"5 Most Profitable & Ever Green Internet Marketing Business Models"
DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this presentation. The examples mentioned here are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using these ideas and techniques. I am not teaching this as a "get rich quick scheme." This is not what I am about. I am just teaching you the steps and concepts that are working well. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations. Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information. The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.
Table of Contents
Introduction: .............................................................................................. 4 The Four Most Important Principles To Follow (A Must Read)..................5 The Best 5 Evergreen Internet Business Models....................................... 9 Final Word & Moving On...........................................................................23 Resources Section.......................................................................................24
Introduction: Hello if you are looking for a profitable and evergreen internet marketing business model that works then you are in the right place. I am going to reveal to you 5 Internet business models that are working well for many others and how this can be the same for you. I want to make it perfectly clear these methods are not HYPE and NOT based on some GET RICH QUICK Promise - You will need to put some effort in. What I am going to share with you are the internet business models that are working now and are EVERGREEN. (By that I mean the concepts around these models will be there for years to come.) This is for those of you who would like to make a living running a REAL online business or would like a second income stream and are willing to dedicate time, energy and some resources to make this a reality for you. Hello my name is Fabio Mastrocola and In This Presentation I am going to reveal to you 5 Top Profitable and evergreen Internet Marketing business models and show how you too can take one of these Business Models and make an income online to either replace your current job or just give you extra money to pay for bills, a car repayment , your monthly mortgage repayment etc.. The good thing is it's up to you on how much effort you are willing to put in to make this happen. You will be surprised what you can achieve just by being focused and disciplined to just dedicate 30min to 1 hour per day consistently. ( You can spend a lot more time but please be consistent and focus.) What lead me to creating this special report ? I have been marketing online for the past 7 years and I had tried a lot of the business models, strategies and tactics. These included website design , video marketing, SEO, affiliate marketing , information product creation, local business marketing to name a few. I found that I bought books, course after course but wasn't really not making any progress. I felt frustrated! Can you related?.... (Especially after spending thousands on these course and not getting anywhere!) I also suffered from "The New Shiny Object" Syndrome which was me jumping from one tactic, strategy or business model to another not really focusing on a particular one. This happened for a quite a few years and if I can impart some advice or a tip it would to impress upon you to FOCUS on one thing at a time. Get that working first and then move on. My other frustration was the amount of time it would take to build my sites make my products, craft my sales message ,do my video marketing ,SEO, Get traffic etc.. the list went on and on . The second piece of advice I 'd like to pass on is to delegate and outsource.
Ask yourself what is the best use of your time and focus on those tasks that are going to translate into sales for you. Today it's easy ,if you have a budget to free up your time and outsource tasks out to sites like, FIVVER.COM, ODESK.COM, SHORTTASK.COM,FREELANCER.COM to name a few. If your budget is tight you can do everything yourself to start with but once you start selling and making money, Reinvest it in your business by out sourcing . You doing less is actually more! Ideally you want to focus marketing and on the tasks that will bring you in sales and outsource the tasks that are tedious and you don't like doing. I have known people that don't like doing the marketing and selling who have outsourced those tasks which is fine. It can work both ways. Before I reveal your business models in a few minutes. I think it's important to give you an overview on what we will cover in this special report. To start off you will discover the essential 4 Principles of a successful internet business. These are four principles you should follow to be successful. I can't take credit for what you are about to learn I learn this from Ed Dale internet marketing expert, genius ,author and all round nice guy. He calls this process the "Magnificent symphony of 4 parts." I will give you an overview of Ed's "Magnificent symphony of 4 parts." first and then I will cover the 5 Most Profitable Internet Marketing Models . ( I have actually , in the accompanying PDF included a link to his video which I recommend to you watch - This will save you time and heart ache as I will explain). The first of part of this symphony is: Market Research What you will discover with conducting market research is whether your product or idea has a market or a cluster of people that are already spending money in your market or niche or not . Conducting this research will help you save time ,energy and money on your product creation as you will find out whether a market of hungry buyers are there for you to serve and sell your product or service too. It will help you evaluate your business ,product or service idea. The good news is that in this day and age it's quick , simple and free to do and it will save you time, heart ache and energy. You have to remember that just because you think you have a good product that everybody needs it's not necessarily the way your market will feel. Here some suggestions on some places you can research your product idea to see if your product or product idea has an actively hungry market of buyers: 
Amazon.com - See if your market is there and what products your audience are buying. Also check out the Amazon best sellers
TIP: Look at reviews see what they say about the products and take note of any bad reviews. This will be great info should you go ahead and create your product. 
