The Wee County News - Issue 874

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weecounty Alloa & Hillfoots


Tuesday 1.5.12 Issue 874

In this issue...





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Stabbings, thefts & junkies . . . welcome to

Old Firm legends join forces against bigotry

page 3

page 10

LETHAL VALIUM HITS ALLOA STREETS Quality Blinds at Affordable Prices



atches of ‘lethal street valium’ have made their way into the Wee County it has been revealed. The class C Drug has been a major cause of concern throughout Scotland over recent weeks due to a number of hospitalisations. The tablets in question are blue

and have “STADA” on one side and “D 10” on the other. The Wee County news know the Valium, known as “scoobies”, “Blues”, “Vallies”,“V’s” and “Diazies” – after the generic term – (Diazepam); have hit our streets over the last couple of weeks. The drugs are made in different factories throughout the UK and

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by Gary Smith

in the brain as alcohol which may explain the ‘drunken behaviour’ when teenagers, and adults for that matter, are seen in a wayward state but have not been drinking. Even more sinister, perhaps, is the next generation of drug users who are taking the drugs and drinking with them – a dangerous enough proposition anyway; but with the added toxicity of the “STADA” Valium. We may very well see an un-proportionate rise in Valium causalities in the Wee County. We certainly hope not but if people are to take these “exceptionally strong” pharmaceuticals then there is, sadly, every chance that there may be trouble ahead. Due to an unexpected Heroin shortage – possibly a result of the continuing war in Afghanistan, which supplies 90% of the world’s Heroin – Valium use has gone through the roof. They take the “edge off rattles (cold turkey)” associated with a severe need for narcotics of any kind. What does this mean to our residents and, more particularly, our children? We advise to sit your teenage children down and explain the dangers of Valium in general, without the added toxicity of “STADA” marked pills. Then explain how dangerous these “STADA” tablets are. There have been, after all, scores of hospitalisations all over the country! One underworld source said, “The Scoobs (valium) aren’t the same ones but may very well have abroad. the same brand. They come from Valium were known as a “comeall over the place, people have this down drug” during the 90s – users stamp “STADA” and because it is would take them to get their heads known as a quality tablet; they are straightened out after raves, recently using it with their batches – they they have been taken along with have no clue what they are doing Heroin and Methadone - as they and may be adding chemicals that enhance the “euphoric experience”. could do a lot of harm!” The drug travels to similar receptors Continued on page 5

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Tuesday 01.5.12

In your


this week

Family Announcements


Bonny Baby Competition


The penultimate week of voting

District News


What’s on in your Wee County

weecounty LETTERS Dear weecounty,

Dear weecounty,

I am a bit confused by the election information I have received through my door in Menstrie. A leaflet from Eddie Carrick says we have three votes and we can vote 1,2 or 3 for him. I thought we could vote for as many or as few candidates as we like out of the seven standing. Could this be a deliberate attempt to confuse us into voting for him? He says he has successfully represented the people of Tullibody and Menstrie for the last ten years but letters in your paper suggest that he has never been seen in Tullibody and I have never seen him in Menstrie. I understand he has only attended 4 out of a possible 20 community Council meetings in Menstrie over the last two years. In his leaflet he seems to be claiming sole credit for the first council houses in 30 years about to be built in Tullibody whilst surely it was the Labour Group which he is no longer part of, who championed this cause along with other projects he is claiming credit for in his leaflet. Eddie Carrick asks us to choose a strong voice for Tullibody and Menstrie when the reality is that no Independents on the Council have a strong voice. I am supporting the two excellent Scottish Labour candidates in Menstrie and Tullibody who both have so much to offer. Labour’s achievements over the last ten years, even when faced with budget cuts and frozen council tax, are there for all to see, and they are the only party who have knocked on my door, taken time to talk to me, and delivered a positive message both on my doorstep and in their leaflets during this election campaign. Name and Address supplied.

Dear weecounty,

Services P18 Looking for a plumber, builder, roofer in your area, check out what the weecounty services has to offer



Puzzles with crossword competition, stars, recipies, pet of the week and those dodgy parking pics!

There was a recent challenge to the Labour Party in the Alloa Advertiser on what our intentions would be if elected to the Clackmannanshire Administration, that question has been answered. At times it is equally important to state what you will not do; perhaps I can provide you with some examples. We won’t damage the reputation and financial good name of the council for narrow party political gain. We won’t claim credit and support for policies and projects that we had previously opposed and voted against. We won’t attempt to politicise council staff by announcing a £1million investment in them, when £700,000 can’t be accounted for in the budget. We won’t insult the intelligence of the public by asking them to believe in our abilities to deliver financial miracles after only five weeks in the Administration. We won’t attribute success on the ‘Alloa Town Centre Project’ to Holyrood MSPs when the innovate award winning bid was pioneered by local partners. We will however continue to believe that in politics as in life, honesty is the best policy. Janet Cadenhead, Candidate for Clackmannanshire South

Dear weecounty,

Recruitment P20-21 Motoring P23 Fixing your beloved car, or flogging your old run around, have a read at the weecounty motoring for some tips and hints

weecounty Sport P25-32

weecounty Contacts 38 Primrose Street Alloa FK10 1JG

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Re:- Letters in Last Week’s Paper I refer to two issues raised in your paper last week. The first was the letter accusing the SNP’s Thistle to be negative. I feel somewhat incredulous. Having read the paper again, all articles were positive and said what had been done or committed to by the SNP. This is backed up by the article titles:SNP - Taking Clackmannashire Forward Budget Bonus for Wee County Council Tax Frozen for Five More Years SNP Unveil Budget for Growth and Aspiration SNP Put Sport & Leisure at Top of Agenda Cash to Secure Pool’s Future Sauchie’s on Right Road Thanks to SNP plans for the Town SNP Fund Vital School Repairs Labour Reverse Labour Closure of Toilets..... ..... I could go on and on..... but hopefully the point is proved! The only heading that anyone may take issue with is, “Nationalists left to Sort Out Labour’s Mess”, but surely by any objective measure this too must be seen as a positive, bearing in mind Labours’ attempts to set a new world record for the amount of political fiascoes and financial black holes presided over by any political administration...ever! If the SNP talking about what it HAS delivered on and has committed to and provided funding for, is not refreshing for a political party, I don’t know what is. Certainly, I’ve been provided with more information on which to base my vote than the conspicious silence from Labour quarters, moaning about stuff such as bus cuts which were not of the Council’s doing. This ties in with my second point, the person described as “Peace Loving Citizen”, no doubt one of those that fall into the category of “always voting for Labour regardless”. The SNP have delivered on all that they say they have – not one example was given to the contrary. It’s Labour that haven’t backed up any of their claims – fact! I would hope that this is not representative of most voters in Clackmannshire but perhaps explains the mindset of Labour in cutting toilets, pools and slashing facilities and services. Surely Clackmannanshire deserves more. Yours Sincerely, Jim Mitchell


It would seem that at least two of your readers, ‘John Smith’ and ‘Peace loving citizen’ have their doubts concerning SNP claims, not only for the few months they have been in power, but also where the future of Clackmannanshire is concerned as well. For the former, well that is a matter of record, all they need to do is check it out for themselves, now whilst I do believe the SNP controlled council under leader Gary Womersley do deserve a lot of credit for the quick turn around in such things as the closure of Alloa’s toilet, even I have to admit that some of the changes made were of the obvious kind, which makes you wonder why the Labour group never thought of them. As for the SNP’s plans for the future, there is no need for concern, they have all been costed and all that’s required to bring them to pass is the re-election of an SNP controlled council. I do have to give the Labour party credit for their honestly though, where the future is concerned they haven’t promised much at all, so we all know what were going to get if they are elected to power. Gaynor Hamilton, Sauchie

Dear weecounty,

I am a bit puggled by the Lib-Dem leaflet delivered to myself. Councillor Biggam claims credit for the saving of the Alva Pool but - my Dad says that he voted to close it in the first place along with the Family Centre, the Community Centre and the Cemetery Lodge. In addition my Dad has spent years improving ‘access’ for the disabled and is on the board of Dial-a-journey. I also believe, many years ago- a bit before my time that he (My Dad) fought a passionate battle trying to save the Town Hall as well as the Clock Tower. He also, almost personally, saved the Devon vale hall from virtual destruction. Mr Biggam posted his correspondence to me, knowing I am profoundly handicapped. For what reason I have no idea! Gregor McAdam

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weecounty Stabbings, thefts and junkies. Welcome to


esidents in Alloa’s Pine Grove area are at the end of their tether after calling the police and council so many times that they feel they have now run out of options. Whilst other residents in Alloa’s Marpolicies area have received luxurious new kitchens, and central heating, the council will not fix a single door, or window for that matter, and continues to place known troublemakers, or “hooligans” as they were described by Pine Grove residents, in the flats where mothers and their children live. Travelling to The Marpolicies/Bottom End area – the first two flats have been described as the worst; with a “war” going on between residents from the flats that has included running battles with knives, swords, machetes and bats. It would appear that serious assaults are commonplace and it might even appear that the police have given up with less serious offences, to them at least; such as front doors being kicked in. After one such incident, a young mother told the

Wee County News that a police officer said; “It’s Pine Grove – what do you expect?” We were also told by a local resident that ‘contracts’ to have people slashed, or stabbed, cost as much as a £10 bag of

Dollar Academy pupil studying Art and Design has won first prize in the highly prestigious Royal Scottish Academy Schools’ Art Award. FIII pupil Heather Downie picking up first prize in the Intermediate age group category. The outstanding work of Imogen Macleod (FII) and Lindsay Duff (FV) was also highly commended. The RSA is a national competition, open to school pupils of all


heroin; possibly less. Which means people could be walking around permanently disfigured, or worse - not walking around at all - for a ‘contract’ that cost £10 or less! A Council employee that the Wee County News spoke to when we visited Pine Grove, told of having to pick up so many syringes from the area in one day that he had to get a new box to hold more…in ONE DAY! We also heard stories of residents raking in buckets for drugs, drug paraphernalia, food (surely not in 2012 in Alloa!) and possibly even weapons. Pine Grove residents regularly come home from a day’s shopping to find that their close has been urinated in, or even worse, covered in excrement. And the local, neighbourly drug addict shooting up is not an uncommon sight either. Often too frightened to call the police, the people have almost given up. One woman, who made it clear she couldn’t be named for fear of her life, has been assaulted several times, once so serious that it constituted an “Attempted Murder”! Her day consists of sitting in her flat,

trying to be as quite as she possibly can in case anyone comes to her door. Last Christmas her children’s toys were stolen after a break in – a story which would normally make front page news but

combined with all the other waywardness, it only really fits into the context of this particular story. Residents have also told that a police officer, visiting a few weeks back, had stated that there had been 3000 calls for the area in the last year! This may be somewhat exaggerated, as Central Scotland Police have said they received 294 calls over the past two years. Another resident, who also wished not to be named, told of a break-in last year where her children’s hot water bottles, toys, and homework had been stolen. Why anyone would steal such items but leave other, more valuable items is beyond the woman’s comprehension. Another source told of an incident a few weeks back where he could not perform his duties as a worker in the area as the entire three flats had been cordoned off, the road had been blocked and also the ‘park’ at the back had no entrance. A group of worried mothers also told

us that they feel and believe that there is some sort of campaign against them as residents of the Grove. Police and council response times, they claim, take longer there than anywhere in Clackmannanshire. A Council employee told us that Pine Grove is “without a doubt, the worst area in Alloa right now. I haven’t seen anything like it for years. It’s a disgrace! Some people have to start growing up; the majority are in their 30s!” Another young mother told us, “There have been three stabbings and an attempted murder in the past few months. I am scared s******s to go outside after dark. I have no idea what the summer months will bring.” A statement from Central Scotland Police said; “No complaint has been made about the behaviour of our officers however we will look into the allegations made. If an inappropriate comment has been made we will deal with it accordingly. “We are aware of issues in the Pine

Dollar pupil Heather wins first prize in Royal Scottish Academy Schools’ Art Award


Tuesday 01.5.12

ages in Scotland. It attracts thousands of entries each year, and this is the third year in succession that Dollar Academy has had success at this event. Two years ago Robbie Beautyman won the Junior prize and last year Alice Cheape won the Senior prize. Mr Gus Maclean, Head of Art and Design at Dollar Academy, commented: “We’re very fortunate to have such passion for art amongst

so many of our pupils here at Dollar. They have done extremely well at the RSA this year; this is a phenomenal achievement for the school and we are delighted with their success.” Heather attended a prize giving ceremony in March to pick up her prize of £500, which will be divided between the winner and Dollar’s Art and Design Department. Her winning entry is currently on display at the RSA in Edinburgh.

Grove area and we are working closely with our partners in Clackmannanshire Council to address these issues. “We have received 294 calls to this area in the last two years.” John Gillespie, Head of Community and Regulatory Services, said: “Pine Grove is currently subject to the closest collaborative working between the Council and the Police and residents in the area can expect to see an escalation in activity. This will include a zero tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour to ensure that residents can live in the peaceful manner they are entitled to. Any breaches to tenancy conditions will be dealt with robustly, including enforcement action through the courts if necessary, and any criminal activity should be reported to the police. Vandalism and graffiti of this nature will be removed as soon as it is reported to us. Pine Grove is very much a priority area for us and it features in the Bowmar masterplan for future regeneration work to ensure that the environment in the area is enhanced and the wellbeing of the local community improved.” Put yourself in the position of a Pine Grove resident…How would you feel if you entered your close to find someone ‘shooting up’, or human/dog excrement or urine? What would YOU do??? We at The Wee County News are behind any and all residents who are suffering due to unruly behaviour. If you have a story on a similar subject, please call our office on 01259 404006. Quality since 1816

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Tuesday 01.5.12

Wee County Rangers looking for volunteers to work in the countryside


lackmannanshire’s Countryside Ranger Service is setting up a programme of practical conservation volunteering days for people who wish to get involved in practical work in the countryside preserving a wide range of habitats and improving path networks across the county. John Gillespie, Clackmannanshire Council’s Head of Community and Regulatory Services, said: “We will be running the practical conservation days on the last Wednesday of each month between 11.30am and 2.00pm. “Booking is required with a maximum number of 15 permitted on the day; this is so we can provide sufficient tools and materials for the task.” No qualifications or experience are necessary. Anyone between the years of 16 and 85 can book on an activity. Safety gloves, training and tools will be provided. All You need to wear is old clothes with strong footwear and bring a packed lunch. Mr Gillespie added: “ It’s also a great way to demonstrate and improve your existing skills whilst learning new ones and even improve your fitness level.” The Ranger Service is once again running a summer programme of events for all. The first event will be on Saturday 19th and Sun 20th, May when there will be a Community Clean-up at Devon Way and Gean Wood between 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

This will be followed on Wednesday 23rd May at Ochil Woodland Park, when we will be cutting back the removal of invasive Rhododendron. On Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th, June there will be a Family Survival at Ochil Hills Woodland Park between 1.30pm to 3.30pm. In July the focus will be on a Family Camp Out on Saturday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd. It will be evening through to the following morning. Venue will be confirmed on booking. John Muir Trust Week will take place from 31st July 31 to 4th August at Gartmorn Dam, and then on Saturday and Sunday, 18th and 19th August there will

be a Pond Dip/Mini Beast Hunt, also at Gartmorn Dam, between 11.30am and 2pm each day. The spotlight will then fall on a Bat Walk at Ochil Hills Woodland Park on Saturday, 1st September, from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. October’s highlight will feature Feed the Birds Days in Alloa and Alva on Saturday and Sunday, 27th and 28th October. That will take place, each day, from 1pm until 2.30pm. And finally on Saturday, 10th November, there will be a Walk on the Dark Side at Ochil Hills Woodland Park, between 7pm and 9.30pm.

The Ranger Service is committed to delivering Clackmannanshire Council’s Nine Priority Outcomes with a particular focus on attracting people and businesses, protecting the environment and improving the health of people in the county. The Ranger Service operates over the whole of Clackmannanshire with focus on countryside sites owned or controlled

by the Council such as Gartmorn Dam Country Park, Ochil Hills Woodland Park and Alva and Tillicoultry Glens. We would love to hear about any suggestions you have on how we could improve events or any positive comments you have about the events. For further information please contact the Ranger Service 01259 452478 / 01259 452635 or email

weecounty LETHAL VALIUM HITS ALLOA STREETS Continued from front page

Even without the danger Valium, Alloa Sheriff Court, on an almost daily basis, is full of mitigation pleas from solicitors stating that their client’s would not have committed certain crimes, or acted in certain ways if they had not been under the influence of Valium, they cannot often remember what crimes they have committed! Fort William hospital had 12 cases last week of people who had used the “STADA” Valium and had to be admitted for observation. This is no matter which should be brushed under the table. These drugs are dangerous – especially to the early teen ‘market’; who may not know quite how much to take. The drugs are rife in the area at the moment and outlets for dealers to purchase them not only encompass the ‘usual routes’ such as known dealers further up the chain but also internet sales from places like India, Pakistan and Taiwan. The internet, in fact, is the most

“secure route” for buying the drugs. A statement released by Forth Valley NHS said: “Diazepam tablets, stamped with the letters STADA are reported to be stronger than normal ‘street diazepam’ and can cause a severe reaction. The tablets are usually blue but may be brown, and symptoms associated with the drug include unconsciousness, unresponsiveness, nausea and dizziness. Anyone experiencing any of these effects should seek urgent medical advice. Alerts have been sent to all Forth Valley drug treatment and harm reduction centres, highlighting the risks associated with these tablets.” Central Scotland Police cannot comment on the matter at the moment. However, it would be wise to contact them on 01786 456000 or anonymously on CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 if you have any information whatsoever on the killer tablets.

