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What should you check before and after sending your SMS campaign?
The use of mobile phones is only rising and there is a number of people using mobile phones rather than desktops for information about a company. This gives rise to mobile marketing, a part of Digital Marketing Services, and the Digital Marketing should be handled by the Leading Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai & Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai Mobile marketing has been a necessity for businesses because of tremendous use of mobile phones. Mobile marketing aims at reaching their potential customers
through mobile phones, tablets, etc. For that matter, it has become mandatory for websites to have a responsive design. One of the most effective mobile marketing strategy is planning at SMS campaign. One can send bulk messages to their target audience on their mobile devices. Today let us go through a checklist for your SMS campaign and what you should consider before and after you click on the big send button.
Before you send: Every campaign requires a plan. It is very important that you plan your SMS campaign before sending it out so that it gains the right results. The following is a checklist for you before you send the message: • You might think that sending a text anytime can also be fruitful. Well, deciding the best time and date for your campaign can give you right results. For e.g. you can send an SMS regarding a sale or offer on your e-commerce site right before Diwali. You need to analyze when your product or services are needed to your audience and
accordingly schedule and day and time. • Make sure that you have a list ready for who are you going to send the SMS campaign. You should segment your audience and include people who would actually be interested in your product or service. • Make sure that the content of your SMS is proper and standing. Also, ensure that there are no grammar and spelling mistakes. Proofreading will also be the best and recommended option. • Send one SMS to yourself and check whether it reads well and whether it has any mistakes or
formatting errors. Do a testing so that you don’t have to worry about anything later. • If you want a reply, ensure that there are proper call-to-action buttons or instructions. After you send: The job of SMS campaign does not end here. There are some after-campaign jobs that you should keep in mind because results are what matters. • Almost all the SMS campaign software’s provide reports and analytics. Make sure that you keep a track of the delivery report to understand the reach and quality
of your SMS. There are URL trackers also that help analyzes the number of clicks from which devices and at what time it was received or clicked. • If a call-to-action was involved, make sure that you have a plan to follow up with the customer. Many marketers forget about planning a follow up in case a customer responds. Hence, include this in the checklist and make the most of your SMS campaign. SMS campaigns can work wonders if done right. For the best mobile marketing services in Mumbai, visit us at www.webtraffic.agency
Other Services which can boost the SMS Marketing / Mobile Marketing - Social Media Marketing Company in Mumbai