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HOSTING & WEB SERVICES Ho me Ho s ting Getting S tarted Clients A/V S ervic es Tips 'n Tric ks Co ntac t Details

Basic to Advanced Webs (family/business pages)

Web Sit es: - W e build - W e f ix - W e modif y - W e Advise - b ut mo re o ve r, we p e rs o nally as s is t yo u with all as p e c ts o f yo ur s ite !

Websit e Host ing - Mont hly & Annual Rat es Domain Regist rat ions & Transf ers

**Web Work project & hourly rat es** Websit e updat es and f ixes General t roubleshoot ing/t echnical issues Applet s, Java, JavaScript int egrat ion Front Page/Templat e edit ing t raining Websit e maint enance/t ut oring PDFmyURL.com

Hardware/Sof t ware Consult ing Audio/Video - t ape t o digit al conversions

Calgary, Albe rt a, Canada

Ready to sell yo ur stuff o n the 'net? I can he lp!

Home page(s) and Host ing f or a year - $179 - you provide your phot os and t ext & I will do t he rest !

Username: Password:

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