Irish Wedding Diary Winter Issue 2016

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Corinne & David Were Married in Malta on 25 July 2016 organised by Maltese Wedding Planner Sarah Young

146 I IWD Travel I Weddings Abroad

David and I are childhood sweethearts.

pearing - Sarah Young. After five

We met at a Hogmanay party when

minutes of looking into Sarah’s

I was in my sixth year of high school

work, I was sold that we definitely

and David was leaving to join the army.

needed a wedding planner and

After eight years of long-distance dat-

that we definitely needed Sarah

ing, and David’s two military tours of

(David however, took much more

Iraq and Afghanistan, we finally settled


in Glasgow and bought our first house Now, looking back, we both agree

together. David proposed to me on the day we moved in by saying that “he never

that hiring Sarah and her team was one of

wanted to be without me again.”

our best wedding planning decisions. Honestly, they made the whole process effort-

After eight years of long-distance dating, and David proposed saying that “he never wanted to be without me again.”

less and stress-free (aside from the usual guest stress!). We lost count of the number of people that commented on how relaxed we were on the run up to the wedding and the day itself. of the Palazzo Parisio are absolutely stunning and we fell in love with it straight away (ladies, your venue is like your dress, once you know,

After trawling through countless wedding mag-

you know!).

azines, we initially began our wedding venue

Hiring Sarah and her team was one of our best wedding planning decisions.

search in Scotland. There are many beautiful

Even to an obsessive compulsive organiser like

castles and venues however, none had the

me, the thought of planning a wedding over

‘wow’ factor for us. Feeling deflated after our

one thousand miles away was an extremely

With the venue and the planner in the bag, next

Scottish wedding venue search, we expanded

daunting task. During my many Google search-

came the best part of planning a wedding…

our search online to Europe and came across

es of Malta weddings (and I mean thousands!),

free champagne in bridal boutiques! All jokes

the Palazzo Parisio in Malta. The pictures online

I began to notice one name that kept reap-

aside, my wedding dress shopping experience

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was relatively stress-free (if, by stress-free, you

David’s shopping experience was relatively

our guests and a saxophonist joining us to

mean falling in love with a ridiculously priced

straightforward also. He picked a blue Hugo

dance to You’ve got the Love by Florence +

dress!). I found my dream wedding dress in the

Boss suit (inspired by Daniel Craig’s Tom Ford

The Machine. We got married in July, in 40°C,

fourth bridal boutique I visited, Opus Atelier in

suit) with a blue Burberry tie and Russell and

and were too distracted having fun on the day

Scotland during a Berta trunk show. I’ve been

Bromley monks. He finished his outfit with my

to let the heat bother us.

in love with Berta wedding dresses for years

wedding gift to him, a black Tag Carrera. The

and the moment I put it on I knew it was the

groomsmen were kitted out in matching suits

one. Thanks to an amazingly generous mother

from Next and the bridesmaids had multiway dresses from Debenhams (which we felt looked better than the original Two Birds version!).

There are so many highlights of the day that it is hard to pick our favourites Turning to our wedding day, we can honestly say that it was the best day of our lives so far. Everything turned out perfectly (all thanks to Sarah and her team!) and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. There are so many high-

Finally, my parting advice to all future brides is

and Sharon (Opus Atelier’s Irish owner), I or-

lights of the day that it is hard to pick our fa-

take a step back on the day for 5 minutes with

dered it straight away, over one year before our

vourites. However, the two that stand out to

your groom and take everything and everyone

wedding. My top tip for wedding dress shop-

me are: (i) the speeches from my Dad and

in. Oh, and a videographer should never be

ping is to wait for the trunk show (if any) as

David (as we could have lost them both to a

an option, a wedding video is one of the best

orders on the day usually benefit from a 10-

triple heart bypass and war respectively); and

memories of a day you have spent so much

15% discount.

(ii) our first dance finishing with fireworks and

time, effort and money on!

148 I IWD Travel I Weddings Abroad

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