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Tillie Gnewuch, 88
Taught thousands to read
Minnie Mathilda “Tillie” Gnewuch, 88, died on Jan. 20, 2023. Dr Gnewuch was bor n on Nov. 25, 1934, she was highly re garded as a reading specialist, and taught thousands of children how to read and hundreds of teachers to teach reading. She graduated from Har ris Teachers Colle ge where she was crowned the May Day Fete Queen in 1956. While working and raising her five children, she completed her for mal training at Oklahoma State University. Her career as an educator spanned four decades in numerous public and private schools, including Concordia Teachers Colle ge in Seward, Nebraska; St. John Lutheran School in Forest Park; and Concordia University Chicago in River Forest. She loved Jesus and wanted everyone to live in peace.
also the longtime bond consultant to D200 and presented the funding proposals at last week’s CFC meeting. Her name is listed on the cover page of the presentation powerpoint, the first listed source below.
Like D115 taxpayers, D200 taxpayers made it clear that they want to vote on major capital projects, successfully petitioning nonreferendum bonds on the ballot in 2015 to fund an over-sized pool. Please consider emailing the board (boe@oprfhs.org) and the CFC (cfc@oprfhs.org) and underscore that undemocratic funding proposals are unacceptable for Project 2: no debt certificates or non-referendum bonds. Go to the public Facebook group D200 Pragmatic Solutions-OPRF for links to sources
1) Project 2 Funding Options Presentation CFC 1/17/23 Meeting: The char t “Funding Options for Project 2” is page 5. https://go.boarddocs.com/ il/oprfhs/Board.nsf/files/ CN2T7U7608ED/$file/Financ- ing%20Options%20Presentation%201.17.23.pdf
2) Screenshot attached of D200’s Five-Year Financial Projections Updated on 10/31/22. The operating sur plus and building maintenance and Life Safety line items are highlighted. Subtract the latter from the surplus for the net operating sur plus
3) Lake Forest High School Website: Referendum Infor mation https://www.lakeforestschools. org/domain/1139#:~:text=Overv iew,2023%20Lake%20County%20 election%20ballot.
4) Chicago Tribune: First story includes quote from board member. Second story states that Elizabeth Hennessy is D115’s bond consultant.
“Lake Forest D115 voters to decide on $106M bond referendum” chicagotribune.com
“District 115 of ficials moving toward referendum on $105.7 million bond sale for Lake Forest High School renovation” chicagotribune.com
Monica Sheehan is an Oak Pa rk resident.
Tillie was preceded in death by her husband of 48 years, Rev. Dr. Donald Gnewuch; her parents, Theodore and Eva Johnson Weeke; and her sister Jean Gibson. She is survived by her siblings, Betty Henderson and William (Carol) Weeke; her children, Katherine (Gregory) Roberson, Rebecca Boyer, Deborah (Richard) Gher, Rev. Carl (Cynthia) Gnewuch and Sarah (Edward) Ruber ry; her grandchildren, Cour tney, Theodore (Tammy), Jose ph (Jessica), Nicole, John, Maria, Jonathan (Paulina), Lauren (Matthew), Sarah (Trevor), Rachael, Ava, Stephanie, Mark, Kyle, Michael and Brian (Kristina); and her great-grandchildren, Ava, Edg ar, William, Dakota, Lily, Aurora, Whisper, Nathan, Amelia, Matthew, Mackenzie, Adeline, Anastasia, and Violet.
A visitation will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 27, at Elmhurst Community Funeral Home - Ahlg rim Chapel, 567 S. Spring Road, Elmhurst. Funeral services are pending for Saturday, Jan. 28, visit https://www.elmhurstfh.com/ or call 630834-3515 for more infor mation.
Inter ment is at Concordia Cemetery, 7900 Madison St., Forest Park
Memorials appreciated for Concordia University, 7400 Augusta, River Forest, IL 60305, c/o the Gnewuch Family Endowment Fund or the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
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