Visit magazine.com and search for magazines on your topic or go to your closest news agent and check out their magazine stands and look for topics on your idea 5|Page
/niche or products. Are they a subscription magazine ,is there advertising and who's advertising in the magazine. Go to Google.com and search on your topic and see if they have any Google ads. What are they advertising , how many are advertising - this shows that possibly people are buying.
(Google ads are the ads that are displayed on the right or on the top of the left hand side of the organic search results.)
Traffic This is whether there are people searching for your product or service. What you will need to consider is that you will need a volume of people to be searching for your product or service online - this is known as traffic. There is a simple way to help you thanks to Google . Simply go to www.adwords.google.com and sign in with your Gmail account . You may need to put some credit card details in to validate your ad words account. Please don't worry . We will only be concerned using the Google keyword planner tool. We won't be creating any Google ads. Instead you will be navigating to the Google keyword planner tool , found under the tools tab and entering your "search term" related to your niche or market. The Google keyword planner tool will then display the results for your keyword and related keywords as well as the monthly search volume. I have used the term "learn how to play the guitar" as an example: which shows 720 people search for this term in that month. (See the screen shot below).
As you can see we the traffic volumes on my keyword and related keywords shows market it has a lot of volume of people interested in learning to play the guitar.
Conversion What is conversion about? Well in its essence is how many people take an action asked of them when they come to your offer for your product or service. It may be to buy a product or service or to enter their email address for a newsletter subscription. There are a few ways to test if your product idea will work. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Look for a similar product to promote as an affiliate you can find these products on sites like Amazon (associates program) and Clickbank.com (for digital products) and then spend a few dollars on either face book ads or Google ads for 2-3 days . After the 3 days you can see if you made any sales or people have taken the action to opt in to your email list. 2. The other way you can see if there is interest in your product is you have list or can get hold of someone else's list is to send the affiliate offer out the list and see how many people will buy through your affiliate link. 3. (A more advanced strategy) - Is to drive targeted traffic via face book ads , advertising a webinar (online seminar or presentation) you are running on your topic and give your audience great value via a presentation that provides excellent and helpful content and then offer them your affiliate product. Then you can measure the amount of sales you have made in relation to the amount of people that showed 7|Page
up for the webinar and workout your conversion. (10% conversion on a webinar that is delivered well is quite common.)
Product Creation. The product creation is the last phase and happens once you know there is a hungry audience of buyers from following the previous 3 steps. There are a few ways of creating products. You can create audio products like an audio book or record an interview with an expert. You can create written products like an eBook and then there is video product like a learn how to video course. These three are examples of information products that can be sold easily on the net. The delivery of these products is almost zero cost as they are digital products . The beauty of these products is that you can sell them as physical products also as CD's, DVD's and Books. It's important to note that "Content Is King" You will have to provide great quality content in your product that offers your customers really great value. Don't hold back in giving your away your best content. A Product Creation Fast Start Strategy Super Tip Content creation is a big topic on its own and you could spend hours on the ins and outs of the content creation. I wanted to share with you a fast start secret on how you can have your digital information product ready in no time and with one move have a quality video, audio and eBook product created in one move. OK here it is - you are going to love this: Let's say you are a guitar teacher; you could create a mini video course for beginner guitarists called:"Acoustic guitar for beginners - 5 easy steps to have you playing your favourite songs quickly and easily." Once you record your video content you can then have them transcribed and also have the audio stripped and with this one video recording you have 3 information products. Pretty cool hah? (You can hire some great talent to strip the audio and transcription online on sites like Fivver.com or Odesk.com) You have 3 products you can sell via your website as a package which gives your product more perceived value for the buyer.
"Ok Let's Get Into The Best 5 Internet Business Models."