Tuesday 01.5.12

Lornshill Academy Senior Prize Awards By Conor McQuillian


n the 24th of April, outstanding senior students of Lornshill Academy were each presented with an award in acknowledgment of their achievements throughout the past year and their lives. The assembly hall was filled full of proud parents and enthusiastic pupils at 2pm. As each name was read out, the pupils unleashed a roar of congratulations and a round of applause for their peers. Head girl Ashley Mylchreest concluded the afternoon after almost 2 hours by saying “This is the time to change.” Ashley continued “On behalf of all S6 we’d like to thank the staff for the past year!” S4 Prizewinners Lauren Argent, Lauren Anderson, Peter Barnes, Thomas Bradley, Graham Bruce, Joe Buck, Niamh Campbell, Kirsty Clarkson, Dawn Dawson, Aiden Derrick, Ashleigh Fenwick, Ashleigh Gear, Lewis Gillan, Katarzyna Goszka, Jack Gullen, Brian Harper, Victoria Hilton, Christopher Hislop, Jack Hodgins, Connor Johnston, Jenna



lloa Library hosted an event as part of World Book Night 2012, the nationwide celebration of the reading, recommending and giving of books, and it proved to be an overwhelming success. Now in its second year, World Book Night took place on 23rd April, which coincided with UNESCO’s International Day of the Book and the birth of the bard, William Shakespeare. Members of the public had the opportunity to take part in a special event at Alloa Library, part of a nationwide celebration of books and reading. Customers were already queuing as the bookgiving event began in the library at 5pm. Librarian Tracy Docherty gave away 24 copies of “The Time

Traveler’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger and Children’s Librarian Christine Pairman handed out 24 copies of “Misery” by Stephen King. Customer Services Manager Brian Forbes said: “We were delighted to be able to participate in World Book Night. A good mixture of people attended, including parents and teenagers. “Books were distributed to both regular and new customers, so hopefully this initiative will encourage more people to take up reading and use the library service.” “We hope this will enhance

Lamont, Liberty Luxford, Natalie Macaulay, Cameron McAllister, Gregor McEwan, Kirsty McQuater, Aaron Millar, Lewis Miller, Michael Mionskowski, Bethany Mowat, Shannon Murray, Gareth Owen, Connor Pearson, Danny Rickwood, Louise Robertson, Kirsten Scobie, Callum Scott, Nicole Sinclair, Shannon Sinclair, Kerry Sinclair, Gary Sinclair, Cathryn Spencer, Chloe Stenhouse, Lewis Stewart, Emma Stirrat, Jemma Toole, Rachael Ward, Kyle Weir, Jodie Wright, Abbey Wylie. S5 Award Winners Sanah Ahmed, Lauren Bell, Ross Burke, Heather Cameron, Ivy Cham, Alex Craig , Simon Drummond, Danielle Dysart, Gabriel Easton, Kirsty Forsyth, Louise Fyfe, Fiona Gillies, Lisa Gladwell, Robbie Gray, Zoe Green, Donald Green, Stacey Hardman, Harry Haston-Dougan, Anthony Kerr, Ross Lamont, Keira Lang, Ryan Lawlor, Gary Love, Christopher Marshall, Craig Martin, Daniel McDonald, Calum McEwan, Natalie McFarlane, Abbie McGowan, Louise McIntosh, Mathew McKeown, Edwyn McKie, Dana McQuater, Leanne McVey, Lauren Mital, Joanna Muirhead, Laura Nicholson, Luke Pickerill,

S5 Students- (Left to Right). Sanah Ahmed, Kirsty Forsyth, Harry Haston-Dougan, Ryan Lawlor, Connor Thomson, Daniel McDonald, Christopher Marshall. Connor Pitzer, Ashleigh Renwick, Dylan Ritchie, Gemma Sinclair, Heather Spence, Kelly Stone, Laura Sutherland, Zahra Tasleen, Connor Thomson, Jordan Vasse, Connor Waddell, Sophie Watson, Morgan Woods. S6 Award Winners Alisdair Brookes, Chloe Chrystal, Dale Conroy, Claire Coulter, Nicole Craw, Lisa Crowe, Josh Currie, Rachel Drummond, Emma Fairley, Ryan Gibson, Robyn Graham, Ross Gruar, Demi Hall, Connor Hamilton, Heather Hardman, Cole Hertwig, Emma Hilton, Craig

Hynd, Abbie Johnston, Daniel Kelly, Laura Macaulay, Meghan MacLeod, Lauren MacNeil, Vicki Marshall, David Marshall, Craig Martin, Chloe McKenzie, Stuart McKie, Danielle McLelland, Lisa McShane, Jordan Miller, Ashley Mylchreest, Kier Rankin, Rebecca Reid, Amy Ross, Nadine Roy, Melissa Russell, Lewis Scott, John Scott, Lindsay Scott, Sarah Simpson, Derrick Sloan, Heather Smith, Lauren Stark, Callum Stewart, Sammi Tasker, Daniel Walker, Connor Wilson, Molly Wylie.

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the reading experience of those lucky people who were given a book and all those many more who se the World Book Night to expand their reading or encourage others to do so.” Alloa Library’s participation in World Book Night was supported by The Reading Agency, the reader development agency for libraries’ work with readers. The agency is an independent charity, funded by the Arts Council.


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Tuesday 01.5.12

Wasps boss hands over free tickets for final league game


ewly crowned Scottish Third Division champions Alloa Athletic will be cheered on by almost 2000 children in their final league match of the season. The children from Clackmannanshire primary schools and their parents, when they receive the championship trophy this Saturday after their match at Recreation Park against Annan Athletic. The club have kindly donated a ticket to every primary school child in the county, and an accompanying adult, to the gala occasion. Wasps boss, Paul Hartley, said: “We are a community club and like to get involved and get people to come to the games. “On Saturday we want to make it a celebration day for everyone when we receive the trophy. “We want to put on a show and go out in style, but at the same time we want to win the game and put on a performance which will encourage all the young people of the community to get right behind the club and, at the same time, come back again. “This is a historic moment for Alloa Athletic Football Club as it is only the third

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time in the club’s history we have won the title, the last time being in 1997/98 and the only other time back in 1921/22. “It has been a real team effort and the club are delighted to be handing out free tickets to all the primary

school children in the county, and to be accompanied to the game by an adult.” The first school to receive their batch of tickets from manager Paul was St Serf’s Primary School in Tullibody. St Serf’s Head teacher, Carolyne McDaid said:

“We are delighted for Alloa Athletic and offer our congratulations. “It is a marvellous achievement for the club and we are delighted to accept their kind offer of free tickets for the children and an adult to accompany them to the

cup presentation day this Saturday. “We were thrilled that Paul came along to speak to the children at assembly, and he was given a marvellous, and well deserved, ovation, at our assembly.” After visiting St Serf’s, Paul

set off on a tour around the county, personally handing over tickets to all the schools which requested tickets. They were: Strathdevon, Sunnyside, St Mungo’s, Park Primary, Clackmannan, St Bernadette’s, Coalsnaughton, Fishcross and Alva Primary.


Tuesday 01.5.12


Top marks at Menstrie as Inspectors have nothing but praise for high levels of care and support


enstrie Primary School and Nursery Class have been praised for providing children with a high level of care and support. The praise comes in a report published today by Her Majesty’s Inspectors which states that pupils at Menstrie are “happy confident children who engage well in their learning” and that the school encourages “partnership working with a range of agencies to support children’s learning.” Their report also states that health and wellbeing is a “strong feature of the school” and that children know what they need to do to have a healthy lifestyle. The Inspectors also found that pupils achieve well through a range of out-ofclass activities, as well as participating well in a range of sporting activities. They also achieve success with partners in the local community. This Inspectors found the following key strengths: Happy, confident children who engage well in their learning

Children’s skills in art and design Partnership working with a range of agencies to support children’s learning Promotion of mental, emotional, social and physical health and wellbeing Teamwork of staff, and the inspirational leadership of the head teacher, in securing school improvement. The Inspectors found that children are learning well, are happy and engage well in their learning. In the nursery, children are forming positive relationships with staff and one another. Most are enthusiastic about their learning. Children at Menstrie have a very good awareness of eco issues and talk enthusiastically about the work of the Rights Respecting School group. Staff know children well and provide a high level of pastoral care and support. Staff also provide children with a broad curriculum which is improving as teachers gain confidence in using Curriculum for Excellence. Parents give valuable support to the school and help in a range of ways. Transition arrangements into P1 and into

secondary school support children very well. Lisanne Henderson was appointed as Head Teacher at Menstrie earlier this year. The report says she has a “very clear vision for the school” and has “worked hard to create a very strong ethos for learning.” Staff are keen to improve children’s learning and work well as a team. “Because of the highlyeffective leadership of the head teacher, the teamwork of all staff and with continued support from the education authority, the school is in a very strong position to improve further,” says the report. Head Teacher Lisanne Henderson said: “As a school we feel that the inspection team have been able to clearly identify the strengths of the school and in particular the value that we place on the importance of health and well being. We are confident that, with the hard work and the commitment of all staff, pupils and parents that we will be able to continue to further develop in line with Curriculum for Excellence.”

The HMIE report recommends some areas for improvement. Continue to develop Curriculum for Excellence and increase opportunities for


he Thrift Shop in Clackmannan Town Hall has been growing steadily since it started last September. It is run by volunteers from the local Parish Church and provides

children to develop their literacy and numeracy skills in real-life contexts Ensure the pace and challenge in lessons meets the needs of all children

good quality clothing at very reasonable prices – nothing over £5 – and now offers a weekly soup lunch from 12 to 2 on Fridays. The venture which has been

Making Clackmannanshire Better Wherever you are in Clackmannanshire, your SNP Councillors and SNP Council will work with the Scottish Government to make our communities a better place to live. Council Tax Frozen

Creating Jobs

Free Personal Care

Extra Police

Helping Young Families

Opportunity For All

We will continue to drive down crime by working with the Scottish Government in keeping the 1000 extra police in Scottish communities

Good Financial Stewardship

We will manage Council finances properly and ensure Council debt levels are reduced from Labour levels - £180 million – third highest in all of Scotland.

Supporting Small Businesses We will continue to deliver the Small Business Bonus, the best rates relief package in the UK, encouraging economic growth.

We will build for recovery, with an SNP Council creating new jobs by investing in new schools and homes. We will deliver 600 hours of free and more flexible nursery education, helping young parents across Clackmannanshire.

Correct Labour’s Failings

We will keep the public toilets in Alloa open, work to save Alva Pool Complex for the community and invest to alleviate Labour cuts to services and facilities across Clackmannanshire.

More For Education & Attainment

We will put additional funds into Education and ensure Attainment becomes the top priority. We will invest millions to address the disinvestment by Labour in the Primary School Estate.

well received by local people is well supported by the Town Hall Trust. Why not go along and join them for a pleasant lunch, a browse, a cuppa and a chat.


The Council Elections on 3rd May are about your local Community.

We will keep the Council Tax freeze, enabling households to keep more of the money they earn.

The school and the education authority are now working together with pupils and parents to ensure that these areas are addressed in the course of the next two years.

We will continue to provide free personal care to support our older folk.

We will offer a learning or training place to every 16 – 19 year old not already in work, training or education.

Better Roads & Pavements

We will increase funding by over £1.5 million to allow the huge maintenance and repairs backlog for Clackmannanshire’s roads to be addressed, after years of neglect under Labour.

Caring For Carers

We will introduce Carer’s Champions to ensure Carers receive better support from their local Council. We will maintain and increase payments to Kinship Carers.

3rd May Fairer Pay

We will maintain the Living Wage, introduced by the current SNP-led Council, for Council Workers.

Job Security

We will introduce a policy of No compulsory redundancies for Council Workers, giving job security and thus boosting the local economy.

Working in Partnership

We will ensure an SNP Council works in close partnership with the NHS to deliver improved and more integrated care for all Clackmannanshire residents.

Free Bus Pass Retained – And Extended!

We guarantee to retain the concessionary bus pass – and extend it to cover Dial-a-Bus services.


Tuesday 01.5.12

Alex Hardie, Wee County’s very own Dog Whisperer


By Conor McQuillian


lex turned his life into a SUCCESS after turning his passion for dogs into his full-time job. Alex Hardie (57) who was raised in Tillicoultry, started out with his passion for all animals as a boy. Alex spoke of a key furry friend who strongly influenced his everlasting love for dogs. Corrie, a vibrant Springer spaniel -back in his day- was Alex’s dog when he was aged 17; in Corrie’s short 4 year life he showed great intelligence and helped Alex realise how much potential he had with animals. Alex began his working life as a blacksmith but due to problems with his biceps and industrial deafness he became redundant. Job Centre Plus invested in Alex and land donated by Tillicoultry Quarries helped him resurrect disused stables into very modern and secure kennels with hot water and electricity. His premises also have a 360 degree rotating CCTV camera.

Alex wakes up every morning around 8am to a cup of tea, and then he heads to the foot of the Tillicoultry quarry, where his kennels are situated. He then let’s all six of his own dogs out of the kennels to do their business and stretch their legs. Once the dogs are out frolicking around, he cleans the kennels and awaits the arrival of people who use his service each day to drop off their dogs for lead work, dog rehabilitation, socialising and day care. Alex has also trained dogs that have worked with the police and some have even become fully fledged sheep dogs. Alex is often required to handle “problem” dogs which are often quite vicious. He says you cannot show fear whilst working with “problem” dogs. He will then show the dog its place in the pack. The dog very quickly begins to show respect and socialise accordingly with the other dogs; becoming much friendlier.


Once he hands the dog back to its owner he begins the process of teaching the owner how to correctly handle the dog. After the owners collect their dogs and leave, Alex begins the clean-up operation, aided by his lovely co-worker Sandra. When it all gets too

much for Alex, Sandra, is always there to lend a hand so he can spend quality time with his four grandchildren who love trips out to the safari park or a picnic at St Andrews beach. Alex said the proudest moment for him is when he “see’s the tears in the eyes

of a lady whose dog he has helped”. If you know a person with an interesting job in The Wee county, please call our office on 01259 404006 and we will profile them.

Clackmannanshire’s Scottish Labour set to rise to the challenge set by SNP’s Womersley


cottish Labour candidates for the Clackmannanshire Local Authority election have responded to the challenge set by the SNP leader in last weeks edition of the Wee County News by standing by their achievements in Administration and reinforcing their record of stewardship. ‘After years of accusations of financial mismanagement and talking down of Clackmannanshire Council, how would it be possible after only five weeks to produce what the SNP claim is a growth budget had it not been that they had inherited a very healthy financial situation from the previous Labour Administration.’ ‘As Councillor Womersley well knows, the budget set in February stands; Councils are not allowed, even with a change of Administration to set interim budgets. As he

also knows the majority of the budget that went through had already been agreed and costed by the outgoing Labour Administration. There are no plans should Labour be elected on May 3rd to reverse the re-opening of the toilets or any other spending commitments. The Labour Administration had already voted to support the Alva Pool Complex by awarding £100,000 and transferring ownership to OLE, so of course we are committed to seeing the project succeed. ‘Then, of course, we come to smoke and mirrors. Does anyone really believe that the SNP found £1.9million in efficiency savings in five weeks? Does it not show a lack of respect for the electorate, to claim credit for the council houses being built in Tullibody, Sauchie and Alva as their initiative, when this was a Labour Administration policy, 30% funded by Scottish Government and


70% charged to the housing account.’ ‘When Councillor Womersley claimed pride and support in the Kilncraigs project which will create and sustain over 100 local jobs in Clackmannanshire during construction, did it just slip his mind that in September 2010 he and his group voted against setting up the project and in December 2011 when the contract was awarded, they abstained.’ ‘The other essential building projects such as the Speirs Centre, the new primary school to serve the west end of Alloa, the refurbishment of the old family centre in Tillicoultry to provide a modern up-to-date community hub serving as an example of excellence of community provisions were all Labour Administration initiatives, all opposed at one time or another by the SNP.’ ‘Then there was the Alloa Town Centre re-development,

a fund made available by the Scottish Government, where Clackmannanshire Council headed a consortium bid with community planning partners and Alloa Town Centres bid team. The quality and originality of this bid resulted in a £2 million grant being awarded, the second highest in Scotland. This project has won national awards for its community involvement and brought together for the first time the three arts colleges in Scotland to promote tackling deprivation through art, which is not bad for the smallest county in Scotland.’ ‘We hope Councillor Womersley is by now aware that Labour Councillors have always been happy to stand on and defend their record. A record which includes three new secondary Schools, reducing top management cost to protect front line services and staff, creating the climate for the inward

investment that saw the trains returning to Alloa, a new college, the Forth Valley Health Centre and the Clackmannanshire Bridge.’ ‘We continue to have vision and ambition for Clackmannanshire. Our manifesto will make sure that improvements can continue to be achieved even in these difficult financial times. We will invest in upgrading of our roads, by making an initial £500,000 fund available to tackle pot holes, by fulfilling our commitment to Kinship Carers by continuing at least the current funding level, by solving the problem of Alva Glen Hotel and by continuing to invest in early intervention and elderly care. We will and always have been committed to improving the lives of all residents in Clackmannanshire, especially those experiencing increased levels of difficulties due to Government policy.’

arren McCutcheon (19)of Carseview Tullibody was ordered to pay compensation of £5.70 to the taxi driver that he “bumped” at Alloa Justice of the Peace Court on Tuesday. McCutcheon was also fined £100 pound after the court heard that he had called a taxi at 2.25am to take him home. On the way, McCutcheon spoke with the taxi driver about the amount of taxis “getting bumped these days.” He then pretended to phone a friend who he told the taxi driver would be waiting to pay the fare when they arrived at his destination in Tullibody. When the friend did not appear, McCutcheon asked the driver to wait while he went inside and retrieved money to pay the fare. He then ran off. In a statement given top Police, McCutcheon said, “I had no way of getting home; I had to phone the taxi!” The decorator, who has no previous convictions for dishonesty, was given 14 days to pay the fine after offering to pay the fine all at once.

Clacks women drives with no insurance or MOT


emonica Mary Drummond of Clackmannan was fined £300 and given 6 penalty points on her licence at Alloa Court on Tuesday. The court heard that, during a routine check, Ms Drummond was found to be driving her vehicle without insurance or a valid MOT certificate. Justice of the Peace William Whyte stated that both her financial and licence endorsement penalties would have been more substantial had she not pled guilty at the first possible chance.


