choose the topic which connects with your audience. If animation able to connect with customer’s emotions then customers will be happy and they get more positive vibes about connecting with your brand. Make sure, your animation is full of fun along with the information with you want to provide. 
The animation is easy to produce! Motion graphics work for every marketing need: for Infographics, Item explainer video, release announcements, etc. Advertisers from protrusive organization recognize the trend. An animation is comparatively easy and not very expensive compared to other traditional marketing. All you need is creativity and idea. The most important point to use animation for your social media channel is that animation is very easy and cost effective. It does not charge a billion dollars! Video shoot would include burning through a huge number of dollars. Hunting down an actor, shooting, spokesperson and editing for the same. Rather, you simply require a few efforts to create an animation.
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