2 minute read
Wednesday Night
Wednesday, April 27, 6:30 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room (FLC) and Online Sadly, suicidal thoughts and attempts are becoming more prevalent in the times of which we live. Therefore, the Mental Health Ministry Team will be sponsoring an event to address ways we as a church can increase the awareness and prevention of suicide. We will have a professional present to help facilitate an informative conversation. It is our desire that this event will be a bearer of his light to the darkness of suicide. For more information or to receive Zoom login information to join this event online, please contact Rev. Ed Briggs.
Wednesday, May 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary One size prayer does not fit all. Kathi Bradley, a Spiritual Director and a licensed professional counselor will be with us to lead us in a time of experiencing different ways to pray. No one who attends will be asked to pray out loud. It is our desire that each participant will connect with God in whatever way of prayer brings forth intimacy with him. This prayer time will transition to a National Day of Prayer at 7:00 p.m. for our world, the people in Ukraine, our country, state, and church. Each person will be given a prayer card with prayer concerns to pray individually. Let’s come together as a church to unite our hearts in praying the name of Jesus. For more information, please contact Rev. Ed Briggs.
A Study of Philippians and 2 Timothy
Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall & Online Led by Art Wilmarth
MAY 18 - JUNE 15
Join us for a five-week study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians and Paul’s second letter to Timothy. Paul probably wrote Philippians around 61 A.D., at the beginning of his first imprisonment in Rome (see Acts 28:16-30).
Philippians has been called the “Epistle of Joy,” as Paul included the words “joy” and “rejoice” more than a dozen times in the letter. Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy near the end of his life (around 67 A.D.), at a time when he was evidently imprisoned in Rome for a second time under much harsher conditions. Paul knew that he was facing imminent death, and his second letter to Timothy provides an inspiring testament to his transcendent faith and enduring witness in the most difficult of circumstances.
To register, visit www.weddingtonchurch.org or call 704-846-1032.