The Best 5 Evergreen Internet Business Models
Internet Business Model No :1 | Affiliate Marketing - The Revenue Sharing Model
What is affiliate marketing? Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to get started online. Put simply affiliate marketing is where someone promotes a product or service by sending traffic or referring customers to a particular website. If those customers buy as a result the referring party will receive a commission. Commissions will can vary from 4% up to 75% of the sale depending on the products and the sites. Affiliate marketing is a great revenue model whether you are new to online marketing or an advanced online marketer. Here are some affiliate programs you may consider joining.
Amazon: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com Commission Junction http://www.cj.com Clickbank http://www.clickbank.com (Digital products) Linkshare.com Shareasale.com
One of the benefits of affiliate marketing as a model is that you don't need to create the product, write the sales letter handle the purchases or customer service. All you need to do is send traffic to the merchants website and collect the money once the traffic you have sent have purchased. I have actually done this and received commissions without even having a website. ( I do recommend having at least a webpage to send your traffic to.) You may be thinking - How do they know I was the one who sent the traffic that purchased the product. service? Good question, It's easy as you are given an affiliate link to promote that 9|Page
identifies you as the affiliate and if it's used to buy the merchant (product owner/distributor) can track it back to you and you will be credited with the sale and commission.
What do you need to get started:
A product to promote (Remember the 4 parts explained at the beginning) A domain name A Webpage to capture the names and emails of people that visit your site (eg.squeeze page) An Auto responder - to keep in contact with and build a relationship with your prospect and promote other offers. You need traffic -traffic to send to your website. This can be in the form of paid traffic and free traffic. Paid traffic is utilising the ad networks like Google ad words, Face book Advertising, Solo Ads etc.. and Free traffic Methods like article directories, YouTube and other social media and web 2.0 properties. You should use both forms of advertising and it's important to test your advertising ,start small ,don't invest big dollars- once you have a successful ad campaign then you can scale it up.
RESOURCE GUIDE: I have supplied a resources guide. The tools, sites , more content and programs to help you succeed in your quest to take advantage of the 5 most profitable and evergreen internet marketing models. Super Tip: Look for products to promote that have a high monthly re-billing value. You can check sites like Clickbank.com for these. IMPORTANT: If you live in the United States or any country that requires you to disclose that you are sharing affiliate links, It's important you do so . Placing a disclosure next to any affiliate links or by creating a disclosures page on your website that notes you use affiliate links.
Internet Business Model #2 |Sell Your Own Information Products
Why sell your own information products? The simple answer is that you get to keep all the profits and you can get affiliates to sell your products as well via your affiliate program (You can do this 10 | P a g e
quite simply via clickbank.com if you are selling a digital downloadable product). Imagine have a sales force working for you on commission only! The information products I am talking specifically about are , digital information products that can be delivered at virtually no cost over the web as downloadable products. At the beginning of this video report I gave the four principles and at the end I explained a fast start strategy to your first information product. I gave you the example of a learn the guitar product titled: " Acoustic guitar for beginners - 5 easy steps to have you playing your favourite songs quickly and easily." Here in one move you were able to create 3 products being:
A video product An Audio product An EBook.
Side Note: The image above is my learn to dance salsa product I created and turned it from a physical DVD to a digital product delivered via a membership site (We will be discussing membership sites later). I used the exact same process in the creation of this product as I explained earlier. You can check it out at http://www.letsdancesalsa.com. In this day and age on the net you have some giants players that allow you to create and publish your own content and give you the tools in some cases to help with the process. Think about amazon.com it gives you the tools to create eBooks and sell them in their kindle store. You can go to audible.com an record the "spoken word "of your book an up load it for sale also. Apple through iTunes gives you the platform to start your own podcast show at no cost. Here you have access to a platform of customers that downloaded podcasts 1.5 Billion times. You have sites like UDEMY.COM that allow you to teach courses by uploading your course content on their site and they do the marketing to drive customers to your course. It has never been easier for you to start your own information product business.
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You may be saying "But I don't have any expertise?" Well there is also a solution. Why don't you find an expert. Is there any one you know that is an expert in your area of interest ? Ask to interview them and record the call. or you can use Google's platform and interview them using a Google hangout and then have the hangout transcribed , the audio stripped exactly like we did for our guitar product earlier. TIP: There is a website called www.expertclick.com it has over 12000 topics of interest and experts in many niches ready to be interviewed by you.
