10 things men want from their wives

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10 Things Men Want from Their Wives

10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives The basic emotional need in the relationship of husband and wife is to love and receive the same. The same is associated with sense of togetherness, self-image and progress. The expectation of the both the partners must be met in a marriage. Here, there are a few things that most of the husbands expect from their wives. 1. Acceptance The most important relationship advice for women is that they must accept their husbands ‌ Page 1 of 10

10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives as they are. In other words, they should not try to change their husbands. It causes hurt and anger to many husbands. 2. Affirmation Be relationship doctor for yourself and learn to disagree politely even if any difference of opinion arises. At the same time, if the view of your husband appears to be true, never hesitate to support that strongly and involve in legpulling. ‌

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10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives 3. Belief in Abilities All the men love their wives and protect them, in return what husbands want from their wives that she has faith in his skill and abilities. 4. Affection All the husbands expect from their wife the unconditional love and affection. Holding the hands in the public, taking care of household activities, children studies and career enhancement; all these are signs of strong‌ Page 3 of 10

10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives affection between the couple. 5. Quality Time Out of the busy schedule take some time out only for yourself and your husband. Talk and listen each other, reconnect and re-organise the relationship. 6. Respect Our society has been male dominated since centuries and there are the numerous stories full of ultimate‌ Page 4 of 10

10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives love and doing anything to maintain the honour and dignity of their wives. The stories of lord Rama and lord Shiva destroying the kingdoms which shows disrespect to their wives are a few examples. This is because of the selfless love and respect showered by their wives. This is what men want today also. 7. Companionship You must know, what husbands can't resist is their wives companionship. The wife and husband are‌ Page 5 of 10

10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives universal friends and companions till last breath. The children grow young and settle down in their own lives (as husband and wife), but the husband and wife continue be together in all the situations of life. 8. Care The care is the best thing which a woman can give to her husband. A wife is always in the heart of her husband when she takes care like a mother and loves him like a 16-year college girlfriend even at the age of attaining‌ Page 6 of 10

10 Things Men Want fr om Their Wives 80 years. It is natural tendency of men to forget the things in house and ask their wives their locations, be it small like his purse, handkerchiefs or socks. Don’t get bored or get irritated, it is good symbol as how much emotionally your husband depends on you. 9. Good Cook It is said that the man’s heart opens through his stomach. If you cook well and pack his favourite dish in his lunch box, always deserves his heartiest praise. At the home not only the… Page 7 of 10

10 Things Men Want from Their Wives cooking but giving the first bite of your plate to him always makes him grateful to you. Change of dishes days wise is also a good advice. 10. Career Oriented Your husband likes you to be a homely lady as well as a career oriented woman. If you are not able to attend a full time course, then you may attend online or part time courses for skill and career enhancement. ‌

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10 Things Men Want from Their Wives Mind it, all the things listed above are not exhaustive and you must adjust yourself according to the time and need.

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