Questions You Should Not Ask To Your Wedding Florist
If you have already tied the wedlock, you will understand how it feels when your wedding day approaches. However, those who have not got married yet will be nervous contemplating how difficult it is to make all the necessary arrangements for the nuptial ceremony. Inexperience will make them prone to commit common mistakes too while preparing for the wedding ceremony. Thus, we bring here some tips. Remember these when you talk with the wedding florist and avoid telling these to him. •
Can you make floral decoration just like the way Tom Cruise and Jolie had?
When you ask the wedding florist questions like these, he will immediately realize that you are not professional. Hence, he will lose interest in your work fearing that you will raise numerous issues when the work gets completed. If you are really interested in having a celebrity style floral decoration on your D-day, inquire him about his brochure and pick the design that matches with your desired wedding dÊcor. •
Can you use roses only in the decoration?
All that you need to convey to the florist is the theme of your wedding. You are free to inform him about a personally favorite flower of yours too, provided that you are not too insistent on making him use it exclusively in your wedding. Since the professional has an idea inside his mind, your thought process will clash with that of his and prevent him from giving his best. Later on, you will end up complaining that the service was not worth your money!
Can you use jasmine but remove their smell?
Jasmines are the choicest flowers from summer wedding mani . Therefore, if your wedding falls in one of the bright and sunny summer months the florist might make generous use of jasmines for decorating the venue and the tables. But do not expect him to remove the characteristic smell of this summer flower as he cannot do anything like that. If you inquire him about it, he will only think that you are stupid. Therefore, if you are extremely allergic about jasmines then just inform him that the flower should be excluded from the floral decoration. •
Can you use expensive flowers but stick to my budget?
The moment you ask the florist a question like this, he will get irritated. He might even conclude that either you are expecting him to bring down his service charges for an expensive floral decoration or asking him to use stale and used flowers instead of fresh flowers. Thus, instead of asking him stupid questions like these, inform him about your budget and ask him about the flowers that he can provide within that budget.
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