Here are some other information products you can create in addition to video and audio courses and eBooks:
Kindle Books Software (Odesk) Apps (Odesk, App Mkr) Webinars Newsletter Products Membership Sites Podcasting (Video & Audio)
Bonus Tip: Here's a tip you can search for Private label Rights products in your area of interest. Private Label rights are products that are already created and that you can rebrand and sell. Make it unique by adding content that is original and fresh and change the graphics.
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Internet Business Model #3 | Membership Sites
People are willing to pay for excellent online content. A membership site is a great internet business model to deliver this content. A membership site is a sites with specific areas for members (The areas are password protected and require login and password details). Generally members pay some type of fee to join the site. It could be a monthly, annually, or onetime fee. The main advantage for having a membership site is the opportunity of earning a recurring income from the site. There are a few different membership site models for you to consider:
Free Membership Site Model - This is where you provide the members with free access to your sites content . The site is password protected and they will have to login to access your content. This is a great way to build a list of prospective clients as you will be able to get their name and email address when they sign up and continue to build a relationship with your subscriber by continuing to deliver high quality content that that is helpful and will help your member solve a problem. You could then monetize the site by advertising your own and affiliate products on the site or find sponsors related to the niche to advertise on your site and charge them accordingly. Free Membership Level and Then Upgrade Model this website, again is also only accessible with login details. It can used to get people into the site with the free model and then upgrade them to the paid model, on either onetime fee or a recurring monthly fee. One Time Membership Model: Here your customers pay once and get lifetime access. With this model you will need to purchase your membership for a onetime payment. You will get login details to access your content. This is the model I used for my membership site. http://www.letsdancesalsa.com/ . Feel free to check it out. "Til You Cancel" Membership Model: Here you pay a monthly, yearly, bi-annually recurring fee to access the content. Upon joining like all other membership model you will be allocated login and password details to access your content online. You will continue to be charged the fee until you contact the merchant (owner of the site) and cancel your subscription. 13 | P a g e
Micro Membership Model: Again this membership site model requires you subscribe to a monthly subscription. The only difference is, is that it has an end date. I have seen programs that last 3,6 or 12 months. Depending on the arrangement once you have completed the set time and have paid for that time to access the content, you will, in most cases have access to the site for years to come (Life time access).
All the models have their benefits and it really is down to understanding your market, what and how often you are willing to deliver as content. "Imagine Making 100K Per Year With A Membership Site." I learnt this concept from Internet Marketing Expert Armand Morin.
You would only need 4 things to make 100K per year (after you have established your market) : 1. Excellent content delivered on your niche topic as a webinar, video, audio ,pdf, or software and tools or a combination of all 5 . 2. A functional and robust membership site 3. 86 Members paying $97 per month. When it's put this way in regards the number of members required and the price point it makes it achievable. (Read that bit again!) 4. Traffic to your site. Of course there is a bit of work in creating the site and the content but once it's done correctly ( And you have followed the 4 principles we covered at the beginning) it will provide passive income for years to come. Price points do vary from as little to $7per month (for a tips based membership site) and have seen some that charge over $1000 per month. Eg.(Investment Strategies Sites and Coaching Programs) You can use membership sites for setting up educational and coaching programs in every industry. It can be used in most markets . That's why it's such a powerful internet business model. Remember you don't have to build the site yourself. You can outsource the building of your site if you have the budget. If you are interested in building it yourself and are willing to put in the time you can do so. I have in the resources area some tools and resources on building your membership site.