Tuesday 01.5.12


£200 FINE FOR MAN WHO Womersley: PUT SISTER IN HEADLOCK Judge parties


yan Douglas, 20, was fined £200 at Alloa Justice of the Peace Court on Tuesday after assaulting his sister during a family argument. The court heard that Douglas had appeared at his mother’s home at 3.30am and began banging on the front door. After being allowed to enter the premises by his mother’s partner he became unruly – an argument over a mobile phone then progressed to such an

extent that Douglas grabbed his sister, put her in a headlock and pulled her to the ground. After being pulled from his sister by his mother’s partner, Douglas was told to leave the family home. He was reported to police the next day. On sentencing Douglas, who has a previous conviction for assault, Justice of the Peace William Whyte commented “It doesn’t show you in a very good light Mr Douglas!”


olunteer worker Bill Stone was the visitor to the Alloa Rotary Club to give a presentation on the history and the present work of the NSPCC. The organisation had its beginning in New York in 1874 where children had no protection in Law against cruelty, but animals had. The breakthrough came when the case of an abused child was successfully won by describing her as an “animal of the human species”. The NSPCC now works in two ways, Helpline for adults and Childline for children. Bill gave a full and interesting account of the organisations history

finishing with the present set up, and members gave him a hearty vote of thanks. He was delighted to find that Alloa Rotary were donating £500 to the cause and is shown receiving the cheque from President Graham Kerr.

on their track records!


n the eve of a potentially historic election for Clackmannanshire that could see the sitting SNP-led Administration at the Council returned after 3rd May. Current Council Leader and candidate for re-election in the Clackmannanshire Central, Cllr. Gary Womersley urged voters to judge all parties by their track records, the SNP keen to enhance further growth and aspiration for Clackmannanshire, following upon the various initiatives already introduced by the SNP since their time in Administration. “We are the only party that has gone out and engaged with the public and communicated a positive message for individuals, communities and Clackmannanshire as a whole. As well as talking about what we have already delivered, we’ve been also keen to be able to deliver even more”. Against a backdrop which saw the SNP-led Administration on Clackmannanshire Council requiring to redress Labour’s financial failings at the Council and come up with a budget that sought to benefit every sector within Clackmannanshire, he added:“I’m proud that the SNP started to start to reverse the rot caused by the financial mismanagement of Council Budgets by Labour and at long last delivered upon giving Clackmannanshire the growth and sense of aspiration it merits”. He said a succession of budgets by the previous failing Labour Administration had resulted in huge cuts that decimated services throughout the County and that in order to fill the blackholes caused by Labour’s financial mismanagement, the SNP’s Growth Budget had delivered “more-for-less”.

Key initiatives introduced by the SNP include:The allocation of funds to save the public toilets in Alloa; Over a £1million investment in Council Staff, including the introduction for the first time of a minimum living wage for Council staff; the halting of £700k cuts previously planned by Labour from further diminution of staff terms and conditions; investing over £160k to benefit trade & craft workers terms; the creation of a staff development fund; and an election commitment of No Compulsory Redundancies for Council staff, giving job security and thus boosting the local economy; The creation of an Environmental Improvement Fund to stimulate community participation in future projects to benefit local communities; Over £1/2 million investment in Tillicoultry to mitigate the effects of Labours planned decimation of local services and facilities; An increase in money for Education, with specific projects to concentrate on educational attainment, including specific additional teacher support at Clackmannanshire’s three secondary schools; A £1/4 million support package to help ensure a sustainable future for Alva Pool Complex and Ochil Leisure Leisure Enterprises, with a Service Level Agreement to see both parties benefitting from a partnership approach; Funding to allow Breakfast Clubs to be rolled out to all primary schools in Clackmannanshire;

No Knives, Better Lives!


t Lornshill Academy on Thursday, The Wee County News was invited along to help local school girls raise awareness for a campaign they are part of. The Scottish Youth Parliament worked with the Scottish Government’s Community Safety Unit to deliver We-CTV in 2010. The girls had all, individually, designed posters for a competition in collaboration with We-CTV 2012 and were selected for their posters and then put together, under the supervision of Fiona MacDonald. After being selected, the girls were put into a group with the chance to make a video on the subject of how carrying a knife may not just result in someone’s death or severe injury but also the carriers. Their video highlighted that side of the potential danger of carrying a knife. The children, all from Clackmannan, have nothing to do in their own town so contacted the Detached

Project (Clackmannanshire council) with a view to receiving help to make their video. The paradoxical dilemma facing many parents in Clackmannan, and across the county for that matter, is that mothers want their children to stay together, while the police, who are only carrying out their duties must tell them to break into smaller groups. The children want to improve their community in any and all ways possible and are in the process of meeting community councils and police. Adele Watson, 12, of Clackmannan, highlighted that they had been invited to Hampden Park to meet an ex gangster who had been involved with knife crime, she said, “He gave us a lot of advice on the matter and showed us the results of carrying a was actually quite scary!” Fiona told of Clackmannan “being in the dark ages”. They have been given a room in the town hall to

work from but equipment is in short supply. They have no computers and had to borrow equipment from the Youth Parliament to enable them to make the anti-knife video. They are in need of facilities immediately. The finals of the video will be held in premier Glasgow gig venue Oran-Mor May 30th in Glasgow. A red carpet event no less....The girls stated jointly that they are very

excited about the whole event. The prizes are as follows... 1st Place: A camera, laptop and an opportunity to work with, and learn from Strange boat – an award

Development of a Choice-based Lettings system for future council house lets/applications; Money to allow the provision of a Leisure Strategy which Labour failed to deliver despite promises; The mainstreaming of £273000 to provide for Kinship Carer payments and an election pledge to appoint Carers Champions and to increase budgets annually; Over £6.5 million worth of capital projects to benefit local communities; Over £4.5 million to repair and maintain primary school buildings, which suffered a huge level of disinvestment at the hands of Labour and faced a multimillion pound backlog, which the SNP have addressed; A Village/Small Town Centre Initiative to regenerate settlements outwith Alloa, such as works planned for Sauchie Main Street; Additional £1.5 million investment in roads to repair neglect under Labour; Over £1/2 million investment in Council IT to improve service delivery to the public. “That is an example of our track record, which we’ve instigated and delivered on. What have Labour done, apart from their multi-million financial blackholes and write-offs. I would urge everyone to compare the strong positive forward looking agenda the SNP stands for and compare that with Labour’s track record.” “ The whole SNP Team and I are keen to be able to deliver even more for Clackmannanshire over the next four years. Our track record from even our short spell in Administration has been positive for the County – we are keen to get the chance to maintain those improvements for everyone’s benefit.”

winning video and film production agency. 2nd Place: A Camera and laptop 3rd Place: A Camera.



Tuesday 01.5.12

Old firm legends join forces against bigotry By Gary Smith & Conor McQullian


brilliant, friendly and mutually respectful atmosphere was evident from 2.30pm on Sunday when the gates opened at Beechwood Park, home of Sauchie Juniors for the Old Firm Legends game. With greats like Andy “The Goalie” Goram, Frank McGarvey, John ‘Yogi’ Hughes, Scott Nisbet, Dougie Bell and Gary McSweggan; joined by local lads Neil Young and James Hearsum (Wee County News Winners), Jimmy Fisher (match ball sponsor and man of the match) and Paddy Bonner (no, not that one!), the game looked poised to be a great spectacle for all present.

have a wee, and very welcome, rest (they are getting on after all!) Also present was the Sunday Mail Reader’s Young Scot of the Year award winner Erin McNeill, who posed for photos with her awards before taking her place in the stand. Wee County News Mascot Declan Sillars accomplished a feat that no one in living history ever has by putting a penalty kick through the legs of Andy Goram! Other local clubs from Cowie and Gairdoch also got the chance to put one past “The Goalie” but none, did so as well as young Sillars; certainly one for the future!

goal. Darren Cummings slotting a finely struck shot past the still very competitive Andy Goram. Dance groups Dance Attack and DanceFuzion, along with the Wee County cheerleaders provided some superbly choreographed moves before the match and at half time for the hundreds of spectators at the game. After the final whistle, a large crowd gathered around Andy Goram, who was kind enough to spend a lot of his time signing everything from notebooks, to football shirts; and even one lad’s sweatshirt. He then posed for a photo with David Hunter and David Stokes of Beechwood Park Nursing

The good news is - they did not disappoint! A cracking game followed with Rangers Legends finishing 3-1 winners on the day. A ‘rolling substitution’ system was in place to give the likes of Frank McGarvey, Euro Cup winner Dougie Bell and big Yogi time to

Ranger’s hero Gary McSweggan scored all three of their goals in the actual game, which was just as competitive as any Old Firm match. McSweggan also gave away the penalty that saw Celtic grab a consolation

Home, brought along by their carers for the day Laura Muirhead and Fiona Lancaster; with Laura’s son Connor also getting in on the photo. Fiona said that getting the men out for the game was “A special treat. They both attended football matches when they were younger but because of their condition these days, they can’t really manage!” Speaking with Celtic great Frank McGarvey after the game, he admitted that his legs were suffering but there is still life in them

yet! He also added that while being “very pleased” with the day’s other big game result, that he was sad to see Rangers in the position they now find themselves in. He looks forward to an all Edinburgh final though, which he hopes Hibs will win as they haven’t done in any living person’s memory. On the opposite side, Andy Goram commented, “Nothing, absolutely nothing, makes up for the earlier result but I am pleased that the legends got our 5 in a row over Celtic’s legends!” Asked by Tillicoultry lad Scott Baird who the better keeper was, Goram or Leighton, “The Goalie” replied” Oh aye, Jim Definitely!” with a cynical grin and wink! Andy also stated that he does this for the kids, “it’s all about the kids, that’s why I’m here – they are just fantastic!” Our competition winners, one of whom caused us a bit of an embarrassment when his girlfriend left with his towel and shower gel and had he to

borrow Scott Nisbet’s, were totally overcome with the day. Celtic Legend’s James Hearsum stated, “It was quality, I loved every single minute of it. I would play all day and all night with these guys. Truly brilliant occasion and the sense of togetherness was awesome!” His proud partner Stacy Abbot added, “I am so proud of him, he didn’t just get a game, he played brilliant!” Our other winner Neil Young, Rangers, freshened up by Nisbet’s shower gel added, “Amazing, totally amazing! A dream come true. These guys were my heroes when I was growing up. Never in my wildest, craziest dreams did I ever imagine I would be on the same pitch as them! I can’t thank The Wee County News enough for the opportunity. Thanks!” With Erin sitting at the top table as the players medals were being given out, she said; “I am delighted to be here today, thanks so much for inviting me along! All I want to do is raise funds for people

who are less fortunate than us and any opportunity like this helps enormously!” Erin was presented with a signed ball by “The Goalie” sure to be raffled off at some point to raise funds for another worthwhile cause. Special thanks to all the sponsors - local joiner Jimmy Fisher (provider of the match ball, which he took away with him after being awarded man of the match!), Hillfoot Funeral Services, Mann and Co Solicitors, The Ochil View Pub and Restuarant in Fishcross, Bar Aldos and R.D. McFarlane Opticians. And very special thanks to Raymond Byrne, John Clifford and co from the Legends organisation who did a wonderful job putting the day together. And remember what it’s all about – “RID THE OLD FIRM OF BIGOTRY!”


Tuesday 01.5.12

MSP starts annual Rotary Cyclathon


ver 130 cyclists gathered at Alloa Health Centre to take part in the Alloa Rotary Cyclathon at the weekend. The cyclists were taking part in the event after being sponsored to raise money for the organisation of their choice, and it is expected that a sum in excess of £3000 will be raised. The music of Clackmannshire Brass Band entertained the crowd while the participants logged in, and Transport Minister Keith Brown MSP along with Alloa Rotary President Grahm Kerr started off the first Group. The route from Alloa Health Centre followed the old railway line to the site of he railway Station at Dollar. Rotarian members acted as marshals along the route. At this point the route crossed the field to finish up at Dollarfield by kind permission of the owner, Rotarian Robert

Anderson. A number of stalls were set up, Burgers and drinks were provided, and a Marquee for a Magic show. Whilst the cyclists checked in, ate burgers or enjoyed the Magic show, the Dollarfield Band played a selection of tunes. MSP Brown said; “Congratulations to Alloa Rotary Club for organising such a great event, giving local people and groups the chance to get on their bikes and not only get some exercise but also to raise money for charities and organisations of their choice. “I was delighted to see the cyclists off at the start of the event to greet them at their arrival in Dollar.” Joe Greenwood Patton aged 1 year and his Grandfather John Patton aged 70 were the youngest and oldest participants respectively. (pictured right). MSP Keith Brown with Rotary President get them on their way (left) And below, the frist group get ‘on their bike’.




lan Mark Watt of Johnstone Street Alloa was sentenced to a total of 14 months at Alloa Sheriff Court last week. The court heard that on Jan 26th 2012 in the Cochrane Park area of Alva, Watt had, without any reasonable excuse, a knife on his possession. He was sentenced to 8 months for this offence, backdated to the 27th of January. Watt was sentenced to a further 6 months to run consecutively with the fore-mentioned sentence in relation to an incident which occurred in the phone box on the Main Street in Clackmannan. Mr Watt had phoned Central Scotland Police and uttered “grossly offensive”, “obscene” and “racist remarks” towards a telephone operator employed by the police.


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Alva pool complex . Photo: Simon Kindlen


chil Leisure Enterprises (OLE) is to hold its first members meeting at the Alva Pool Complex on the 1st of May 2012 at 7pm. The meeting is open to all OLE members, but anyone else is welcome to come along, sign up to become a member of OLE and participate in the meeting. People can also visit the OLE website at and follow the link for OLE membership. Further details on the meeting can be found at olemembersmeet1512.

As we come closer to having the asset transferred to community ownership we have gained access to the Alva Pool Complex to hold our third members meeting. OLE will also be entering the building for further inspections and initial refurbishment work in the near future. At the meeting, members will be updated on the ongoing negations with Clackmannanshire Council. When the Complex opens OLE will be seeking the support of the local community in the form of volunteering in a range of areas. Volunteering tasks have

been identified for the work of getting the Complex ready for public use. At the meeting we will be asking for volunteers to come forward and offer to help complete those tasks. It is going to be a busy time for the community in Alva’s Big Spring Clean. The meeting will also inform members of the activities of the management committee. As always the meeting is open to all to contribute, to ask questions and arrive at answers. Everyone is encouraged to attend; dive in and get involved.



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Tuesday 01.5.12

Shillinghill E

very town has one big bus stop, Shillinghill has THREE. Everyone needs to get around, and Shillinghill is most bus user’s first step into historic Alloa. Shillinghill does not fail to wow, hosting a whole variety of shops from a D.I.Y. store, to a tanning salon -the busiest place in AlloaShillinghill has it. This week the Wee County News has been interviewing local businesses and enquiring about their services. It’s in the ideal area for visitors coming to explore this town, with its ample selection of retailers and food halls. The community bus station is also cited on this street, giving organizations the perfect opportunity to promote the service they provide. The first shop on the street is a British based gambling company Ladbrokes, wither it is £2 on the football or £20 on the Grand Nationals, Ladbrokes friendly staff will welcome your bet (if you are over 18 of course). Next shop along the line is Shop Smart which is a convenient little store for your daily needs, wither it is kitchen roll or a bottle of juice, expect it for a fair price from Shop Smart. Along the line of stores is The Card Shop; as said in the title, all sorts of cards are available for purchase, wither it’s a birthday of a loved one or an anniversary of your partner, you can acquire it from The Card Shop, don’t worry if you have forgotten a pen the card shop sells those too, along with a fantastic range of ornaments. Subway is an American restaurant franchise that primarily sells submarine sandwiches (subs) and salads, the yank restaurant situated just after The Card Shop is one of the local’s favorites and is regularly seen filled with customers, especially around lunch time. After Subway we have Home Zone, a shop which excels in “Do It Your Self”, but sells that little extra like toys for the kids. Further along we have Sun Shack, a recently new tanning salon, which offer a whole array of services from the usual spray tan booth to slimming aids and even Jewellery, all the indoors has great music, along with a blue lighting set-up and extremely friendly staff who have a great understanding on the facilities they offer. The Wilky Bar is a sit in a cafe, with the option to come in for a take away, with beautiful interior and furniture, it has a nice relaxing feel to it, and only a stone throw away from the bus stop it is honestly worth nipping into for a coffee if you

have a spare ten minutes till your bus is due. If you are planning a night in then you must grab a DVD rental from Indigo Sun or a packet of crisps from their little indoor fridge. Another British company in Shillinghill is Iceland, with its isles packed full of frozen foods for cheap prices, it maintains a foot hold in Alloa against fierce opposition from giants such as Tesco’s and Asda. Sandwiched between Iceland and French company New Look is Bright House an electrical store that hosts CD players, TV’s and surround sound systems all for competitive rates, with their staff of electrical geniuses always ready to answer any questions you may have. Across the street we have Russel + Aitken solicitors and estate agents, who specialises in criminal defense and road traffic accidents. The professionals who work in there tirelessly are required daily for their legal aid. Eden Beauty is situated just down the hill towards the roundabout and this emporium is a must if you are looking for beauty treatment. The friendly staff at Eden will give you sound advice regarding the array of treatments on offer. Ranging from a nail bar and hair salon to weight loss and fish pedicures, Eden has it all. They even stock a nice collection of baby items for sale. If you want to feel good about yourself, a visit to Eden is just what the doctor ordered. At the end of the row you have Alloa’s favourite paper shop, where you can buy a host of national and local papers. Also available are numerous bottled juices, confectionaries and crisps. So jump into the Premier for your Wee County News on a Tuesday night. So as you can see, Shillinghill has as much to offer as Alloa’s other main streets and due to its location it’s as handy as anywhere else in the town to get those bargains.



Tuesday 01.5.12


-•-•Finalists 2012 -•-•weecounty

AGE GROUP 0 - 1 year



nt h (5 mo w e r d n


1 s) N o.


3yrs - 5yrs

Jenna (8 months) No. 2

13 months - 3 years


(15 mo nt h

s) N o.4

N o.3 1/2 ye ar s) (4 w e h M att

Ellie (2 1/2 years) No.5

ONLY TWO WEEKS LEFT.... We have had a great response to the final of the competition, and it is very close so far. Next week we will publish the league table so that you can see who is winning the race to become the Wee County News Bonny Baby 2012! There will be a twist next week make sure you pick up your copy.

HOW TO VOTE - cut out and fill in the voting slip then delivery or post to the Wee County Office (address below)

weecounty news

al n i F

-•-•- Competition 2012 -•-•I would like to vote for ___________________________ (photo no. _________) ,



Tuesday 01.5.12

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Alloa Academy

Inter-House competition Congratulations to pupils in Erskine who have won last week’s Inter-House competition and gain 15 points for the House. Schaw were in second place gaining 13 points with Bruce in third place gaining 8 House points. Only S4 in Bruce House were able to top the year group competition this week. Graduation Ceremony The first Alloa Academy graduation ceremony will take place on Tuesday 1st May and a report on the event will be included next week. Head Boy and Head Girl Appointments and photographs Congratulations to our new Head Boy Andrew Graham and his Deputy Liam Wallace, and to our new Head girl Eilidh Mather and her Deputies Bethany Hay and Sophia Rehman. The results were announced at our Senior Awards Ceremony.

