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Hey there! I’m Wes from We Do Your Essay and I have writing super powers. You just don’t know it but you have it, too. I need you to help me fight bad essay writing. Let’s get started in your writing hero training today! If you do not consider yourself as a wordsmith, chances are, you dread essay writing assignments as much as you dread seating beside your obnoxious classmate. Essays are staple requirements in the academe nonetheless. Whether you like it or not, you will have to face your fears in writing essays. Remember that unfamiliarity begets fear. It is thereby important to acquaint yourself with the definition, scope or purpose, and types of an essay if you want to battle head on with your essay writing fears.
You say essay, we say E-A-S-Y! The journey towards better essay writing is a tough one. You’ll meet several villains along the way but don’t fret because the Youniversity Workbook is your arsenal. These series of workbooks are designed to help you deliver your thoughts into paper clearly and creatively. Youniversity Workbook No. 1 is all about How to Overcome Your Writing Fears. Well, being a true hero means facing your demons first. These downloadable PDFs can be stored in your desktop and mobile. Get to know more about our Youniversity Workbook Series at http://www.wedoyouressay.com/essay-help-center.
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Slaying your fears
essay is the most simplest among the slew of academic writing assignments. An essay is essentially a piece of writing intended to convey a position or an argument about a particular topic while expounding such through a series of discussion s. In terms of structure, a typical essay is composed of three main parts—the introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction is the part that presents the topic and the thesis statement or your main argument. On the other hand, the main body part constitutes three paragraphs, each presenting unique discussion related to the topic and thesis statement. Each paragraph intends to prove the validity of the thesis statement. Meanwhile, the conclusion restates the thesis and synthesizes all the discussions in the main body. The most common structure of an essay is the so-called five-paragraph essay. The introduction part constitutes the first paragraph, the body includes the three discussion paragraphs, while the conclusion part makes up the last paragraph. Below is an example of an outline for a five-paragraph essay: • • • • •
Introduction – Introduction of the topic and thesis statement First Supporting Idea – Supporting argument, details/examples, and transition Second Supporting Idea – Supporting argument, details/examples, and transition Third Supporting Idea – Supporting argument, details/examples, and transition Conclusion – Restatement of thesis, synthesis of discussion
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are different types of essay that may or may not follow the usual five-paragraph structure depending on the required length or scope of the topic and discussion.
An essay for literature class for example may follow a five-paragraph structure but it remains different because it involves thorough analysis of a literary work or reading material. Typically, this essay may be a response to a material, a reflection, or an answer to a specific question related to the reading. Meanwhile, an expository essay is another type of a specialized essay. Depending on length, this paper can follow the same five-paragraph structure but it can also be lengthier depending on the requirements. Remember that an expository essay requires a writer to investigate an idea, provide and evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and create an argument concerning an idea. Within this type of writing, there are also sub-types to include comparison and contrast, example, analysis, and cause and effect essay among others.
Another specialized essay is the persuasive or argumentative and position papers. Accordingly, this essay centers on the need for a writer to prove a point with a goal to influence the opinion of the reader and clarify an issue. This type of academic paper demonstrates logic and reason. Remember that the format of a position paper may vary according to requirements.
A rhetorical analysis may be regarded as an essay although most of the time, it does not follow the usual rigid five-paragraph structure. Instead, a rhetorical analysis reviews a variety of communication materials to include news reports, editorials and opinions, research papers and journals, television shows, films, documentaries, and print and television commercials. This review involves exploring, discussing, and evaluating the way the material has employed the so-called three rhetorical approaches known as logos, pathos, and ethos. Remember that the logos approach pertains to the use of logic in order to appeal to the audience. On the other hand, pathos is involved with the use of an affective or emotional appeal. Ethos meanwhile is an approach that scrutinizes the authority and credibility of the author or producer of the material.
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ESSAY HERO WRITING TEST Let’s see how far you go with your new skills. Familiarity is of course useless without application. Equipped with the knowledge drawn from the discussion above, try accomplishing the exercise below: • • •
Direction: In less than 600 words, write a short five-paragraph essay arguing about the importance of education. Reminder: When writing the essay, remember to follow the aforementioned discussion about the Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusion. Side note: Practice makes perfect. Do not worry about your grammar and vocabulary at this point. The purpose of this exercise is to demonstrate your learnings from the discussion.
We’ll be waiting for your essay. Upload your assignments at www.tinyurl.EssayHelpCenter or on the “Youniversity Homework” tab on www.facebook.com/essayhelpcenter
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TRAINING COMPLETED You have you just completed your Youniversity Workbook No. 1. You are now a true essay writing hero. Go and save the world from bad essay writing.
Got questions to ask? Need more help in essay writing? We’d love to hear from you. TODD EDWARDS “Essay Hero” 93 S. Jackson St., Seattle, WA 1-206-493-2602 info@wedoyouressay.com www.wedoyouressay.com