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Internet Business Model #4 |Selling Your Services As A Local Business Marketing Consultant
Local Business Marketing. There are plenty of small business that don't know how to market on the internet. I know of small businesses that not only don't have a website but are totally lost when it comes to marketing their product and services on the net. This provides a great opportunity for you to provide local business marketing consulting to them and get paid well for it . There all types of businesses that could use your help. The businesses I would target are the ones that are advertising in the yellow pages . Why? Well they are already paying quite a bit a bit of money to advertise and hence have allocated a budget. If I was to offer these services it would make sense to target businesses that have high ticket prices like home renovators, real estate agents, dentists ,cosmetic surgeons, builders , kitchen design and remodelling, Lawyers etc. Maybe you can be the go to consultant for a specific niche. For example: Cosmetic Surgeons. The good thing is that on the world wide web you can advertise your service to Cosmetic Surgeons around the globe. Here are some services you can offer these businesses:
Website design Graphic design Social Media Marketing SEO : Search Engine Optimization Internet broadcasting and publishing services Media Buying Article and Content Creation Pay Per Click Advertising Face book Advertising Face book Business Page LinkedIn Profile Video Marketing List building Press Releases /Publicity Local Business SEO Mobile Marketing 15 | P a g e
Reputation Management Business Newsletter Creation Email Marketing Content Creation and Marketing
Ok I can here you saying but I'm not an expert in any of these. That's no problems there are white label and reseller services out there that can do these tasking for your clients for you and you charge a mark up. Two example sites are: submitinme.com (SEO , video marketing, web design etc.) and Sendible.com (social media management). All you need to do is search in Google "Your Service offering" + Reseller or white label services. E.g. "social media white label services" Internet Business Model #5 |Content / Advertising Monetization Model You may have heard the term Content Is King .In this particular time on the internet big brands like Google, YouTube Yahoo, LinkedIn ,Face book, Amazon and Apple will give you access to their platforms to provide compelling ,engaging and creative content as well as let you sell to their customers. Why ? Simply because when you create high quality and fresh content these brands will in turn sell more advertising ,songs, movies, music, television shows ,books and products because you are keeping them on their site longer. It's Win Win Win for you, your customers and these big brands. Let's Start off with a few case studies of this evergreen model at work. It's using video content on the YouTube platform. Case Study #1 Cakes: This is what is possible when you provide great content.
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Cakes by Choppa , a YouTube channel that boasts over 76,000 Subscribers. The Gentleman that started his cake making channel is a former kindergarten teacher and earned $17,000 in just one hour, without leaving home? He has had almost 21.5 million views for this one spider man cake video. Not bad! Isn't it . He is now partnered with YouTube ad network to making ongoing revenue. Check out his channel. Do you have a skill like this that you can exploit? Or Do you know someone with this type of talent. Case Study #2 : Makeup
How about Lauren, a self taught makeup artist with over 1.6 Million subscribers to her channel. Her channel demonstrates makeup tips and products and she now makes a fulltime income monetizing her videos with Google ad sense program and is paid by makeup and beauty companies to review their products. Now that pretty powerful stuff wouldn't you agree? PLEASE NOTE: There are more people that have done the same actually according to YouTube statistics since 2007. Over 1,000,000 people from 30 countries are earning money from their videos and more than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month. (source: http://www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html) Article Source: http://www.smh.com.au/small-business/growing/get-rich-on-youtube-20130719-2q831.html#ixzz328SW3vk7
The great thing is that this opportunity is available to you also if you are willing to create excellent and high quality content in your niche market on a consistent basis.
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What is a podcasting? Podcasting is a method of distributing multimedia files (such as audio , videos and pdf's) over the Internet for playback on mobile devices and personal computer, laptops, or Internet enabled TV . Podcasting is increasing in popularity and an excellent way to quickly create content to get free traffic, leads and sales by partnering with Apple to start your own online radio or television show that can be listened to or viewed by thousands of people on their mobile phones, tablets, desktop or laptop computer or Internet enabled TV's . Apples iTunes platform will put your podcast in front of 1.5 Billion podcast subscribers. PODCASTING TIPS: I would advise when you start not charge for your podcast. Give away your high quality content in your niche for free. Once you start building your following here are 3 ways you can monetize your podcasts: 1. Build a list ,capture their name and email by sending them to a squeeze page. 2. Promote your own products/services or affiliate products to your audience. 3. Attract sponsors for your show and charge them to advertise on your podcast show Two Case Studies : Ed Rush started and launched a podcast The World’s Greatest Fishing Podcast and reached #25 on iTunes, got major sponsors and built a list of over 25,000 in less than two months. Entrepreneur On Fire is a podcast by John Lee Dumas created Each episode brings you a successful Entrepreneur who shares their journey: Their failures and their successes, and much more. John's podcasts are responsible for driving over 2000 unique visitors to his website www.entrepreuenronfire.com every day. wow, THAT'S 60,000 NEW VISITORS A MONTH! I have even heard of local business consultants and real estate agents using podcasts and as a result closing deals. Now that's cool. Super Tip1: Have Your Podcasts Transcribed and formatted into a PDF place links to your own products or services and affiliate links.