10000 for £169

Interact chocolate Day Another successful Chocolate day was run by the school’s Inter-Act Team with £150 being raised for Save the Chidren Sanna Rehman, President of Inter-Act also supported the Rotary’s Cyclathon on Sunday raising further funds for the charity. Holiday Please note that the school will be closed to pupils on Monday 7th May for the annual May-day holiday. Farewell We will be saying goodbye to Margo Johnston our temporary Librarian at the end of this week. We wish her well in her new permanent post at Polmont Library and thank her for her service to the school. Apprenticeships Details of several apprenticeships have recently been shared with pupils via tannoy messages and the pupil hotline. More information about these fantastic opportunities can be had from Ms Charleson our Careers Adviser who is in school on Wednesdays and Thursdays. SQA exams and entry to the school during exam timetable SQA exams are now underway in the school for S4, S5 and S6 under the expert guidance of Mrs Crozier our Chief Invigilator. Each pupil will have an

individual timetable for the exams and group calls will be sent out to remind pupils about each exam. Please note that a medical note is required if a student is unable to sit an exam due to illness. Medical notes should be handed in to the school as soon as possible after the absence. Please note that any pupils entering the school for exams at times other than the normal start times must use the front entrance and not the community entrance which is locked.

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Substitute Stone Roses Debut your comp slips Album Competition & upgrad e your flyers to Park coming up this summer, one story stands head and With T in the 5000 shoulders above the rest – The Stone Roses reunion! This week, in cooperation with X-Change in Alloa’s Primrose Street – your local music shop - we are giving away a copy of The Stone Roses self titled debut, which includes the classics.

ogaocopy of the album, which is now considered one of the best, if ToLwin not the n debut album of all-time. Please complete the line-up of the esigbest, D band… om – Vocals Ian fr Brown Mani Bass 0 £75–.0 John Squire – Guitar Drummer - Who is he???

luck! Good Ashleigh

Answers should be sent to The Wee County News at 38 Primrose Street Alloa. Mark the envelope “Stone Roses Competition” please.


y friend and I went to see Steps at Braehead Arena last week. They gave an awesome comeback performance and we were both totally overawed .I have to say it was great...great... great! The reformed group performed a collection of their most popular songs to hundreds of fans. The five-piece dressed in a range of colour co-ordinated outfits during the course of the concert, as well as performing a selection of their iconic choreography on tracks

‘Tragedy’ and ‘Deeper Shade of Blue’. After separating in 2001, they reformed in 2011 for a documentary “Steps: The Reunion” and also released “The Ultimate Collection” selling out a 22 date tour in the UK; with all tickets gone in just 6 hours! Therefore 6 extra dates were added due to overwhelming demand! The crowd couldn’t contain their excitement as Steps kicked off the night with ‘Here and Now’ – ‘frenzy’ is an understatement!

Alloa High Street 12 Noon 27th April. If you were standing in the cold waiting on a bus that didn’t arrive – this is the reason. First Bus had no comment to make on the subject. However, we at the Wee County News are sorry for any of our readers who may have had a long wait due to the breakdown.

Half way through the concert Steps each preformed solo tracks, Lee Preformed a medley of ‘Moves Like Jagger’ By Maroon 5 and ‘S&M’ By Rihanna. Faye preformed the song “One Night Only” By Jennifer Hudson. H preformed the song ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ By Journey; with Claire preformed the song “ I Surrender” By Rainbow. Lisa also performed a medley of three songs which were “Heaven” By Bryan Adams,” Beautiful People” By Chris Brown and “Lately” By Elvis

Presley. After their successful tour in the UK it would appear that the Steps reunion may very well move onto bigger things for the band. As for my friend and I, we enjoyed the gig immensely and hope that they will be back soon. Travel costs and ticket prices were cheap. Look out for Steps in the future – it looks like they are making a comeback that will become a resurrection of their glory days!


Tuesday 01.5.12


What’s on in your weecounty on Thursdays from 10am to 110.30pm. Excluding school and public holidays.

Alloa St Mungo’s Parish Church: The guild summer outing takes place on Tuesday 22 May and will leave the church at 9.30am going to Blair Castle then on to Acarsaid Hotel, Pitochry, Contact Jean Nicolson for further details or any committee member. The “All in an April Evening” concert takes place this Friday evening at 7.30pm. Enquiries to Janette Hunter – 01259 214313 Play Alloa: play Alloa has moved premises - you can now find them in their own base within Hawkhill Community Centre, 132 Hillcrest Drive, Alloa, FK10 1SB, telephone number is still 07800859161 and you can still contact them at - their website is updated and a regular place for news and developments - Paton’s Bowling Section (men’s): rink night will start on Wednesday 3 May at 6.15pm. All members are reminded competition sheets are now posted. Memberships are now due - must be paid before playing competitions. Alloa carers Centre: Alloa carers centre is working with community house and has a weekly coffee morning at community house, 23 Maree Court on Mondays between 10am and noon. All carers welcome. Paton’s and Balwins Recreation and Welfare Trust: sequence dancing section meets on Wednesdays, 7pm to 9.30pm, in the sports pavillion, Tullibody road, Alloa. All are welcome. Wee County Walkers: get to know your area better – have fun and become fitter! Free short walks – only about one hour- with walk leader! No booking required. In Alloa at noon every Friday outside Tesco’s. Walks are suitable for all abilities. Short, safe walks open to everyone. Put on comfortable footwear, dress for the weather and enjoy. Go on your own or take a friend. Pilates Class: Pilate’s classes every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm at Lornshill Academy, Alloa. Contact Lorna on 07533173335 to book. WAGGS: Clackmannanshire Women and Girls Group are always looking for new members with fun ideas, if you are looking for something different to do on a Monday night why not come along to the Bowmar Centre 6.30 till 8.30. You can join our Zumba class, relax and have a cuppa and a chat, learn a new craft, browse the Centre library, swap books, make new friends as well. We are presently working out our monthly activities and we’re interested in learning new skills. So if you are female, aged 10 to 110, and would like to join us we will be pleased to see you. We have a crèche most nights so no worries about the bairn. We are quite a musical lot, so there could be the odd karaoke night; we try to put on a festive show each December, which involves singing, dancing, comedy etc...You could be a budding star, but don’t worry it’s not compulsory. For more information phone Aileen on 07519656215 or Heather on 07709189880. Yoga Classes: Classes meet on Tuesdays from 7pm to 8.30pm at the OAP Welfare Hall, Erskine Street, Alloa. Call Betsy on 01259 213096 or 0855 185 058 Play Alloa provides play and social opportunities to children and young adults with additional support needs from Clackmannan District. Please let us know if you would like to carry out any fundraising activities on behalf of Play Alloa or make a donation towards our services. For further information please contact Maria Malcolm, Project Manager, Play Alloa by phoning 07800859161 or emailing Healing Rooms: The group’s vision is to see the healing, liberating and life transforming power of Jesus made accessible to all. Healing Rooms are available to everyone, whether they have any connection or not, and prayer is offered free of charge by small groups of trained volunteers from different local churches. Healing Rooms are open every Tuesday 11am to 1pm in Moncr4ieff Church Hall, Drysdale Street, and every Wednesday, 7.30pm to 8.30pm, in Elim Church, Greenside Street, Alloa. For further information contact the local director Elaine McDonagh telephone 07742 175 453 or email

Alva Community Council - The next meeting will be held on Monday 14th May, 2012 at 7.00pm in Alva Baptist Church. A short presentation by Ochils Landscape Partnership Scheme commencing at 8.00pm will be given. Community business will also be discussed. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Community Council Agenda/Minutes can be viewed at Alva Cap/Library or on line at www. Zumba Classes: Zumba Classes with Audrey Crawford will be held on a Thursday from 6.45pm to 7.45pm in Parklands, Alva. For further information phone 07515 534902. Ditch the workout join the party. Johnstone Arms Announces Monday Darts ‘Open Night’: Darts have entered the close season period and, while the period continues, The Johnstone Arms in Alva, is delighted to announce that they will be running an ‘open night’ every Monday for all interested individuals Bookbug Sessions: Go along and join free rhyme, song and storytelling sessions for under fives at Alva CAP

Alva & Menstrie girl guiding; the girl guiding are looking for new rainbow 5 to 7 years: brownies 7 to 10 years; guides 10 to 14 years; adults and unit helpers 18+. For information on how to join telephone Margret on 07765494424 or Janice on 07837239921. Wee County Crafters are offering two free demonstration sessions for anyone who wants to try woodturning. Professional wood turner Mike Linklater has been booked to give a series of talks on all aspects of the turners’ craft, with a special emphasis on safe practice. Mike’s demos are scheduled for two Saturdays, the 12th and the 19th of May, starting at 10 AM on each day. The 12th of May sessions will start with a basic familiarization talk on the wood, tools and machinery and move on to demonstrations of basic spindle and bowl turning. On the following Saturday, Mike will explain colouring and wood finishing techniques. Following from these taster days, Wee County Crafters will run a series of introductory classes for firsttime or returning wood turners. Dates will be announced later but these hands-on courses will run on Saturday mornings and possibly a week-day evening. They will consist of a safety run-down, spindle turning and basic bowl turning. Participants will be able to take home the fruits of their labours for their friend’s family to admire. All materials, lunch, coffee and biscuits will be included in the small charge. Demos and intro courses will be held at the Wee County Crafters own well-equipped workshops in Cobden St, Alva, opposite the Turnpike Inn. Contact Robert:, Archie: archie@zoolou. or Richard: Total beginners should not feel afraid to come along to the demo days, even if you have never attempted any kind of wood-related craft, Mike will make all clear in a non-technical and friendly way. And remember: these sessions are FREE! Fibro Friends Group: Meeting will be held on the second Friday of every month at 2pm in the 150 shop, Alva. For more information call 08448 872 425 Alva Baptist Church: Coffee mornings are held in the church each Wednesday from 10am to 11.30am. Go and join them for a friendly chat over a hot drink and home baking. Community Notice Board: The notice board is situated outside the CAP/library. Groups and individuals and ‘not for profit’ organisations can advertise activities and display posters here. See the notice board for further details.

Clackmannan The 36th Stirling (Clackmannan) Company, The Boys’ Brigade will still welcome new recruits even at this date. Parents should contact the leaders for details of the session’s programme. Contact Kathy for Anchor Boys on 07891389542, Lucy for Junior Section on 07538693554 and Bill for the Company Section on 216763. The Company are collecting Tesco vouchers to get equipment. If you have any the Officers will be very pleased to have donations. Clackmannan Parish Church of Scotland On Sunday the service is at 11.00 am in the Church and Night Vision meet in the Manse at 7.00 pm. The Kirk Session are reminded their study course is not on this Monday but continues on 14 May at 7.00 pm. in the Church Hall. On Tuesday the Coffee Morning is open from 10.00 am in the Church Hall. On Wednesday the Choir meet for practice at 6.30 pm and the Prayer Group meet at 8.00 pm. The congregation are entering a team in the Rotary Club Sponsored Hill Walk on 3rd June. Please ask about sponsoring our team. For more information on these and other activities please visit our web site at Anyone requiring the services of a minister should contact the Revd Scott Raby on 211255. The Thrift Shop will be open again on Friday in Clackmannan Town Hall from 12 noon to 2.00 pm. offering a Soup & Bread lunch. Please take another opportunity to meet your friends, have lunch and a cuppa and browse through our wide selection of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children’s quality clothing. Bookbug Sessions; Go along and join free rhyme, song and story telling sessions for under fives at Clackmannan CAP on Wednesdays from 10.30am to 11am, excluding school and public holidays. Spring Clean Litter Pick: Clackmannan Primary School and Clackmannan Community Council are organising a spring clean on Saturday 12th May in the morning. We are meeting in the school playground at 10.00 am. We are cleaning up the school grounds and then onto the woods in Chapelhill which are particularly bad due to fly tipping. Litter pickers, gloves and bags are being provided by Clackmannanshire Council. We would be most grateful for any volunteers who would like to join us. It is so much nicer to go walking in woods clear of litter. Please feel free to come along on the day or

contact Janet Laird in Clackmannan CAP. Stamp Exhibition: A stamp exhibition on the theme of the life of Jesus will be held in the scout and guide hall, Port Street, Clackmannan on 25 and 26 May. Featuring stamps from around the world, the exhibition will be open on Friday 25 May from 2.30pm to 4pm , and 6pm to 7.30pm and Saturday 26 May from 10.30 am to noon. All welcome. Entrance will be £” for adults and £1 for children, which includes refreshments. All proceeds raised from the exhibition will go towards the scout and guide hall renovation fund. Clackmannan Chapter No 464, Order of the Eastern Start: A bingo tea will be held on Tuesday 22 May in the Masonic Hall, Clackmannan at 7.30pm. Admission (including tea) 60p. All Welcome. Clackmannan: A Bingo Tea is being held on Tuesday 22nd May, 2012 in the Masonic Hall, Clackmannan at 7.30pm. Admission is 60p and includes tea. All are welcome. The Circle or Friends: The date for the May meeting has been changed to Thursday 31 of May. All Welcome. CAP: Come along and join our free Rhyme, Song and Storytelling sessions for under fives at Clackmannan CAP on Wednesdays from 10.30am - 11am Zumba: With Ian at Clackmannan Town Hall Monday nights 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Have fun and get fit at the same time.

Coalsnaughton Coalsnaughton Burns Club: Cash bingo every Monday in the lounge. Contact 01259 750517. Eyes down at 8.15pm, finished by 9.45pm. Fruit Barra: The Coalsnaughton Fruit Barra is open in Coalsnaughton Village Hall from Monday to Friday 10am until 5pm. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a cuppa at Coalsnaighton’s Community Cafe Society. If you have an hour or two to spare to help, please call into the hall. Telephone 01259 759099.

Dollar CAMBUS Ochil Hills Community Church This Sunday (6th May) OHCC are holding their “First Things” meeting in the Dollar Civic Centre, Park Street at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to all and consists of, a time of praise with our outstanding worship group, teaching and some testimony to God’s power. We will be available for anyone wishing to have prayer for healing or any other needs. Naturally there will be tea, coffee and the opportunity to chat. Morning Service as usual at 11 am. S W R I: The next meeting of the Institute will be held on Monday 7th May, at 7.25 pm in the Civic Centre.It is the AGM and a social evening, The Maisie Gay Quaich an Apron in any Craft. Dollar Parish Church Women’s Group and Dollar Horticultural and Garden Club are holding a joint meeting on Monday, 14th May at 7.45 p.m. in the Old Schoolhouse, Dollar. The speaker will be Mr. Julian Ward and his illustrated talk will be on the subject of Carl Linnaeus, one of the world’s great naturalists. Anyone who is interested in this subject will be made most welcome. Dollar History Society will end its present season on Tuesday 08 May. The evening will begin with the Annual General Meeting at 7.30pm. After the business meeting we shall look forward to a talk by Mrs. Fiona J Houston, an author and researcher, describing what it would have been like ?Living as an 18th Century Woman? based on her own personal practical experiences after she lived for a year, wearing the clothes, eating the food and living in the typical accommodation of those times. The meeting will be held as usual in Dollar Academy Dining Hall and visitors are most welcome to come free of charge on this evening. The Society?s next season will begin on September 11th. St James the Great, Dollar – Philomel Concert Saturday 12 May @ 7.30 pm Tickets £5 including refreshments after the concert The Vocal Quartet Philomel has been singing together for the past 4 years, sharing their love of natural melody and music with audiences across the Stirling and Hillfoots area. They are looking forward to visiting Dollar for the first time on 12th May when they bring to the Church of St James the Great their concert O’ Airts an’ Pairts and for the occasion they have prepared a varied programme of popular Celtic music, both Scottish and Irish , arranged for voices, piano and also celtic harp. From a Farewell to Stromness to the Wee Cooper o’ Fife to the Eriskay Love lilt, from The Banks of Allan Water to Sunshine on Leith. Journey from Dublin and the Salley Gardens ( in Britten’s arrangement ) all the way to the west of Ireland and the “Shores of

Amerikay.” Have music, will travel?! Once again for this concert Philomel are joined by Pauline Vallance. An accomplished flautist and harpist on both the classical and the folk music stage, Pauline will sing several of her own compositions, including a brand new piece on the life of Burns’ contemporary, the Paisley Weaver Poet Robert Tannahill. The name of course means “ Loving Melody” and so Philomel are looking forward very much indeed to sharing their evening with many fellow music lovers. Dollar newspaper and magazine collection: Dates for 2012 – 3 April; 1 May; 5 June; 3 July; 7 August; 4 September; 2 October; 6 November; 4 December. Zumba fitness classes; classes will be held on Wednesday on the Maguire Gymnasium, Dollar, from 7pm until 8pm. for more information telephone Irene on 07743785103. Dollar newspaper and magazine collection: dates for 2012 - 1 May. 5 June. 3 July. 7 August. 4 September. 2 October. 6 November. 4 December. Dollar Horticular and Garden Club: The annual show will be held on Saturday 5 September 2012. The categories for the photographic section are Hillfoots View, In The Garden, It’s Only Weather, My Favourite Flower. In the young photographers section the subject is My Favourite Photo.

Fishcross Fishcross Parents Group: The group is hosting a ladies night to raise funds for the school on Thursday 3 May. Girls Party Night at the Ochilview, Fishcross at 7.30pm. Music and dancing with Christeen, featuring a special guest. Tickets £5 – includes cocktail, prize draw, goody bag and nibbles. Contact either 07894645840 or for tickets. Over 18s only. Wee County Walkers: Why not join in the free walks led by the Wee County Walkers? Become fitter as you enjoy and easy interesting walk. No need to book. Meet us in the car park beside Cats’ Protection just before 2pm on Tuesday. Back in time to meet the children coming out of school. Walks are suitable for all ages and abilities. Find out about local history as we walk. Put on comfortable footwear, dress for the weather and enjoy. Short, safe walks open to everyone. For more information contact Jane on 01259 290316 or 07825 052677. Come on your own or bring a friend. Charity Shop: The Cats Protection charity shop in Alloa Road, Fishcross, is open on Thursdays and Fridays from 1pm to 3pm and Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 4pm selling good second hand clothing, bric-a-brac, books and new goods. KINCARDINE

Menstrie The award winning Ochil Writer’s Group, who meet every second Monday in Menstrie’s Dumyat Centre, have a couple of spaces available after losing two writers to work obligations. The group had an anthology published last year, Beneath the Hills Vol. 1, and plan to publish another this year. The anthology was reviewed positively in a number of publications, both local and national. If you are interested in joining the group, please Email Monika Mackenzie at Menstrie Tiny Tots: A club run by mums for mums. This voluntarily organised group meet during term time on Mondays and Thursdays from 10am until 12noon at the Dumyat Centre. All ages from babies to threeyears-old are welcome. A healthy snack and drink are provided. A chance for mums and children to interact together through play and planned craft activities. £1.50 per visit – first session free. For more information call in or telephone Sarah on 01259 761098. Cancer Support Group: The group will be in the Dumyat Leisure Centre every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. Drop in for a chat and a coffee, everyone welcome.