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Super Tip 2: Record 5 episodes before you launch your podcast and upload all 5 as different shows. IMPORTANT TIP: Focus on creating great content and giving great value by giving what your market wants first. Then once you have achieved this then monetize as you have established your credibility and your subscribers know like and trust you and see you as the authority and a trusted consultant in your niche. Super Time Saving Tip : Remember in the beginning of this presentation I gave of the example of the learn to play guitar product we created with doing video presentations and having them transcribed, the audio stripped from the video. Doing it this way you can have a video and or audio podcast for iTunes , you can upload the video to YouTube, the transcription to Amazon Kindle as a Book or report, a lead generating document on a document sharing site like scribd.com or slideshare.com sending traffic back to your site.
Amazon has provided everyone with opportunity to forge their way as an author by giving people the opportunity to write their own book using Kindle Direct Publishing Platform. It's a straight forward process of uploading your word document complete with image you own or can license to the platform. Having your own book is powerful tool as you will be known as an author, it will give you credibility and position you as an authority in your niche/market. SIMPLE BOOK CREATION TIPS: Here are few ways to create your book. Simply make an outline of what your book is about and the content you are going to cover. Form a table of contents to guide you and then simply record yourself covering the content in greater detail. Have the book transcribed and edited. Again you can go to sites like Elance.com, Odesk.com and Fiverr.com to have these tasks done. It's then ready to upload to Amazon. If you don't want to do the work another place you can outsource it to is iwriter.com they will write your entire Amazon kindle book. Another way is you can combine a collection of your video and audio content and have it transcribed, put into chapters edited using the same process mentioned above.
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FOUR WAYS TO MONETIZE KINDLE BOOK : 1. Give away a hard copy of your book as gift to your prospective customer - Amazon can help you with this an it is very cost effective and you don't have to have order 1000's of books. 2. You can put a link to your squeeze page to collect names and email address to get an extra bonus like a video or audio download of a related topic. (More high quality content!) 3. You can also publish your book as an audio book on Audible.com which Amazon owns. 4. Once you have done this for yourself you can help others do the same and charge them accordingly.
Start a blog in your niche or market. Write articles that are relevant to your market and that are valuable to your readers. Use video and audio as blog posts . It's important to mix it up and more importantly create fresh quality content. Make your articles keyword rich so that they are findable by the search engine bots. An idea maybe to utilise and link your blog and podcasting strategy . Here Are 5 Tips On Creating And Posting Content For Your Blog: 1. Write the content yourself 2. Interview an expert in your niche (remember expertclick.com) and then embed the video or audio into your blog site. 3. Outsource the writing to a service like iwriter.com.( You can have good quality articles written at reasonable prices.) 4. Turn old blog posts into audios and videos and vice versa. 5. Be consistent and post articles, audio or video content at least 3 times per week. I haven't gone into the platform to use to start your blog . I recommend wordpress.org. (I will provide some more information on the tools to make your blogging easier in the resources area.)
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Use Google Ad sense: Allow Google to display ads on your blog. Advertise affiliate offers related to your niche using banners on your site .You can tap into networks like Amazon associate programs, clickbank and commission junction. Build your list: capture names and email address via having a subscription area for visitors interested in your topic to subscribe to your content. Then send out follow up emails with more quality content and include your offers. If you like to speak on your topic promote your speaking services on your blog. Bonus use skim links: Skimlinks.com is a service that turns any "business mentions" or product link in a blog post, comment, or forum post into an affiliate link.To find out more go to skimlinks.com. It has over 18000 merchant partners including eBay, Amazon , KMART, Dell and Zappos to name JUST a few.