Muckhart SWRI: At our April meeting the speaker was woodturner Kenny Brown who gave a most informative talk about woodturning. He brought along various wood working tools and explained how they were used. He also had brought a number of finished pieces with him and members admired the craftmanship of these beautiful items. Competition winners – Item in Wood: 1st Mrs Nancy Wilson, 2nd Mrs Jeanette Littlejohn and 3rd Mrs Margaret Johnston. Three pieces of Traybake: 1st Mrs Margo McFarlane, 2nd Mrs Margaret Johnston and 3rd Mrs Jeanette Littlejohn. Flower of the Month: Mrs Julie Higgins. The next meeting is the AGM which will be held on 15th May at 7pm. Muckhart Quilters: The group meet on the first Tuesday of each month in the Coronation Hall from 7pm to 9pm. Contact Mavis 781473 or Sue 743226. SAUCHIE Sauchie & Fishcross U F Church Last Sunday morning, we began an new series of studies on the latter chapters of Paul’s letter to the

Romans. We looked at “How we Might Become Living Sacrifices”. Maureen Barclay read from the beginning of Romans chapter 12. The Evening Service was a Service of Prayer and Reflection for the Bereaved. The guest speaker was Mrs Marjory Mackay, the matron of Strathcarron Hospice. Christianity Explored takes place on Wednesday May 2 at 7 p.m. On Thursday, the Bible Study meets at 7 p.m. The Friday Club for Kids is on Friday from 6 until 7.30 p.m. Services take place on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Kites Group and Creche meet at 11 a.m.

Sauchie SAUCHIE AND COALSNAUGHTON PARISH CHURCH The Prayer Group led both services on Sunday 29 April, delivering a dramatisation of the story of David and Goliath to the Young Church and another entitled ‘Jesus is Alive’ to the congregation. This week’s Thursday Circle will be held in the Small Hall as the large hall will be used for the election. A Jubilee Celebration with side shows for all the family will be held on Saturday 2 June from 10 am to 12 noon. Elders’ material for the Stewardship Visitation is now available for uplift from the Small Hall. Sauchie Tiny Tots: Tiny Tots runs in Sauchie Hall on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 11.30am during term time only. First visit is free of charge then £2 per child, 50p per second child. Healthy Snack, art and craft and lots more. For more information call Laura on 01259 725337 Art Club: Held each Wednesday night in Sauchie Resource Centre from 6pm to 8pm. Various types of art work, painting, drawing, modelling clay ect. £1 entry.

Tillicoultry Carpet Bowls: Each Wednesday afternoon in Sauchie Hall from noon to 2pm. Bowls is provided, just wear sensible shws. £2 entry includes tea/coffee. CAP: Come along and join our free Rhyme, Song and Storytelling sessions for under-fives at Sauchie CAP on Tuesdays from 2pm - 2.30pm 2nd Tillicoultry Rainbows: Is your daughter ages 5-7? Does she like playing games, doing art and craft, making new friends? If you have answered yes then contact 211318 and leave a message for further details. Or you can email Zumba Class: A Zumba class is held in Tillicoultry Centenary hall on Wednesday’s from 8pm – 9pm. Contact 01259 721886 for information. CAP: Come along and join our free Rhyme, Song and Storytelling sessions for under-fives at Tillicoultry Library on Thursdays from 10am - 10.30am Lodge Ben Cleuch 782; A bingo tea will be held on Friday 4 May at 7pm to 7.30pm. Please go early for a seat.

Tullibody Slimming World: Slimming World takes place on Wednesdays at 5pm in The Civic Centre, Tullibody. Braes and banchory residents association; the agm will be held 14 may at 7pm in Banchory primary school. All welcome. Tullibody and Cambus Girlguiding: To join the leadership team. Contact Ann-Margaret on 07908 252104 or Girlguiding Clackmannanshire on 01259 211318. Healthy Living: Residents of Tullibody, Cambus or Glenochil with a Clackmannanshire Council Access to Leisure Card can swim free Monday-Friday at 9am to 5pm at the Leisure Bowl. Pop into the Tullibody Healthy Living Office, 13 Tron Court, Tullibody to find out how you can get your Tullibody Healthy Living Free Swim Card or telephone 01259 724374.

Do you have an event you would like to publish in ‘whats on in your wee county’? Email the details to: or call: 01259 404006



Tuesday 01.5.12

Clackmannanshire at the polls CLACKMANNANSHIRE WEST Ward 1



May Atkinson

Independent Eddie Carrick


Donald Balsillie

Conservative Bill Mason

Lib Dems

John Biggam


George Matchett

Conservative Chris Dixon


Tina Murphy

Independent Archie Drummond


Janis Paterson

SNP Walter



Les Sharp


Robert McGill


Jim Stalker


Jacqueline McKay

have your say


3rd May







CLACKMANNANSHIRE Ward 3 Independent Brian Doyle


Janet Cadenhead



Kenneth Earle

Conservative Kate Mason


Ellen Forson


Derek Stewar


Craig Holden


Graham Watt


Gary Womersl

Conservative Alan Jamieson

Gaynor Hamilt

nty news

Tuesday 01.5.12

sday 3rd May New voting system for election

Vote my numbers not by C

ampaigning is well underway for the Clackmannanshire Council election on Thursday, 3rd May. Elaine McPherson, Chief Executive and Returning Officer for the election took the opportunity this week to urge voters to make

onservative Alastair Campbell


Irene Hamilton


Helen Lewis


Kathleen Martin




WHERE TO VOTE: Electoral Ward 1 - Clackmannanshire West Area Polling Place All of Menstrie and surrounding area

Dumyat Centre, Main Street, Menstrie, FK11 7BJ

Tullibody area North of Stirling Road, West of Banchory Place

St. Serf’’’’s Church Hall, Menstrie Road, Tullibody, FK10 2RG

Tullibody area on the Alloa side of Banchory Place

Banchory Primary School, Alloa Road, Tullibody, FK10 2TF

Cambus area and Tullibody to Stirling Road

Tullibody Civic Centre, Abercrombie Place, Tullibody, FK10 2RS

Tullibody - The Baingle, part of Newmills and the Orchard

St Bernadette’s Church Hall, Baingle Brae, Tullibody, FK10 2SG

Electoral Ward 2 - Clackmannanshire North




sure their choices count by using numbers on the ballot paper. Mrs McPherson was joined at the council’s headquarters at Greenfield House by a group of modern apprentices and first time voters, who were able to gain a better understanding of the voting system. The young employees were: Kieran Stolarek, of Building Services, Lauren McQueenie, who works in Older Peoples’ Care, Alyssa Jones, from Human Resources, Jason Ward, a member of the Elections Team, and Daniel Black, who works in Facilities Management.


This is the second time that voters across Scotland will be voting in local government elections using Single Transferable Vote (STV). In these voters number the candidates on the ballot paper in order of their choice by marking a 1 next to their first choice, a 2 next to their second choice, a 3 next to their third choice and so on. Voters can make as many or as few choices as they wish – they do not have to number every candidate. Voters may choose to give preferences to candidates from different parties; to the candidates from one political party; to independent candidates; or to a combination. Mrs McPherson said: “Whether voting in person or by post, we would advise all voters to read the instructions on the ballot paper carefully before filling it in so they can be sure their choices count.” The independent Electoral Commission has sent a booklet with information on how to vote to every household in Scotland. Andy O’Neill, Head of the Scotland Office at the Electoral Commission said: “As you get ready to decide which candidates will receive your support, please do also make sure that you have read the voter information booklet we sent so that you can vote confidently. “If you have not received your booklet then download it now at”

Area to North of Stirling Street, West Stirling Street, Stirling Road and to the West of Brook Street

Cochrane Hall, West Stirling Street, Alva, FK12 5LJ

North of East Stirling, Main Street and to the East of Brook Street

St John Vianney’s Church Hall, East Stirling Street, Alva, FK12 5HR

Area North of River Devon, West of Moss Road & Hill Street (Excludes Marchglen)

Community Centre, Institution Place, Tillicoultry, FK13 6AQ

Devonside, areas east of Moss Road, North Hill Street and Hillview Terrace, Kirk Hill and Harviestoun areas

Devonvale Hall, Moss Road, Tillicoultry, FK13 6NS

Coalsnaughton area Eastwards to Lawmuir

Coalsnaughton Village Hall, Main Street, Coalsnaughton, FK13 6JH

Electoral Ward 3 - Clackmannanshire Central Fishcross, Devon Village, Howetown, Blackfaulds and Devon Valley Drive area, Sauchie

Temporary Polling Place, Craigleith, Fishcross

Sauchie - Craigbank, Greygoran, Auchinbaird and Lochbrae areas, Main Street, streets north of Schaw Court and Gartmorn Road, Deerpark area.

Sauchie and Coalsnaughton Parish Church Hall, Main Street, Sauchie, FK10 3JX

Sauchie - Fairfield, Branshill, Braeside, Holton Crescent, Hallpark, Posthill, Keilarsbrae, south of Schaw Court and Gartmorn Road. Includes Nevis Crescent, Dovehill and Doo’cot Brae parts of Alloa.

Sauchie Hall, Mar Place, Sauchie, FK10 3AE

The Whins, Hutton Park and Gaberston areas, Hilton Road, Carsebridge area, Greenfield Street and Hillside TerraceView more details

Whins Resource Centre, The Whins, Alloa, FK10 3SA

Electoral Ward 4 - Clackmannanshire South Areas North of Tullibody Road and South of Dovehill - Sunnyside, Forebraes, Ashley Terrace and surrounding steets, Inglewood and Lornshill areasarea, Greenfield Street and Hillside TerraceView more details

Alloa Old Peoples Welfare Club Hall, Erskine Street, Alloa, FK10 2AU

Areas bounded by Tullibody Road and Stirling Road - Mar Place, all of Claremont, Fairyburn, Braehead

Alloa North Church Hall, Ludgate, Alloa, FK10 2DS

West Alloa bounded by Ludgate, the Forth, and Stirling Road

Council Office, Mill Street, Alloa. FK10 1DY

Area East of Ludgate to Ring Road. Includes most of the town centre

Council Office, Mill Street, Alloa, FK10 1DY

Bowhouse, Bowmar and surrounding area. Bounded by Hawkhill in the North

Bowmar Community Centre, Scott Crescent, Alloa, FK10 1BT

Hawkhill, Clackmannan Road and Hillcrest Drive

Hawkhill Community Centre, Hillcrest Drive, Alloa, FK10 1SB

Electoral Ward 5 - Clackmannanshire East Muckhart and surrounding area to the Castlertoun Burn in the East

Coronation Hall, Muckhart, FK14 7JF

All of Dollar and surrounding area - includes Solsgirth, Sheardale, Dollarbeg

Dollar Civic Centre, Park Place, Dollar, FK14 7AA

Forestmill and landward area towards Clackmannan including Linn Mill

Loganlea Coffee Shop, Inverdevon House, Forestmill, FK10 3QL

All of Clackmannan and surrounding area to the North of Alloa Road. Includes Riccarton

Town Hall, Main Street, Clackmannan, FK10 4JA



Tuesday 01.5.12

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Your Horoscope Predictions By Anne Smith Aries (21 March - 20 April) xxxx You may have been feeling as if your life has been a bit of a slog of late and the best way forward for you now is to take time out to go within, reflect on how you’ve been and why and make a promise to yourself to change things for the better and they will. Your selfesteem returns and love is back on the menu!

Libra (24 Sept - 23 Oct) Wake up Libra, it is time to get your xxxxxxxxxx life back on track! Your pondering days are over so get the proverbial bulldozer and clear all debris from your emotions and get that logic and motivation moving! You can achieve more this month than you have in the past 12, so what are you waiting for, go get them!

Taurus (21 April - 21 May) xxxxxxxxx There is no holding you back this month and you can achieve as much as you want to at this time, lucky Jupiter is in your sign for a few more weeks so you want to make the most of that. A great boost to confidence and self-belief so go get what you know you can have!

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov) The eyes have it and as the saying goes xxxxxxxx so do you, your magical mysticism has us all enchanted this month as you pull the right people around you and you ask direct question which may shock a few but you get the answers you are looking for a month were you have to stay grounded and keep fantasy at bay.

Gemini (22 May - 21 June) You xxxxhave been going over the past year and have decided it is time to make changes in your life, with Venus in your sign this will make the transition a little more bearable, Mercury your ruling planet is moving nearer your sign and that charismatic, charming you is back!

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec) There is some luck in your financial xx house this month and Venus help you get motivated and your old charm of kissing the blarney stone is back! The eclipse in Gemini has a double whammy effect on your sign; it allows you to see what others bring to the table and the wonderful opportunity this could have for you.


(22 June - 23 July) At times your independence or shall we xxxxxxxxx say tenacity, is to your detriment, try not to spread yourself too thin this month and listen to your intuition as there are those around you whom you can trust and can delegate task too, as you may have already guessed your management skills are being assessed and a good manager delegates, promotion is on the cards for some!

Leo (24 July - 23 Aug) Your flare and gusto are well and truly xxxxxxxxx on display this month as your rule supreme over the us mere mortals, a great month to allow your organisation and charisma to come to the fore as this will help you achieve success in all areas of your life. Remember to be tactful though with those you love! Virgo (24 (24 Aug Aug -- 23 23 Sept) Sept)

A great month to expand and cultivate your xxxxxxxxx mind a time of growth with new business opportunities for some, your drive and ambitions are back with vigour! The eclipse in Gemini at the end of the month gives you a wakeup call and you can clearly see a new direction, possibly a new job, time to get back to a positive mental attitude and focus on today and tomorrow will take care of itself.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan) Your xxxxxtenacity and determination come to the fore this month as you go all out to achieve your plans for the future. Just make sure you have crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I’s before you go knocking on the doors of superiors as preparation and planning are everything. Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

xxxxxxx Deception, illusion and trickery that what Neptune brings you this month! So you have to remain practical and pragmatic and stay true to your core values. It is also important to take your time this month before making any decisions as caution is warranted.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

xxxxxxxxxx Time to re-evaluate past mistakes and successes and not to make any further mistakes by learning from the past! Simple you would think? Not with the current position of the planets, but hey you are being given a second go at it so let’s try to get it right this time as important door are swinging on the hinges and your actions can open them up if they are the right ones!

Anne is a Spiritualist Medium, Tarot reader and a Reiki Master & available for private consultation, healings and church services

contact, ANNE on


Email or visit

Angel Anne

Spiritualist Medium/Psychic &Tarot

Food for the soul

Recently featured in “Pick Me Up” Magazine And the Scottish Sun Is AvailableFor Readings Every Wednesday Day time & Thursday Evenings in Baillieston Glasgow £30 per reading To book call Anne on 07506723569 Visit or follow her on FB

Q’s Views!


“Can you tell the difference between a bus and a car? Glasgow City Council can”. Good to know that our council are employing brainy people isn’t it? WE LIKE TO PARTY My mate Spanner knows how to throw a party. Remember the party this time last year in Kelvingrove Park to celebrate the Royal Wedding (the one that resulted in police intervention)? That’s what his 30th was like, except it was in a 2 bedroom flat. His kitchen sink got used as a toilet. Someone tried to pipe gas from the hob into milk to create a hallucinogenic drink. Someone carved a swear word into the kitchen worktops. And both Spanner and his mate Disco ripped the kitchen door off its hinges, took the door to the pond outside, and rowed across the pond in it pretending to be pirates. Therefore when IKEA came up with their statement “Party Proof

Tuesday 01.5.12 The Wee County is pleased to have the infamous ‘Q, from Airdrie’ writing for the Entertainment Pages, to give you all some comic relief. As a regular contributor to the Glasgow Metro newspaper, and a regular in the comedy scene in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Q has given the Wee County an exclusive column, which we are sure will have you wanting for more in the next edition of the Wee County!

Kitchens”, they probably didn’t legislate for guys like Spanner. He wants to get an IKEA kitchen, but I’ve advised him against it as it will cost way too much money to fix after his next party. CRAIG WHYTE The SFA have decreed that Craig Whyte can never be involved in Scottish football in any shape or form. Reminds me of when Rangers had Daniel Prodan on their books. Indeed, I was watching the film “Airheads” the other day, and recalled the scene where The Lone Rangers make ludicrous demands to the police so as they’ll think they’re crazy when the siege is over. One wonders if Craig Whyte saw this scene, and it inspired him to demand 2 tickets for life at Ibrox. Most fans don’t want him to get 2 tickets for life, but simply want him to get life. MATCH DAY PARKING DOWN SOUTH I was driving through Manchester as traffic headed for Old Trafford to catch the Man United vs Everton clash,

CROSSWORD Across 1. Pub (6) 4. Take for granted (6) 9. Weird (7) 10. Take place (5) 11. Expiation (9) 12. Sense organ (3) 13. Stage whisper (5) 15. Paragon (5) 20. Sphere (3) 22. Vortex (9) 24. Tine (5) 25. Ameliorated (7) 26. Cure (6) 27. Extremely bad (6)


Down 1. Tropical bird (6) 2. Asinine (7) 3. Ambit (5) 5. Yelled (7) 6. Relative (5) 7. Mistakes (6) 8. Varieties (5) 14. Injured (7) 16. Foreshorten (7) 17. Barrel maker (6) 18. Wild and savage (5) 19. Blot (6) 21. Flower (5) 23. Part of a play (5)

when I saw young men in yellow coats helpfully pointing traffic towards streets where parking was available. All you get in Glasgow is a jakie asking “Can ah watch yer caur fur ye mister” (NOTE FOR OUR NON-SCOTTISH READERS- this statement translates as “Give me some money or you’re return to a car without windows). Indeed, I reckon if such a scheme were to catch on here we’d get jakies buying yellow jackets, impersonating stewards, and deliberately ushering cars into dead end streets. AND FINALLY There are many reasons for the current recession and high unemployment. The Labour government didn’t manage the banks properly. The world governments didn’t manage the banks properly. The banks didn’t manage the banks properly. And of course, George Osbourne was born (yes I know he wasn’t chancellor when this all kicked off, but he’s in charge now, and keeps making cuts whilst Danny Alexander stands behind him with a stupid

expression on his face). However, one reason for the current crisis is NOT immigration. But if you listen to the rantings of certain far right groups, you’d think immigrants are to blame for everything from the current unemployment levels to the current Scotland squad slipping down the FIFA World Rankings. Marine La Pen of the National Front got an alarming number of votes in the first round of the French Presidential elections. Possibly due to morons trying to “teach the government a lesson”, or possibly due to discontented people being misled over the reasons for their hardship. Remember folks- voting for bigots is never a good thing. Your vote is precious; if you can’t find someone who deserves it, don’t bother voting. But don’t waste it on a bigot just because you want to make a point to a mainstream party. Because where will you be if the bigot actually gets in to power, or comes after you next?


We are on the prowl to find the Wee County’s dodgy parkers but we need your help! Unfortunately, we cannot do this campaign on our own – so please send in your dodgy parking pictures to weecounty@ Does one of your colleagues suffer from dodgyparkingitis? If so, take a picture of the evidence and send it to us! Don’t worry, all identities will be protected and vehicle registrations blanked out. This is all in the name of good fun, and in no way are we personally attacking any individual or group.

SUDOKU Answers on page 25



Tuesday 01.5.12

Depute Headteacher Job No: ALL/23320 Employer Reference: CLA000714 SOC Code: 2315 Wage £43,593 per annum Hours 35 hours per week. Location: Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 23 April 2012 Closing date: 04 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: St Serf’s Primary School Depute Headteacher Salary : £43,593Permanent : Full Time35 hours per week Applications are invited from suitably qualified GTC registered teachers. This post is considered Regulated Work with Vulnerable Children under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. You will be required to join the PVG Scheme or undergo a. PVG Scheme update check prior to a formal offer of employment being made by Clackmannanshire Council and the cost of this check which will be deducted from your salary. Should you have difficulty in accessing the documents and application form and wish to request a paper application pack please call 01259 452234 (24 hrs) and leave your details along with the reference number of the post. Should you have difficulty

in accessing the documents and application form and wish to request a paper application pack please call 01259 452234 How to apply You can apply for this job by visiting uk/fe/tpl_ScottishPortal01.asp?n ewms=jj&id=127625&aid=11667 Opens new window (unless JavaScript disabled) and following the instructions on the webpage. Employer Clackmannanshire Council

You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Ian McLean at Dutton International Ltd, ian.mclean@ Employer Dutton International Ltd VENDING OPERATOR Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23342 SOC Code: 7123 Wage: EXCEEDS NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE Hours: DAYS Location: ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 30 April 2012 Closing date: 04 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: This growing vending company requires a vending operator as part of their continued development. The job comprises of the cleaning and replenishing of food and drinks vending machines at a number of sites around central belt of Scotland. You will need good customer service skills, as you will be visiting company sites where the machines are located. Previous experience of having been an operator is preferred, although candidates with a background in delivering food or van sales

ELECTRICIAN Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23190 SOC Code: 5241 Wage: ÂŁ14.50 - ÂŁ18.50 PER HOUR. Hours: 40 PER WEEK, 5 DAYS FROM 7. Location: ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK10 Duration: Temporary Date posted: 05 March 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: We required an electrician for panel work. Must have a safety passport. A PASMA ticket would be an advantage. Duties to include all aspects of installation and maintenance on site. This is a temporary post for three months. How to apply

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WILDLIFE CHARITY PROMOTER Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23317 Employer Reference: fk10 SOC Code: 7129 Wage: ÂŁ7.45 TO ÂŁ11.20 PER HOUR Hours: 16 PW FLEXIBLE. 16-28 HOURS MON-FR 5PM-9PM SATSUN 2PM-6PM Location: ALLOA/CLACKS. + OTHER AREAS FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 23 April 2012 Closing date: 08 May 2012 Pension details: Pension available Description: Must be 18. To find new supporters for the Local Wildlife or Woodland Trust. You must have: a genuine interest in wildlife or woodland conservation, excellent communication skills, and access to transport. Although the job does not require you to do any selling or persuading, some experience of working in sales, marketing, public relations, or customer service would be useful. The work involves walking around your local neighbourhood

and beyond, speaking briefly and respectfully to residents and delivering reusable information booklets about the work of the charity. Subsequently, returning to the area on another day, to pick up the reusable information booklets and taking details from those who wish to support the charity. www.fmrsolutions. Opens new window (unless JavaScript disabled) The employer has claimed an exception under the Equality Act 2010. How to apply You can apply for this job by visiting Opens new window (unless JavaScript disabled) and following the instructions on the webpage. Employer FMR Solutions Enhanced Practitioner (Social Worker) Job No: ALL/23312 Employer Reference: CLA000712 SOC Code: 2442 Wage: Grade 8 / £30,071 £33,863 PER ANNUM Hours: Full time36 hours per week Location: Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 20 April 2012 Closing date: 03 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: To provide a statutory Social Work Service to prisoners serving sentences between 6 months up to Life in accordance with relevant legislation and National Throughcare Outcomes and Standards.To work with Scottish Prison Service colleagues and those from other agencies to deliver services to prisoners in preparation for their release. To ensure that the policies and procedures of the Council and the Scottish Prison Service are met.To work as a member of the Council’s Criminal Justice Service. This post is considered Regulated Work with Vulnerable Children and/or Protected Adults, under the Protection of





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Are you looking to make the next move that will put your career on the right path? This is an outstanding opportunity to join an expanding newspaper group. You will be part of a dynamic and friendly sales environment, where rewards reflect effort. We will expect you to have drive, determination and flair. A lack of sales experience is not an issue as we pride ourselves on our excellent in-house training. But we will expect you to have excellent communication skills and the ability to work on your own initiative. In return, we will give you a first class salary and excellent bonus potential. If you think you have what it takes, contact us today.


Telesales Executive

will also be considered.Working hours are 7am 4pm and you will be required to work on a rota to cover a Saturday morning shift 1 in 6 weeks.Full clean driving licence required Full training will be provided.You will be provided with a uniform for this role and will require a full, clean driving licence. A Company van is provided to carry out the above duties. How to apply For further details about job reference ALL/23342, please telephone Jobseeker Direct on 0845 6060 234. Lines are open 8.00am - 6.00pm weekdays only. All calls are charged at local rate. Call charges may be different if you call from a mobile phone. Alternatively, visit your local Jobcentre Plus Office and use the customer access phones provided to call Jobseeker Direct. The textphone service for deaf and hearing-impaired people is 0845 6055 255.

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Reporter/Trainee Reporter A

re you looking to make the next move that will put your career on the right path? Or perhaps hoping to take that first step into the world of journalism? Hub Media is looking for a talented reporter / trainee reporter to join its team working on the Wee County News, based in Alloa. The successful applicant will be adaptable and able to cover news and sport while bringing exciting ideas to the table. We are looking for an ambitious reporter or graduate with a qualification in journalism, shorthand and knowledge of Scots Law. The ideal candidate will have an excellent news sense and the ability to remain calm while working to a strict deadline.

This is an opportunity to join an expanding company who have a strong portfolio of newspapers across South Lanarkshire, Perthshire and Clackmannanshire. Three papers will be launched from the Alloa office in the very near future and you will play a key part in shaping their content. A car owner would be preferred. Send written applications, including CV and clippings to: Hub Media Ltd Scott Mochar Ellismuir House, Ellismuir Way, Uddingston G71 5PW Tel: 01698 803909 Email:

weecounty Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007. Successful applicants are required to provide an enhanced disclosure. Disclosure expense will be met by employer. Should you have difficulty in accessing the documents and application form and wish to request a paper application pack please call 01259 452234 How to apply You can apply for this job by visiting uk/fe/tpl_ScottishPortal01.asp?n ewms=jj&id=126629&aid=11667 Opens new window (unless JavaScript disabled) and following the instructions on the webpage. Employer Clackmannanshire Council CARE ATTENDANT Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23326 SOC Code: 6115 Wage: £6.65 PER HOUR Hours: 16 PER WEEK, 3-5 DAYS OVER 7 BETWEEN 8AM - 10.30PM Location: ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK10 Duration: Temporary Date posted: 24 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Due to an increase in demand for the service, we require extra care attendants. No experience is required, training will be given. Duties will include caring for clients of all ages and different health backgrounds, and support to carers in the community. Driving licence and use of car is essential. Mileage allowance of 37 pence per mile. PVG will be carried out by the company the costs will be meet by the employer. Must be flexible with days and hours of work. Temporary in the first instance duration unknown but could lead to permanent position. Collect an application pack in person from employer’s premises. How to apply You can go and see the employer about this job without telephoning beforehand. Ask for Elaine McLeod at Crossroads Caring Scotland, 19 Mar Street, Alloa, Clackmannanshire, FK10 1HR. Employer Crossroads Caring Scotland MANUAL MACHINIST Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23332 SOC Code: 5221 Wage: £22500 - £25500 PER ANNUM +FULL PACKAGE, PENSION ETC Hours: 37 PER WEEK, MONDAYFRIDAY, DAYS Location: Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 26 April 2012 Closing date:03 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description:

Tuesday 01.5.12

My Client based in Alloa have a small but busy machine shop supplying parts to their maintenance department (not sub-con). I require a time served Machinist that has experience of manual Machining. You will be a competent machinist & familiar with various manual machinery, some CNC would also be advantageous. They will be purchasing a small HAAS CNC in thevery near future & previous experience of running HAAS would be beneficial. Training can be provided in HASS programmes/ systems. Immediate start available. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to John Johnson at Search Recruitment, john. johnson.88526.776@search. Employer Search Recruitment SUPERVISOR GARDENER/ DRIVER Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23330 SOC Code: 5113 Wage: Negotiable depending on experience Hours: MINIMUM 40 PER WEEK OVER 7 DAYS 8AM-6PM Location: Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 26 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Previous experience and driving licence is essential. Will be doing garden maintenance, grass cutting, weeding and all other associated tasks. How to apply You can apply for this job by telephoning 0788 6308140 ext 0 and asking for Jamie Macaulay. Employer Gartlove Gardening Hotels Catering Public Houses Cleaner Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23333 SOC Code: 9233 Wage: Meets Nat Min Wage Hours: 25 per week 5over 7 10am-3pm Location: Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire FK13 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 26 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: We are looking for a general cleaning assistant for the general up keep of the building, you may also be required to assist the chef with general work within the kitchen. Full training will be given. How to apply You can apply for this job by telephoning 0125 9752899 ext 0 and asking for Gary Turner. Employer

Devonpark Inn BOOKEEPER/RECEPTIONIST Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23327 SOC Code: 4216 Wage: £6.10 PER HOUR Hours: 20 PER WEEK, MONDAY FRIDAY 11AM - 2PM Location: TILLICOULTRY, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK13 Duration: Temporary Date posted: 25 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must have previous experience with Microsoft word and excel and have a good telephone manner. Will be doing spreadsheets, data entry, invoices, sales ledger and cash flow, answering the telephone, booking appointments, looking after the directors and workshop diaries. Word press experience would be an advantage. Closing date for this job will be 9th May. Interviews will be held on 14th May. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Xanthe Hayes at Campers Scotland, Employer Campers Scotland SALES MANAGER Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23321 Employer Reference: SMDF0511 SOC Code: 7111 Wage: Meets National Minimum Wage Hours: 40 HOURS PER WEEK, 5 DAYS OUT OF 7 Location: ALLOA FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 23 April 2012 Closing date: 07 May 2012 Pension details: Pension available Description: If you are enthusiastic and dedicated to customer service, we have rewarding roles at our store. Previous experience is not essential, training will be provided. Wage - 25,000-30,000 OTE including commission and bonuses. You should also have good communication and social skills as this role will require face to face contact with customers. How to apply You can apply for this job by visiting www. Opens new window (unless JavaScript disabled) and following the instructions on the webpage. Employer Sleepmasters PLC SALES ASSISTANT Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23319 SOC Code: 7111 Wage: Meets Nat Min Wage Hours: 25-30 PER WEEK, SAT-SUN AND 2/3 OTHER DAYS DURING

THE WEEK Location: DOLLAR, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK14 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 23 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must be aged 18+ due to sale of alcohol. Previous catering or retail experience is desirable but is not essential. Food hygiene certificate would be an advantage. Good food knowledge is an advantage. Duties will include cash handling, advising on cheeses, stock rotation, general housekeeping, customer service and any associated duties as required. The employer has claimed an exception under the Equality Act 2010. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Alistair Prow at Reids of Dollar, Employer Reids of Dollar SUPERVISOR Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23314 SOC Code: 7111 Wage: £6.13 PER HOUR Hours: 20 HOURS PER WEEK INCLUDES WEEKENDS Location: TILLICOULTRY, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK13 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 20 April 2012 Closing date: 20 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must have supervisory experience. Must


have the ability to sell and must be flexible Monday-Sunday. Duties will include customer service, supervising staff, covering store in managers absence and will be working as part of a team. Please take CV to employer address. How to apply You can go and see the employer about this job without telephoning beforehand. Ask for Scott Farquharson at Yeomans Outdoor Leisure, Unit 31, Devon Vale, TILLICOULTRY, Clackmannanshire, FK13 6HQ. Employer Yeomans Outdoor Leisure Beauty Therapist Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23313 SOC Code: 6222 Wage: Exceeds Nat Min Wage Hours: 16-20 hours a week, between 10am-8pm between Mon-Sat Location: Tillicoultry, Clackmannanshire FK13 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 20 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must be fully qualified with experience preferred. Duties include delivering a full range of treatments including waxing and massage. Will assist with smooth running of the business. Shop closes at 2pm on Saturdays. How to apply You can apply for this job by telephoning 01259 753797 and asking for Susan Neilson. Employer


OTE £100,000 Due to expansion and increased workload we require experienced IFAs to join our team. Working with a broad level of clients ranging from corporate to HNW individuals, you will provide tailored financial planning to meet those needs of our clients. Advice will be given to clients on the whole spectrum of planning requirements. Successful candidate will also have experience in managing introducers. Employed and Self Employed positions available and will see candidates working to set quarterly targets. Rewards for managing and increasing funds under management alongside the generation of new business are given.

Successful advisors will see on target income in excess of £100,000.

Contact us at or on 0808 108 1186 for further information. Urban Black Associates, Lomond Suite, Ellismuir House, Ellismuir Way, Tannochside Park, Uddingston, G71 5PW. Urban Black Associates is a trading style of Urban Black Ltd.



Tuesday 01.5.12

Juniper Rose SOUS CHEF/ 2ND CHEF Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23304 SOC Code: 5434 Wage: £17000 TO £19000 PER ANNUM Hours: 40 PW 5 OUT OF 7 Location: MENSTRIE, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK11 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 19 April 2012 Closing date: 17 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: We are currently looking for a qualified Sous 2nd Chef to work along side our Head Chef.All applicants must have experience to a high standard and be able to work strongly as part of a team. We can cater for up to 40 in our restaurant and host weddings for up to 100. All our food is prepared on site including breads, pastries and sweets.. The working pattern will be 5 days out of 7 including weekends. The salary will be between 17,000 and 19,000 per annum depending on experience and paid monthly in arrears PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A LIVE IN POSITION AND NO ACCOMMODATION WILL BE PROVIDED. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Rod Nisbet at Broomhall Castle, Employer Broomhall Castle LABOURER/FORKLIFT DRIVER Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23305 SOC Code: 8229 Wage: NEGOTIABLE Hours: 39 HOURS, MON-THURS 8-4.30 FRI 8-3.30 Location: ALVA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK12 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 19 April 2012 Closing date: 17 May 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Forklift driver/General Labourer required for new site in Alva. Must have CSCS card. Required for forklift driving general Labouring. Must have previous experience.Telescopic Forklift Licence Required. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Gordon Fullarton at Hadden Construction, gfullarton@hadden. Employer Hadden Construction Shop Assistant/Driver Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23310 SOC Code: 7112 Wage: Exceeds Nat Min Wage Hours: 38 hours per week,MonSat,7am-2pm

Location: Alva, Clackmannanshire FK12 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 19 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must have good customer care and interpersonal skills to recognise customer requirements. No formal qualification required as full training will be given. Duties will include serving customers, handling cash with use of a till, stock replenishment, merchandising and general house keeping tasks.Must have clean drivers licence (minor points considered) as will be delivering fruit and vegetables. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Mr Saeed Anwar at Flowers By Arrangement, Employer Flowers By Arrangement RETAIL ASSISTANT Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23300 SOC Code: 7111 Wage: Meets Nat Min Wage Hours: 17 PER WEEK, 5 DAYS OVER 7 BETWEEN 7AM-5PM Location: Dollar, Clackmannanshire FK14 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 18 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Duties involve serving customers, operating a till, handling cash, making filled rolls, baking savouries and light cleaning duties. Hours to be worked on a flexible basis as the bakery will be open 6 days a week. Training is provided. Must ensure highest standards of health and safety and hygiene. Excellent career prospects and opportunities to progress into management. We are looking for the following qualities: Commitment, loyalty, enthusiasm, energy, ambition and a passion for customer service. How to apply For further details about job reference ALL/23300, please telephone Jobseeker Direct on 0845 6060 234. Lines are open 8.00am - 6.00pm weekdays only. All calls are charged at local rate. Call charges may be different if you call from a mobile phone. Alternatively, visit your local Jobcentre Plus Office and use the customer access phones provided to call Jobseeker Direct. The textphone service for deaf and hearing-impaired people is 0845 6055 255. FITNESS TECHNICIAN Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23301 SOC Code: 3443 Wage: ££7.00 PER HOUR Hours: 16+ PER WEEK, MONDAY

TO SATURDAY, BETWEEN 8.30AM8PM Location: ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 18 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Female only required to work within a Female fitness suite. Applicants must have previous experience within the fitness industry and recognised qualifications would be an advantage. You must have excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills including verbal and written. Further training will be given. Duties will involve servicing members, advising members on health and fitness, dealing with membership sales, dealing with referrals plus undertaking general reception and administration duties. The employer has claimed an exception under the Equality Act 2010. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Lesley Ovens at Curves, Employer Curves Sewing Machinist Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23299 SOC Code: 8113 Wage: £6.08 PER HOUR Hours: 36 PER WEEK, MONDAY FRIDAY, BETWEEN 8AM - 4.45PM Location: ALVA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK12 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 17 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: The Campbell Group is Scotland’s leading soft furnishing and upholstery contractor, that provide a complete end to end service to clients from design to manufacture, we are now looking to recruit a sewing machinist to join us. You will be supporting the manufacturing team with good quality products. To be considered for this position, you must have knowledge of metric sizing in order to provide accurate measurements for soft furnishings, good communication skills and be of a smart personal appearance. Candidates should have the ability to work on their own initiative, but full training provided, and should have good time keeping skills and be flexible, occasional overnight work may be required. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Liz McClelland at The Campbell Group, liz@ Employer The Campbell Group