On a final note about the content advertising model. It's important to work smart. Think about the content you already have created and repurpose that content into eBooks, audio, video. Whether you do it yourself or outsource this task, remember to keep in mind the audience you want to serve your chosen niche so that you become the authority and the person your market turns to, to solve their problem because they know ,like and trust you because you have given them great content that has helped solve their problems. LETS RECAP: We have gone through five models that I believe to be the most profitable and evergreen internet business models. Make sure you really understand and apply the ESSENTIAL 4 STEPS you need to before you go jump head first into creating your product or service . If there is only one thing you take out of this training report, make sure it's understanding Ed Dales "Magnificent symphony of 4 parts." I have a link to this video in the resources area so you can hear it from the master himself. 5 Best Evergreen Internet Business Models: Internet Business Model No : 1 | Affiliate Marketing - Revenue Sharing Model Affiliate marketing is where someone promotes a product or service by sending/referring customers to a particular website. If those customers buy as a result the referring party will receive a commission. These products can be either physical or digital products. Affiliate marketing is an easy way to start your journey with online marketing and is a great internet business model to continue with as an advanced internet marketer as it will provide another revenue stream for you. Tip: Remember to look for products with high rebill value.
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Internet Business Model #2 |Sell Your Own Information Products Selling your own information products gives you the opportunity to keep all of your profits from the sales you make. It will also give you the opportunity to start your own affiliate program and have affiliates promoting your products also. It's your own commission only sales force . Remember that you don't have to be the expert you can find experts interview them and you have a product. Finally remember the strategy of creating 3 products being and audio , video and text in one move. Internet Business Model #3 | Membership Sites Here we discovered people are willing to pay for excellent online content and that a membership site is a great internet business model to deliver this content. We touched on 5 Membership sites models and also a concept on how to earn 100K per year with only 86 subscribed members. This model will work in any almost any market. Internet Business Model #4 |Selling Your Services As A Local Business Marketing Consultant This provides a great opportunity for you to provide local business marketing consulting small business and get paid well for it . There all types of businesses that could use your help. Look for businesses that are already advertising in the yellow pages. Why? Well they are already paying quite a bit a bit of money to advertise and hence have allocated a budget. Target businesses that have high ticket prices like home renovators, real estate agents, dentists ,cosmetic surgeons, builders , kitchen design, Lawyers etc. You can also specialise in local marketing services for a specific niche like home renovators for example and advertise your services to these businesses worldwide. We also looked at how you could outsource this so you don't have to do the work . You are just the person that manages and services your customer. And last but not least....... Internet Business Model #5 |Content / Advertising Monetization Model . Here we looked at a content creation model that you can monetize via tapping into the some of the largest networks and brands in the world including Apple, Google, Amazon, Face book and YouTube. You discovered how people are:
Creating and monetising their video content Using Podcasting to get in front that is the size of 1.5 billion subscribers absolutely free to drive traffic back to their websites How To make money blogging. Book Publishing via Amazon
"If there is one similarity that binds these 5 models together. It's the creation of high quality content."
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ON A FINAL NOTE: The internet as a medium has never made it more easier to start an online business. There are BIG BRANDS out there allowing you to tap into their platforms and are giving you access to come in contact and influence their customers. It's time to take this opportunity so you too can benefit. MOVING FORWARD: It's important that you choose one of the five models and focus the one you feel more aligned to , the one you have more affinity with. Get that first model going and then move on the next only when you are profiting from your first one. Don't suffer from the Shiny object Syndrome Like I have in the past. Also remember you don't have to do this yourself there are sites out there that you can outsource to. In closing remember to down load your PDF which will have this presentation in written format with the a list resources area . I will continue to send you great content to help you with your internet business. I have also created a few links with further training in regards to the model you would like to pursue. You will see the links listed in the resources section under FREE TRAINING. It will take you to the opt in page to simply fill in your name and email address so that you will get some extra training videos specifically related on the internet model you have chosen and yes it's free. I appreciate your time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at email: netmarketingsecretsrevealed@gmail.com Warm regards,
Fabio Mastrocola PS: Remember to take action! Concentrate on one ever green internet business model at a time. PPS: Check out the resources below , it will save you time!
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