CONTRACT ENGINEERS Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23293 SOC Code: 2122 Wage: £26000 to £30000 Per Annum Hours: DAY Location: Alloa FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 16 April 2012 Closing date: 14 May 2012 Pension details: Pension available Description: Contracts Engineers required to assume ownership and co-ordination of all workshop overhaul and spares manufacturing activities within the Service Centre to meet customer needs. Candidates must be time served in mechanical engineering with either an HNCHND or degree in mechanical engineering. Applicants must be computer literate and have experience of working within a similar role. How to apply For further details about job reference ALL/23293, please telephone Jobseeker Direct on 0845 6060 234. Lines are open 8.00am - 6.00pm weekdays only. All calls are charged at local rate. Call charges may be different if you call from a mobile phone. Alternatively, visit your local Jobcentre Plus Office and use the customer access phones provided to call Jobseeker Direct. The textphone service for deaf and hearing-impaired people is 0845 6055 255. WORKFLOW CO-ORDINATOR Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23295 SOC Code: 4150 Wage:£13.5K per annum Hours: 37.5 per week, 5 days over 7, FLEXIBLE BETWEEN 7AM & 12PM Location: ALLOA, CLACKMANNANSHIRE FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 16 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must be able to type at least 60 wpm and have excellent knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Some supervisory experience and/or knowledge of the legal sector would be an advantage. Responsibilities include monitoring the main office to achieve daily output and quality targets, typing, data entry collation of statistics, cover for typists and shift leaders as required and all other associated tasks as required. This appointment will require you to be flexible, committed, energetic, a team player, customer focused, quality service oriented and have great attention to detail. You should also have the ability to multi task, have great communication skills and be IT literate. In return we offer plenty of opportunity to learn new skills, working for a company

that offers great opportunities for progression. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Kirsty Lang at Intelligent Office UK, Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, Clackmannanshire, FK10 1EB or to Employer Intelligent Office UK TRANSCRIPTIONIST/AUDIO TYPIST Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23294 SOC Code: 4217 Wage: £6.08 TO £7.00 per hour Hours: 15-37.5 per week, 5 days over 7, between 8.00am-9.00pm Location: Alloa, Clackmannanshire FK10 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 16 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: We have an opportunity to join our established team in the centre of Alloa, which is key to the first class service our clients receive. Primary duties; To produce neat, well presented files and analogue documents on a word processor from digital sound tapes with a typing speed of approximately 60 wpm, to provide a professional service to clients ensuring confidentiality is adhered to at all times, to adhere to strict deadlines for daily workload. How to apply You can apply for this job by sending a CV/written application to Kirsty Lang at Intelligent Office UK, Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa, Clackmannanshire, FK10 1EB or to kirsty.lang@ Employer Intelligent Office UK Bar Staff Vacancy from Job No: ALL/23284 SOC Code: 9225 Wage: Meets Nat Min Wage Hours: 16+ per week, 2+ over 7 days, between 11am-1am Location: Alva, Clackmannanshire FK12 Duration: Permanent Date posted: 11 April 2012 Pension details: No details held Description: Must be aged 18+ due to serving alcohol. Must have personal License as will be working unsupervised within the pub and will need to be able to sell alone. No experience necessary. Duties include serving drinks, using till, keeping the bar clean and tidy and any other duties as required. The employer has claimed an exception under the Equality Act 2010. How to apply You can apply for this job by telephoning 01259 762771 and asking for Laura Sim. Employer Cairn

weecounty motoring

Tuesday 01.5.12


The Mazda 2: Really has something for everyone M

azda claim that sport cars don’t come any cuter than the Mazda 2. And in my opinion, they are right. Sister car to the Ford Fiesta, this is a supermini with longevity. Mazda’s nipping and tucking for the 2011/12 model has kept it as an excellent competitor in the motoring industry, with low costs and relatively slow depreciation.


The Mazda 2 is an extremely light car and is getting lighter. Mazda are now using ‘gram technology’ which allows them to double check for anything that can have weight cut from the car whilst keeping its excellent safety standard and dynamic drive. It is an economic drive too, with low fuel consumption and a diesel option for avoiding the rise in petrol costs. The usual comparison sprint to 62mph takes the little Mazda just over 10 seconds and it will run to a top speed of around 117mph. For what it is, whilst ‘sporty’

PETROL PRICES UNLEADED ASDA - Alloa - Morrisons - Alloa - Gulf - Tullibody - Tesco - Alloa - Highest - DIESEL ASDA - Alloa - Morrisons - Alloa - Tesco - Alloa - Gulf - Tullibody - Highest -

I suspect that boy racers will not be forming an orderly queue at their local Mazda dealership.

Ride and Handling

One problem that has been identified with Mazda’s refining is the loss of soundproofing. While some may find the noise of the engine boisterous just as many will enjoy the purr – particularly if you opt for the £400 option of

on twisting country roads due to its nimble design and is easy to park in city streets.

STATS: Price: from £12,940

How Practical?

The roof line is quite low and may lead to some minor problems but inside the car is surprisingly roomy and comfortable. It would be a perfect family car with three seats in the back with plenty of room for children and at a stretch three adults holding their breath. Viability is high

Engine: 1498cc Performance: 0-62 10.7 secs Power: 102bhp Torque: 133NM@ 4000prm Economy: 37.2 – 58.9 CO2: 135g/km are welcome illumination, which lights the front foot room with red LED bulbs creating a nice effect, the rear roof spoiler and the front and rear parking sensor. As well as many extra gadgets such as a baby care mirror, cool and warm box, boot light Mazda offer Auto Sock Winter traction aids which could prove extremely useful in the winter weather we have been experiencing. It’s a quietly practical with a lot of youthful style.

sports exhaust system.

and parking is made simple in urban situations because of how compact the Mazda 2 is, just the perfect size to fit snugly in tight spaces.

Ride comfort has been improved by a revamp of the suspension system which lessons any rear discomfort. The new 2011 Mazda 2 offers a four speed automatic option with the 1.5 petrol engine The Mazda 2 has excellent which will mean that gear child protection as well as shifts are even smoother. being exceptionally safe for The little Mazda 2 does well adults. In fact Euro NCAP awarded it a five-star adult safety score when installed with side and curtain airbags. The Mazda 2 does come with anti-lock brakes with electronic brake-force distribution and emergency brake assist all of which increase safety and improve 138.7 control. The Mazda Advanced 138.9 Impact Distribution and Absorption System protects 138.9 the occupants in the event 138.9 of a crash by dispersing the 144.9 force.


143.7 143.9 144.9 149.9 149.9

Source: Prices correct at time of print.


As you would expect, Mazda do offer a huge range of modifications for the Mazda 2. The interior, exterior, wheels and suspension, audio and hands fee kits all can be changed. The best of which

In my view, the facelift/ revised Mazda 2 is a car that can seriously compete on price, performance, safety and has a huge range of gadgets and accessories to make it personal to the driver. It also has a Which? Best Buy and is a good fun carperfect for new divers, families and commuters. The Mazda 2 as something for everyone to enjoy and is the kind of car you can rely on to work to a high standard, keep costs down and look good.

es David Morton Ltd c i r P Top Cars - Vans - All Scrap Metal Paid

01324 612 876 Glen Works, Glen Village, Falkirk



Tuesday 01.5.12


Creating a greener and healthier home


ost of us are concerned about the effect that we are having on our planet and do our bit towards reducing our carbon footprints.

Many people now re-cycle regularly and have given up using plastic bags for shopping, opting instead for the much nicer re-usable bags. Our cars are checked annually for emissions and

new models are far more efficient and environmentally cleaner. All good, basic steps in trying to make our world a better place to live in, but are we doing enough? Do we give as much thought to what damage we may inadvertently be doing to our health by our choice of furnishings and décor in our own homes? Unbeknown to most of us we have for years been filling our homes with potentially toxic materials that are not only harmful in their manufacture and use to the planet, but also to ourselves when placed in our

homes. To improve your home environment and enhance your quality of life, use green eco-friendly décor and furnishings. By choosing these readily available products you can greatly enhance the air quality in your home which is obviously good for your health. When re-decorating use paints that are chemical, heavy metal and volatile organic compound (VOC) free. There are plenty to choose from that are suitable for all painted surfaces; washable, durable and, as they are completely non-toxic, they immediately improve the air quality in your home. These natural paints are also very kind to the environment in general.For flooring, look for the carpets made from natural plant fibres or wool. Other carpets are produced using materials

derived from petroleum which is a pollutant; most of us will have noticed the chemical smell coming from a newly laid conventional carpet. This is not the case with those made from natural fibres, which produce no pollutants during either manufacture or daily use and are far healthier for your family to walk, sit or crawl on. If your preference is for wood flooring, there is now a wide range of boards made from sustainable woods such as bamboo and cork. In your kitchen go for countertops made from recycled materials such as crushed stones, glass or porcelain rather than ones made with conventional materials which need toxic adhesives and chemicals to fit them. Kitchen cabinets have generally been made from synthetic wood and the glues

used in their construction emit PVC, VOCs and other toxic vapours. There are now, fortunately, a few glues which are free from formaldehyde. Cabinets made from bamboo are becoming popular because of their attractive finish and the sustainability of the bamboo.In the garden, for lighting a pathway or entrance porch, choose the now common solar lights which come in various designs and sizes and give off sufficient light for these outdoor areas. Solar powered water features are both attractive and energy saving. Not only are these products free to run, but there are no cables or cords lying around your garden or patio. With just a little research and thought we can all take a step further forward in protecting our family and our planet next time we redecorate or do some DIY.



Tuesday 01.5.12


Local wrestlers in GB Team


restlers Brian Harper and Corey Keatings travelled to Riga in Latvia as part of a nine man Great Britain team to compete in the Kundzina Cup. The members of Tullibody

Wrestling Club were the only two Scottish Wrestlers in the team that returned with five medals. Both Brian and Corey dominated the competition, and returned with Gold medals in their weight categories.

Corey won the 46kg group and Brian won the 50kg group. The rest of the team returned with three Bronze medals and three 5th places giving the GB team Third place in the overall team competition.


Dollar duo play football for Scotland T wo Dollar Academy schoolboys represented their country at the weekend in an international football match against England, with Man of the Match, Sandy Cunningham scoring a spectacular late goal, earning the Scots a share of the spoils in a hardfought encounter. Sandy, Form IV, and Jack Cousin, Form V, both played for the Scottish Independent Schools Under 18 Football on Sunday 29th April in a thrilling 4-4 draw with English Independent Schools at Dumfermline Athletic’s home stadium, East End Park. Defeat had seemed on the cards after England surged into an early lead, being

3-0 up after just half an hour. Scotland clawed one back before the interval, however, and netted again early in the second half. A superb, defencesplitting pass by Jack Cousin set up the Scottish equaliser but the English forced their way back into the lead on the hour mark. Urged on by a noisy home support, Scotland created a number of chances but it looked like their efforts would be in vain until Cunningham, latching on to a loose ball in midfield, netted with a great

lob from fully forty yards. Steve Newton, Head of PE at Dollar Academy, commented, «It›s fantastic to see two of our pupils playing football for Scotland. Both played exceptionally well and the whole school congratulates them on earning their international caps.»



entral Athletic Club’s Alastair Hay not only won the ConocoPhillips 5K at Saturday’s Balmoral Road Races but also broke the course record by some 16seconds with a time of 14min 57secs. In the StenaDrilling 10k it was Central’s Scottish Champion Ross Houston who caught the eye finishing second to fellow Scottish International Andrew Douglas, covering the traditional hilly course at Balmoral in the superb time of 31min 53secs.


entral AC lady athletes were out in force at the first Scottish Women’s Athletics League meeting at Meadowbank, Edinburgh, where the combined Forth Valley team took a creditable fourth place. Rachel Martin debuting for the team, produced a fine throw as she achieved third place in the under 13 shot with 7.13m. Sarah Pearson and Caitlyn Edgar produced a sprint hurdles double in the under 15 age group, with Sarah winning the A race in 12.55 but Caitlyn showed she will be a force to be reckoned with in championships

with a 12.12s personal best as she won the B race in style. Sarah stormed to a further win in the B 200m with a fine 27.36s. Lydia Simpson showed potential for the season in coming 5th and 2nd in the 100m A and 200m B race and Kirsty Forsyth produced a good race to take third in the B 300m for under 17s with 43.7s. Emily Batchelor was second in the long jump with 5.03m. For the seniors, Karen Montador was second in the 800m in 2.21.24 but would have preferred a faster race.


POOL B League Results Week 30 Cairn A 4 Oakwood D 5 Upstairs 3 Weirs 6 Crosskeys 7 County 2 Oakwood B 8 Cairn B1 Two very damaging defeats for both the Cairn A and the County at a very vital stage of the season which looks like leaving the Oakwood D,still 2 points clear,to fight it out with Rileys with only 3 weeks to go. Oakwood Sponsored League Cup 2012:- The semi-final line up was completed last week with the last two quarter-finals taking place.On Tuesday night the B league team of the Oakwood D used their home advantage well to overcome their higher opponents from the A league the Locker Room B,winning by 5 frames to 2,an excellent result. On Thursday night their was no such shock as the Crown B from Alva defeated another B league side in Rileys of Stirling by the same score of 5 frames to 2.Great to see the B league teams making a name for themselves in the competition.And so the semifinal line up is complete with the following line-up:Locker Room A v Oakwood C Oakwood D v Crown B These ties and the final will all take place in the Oakwood on Friday 11th May with a 7.30pm start.Please note the earlier starting time than normal. Grassroots Qualifier:- The SPA grassroots delayed qualifier took place last Saturday with unfortunately a few players unable to make the re-arranged date.However those that did make it produced some good pool with the first qualifier being Colin Inkster,making a welcome return to the scottish scene with a 5-2 win over Steven Smith,who had earlier defeated Frank Jaffray 5-4 in a tight match. Second player through to the national finals was Sean McEwan

with an excellent 5-4 win over Denis Lindsay,coming back from 4-1 down to secure the victory. Sean had earlier defeated Davy McLeod 5-1. The 3rd and final qualifier was Gordon Jaglar who was very impressive in securing his place at the finals with a 5-0 victory over new-comer Martyn Scott. Martyn had earlier defeated Davie Inkster 5-4 to secure his place against Gordon but had no answer to his outstanding potting. Good luck to all 3 players in the national finals on the 26th and 27th May in the Red Triangle in Cumbernauld. SPA IM3 Qualifier:- This week see’s the third series of scottish ranking qualifying taking place in Rileys Stirling on Sunday with the first two groups playing off at 12.30pm,the third group at 1.30pm and the fourth at 2.30pm with the full draw available at Will players please note that the finals for this tournament is in Inverness on the 23rd & 24th June and if you are unable to attend please let Pete Smith know or post on the web-site. Peppes Summer League:Peppes lounge will start a Wed night summer league starting this Wed 2nd May at 8pm running for 12 consecutive weeks with all players,league registered or not,all welcome.Please contact Peppes for all details.

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Tuesday 01.5.12



CLACKMANNANSHIRE GOLF Clackmannan team (Jamie Aitken (Alloa- Captain); Darren Hulston, Scott Borrowman ( both Dollar). Lawrence Allan, Michael Robertson (both Alva); Ross Benvie (Braehead). he qualifying is over 36 holes stroke play on the Saturday with the top 4 Areas out of 16 to qualify for match play. COMING UP--------LOCAL GOLF FIXTURES The golf season gathers pace--




achael Duncan aged 11 opening the green at Dollar on Saturday the 21st April. On the left of the photograph is her father Peter Duncan, President of the club and on the right of the photo is her uncle Gordon Duncan, Vice President of the club.

Photo by Margaret Daniels


Alloa fans at Broadwood Stadium

-- this weekend sees the Tillicoultry Open ( Scr-12 Saturday 5th May) 13- 28 Sunday. There is a Belhaven Open at Tulliallan also on the 6th and the final stages of the County Fours and County Boys Match Play Championships take place next week County golfers are reminded of the Summer Meetings next weekend---- B Division 12th May at Braehead and A Division 13th May at Alloa. Late entries will probably be available for all these events.


nother full week of golf at Muckhart with large fields braving the conditions and producing some excellent golf. Star of the week again was young Ross White winning the Save the Children Medal with a net 66 from a lowest gross of the day 70, closelyfollowed home by another of our promising youngsters Calum Hill with 72-3-69, while Graham Johnston won Division 2 with 84-1470 and Fraser McAulay Division 3 with 93-22-71. As if plundering the gents competitions prizes wasn’t enough Ross also went on to win the Junior Ritchie/Blairhill Round 1 on Sunday. The ladies Millenium Jug Rnd 1 was won by Ingrid Brooker who pipped Deborah Rettie on a bih after both returned net 73, while the Jock Peter 4s on Sunday was won

by Jim Irwin and Dougie McNair, whose 5 under 31 inward half was enough to take the trophy from Andy Merrilees and Willie Lockie after both pairs had tied on 69. Finally congratulations to Laura Walker and Louise Woodburn for a terrific win over Alyth in the SLGA National Foursomes Championships and who now go to Crieff in the next round. An added motivation for the ladies is that the national final in September is being hosted here at Muckhart. Justine Allen and Olive O’Sullivan have also progressed to the next round of the Daily Mail Foursomes beating Gleneagles and now go to a tough away tie at Saline. Another busy week ahead with the 2 round qualifier for the Gents Handicap and Scratch knock outs, while the ladies team up for the ever popular Coronation Fours.

weecounty sport

Tuesday 01.5.12


BRAEHEAD GOLF Gents Sunday 22nd April Doon the Middle Qualifier The scoring for this Knockout Competition was exceptional. Complete draw has been posted. Top Qualifiers: 1st Aaron Pirie & Drew McCrindle 75-12.6 – 62.4 2nd John Cranley & Michael Wilson 78 – 14.8 – 63.2 3rd David Craig & Andrew Finnigan 73- 9.2 – 62.8 4th Willie Park & Peter penman 77 – 12 - 65 Saturday 28th April Spring Scramble Always a popular competition this years event attracted over 40

teams of 4 players. Results will be posted shortly. Seniors Wednesday 25th April Caledonian League Kirkcaldy G.C. Unfortunately the weather deteriorated and the match had to be abandoned. Rearranged date is Monday7th May. Thursday 26th April Friendly – Tulliallan This is always a popular match and everyone always enjoys the camaraderie between the two clubs. Peter Cunningham thanked the home Cub for their hospitality and the caterers for an

excellent meal. Peter reminded the members when Tulliallan members supported Braehead when they were going through difficult times many years ago. A gesture that has never been forgotten. Tulliallan have the bragging rights winning the match by 5 games to 3 The good news is that Peter Doyle is now on the mend and Bob Anderson has been up to the Club which is great. We send them both our best wishes. Juniors Monday 23rd April: McLuckie Shield (CSS68) Some excellent scoring with some of the newer members now


beginning to show on the leader boards. 1st Brian McAdam (7) 69 2nd Cameron Brolly (25) 70 3rd Blair O’Conner (34) 71. Ladies Sunday 29th April Mixed Open This popular event attracted 60 teams and the competition as expected was enjoyed by all and as usual a very close competition Sarah Walker, Lady Captain thanked the participants and prizewinners and the greenkeeping staff for having the course in excellent condition. A special mention to Donald Thomson and Jewsons Ltd ,for their continued

support of this very popular event. Their support over the years is very much appreciated by all at Braehead. Scratch: 1st Izzy Gorman & Graham Bolton (Braehead) - 83 2nd Alan Loughlay & Clair Capocci (BofA) 84. Handicap: 1st John Clark & Mary.McIntosh (Carluke) 69 2nd S.Yip & F Yip (Cowglen) 70.5 3rd W. McAinsh & Val Purdie (Dunblane) 70.5 4th George Graham & Doreen Skelton (Braehead) 72.5 5th Brian & Laura Christie (Braehead) 73.


BRAEHEAD GOLFERS TAKE THE PRIZES Vic leads the Lauder I Qualifiers A n the recent Spring meeting at Braehead and Tulliallan, the full prize-winners list has been published resulting in the following Division 1. Scratch. 1. A Watson 70; 2 D Findlay 71; 3. R Benvie 71 (all Braehead) Handicap. 1. R Alexander 67(Braehead) 2. J Maley 67 (Tulliallan); 3 B Allan 67 (Braehead); 4 D Beaton 69(Braehead); 5. N Cully 70 (Alloa); 6 A Anderson 70 (Braehead) Division 2 Handicap 1. E Fairway 69. (Tulliallan); 2. S Harris 69 (Tulliallan); 3 S Young 69 (Alloa); 4 A Lee 70 (Tulliallan); 5 S Weir 71 (Braehead); 6 G McMurdie 71 (Alloa). County Match Play Qualifiers (from Braehead) A Watson, D Findlay, R Benvie, S Moffat, R Alexander, A Anderson. S Horne, D Beaton. These 8 players will be joined by a further eight from the Summer Meeting, to play off for the 2012 County Match Play Championship. In the County Order of Merit, Allan Watson (Braehead) leads with 100

points, and his scratch 70 also leads the Harrower Trophy. COUNTY GOLF TEAM JUST MISS OUT IN PROVAN SALVER. In the final match of the series held at Dollar on a cold windy day, Clackmannan County took the honours against Perth& Kinross with a 5 - 3 victory--- however, that was not enough as Angus County took the 2012 title after a count back on games won and lost. MATCH DETAILS. ( Clackmannan names first) 1. Daren Hulston (Dollar) beat Glenn Campbell 2/1 2. Scott Borrowman (Dollar) beat Connor Neil 6/5 3. Scott Moffat (Braehead) beat T White 5/3 4. Lawrence Allan (Alva) beat G Brass 1 hole 5. Michael Robertson (Alva) lost to S Michie 2 holes 6. Ross Benvie (Braehead) beat W Hutton 2 holes 7. S McIvor (Alva) lost to P Scott 3/1 8. A Watson (Braehead) lost to M Cameron 5/3 Clackmannan have selected a team to represent the County in the

Scottish Area Team Championship to be held at Rosemount and Lansdowne on the 19th and 20th May. Regrettably Scott Moffat is unable to play. Clackmannan team (Jamie Aitken (Alloa- Captain); Darren Hulston, Scott Borrowman ( both Dollar). Lawrence Allan, Michael Robertson (both Alva); Ross Benvie (Braehead). The qualifying is over 36 holes stroke play on the Saturday with the top 4 Areas out of 16 to qualify for match play. COMING UP--------LOCAL GOLF FIXTURES The golf season gathers pace--- this weekend sees the Tillicoultry Open ( Scr-12 Saturday 5th May) 13- 28 Sunday. There is a Belhaven Open at Tulliallan also on the 6th and the final stages of the County Fours and County Boys Match Play Championships take place next week County golfers are reminded of the Summer Meetings next weekend---- B Division 12th May at Braehead and A Division 13th May at Alloa. Late entries will probably be available for all these events.

biting wind and fast greens produced testing conditions for the Lauder Qualifying Medal at Dollar on Saturday 28th April. However, in form five handicapper Vic Allan (pictured) proved equal to the challenge with a superb three under par round of 66. The full results were:Div 1: 1st Vic Allan (5) 61, 2nd John McMillan (11) 65; 3rd Andrew Ure (12) 66. Div 2: 1st Jerry Cant (14) 66; 2nd George Waddell (16) 69; 3rd Graham Johnston (20) 69. Dollar Ladies Wednesday 25th April - Centenary Quaich 1st Di Dunning (22) 75; 2nd Linda Sommerville (20) 75.

Carlsberg Open Greensomes 2012 at Tillicoultry

Tillicoultry - Muckhart Match 2012


ictured above are Paul Davidson and Lawrence Allan, winners of the Carlsberg Open Greensomes held at Tillicoultry GC last weekend. A total of 76 players took part in this competition with some travelling from Fife, Lothians and Glasgow areas. Conditions were blustery and cold to start with but the sun made an appearance later to make it a

very pleasant afternoon. The course is in remarkably good condition to be so early in the season, which is a credit to the greenkeeper and the vollunteers who assist him during the week. Results: Trophy winners, Paul Davisdon & Lawrence Allan - 62.2, runners-up, Sandy Love & Frank O’Conner - 65, 3rd, Ian Watson & Jim


Fisher - 65.6, 4th, Colin Johnston & Ian Campbell - 65.8. Scratch prizewinners, Jamie Aitken & Darren Hulston - 65. Congratulations to all the prizewinners. The club wishes to acknowledge the continued support of Carlsberg who sponsored this competition - Thanks very much.


ictured above are some of the competitors who took part in the inaugural friendly match between Tillicoultry and Muckhart Golf Clubs. There was a mixture of Ladies, Juniors, Gents and Seniors from both clubs who took part in the match last Sunday at Tillicoultry GC. The weather was kind to the players when they all teed-off

at 12.30, after the bacon rolls. Everyone had a really good time with Tillicoultry taking the honours 6.5 to 1.5. After play, both teams enjoyed a meal in the clubhouse, which finished off a superb afternoon. Thanks to the caterers. The return match will be at Muckhart next year to which both clubs are looking forward to.



Tuesday 01.5.12




n Saturday, Sauchie Juniors travelled the miles to Dundee to meet Downfield, in pursuit of another three points for their promotion challenge. Downfield also needed the three points in their relegation battle. The Downfield pitch was declared playable after concerns due to heavy rain over the previous few days, although there was a lot of sand on the surface. Fraser Duncan again shuffled his pack with Burns, Comrie and Carroll dropping out and being replaced by Morgan, Cummings and Bell. Right from the start, Sauchie made their intentions known by controlling the match and not allowing Downfield any opportunities to settle. Within the first five minutes, Adam Bonar beat three defenders, with his cross being put out for a corner. From the resulting corner Donaldson managed to make Gary Thain, in the Downfield goals, save the ball. Sauchie followed up their pressure with further chances from Brian Morgan, Donaldson and Bonar, which Thain had to be alert to deal with. It was only looking like a matter of time before Sauchie made their breakthrough. On the twenty minute mark, Sauchie won a free kick over thirty five yards out. Brian Morgan stepped up and cracked a wonder shot which hit the right top of the Downfield net, leaving Thain flapping at thin air. This was nothing more that the Sauchie players deserved at this

stage. Downfield created a couple of chances themselves, with two shots from Ryan Tennant, however neither causing Halliwell, in the Sauchie goals any due concern. Sauchie continued to control the midfield and used both wings to their advantage with Bonar and Donaldson managing to get crosses into the Downfield box. Steven Rennie’s long throw in’s were also causing the Downfield defence difficulties, as they struggled to clear them. On the thirty six minute, a long ball forward by Rennie was challenged by Thain and Bonar, who were both fully committed to wining the ball. The result was a clash of heads, with both players requiring medical treatment. The game was held up for nearly fifteen minutes and in danger of being abandoned, until an ambulance arrived to take both players to hospital. Walls came on to replace Thain and Sauchie replaced Bonar with Gary Carroll. The game resumed with the Sauchie players in control once again and passing the ball around the pitch well. The second Sauchie goal was an example of this. King won the ball in defence and moved forward before passing to Donaldson who then linked up with Feaks and Bell down the right wing. Their resulting play was cleared, but the ball was pushed back into the Downfield box by Rennie which was met by an alert Cummings. Darren Cummings responded first and with the outside of his foot

hit the ball past the Downfield goalkeeper, who’s first task of the match was to pick the ball out of the net. Sauchie ended the first half with the opportunity of putting the game to bed, when they won a penalty after a Gary Carroll cross was blocked by the hands of Deuchars. The penalty was taken by Morgan who will be disappointed with his effort. Walls was able to get down and block Morgan’s effort. At half time, the Sauchie team could overall be happy with their efforts, as they controlled the match, winning the majority of tackles in the crucial areas. The second half started in a similar fashion to that of the first with Sauchie taking charge and spreading the ball around. Sauchie’s play created chances for Morgan and Donaldson, whose shots unfortunately were wide. Downfield enjoyed their best period of the match during the second half, although with no cutting edge within the last third. The consistent defence of Rennie, Tully, King and Feaks managed to mop up the Downfield’s play and protect Halliwell in the Sauchie goals. Duncan made two substitutions with Steven Dolan and Daniel Ashe replacing Kenny Feaks and James Donaldson respectively. With ten minutes left Sauchie stepped up a gear and scored a further two goals. The first of theses came from some great play from Darren Cummings who played a one two with Chris Purdie and after a clever touch, passed the ball across the

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Report By Mark Wallace six yard box for Steven Bell to slam into the net. The fourth and final goal started with a cleared header from Dolan, which Cummings laid on for Carroll who then played the ball into space on the left wing for Daniel Ashe to run onto. From the edge of the box, Ashe placed his shot low into the keeper’s right side of the net. The match ended with Sauchie attacking the Downfield defence. Daniel Ashe met a cross from Rennie, with his header touching the top of the bar. At the final whistle it was a satisfying victory for the Sauchie team and large travelling group of supporters, who again made the match feel like a home match for Sauchie as they out numbered the opponents’ support. Both players, Gary Thain and Adam Bonar, were released from hospital on Saturday evening with their injuries requiring stitches. A speedy recovery is wished for both players. With five league games left, Sauchie Juniors are within touching distance of achieving their aim of promotion to the Super League. This Saturday they face a tricky home match against Newtongrange Star, in their last game of the season. From their overall performance against Downfield, plus the spread of goals among the players and another clean sheet, Sauchie can take a lot of confidence into Saturday’s match. Another large crowd is expected for the 2.30 kick off at Beechwood Park.


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Tuesday 01.5.12 29



hat a great three points and a step closer. Saturday’s trip to Downfield Spiders went according to plan with the result we really wanted. The game started well with us being on top right from the off. Our players were fired up and looked in the mood as we cut open the Downfield defence on numerous occasions but again failed to score and it started to look like another day without goals. That was until Brian Morgan stepped up and hit a 35 yard screamer into the top corner giving the keeper no chance. Adam Bonar was causing havoc in the Downfield defence, running at them and creating chances for our strikers. Unfortunately shortly after our first goal Adam Bonar bravely went for a header with the Downfield keeper and clashed heads resulting in both players being taken to hospital. Adam was released from hospital that night with 6 stitches. Darren Cummings was on hand just before half time to strike our second goal of the game after Steven Rennie tackled well and Daz put the ball away well with a good finish. After the break we

continued to push forward and created a few chances with Gary Carroll who replaced Adam Bonar linking up well with Jazza Donaldson and Steven Bell to create openings. Darren Cummings picked up the ball wide and a sharp one two with Chris Purdie from the striker laid in Steven Bell for our third goal. Credit to Downfield as they battled away and really needed to win this game to stay in the league, unfortunately for them we sealed the victory when Daniel Ashe was released by Gary Carroll where he calmly slotted the ball home. Overall we were delighted with the three points, I felt our defence looked solid with strong defending from Jon Tully, Kenny Feaks and Steven Rennie with Greame King cleaning everything up. Credit to our forwards and goal scorers as we have been struggling recently for goals but Saturday certainly helped the goals tally and with four superb goals and a good team performance. We now go into a very tough game against Newtongrange Star on

Saturday @ Beechwood where once again three points is a must to keep us on track for league glory. Special thanks again to the travelling support which was outstanding again and a special thanks to Adam Bonar, well its really a good luck as he is moving to Australia for 6 months to see his brother Lewis. So good luck Adam from all at Sauchie Juniors. The club now have on sale tickets for the Player Of The Year night which is Friday the 25th of May in Alloa town hall, where the players will be thanked for there seasons efforts and then enjoy local band NAE Danger. Tickets are available from George Goodwillie 07840832552 or a club representative.

Junior Football League Home Away TEAM Penicuik Athletic Broxburn Athletic Tayport Sauchie Juniors Oakley United Newtongrange Star Glenrothes Ballingry Rovers Broughty Athletic Armadale Thistle Downfield Arniston Rangers

P W D L F A 21 8 1 2 22 10 20 6 2 2 26 16 21 3 5 2 11 6 17 6 1 1 15 8 20 4 3 3 21 18 2 1 6 2 3 22 10 21 4 5 2 19 16 20 4 3 3 19 18 21 1 4 6 13 25 21 4 4 2 13 9 22 3 1 7 16 29 19 1 3 5 6 16

W D L F A 3 3 4 13 12 5 2 3 14 15 6 2 3 21 11 4 3 2 16 9 5 2 3 20 17 2 4 4 21 19 3 2 5 19 23 3 2 5 9 18 4 3 3 11 17 0 4 7 12 23 2 4 5 15 17 1 3 6 10 22

GD Pts 13 37 9 37 15 34 14 34 6 32 14 30 -1 28 -8 26 -18 22 -7 20 -15 20 -22 12



Tuesday 01.5.12

FOOTBALL continued from back page Brown’s low cross was neatly placed into the bottom corner by the advancing Scullion. Alloa had a good chance to regain the lead when veteran Winters had a diving header from 6 yards out saved by Feely. McCord then found space in the box but could not take advantage of the golden opportunity.

“We were a little bit flat today, we started really well in the first 15 minutes we were excellent after that it was not great. We were excellent last week I think we just took our foot of the gas a little bit –the rest of the match I didn’t enjoy – we didn’t pass well, the tempo of play was too slow and decision making was poor. The main thing is that we didn’t get beat. I didn’t think Clyde looked like scoring today but all credit to them they worked hard. We still had the best chances of the game and scored a great goal – we have done well all season passing the ball. We can now look forward to next week when we get the trophy – that has been the reward for all the hard

Neither team could find that killer touch in the final third as time was running out and the full-time whistle confirmed a somewhat deserved share of the points. Alloa can now look forward to lifting aloft the Irn Bru Third Division league trophy on Saturday in front of a packed Recreation Park.

work. At the start of the season we said we wanted to be in the top four and we managed to do that in style, so next week will be great – we are hoping for a big crowd. We want to put on a performance and I don’t want it to be flat. I want to go and win the game – we want to encourage as many people as we can to the game and hopefully come back again.”


weecounty sport

Tuesday 01.5.12



IRN BRU DIV 3 - RESULTS SATURDAY 28TH APRIL 2012 Annan Athletic 0-3 Peterhead Clyde 1-1 Alloa East Stirling 2-1 Berwick Elgin 2-1 Montrose Stranraer 2-3 Queens Park

IRN BRU DIV 3 - Fixtures: Saturday 5th May 2012 Alloa V Annan Athletic Berwick V Stranraer Montrose V Clyde Peterhead V East Stirling Queens Park V Elgin

Irn Bru Division 3: League Table Alloa Queens Park Stranraer Elgin Annan Athletic Peterhead Berwick Clyde Montrose East Stirling

Pld W 35 13 35 10 35 10 35 11 35 7 35 6 35 5 35 5 35 6 35 5

D 3 4 2 3 5 5 5 5 3 4

L 1 3 6 4 6 6 7 8 8 9

W 10 9 7 4 6 8 6 3 4 1

D 4 2 5 6 4 1 7 6 2 2

L GD Pts 4 31 76 7 24 63 5 21 58 7 6 54 7 0 48 9 -4 48 5 2 45 8 -10 35 12 -22 35 14 -48 24

weecounty sport Sauchie in four goal thriller in Dundee

Pages 28 - 29

Alloa draw; not great but not beaten

Clyde 1 Alloa 1 McCord tries to break into the box

By Sports Reporter


Wee County News is registered at the Post Office and is published weekly, every Tuesday by HUB Media Ltd., Suite 17, Ellismuir House, Ellismuir Way, Tannochside Park, Uddingston G71 5PW. Printed by Newsquest, Cambuslang, Glasgow.


hampions Alloa made the journey to Cumbernauld to face Clyde in their penultimate Irn Bru Third Division match looking to build on the good result against Stranraer last week. Despite winning the title weeks ago, Paul Hartley wishes his flamboyant attacking side to win each and every week. A healthy crowd made up of a good contingent of travelling wasps made for a good atmosphere inside Broadwood Stadium. The game started well for the

visitors as the Wasps scored in the opening minutes. Ryan McCord’s pass found in form, loan striker, Stevie May who cut in from the left hand wing, and was able to roll the ball past Clyde goalkeeper Nick Feely from close range. Alloa had some other good chances in the first half but failed to take advantage. With experienced Winters running the line up front, you had the feeling that Alloa were going to add to their lead, as they were a real threat. With the pressure on, Clyde were



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pinned back, however Alloa seemed to allow the home side back into the game and found themselves having to defend for prolonged spells. And it looked like Clyde had scored an equaliser when John Sweeney’s corner went straight into the net just before half time. However, referee Colin Steven disallowed the goal for an infringement much to the relief of the travelling band of Alloa fans. Into the second half and winger Kevin Cawley’s pace helped open up space for himself as he pushed

forward in the box but failed to trouble Feely who produced a good save. Clyde then had a chance to draw level when a defensive header almost found the net, and Pat Scullion was unable to get enough on the rebound. Scullion did get the equalizer for Clyde after 65 minutes. Clyde put together some good passing football which led to Brown having the ball on the right flank, driving into a dangerous area,

continued on page 30

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